MTL - Super Dimensional Martial Immortal-Chapter 250 【Full heavy artillery battleship】

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   Chapter 250 [Full Heavy Artillery Battleship]

   Miscellaneous thoughts flickered in his mind, Zhao Yinshun suddenly felt a pain in his hand, and when he looked down, he found that the kitten was biting his fingers viciously with red eyes.


   After taking two bites, Su Lingyi broke free from the claws and rushed out, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

   There was no cat to play with, Zhao Yinshun turned his attention to the little loli in Oakley Yani's arms again, and suddenly aroused vigilant eyes.

   "The cat ran to find it by himself! Don't take my pig!"

   "That's my pig."

   "It's mine in my hands!"


   The little Loli who was eating deliciously raised her head and looked at the two in confusion.

   I seem to hear someone say Xiaojuju?

   Looking at the unreasonable Oakley Yani and the silly little pig in her arms, Zhao Yinshun shook his head helplessly and turned his eyes back to the map.

  After surveying by modern standards, the abstract and random maps in the past have become accurate again, and many disappearing and hidden lands have resurfaced, making Zhao Yinshun understand why Damin's maps were so arbitrary in the past.

   It's not that the painting is inaccurate, it's that some people are not allowed to draw too carefully!

   It’s enough to have a rough outline. You get it too clear, the landlord is not happy, and everyone has no good juice to eat.

But these unspoken rules are meaningless for Zhao Yinshun. With the army to clear the way, and the backbone of [Dragon] to supervise and measure, the final result may not be as accurate as the previous satellite mapping, but it is definitely one of the highest-level maps in the world at present. .

   However, it is precisely because of the accurate map that Zhao Yinshun has an intuitive concept of the territory he rules.

   Before, he only knew that the world was huge, but how big is it, emmmmm... It can only be said that it is huge!

   But now, he can finally name a specific number.

  Damin Empire·Luzhou·Linbo County·Linbo County covers an area of ​​93121 square kilometers!

  More than 90,000 square kilometers!

   And there are 12 such counties in the entire Linbo County!

  According to projections, the area of ​​Linbo County may exceed 1 million square kilometers, which is equivalent to one-tenth of a celestial dynasty in the previous life.

In Luzhou, there are also 16 counties such as [Yanhai], [Weishan], [Weili], and [Wuzao]. Among them, Linbo County can only be regarded as a medium area, which means that Luzhou alone may be larger than the territory of the previous life. The biggest old man is even bigger!

   Even if there is extraordinary power to strengthen the centripetal force and governance efficiency of the empire, I have to boast, the emperor cowhide!

   This is really outrageous not to disintegrate!

Staring at the map, Zhao Yinshun's fingertips slid along the red arrow above, and the [Cangjiao Master], which expanded to more than 16,000 people, centered on Linbo City, dispatched in all directions, and crushed it in less than a week. After all the resistance, the ruling power has penetrated into the most basic townships!

   This large county that was wrapped in the inland has been completely in his hands!

But such a huge territory also devoured his army and cadres. On average, a basic centenarian had to control an area of ​​several hundred square kilometers. On average, thousands of [Dragon] cadres had to manage two or three townships per person. !

   I can only say that I ate too much, and I had a complete indigestion...

   After obtaining the land distribution, the [Dragon Guard] who will desperately defend his interests is basically formed, and then he can carry out the next round of expansion.

   Fingers traced a circle along the county map, Zhao Yinshun nodded thoughtfully.

   I did this myself, the local aristocratic families should have hated me to the core, and it is estimated that there will be a trade blockade soon.

   And the northern estuary is shrouded in [Yanhai County], and his power cannot expand so far temporarily, so going down the Hehe River is the best choice.

I heard that the place where the Yunhe enters the sea is a calm inland sea. It used to be rich in fish and salt. Unfortunately, such a good place was ruined by Japanese pirates. 】's colonial ship can't get to the shore, it's funny...

   knock knock ~

   While pondering, he suddenly heard a knock on the door, and the boy in white didn't lift his head: "Come in."

   Zhou Rou walked in with a stack of documents, but she couldn't see a happy person watching her, and respectfully put the documents on Zhao Yinshun's table.

   "Your Majesty, the [Ministry of Industry] is about to run out of funds for the first phase, and is now applying for the allocation of the second phase."

   "One million ran out so quickly?"

  The purchasing power of a large golden circle is quite strong. Ordinary people may not be able to save a large golden circle in a year. I thought it would last for at least half a year.

