MTL - Super Dimensional Martial Immortal-Chapter 336 This kid is so scary

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  Chapter 336 This child is so terrifying


Just when time and space were about to distort, the eyes of the young man in white who was chasing behind Aso Xu moved his eyes, and with his will, the primordial demonic energy lurking deep in Aso Xu's spiritual flesh blatantly rioted, violently backlashing and distorting the meridians, reversing the energy circuit, as if It exploded inside her like a bomb!

  [Original Magic Tire] (Myth SS Rank)


  The sky demon has no form, melts the soul and eats the bones. After the continuous magic energy reaches the limit, it can be detonated, causing the total amount of [Qi] attributes injected into itself plus 25% of the maximum value of the enemy's soul and flesh. Backlash damage.


  A mouthful of pale golden blood as thick as mercury spewed out from Aso Xu's mouth, and the weird and cruel magic energy devoured the vitality, detonating her own divine energy together!

  Blood gushed out of the seven orifices, and it wasn't until this moment that Aso Xu realized how huge the devilish energy accumulated in his body was.

  The enemy's terrifying long sword is like the fangs of a poisonous snake. Every injury is silently injected with hidden poison. When he finds out, the spreading "toxicity" has accumulated to a point that is fatal!

   Not far behind her, Zhao Yinshun, who had planned for a long time, saw the opportunity and urged all his strength without reservation.



  Ahead, Aso Xu tried his best to calm down the raging energy in her body, but before she could suppress her injuries, a devastating black light sword approached quietly, sinking into her vest without a trace of fireworks.

The concept armed with scars can no longer resist the terrifying damage. The [Fudo Myoo Power] with more than 200,000 points burst out with nearly 300,000 [Min], pushing the invincible [Rahu] blade to brutally penetrate Aso Oo's body .


  Frozen all over, Aso Xu slowly lowered his head in disbelief, watching a sword edge wrapped in pitch-black qi piercing through his chest, and the law of destruction that extinguished all life began to spread in his body.


   Twisted his neck stiffly, as if he wanted to say something to Zhao Yinshun, but the indifferent young man in white drew out his long sword without mercy, and slashed at her neck with his backhand.


  The dissipated and destroyed conceptual armament shattered like a phantom, a black light flashed, and a hair-thin black line emerged on the graceful and slender snow-white neck.

  The movement of returning to the light was completely frozen. Aso opened his mouth, but found that he could not make any sound. The destructive black light began to spread from the heart and neck, turning the wound into steaming and flying particles.

  The divine light in the desperate pupils gradually dimmed and dissipated, Aso Xu's aura quickly faded away, and the boundless and ruthless white-clothed young man holding the sword flower quietly watched this beautiful and powerful ship spirit turn into flying ash in front of him.

   And lost the link of the Supreme Commander, the huge sea of ​​blood fiend suddenly collapsed, shattered into dozens of small groups fighting independently.


  The surviving Fusang Ship Spirit let out a mournful roar, unable to believe that the mighty Commander Aso would fall on such a battlefield.

But because of the path of war, Aso only brought the most advanced elite warships to chase them down. Before that, they were all crushed by the ship spirits of [Liuyin Fengguo] in terms of quantity and quality, and there was no way to separate them. Support her.

   What's even more terrifying is that when the strongest mythical creature falls and the enemy's highest combat power is completely released, the situation on the battlefield will continue to decline at an accelerated rate.


At this moment, the distant siren sounded from the end of the sea behind, sensing the disappearance of the companion's aura, the Fuso Fleet, which came late, no longer cared about the bearing capacity of the hull, and began to frantically pressurize the boiler, forcibly speeding up towards the The battlefield came at a gallop.

   "Masters! Hold on! Reinforcements will arrive soon!"

  The movement behind him revived the spirit of the remaining Fusang ship spirit, and their low morale quickly rose.

  However, Zhao Yinshun looked away leisurely from a distance, pursed the corners of his mouth sarcastically, and asked softly without looking back.

   "The enemy will arrive in about half an hour, are you confident to complete the mission?"

   Staring at the boy's back, Cen Xing responded decisively.


   "Okay, let's start cleaning the battlefield."

   Withdrawing his gaze, Zhao Yinshun glanced at the stubborn Fusang Shipling, the corner of his mouth curled up in a ferocious arc, and his whole body turned into a ray of light and rushed into the crowd.



"help me!"

   "Don't come over here!"

  Amidst the mournful wailing, the Liuyin Fleet in the distance began to burst into mournful steam roars, pulling out wide white waves on the sea surface, enveloping the battlefield like arrows leaving the string.

   At the same time, at the far end of the sea, Yasuo Yamamoto felt the loss of breath one after another of his subordinates, with distorted expressions that were tearing apart.



  Punching a fist on the tabletop, the thick tabletop made of fine steel was forcibly pierced through, and the twisted steel plate was turned downwards, revealing a hideous gap the size of a casserole pot.

   "Accelerate! Accelerate!"

   "Commander-in-Chief, the speed has been raised to the limit, and the repressurization boiler is about to explode!"


   Picked up a stack of documents and smashed them over, ignoring his subordinates who were smashed to the ground, Yasuo Yamamoto stared at the slaughterhouse in the distance with his bloodshot eyes.

  Yes, in his opinion, the battlefield ahead can no longer be called a battle, but a unilateral massacre!

   Losing the link of the **** general, the huge fleet suddenly shattered into a mess, and the situation that was struggling to support was completely defeated!

