MTL - Super Dimensional Martial Immortal-Chapter 1 thing in itself

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   Chapter 1 Thing in itself


   The distant beep seemed to come from the horizon. Zhao Yinshun lay on the ground and his pupils were out of focus, staring blankly at the void, thinking blank.

   "Yin Shun, Zhao Yinshun! Are you all right?"

   After several seconds, the scattered consciousness gradually gathered, and the blurred shadows in front of him slowly shrank.

   came back to his senses, and what caught Zhao Yinshun's eyes was a strange picture that was difficult to describe in words.

   That is something that transcends human senses, transcends time, space and other forms of existence, cannot be considered in the categories of cause and effect, attributes, existence, non-existence, etc. It is indescribable and incomprehensible.

   Just a glimpse, a piercing pain came from his brain, Zhao Yinshun hurriedly closed his eyes and dared not open them again.

   "Zhao Yinshun, wake up!"

  The harsh humming slowly faded away, and the surrounding noisy background sounds penetrated into the eardrums, and I felt someone slapped my face hard, followed by countless messy and fragmented memories.

  I, Zhao Yinshun, from Donghai County, Lanzhou, Damin Empire...

  No, no, I'm from Earth!

   Earthlings in the Laniakea Supercluster, Virgo Cluster, Milky Way, Orion Arm, Gould Belt, Oort Cloud, Third Planet of the Solar System!

  Damin, there has never been such a dynasty on earth!

   The encounter beyond common sense made Zhao Yinshun's heart numb, and he subconsciously opened his eyes and looked around, but the distorted picture reflected in his pupils stung his soul.


   With a grunt, Zhao Yinshun closed his eyes and frowned, absorbing the endless memories in his mind, and gradually calmed down.

   "Zhao Yinshun! Open your eyes!"

   The familiar and majestic voice kept calling in his ears, Zhao Yinshun waved his hand, sat up slowly from the ground, and accepted the fact that he had traveled into a strange and novel world.

   "He Jiaoxi, I'm fine, I'm just a little dizzy, please give me a hand."


   He Yubo breathed a long sigh of relief when he heard Zhao Yinshun's coherent words, and put up the thin body with one hand.

   "It's just a loss, don't worry about it, next time we win it back."

   Tightening the disciple in his arms, He Yubo comforted softly.


   nodded absent-mindedly, Zhao Yinshun closed his eyes tightly, and sat on the sidelines with He Yubo's help. The complicated memories merged into his soul, and the personalities of the two different worlds gradually merged into one.

   "You rest for a while, and I'll take you to see the doctor when the practice is over."

   Looking at the disciple who closed his eyes, He Yubo patted his shoulder and turned to preside over the next game.

   And when the teaching was far away, the surrounding chatter immediately became unscrupulous.

   "Usually it's like 258,000 to 80,000. I thought it was too powerful, but it turned out that Brother Jiang beat him like a dead dog."

   "Hehe, the family is an authentic descendant of Xuanmen, not like us."

   "It's just a **** mess!"

   "Don't say it, don't say it, be careful that the broom star that kills your parents jumps up and slaps you in the mouth."

   "Pfft hahaha~"


   The voice, not too small, seemed to be deliberately said to Zhao Yinshun, even with his eyes closed, he couldn't help but frown.

   Hard! Hard!

   Fist is hard!

   But his anger was not affecting his mood at all.

   At this moment, Zhao Yinshun's soul is like two mirror images of independent individuals, one half is restless and furious, the other half is like an indifferent bystander, without a trace of waves.

  According to the voice, he took the seat, and in his mind flashed one after another with tender and mean faces, and he couldn't help sighing in his heart.

  It's a pity for a child without parents, even classmates bully "me"...

  Children's malice is sometimes more pure and cruel than adults, they don't even know how hurtful their words are, or...they don't care!

   does not care about the feelings of the orphan "myself", because no parent will seek justice for "myself".

   Losing the protection of close relatives, the young "Zhao Yinshun" had to face this cruel society, and "self" will also inherit all the cause and effect!

  So...As an elder, I have to find an opportunity to teach these bear children some principles of life!

   Write down the names of every spoken word in the notebook, Zhao Yinshun calmed down, put these little things aside for the time being, and began to think about his biggest problem at the moment.

  What happened to your eyes?

  Why all the sights I saw had turned into that ghost-like appearance, and the previous "Zhao Yinshun" was all normal, why did my eyes "open up" as soon as I came?

   Recalling the distorted picture he had seen before, Zhao Yinshun was so blessed that he suddenly remembered a famous philosophical concept on the earth - [things in themselves]!

  The so-called [things-in-itself] is the true appearance of matter, which acts on human senses and forms human cognition of external things, that is, phenomena!

   For example, the length, width and height of an apple, its touch, its color, its breath, its taste…

   These are phenomena!

   What you see, smell, and taste is just human sensory feedback. You think you understand apples, but in fact you don’t know anything about what it really looks like…

   When a **** looks like an apple, feels like an apple, smells like an apple, and tastes like an apple, then you think it’s an apple!

   But it might actually be a piece of shit!

  The human senses are limited. The visible light of the human eye can range from a deep red wavelength of 760nm to a purple wavelength of 390nm.

  Audible sound wavelength range is about 20~20000Hz.

   Not to mention limited by the innate form of space and time, humans cannot perceive space and time dimensions other than three-dimensional space…

  The jog moves into a line, the line moves into a surface, and the surface moves into a body, so what about the body movement?

   Moving along the timeline, will it form a "history"?

  Perhaps in the eyes of high-dimensional creatures, the universe recognized by human beings is just a part of an infinite "fragment"!

   And the apple in our hands may be a "point" under the projection of the high-dimensional space-time continuum in three-dimensional space...

   Therefore, Kant's philosophy believes that it is impossible for human beings to know [things in themselves]!

   The universality and inevitability that we conclude by our [phenomenon] induction are given by the human subject, and there is always an insurmountable gap between knowledge and the thing-in-itself.

   On the contrary, Marxist philosophy believes that the unrecognizable thing-in-itself does not exist, and there is no insurmountable gap between the phenomenon and the thing-in-itself. In social practice, people may actively move from the phenomenon of things to the essence of things, and realize the transformation from [things in themselves] to [things for me],

  According to Zhao Yinshun's own experience, maybe...Marx is right!

   He seems to have acquired a sense beyond mortal, "seeing" the deeper essence of things.

   has realized the transformation from [Freedom] to [For Me]!

  So... Ma Zhe will always drop God!

   (end of this chapter)