   Could it be that he fixed a bunch of $2,000 coffee pots and $10,000 toilet lids for me?

   Zhao Yinshun opened the list suspiciously, which clearly listed various expenditures, and the accurate reports were clear at a glance, and even the large-scale purchases were a little cheaper than the market price.

   "You have launched too many projects at the same time, each of which is a bottomless pit. In addition, the price of raw materials has risen in the middle. The people in the [Ministry of Industry] can't maintain it for long no matter how careful they are. They... Really worked hard to save."

   Originally, I wondered if these foreigners who came to cry every day were getting kickbacks, but after careful investigation, Zhou Rou couldn't help but respect them.

   They are not crying about being poor, they are really poor, so they can't wait to break a copper horn in half and spend it!

   Even if Zhou Rou personally preside over the project, they can't save as much money as they do!

   Some even posted their own wages to keep the project running.

   What kind of noble character is this?

   What pure soul is this?

   Hearing Zhou Rou's defense for them, Zhao Yinshun, who swept the report with one glance and ten lines, nodded, and looked at Leziren who was smiling but not smiling with satisfaction.

   The deterrent power of the master of gossip paparazzi is really effective!

   Finding that the boy's eyes were looking at the empty seat, Zhou Rou blinked suspiciously and continued to report.

   And knowing that the money was spent on the blade, Zhao Yinshun was not ambiguous, and simply approved the second batch of 5 million large gold dollars.

   Seeing that his treasury had shrunk a lot, Zhao Yinshun could not help but fold his hands together and sighed silently.

  Industrialization without primitive accumulation is really difficult. Thank you for the gift of the old iron family who went bankrupt. Next, I have to ask you!

   And shortly after Zhou Rou left, a strong and upright figure walked into the room and gave Zhao Yinshun a heroic military salute.

   "Is your injury better?"

   Looking at Cen Xing who was still pale, Zhao Yinshun asked actively.

   "Thank you for your concern, the last general is fine!"

   "That's good, how is the repair of the [Tianhong] now?"

   "It's relatively slow, mainly because the ship upgrade plan on the [Ministry of Industry] has not been finalized for a long time, and the experts are arguing about it."

   Speaking of his own battleship, Cen Xing was helpless with a hint of anticipation.

  Because she was listening to the quarrel of the experts at the meeting, she felt that the [Tianhong] would undergo earth-shaking changes after the upgrade!

   Hearing her talk about this, Zhao Yinshun's mind suddenly flashed, and a thunderous name appeared instantly.


  If there is any clear line between ancient warships and modern warships, dreadnoughts are a well-deserved watershed!

   And it is not an exclusive technology, but an advanced combat concept, so it should be equally applicable in this extraordinary world!


   snapped his fingers lightly, and Zhao Yinshun commanded softly outside the door.

   "Invite Charles Newman, I would like to inquire about the plans for the upgrade of the battleship."

  The messenger outside the door moved when he heard the sound, and soon a middle-aged man with gray hair, a monocle, and a full beard walked in.

   "Meet Lord Wu'an."

   Looking at the ink on his hand, he seemed to be called out from work, Zhao Yinshun smiled apologetically.

   "Has Mr. Newman been working well recently?"

   "Very well, I've never been so full!"

  Charles Newman raised his head and smiled brightly.

  2 Tier 6 flagships, 8 Tier 5 battleships, 16 Tier 4 battleships, 26 professional warships, and 89 transport ships!

   Such a huge upgrade plan is almost comparable to the entire navy of some small countries in Taixi, but they are far less generous and rich than the great existence in front of them!

   After all these battleships are upgraded, his status as Tier 5 [Ship Builder] should also be lifted up!

   Looking at his hearty smile, Zhao Yinshun nodded secretly and brought the topic back to the right track.

   "I wonder if the upgrade plan for the [Tianhong] has been decided?"


   suddenly realized Cen Xing next to him, Charles Newman took out stacks of blueprints and handed them to Zhao Yinshun helplessly.

"Actually, I also really wanted to make a decision earlier, but the seven or eight versions of the plan were designed, and it was always unsatisfactory to everyone, either because the firepower was weak, or because the armor was too thin, and some people felt that the power was insufficient and the seaworthiness was too weak. Too bad, but these indicators are conflicting, how can they be perfect?"

   took the opportunity to complain to Zhao Yinshun, and Charles Newman complained endlessly, not expecting the nobles in front of him to understand the drawings.

   After all, this great being in front of him is famous for his force, and the terms wisdom and knowledge seem to be a little far away from him.

  What did Damin say, oh, vulgar warrior!

   And looking at the drawings that were bloated like a hedgehog in his hand, Zhao Yinshun rubbed his eyebrows in pain.

  What are these tens of millimeters of small water pipes kept for?

  Fry fish or bird?

   A thing that can't even break the skin of an ironclad, it's covered all over...

   "Mr. Newman, I have a few requests."

  The indifferent Charles Newman was taken aback for a moment, but this young man in white really had an opinion before he came first!

   Can he read the drawings?

   was suspicious in his heart, but on the surface he bowed his head respectfully.

"You say."

   "First of all, cancel these useless secondary main guns, the main guns are all of the same caliber and unified diameter ratio!"

   "The secondary guns of light high-speed warships should not be adjusted so much. The main purpose is to pursue the rate of fire. Is the close-range gun that fires every three minutes a joke?"

   Hearing this, Charles Newman, who didn't care, was suddenly stunned and looked at Zhao Yinshun with a strange look.

"Any questions?"

   "No, it's just that your idea coincides with a radical [full-heavy artillery battleship]."

   "Oh? Have you tried this technical route?"

   "It wasn't there when I left Tessie, and I don't know in the last few years."

   "Then you can try this upgrade."

   took out a pen and paper and carefully recorded Zhao Yinshun's opinion, Charles Newman nodded solemnly.

   "Do you have any other requests?"

   "The main guns are all arranged on the horizontal and longitudinal central axis of the hull. In addition, don't make the open turrets, and protect the main guns with turrets!"

"The caliber of the main gun is too small, what is 120mm enough for? Lao Tzu's 59... Forget it, increase the caliber of the main gun to more than 150mm, and increase the ratio of multiple diameters. I want to be able to penetrate the enemy's armor with one shot. This kind of thick Don't take out the short stuff and be embarrassed."

   Flicking the blueprint in his hand, Zhao Yinshun frowned in disgust.

   "In terms of armor, why are most of the hulls still made of wood? Can't it be directly upgraded to an all-steel battleship?"

   wiped the sweat from his forehead, Charles Newman shook his head decisively.



   "The output of steel is not enough. Special enchanted steel for ships needs to take into account the properties of magic, toughness, and rigidity, and it has to be as light as possible. As far as I know, there is no place in the whole Damin that can mass-produce this kind of enchanted steel!"

   "Emmmm...isn't it enough for the steel plant to start production?"

   "According to the current plan, a few years may be able to meet the upgrade needs of the [Tianhong], but during this period, all warship upgrade plans must be stopped!"

   Looking into the boy's eyes, Charles Newman exhorted earnestly.

"Instead of waiting a few years to get a super battleship with unknown actual combat power, it is better to use mature technology to upgrade all the current battleships to obtain the most powerful immediate combat power in the shortest time. After all, our current external environment Not optimistic."

   Hearing his meaningful words, Zhao Yinshun nodded thoughtfully, but had no choice but to compromise.

   "Okay, wood is wood, but all-steel warships must be a long-term goal. Let the steel plant make future expansion plans according to demand, and must give priority to meeting the needs of the military!"

   "Yes, my lord!"

   excitedly recorded Zhao Yinshun's order, and Charles Newman laughed happily.

   It's not that he doesn't want to build an all-steel battleship, but that he doesn't want to waste the monarch's money at the wrong time.

   "By the way, sir, do you still insist on the previous requirements?"

   "Well, those requirements shouldn't be difficult, right?"


  Is it not difficult?

   Would you like to try?

   rolled his eyes silently in his heart, and Charles Newman twitched the corners of his mouth.

   "We will try our best to meet your needs, but correspondingly, the upgrade budget of the two Tier 6 flagships may skyrocket as a result."

   "Surge? How much?"

   "At least double the price, more than 400,000 gold coins!"

  Accustomed to the budget approval of millions at every turn, Zhao Yinshun actually felt that it was quite cheap.

   "No problem, you can go back and make a plan."

   After the elated Charles Newman left, Zhao Yinshun turned his attention to the quiet Cen Xing.

   "How is the refinement of the ship spirit core of [Tianlei]?"

   The so-called [Tianlei] is the captured Japanese pirate ironclad ship. After changing its name, it was incorporated into Zhao Yinshun's naval sequence. It is the most powerful battleship in his hands.

   (end of this chapter)