  However, even if it is a rout, the loss rate is too exaggerated!

  A Tier 6 heavy cruiser relies on its own exaggerated armor defense, and can resist even a Tier 7 **** for a while. How could it die so miserably?

  That feeling is like a tiger rushing into a flock of sheep, and it can take away a fresh life with every move of its hand and foot.

   Soon, with the complete extinction of the ship spirits, the forward fleet was completely turned into a dead thing, and the Liuyin fleet that was surrounded quickly disintegrated its ability to resist.

   "Bastard... what do you want to do?!"

   Wide-eyed in disbelief, Yasuo Yamamoto watched the warships of the two sides meet. Countless enemy soldiers poured into the warships like locusts, controlling many warships that opened the sea valves and began to sink slowly.

   "No! No! Never!"

Aso's fleet brought most of the most advanced elite battleships in the entire Fusang Kingdom. Although there was only one holy battleship, there were a total of thirty-seven tier-6 heavy cruisers, and there were more light cruisers and destroyers. Said to bring together the essence of the Fuso Navy.

   This is a little bit of family wealth that they scraped together by saving money and overdrafting their national strength!

  If they are all captured by the enemy...

  Just thinking about the consequences, Yasuo Yamamoto shuddered.

   "Attack! All ship spirits attack with me! Be sure to stop the enemy!"

  Amidst the stern roar, the thick mountain-like conceptual armor condensed, accompanied by the rotation of the tiny gears, gracefully rotating and deforming, slowly covering Yasuo Yamamoto's body.

  Afterwards, the figure wrapped in steel armor took the lead and rushed out, skimming the sea as if weightless.

On the other side, with a flick of his fingers, the last stubborn soldier on the deck was chopped into pieces. Zhao Yinshun looked into the distance without looking back, watching hundreds of violent white waves rushing towards him. Thousands of troops.

  Looking back at his subordinates, although they all had red faces and scars all over their bodies, they couldn't deceive anyone.

   I have to say that the Fusang Fleet still has something to offer. Even if it is an advanced warship carefully built by itself, if you want to eat them, you have to pay a price.

Continuous pursuit and bombardment, although I was lucky, no warship was sunk on the spot, but there were more than a dozen warships that lost their combat effectiveness, and the worst ones even lost nearly a quarter of their hulls. It was because of being hugged and gnawed by the wild monster, and it was only because of the dragging of the friendly ships that it did not die suddenly.

   "You go first with the booty, I'll play with them."

  Given a soft command to Cen Xing, Zhao Yinshun took a deep breath, activated the authority of [Jingguan], and boundless power suddenly gushed out from his dantian, and his exhausted and weakened aura quickly returned to its peak state.

   "Your Majesty..."

"Excuting an order!"

   Interrupting Cen Xing mercilessly, Zhao Yinshun lightly pulled the sword flower and disappeared on the ship's side in an instant.

  Behind him, Cen Xing watched him go away with complicated eyes, lowered his eyebrows and nodded towards his back.

   "I wish you good fortune in martial arts."


While Cen Xing and his subordinates were busy receiving the spoils, the Fuso Fleet, which was still far away, fired brazenly. The three holy battleships roared angrily, and the terrifying shells crossed a long distance, blasting bunches of hundreds of meters on the sea. A tall water column soaring to the sky.

   Like a demonstration, but also like incompetent rage, through the water curtain far away, Zhao Yinshun clearly saw the enemy rushing towards him.

  There are more than 400 ship spirits, no wonder they are so aggressive...

Others that cannot break the defense can be ignored, but the three mythical ship spirits still have to be handled with care, especially the guy who activates [Power Off], [Fudo Ming Wang] should be able to offset part of the "real damage", but it is best to try to don't get hurt by him...

As for the remaining two guys, one turns on [Body Pass] and the other turns on [Spirit Pass]. With the blessing of concept weapons, they are all tortoises, and they are all steel and iron bastards. Don't even try to kill them in a short time. …

  Slowing down the pace, Zhao Yinshun's thoughts flowed, and his thinking became clear again.

   Immediately, he looked up, and an asteroid-like phantom of a towering mountain peak emerged in the [high-dimensional horizon], suppressing himself with supernatural power.

  The path is [immovable as a mountain], and the army soul is also [mountain]. The superposition is a bit powerful...

  Before touching it, the huge pressure solidified the whole body of the boy in white, like a bug that fell into amber. Every movement, and even every thought cost several times the usual energy.

  Unfortunately, my military spirit is not worthless to you...

  The corners of the mouth were raised slightly, and the majestic purple-gold thread squirmed and spread from the depths of the pupils, turning the boy's eyes into a pair of terrifying purple-gold vertical pupils in a blink of an eye.

The will interferes with reality, and dark clouds that roll and roar gather inexplicably in the sky. In the field of vision invisible to the naked eye, a brutal and terrifying dark gold black dragon sticks out its head from the clouds. The huge shadow envelops the battlefield like a cloud hanging from the sky, with invisible divine power. The conflict was turbulent, and the towering mountains in the distance trembled slightly. Even the furiously charging Fuso Ship Spirits paused and looked up at the sky in horror.

Just the ferocious faucet protruding out of the sea of ​​clouds is unbelievably huge. The evil and brutal purple-gold dragon pupils are like two dark suns. The illusory eyes cast on the body seem to be real, making goosebumps stand up all over the ship spirits. .

  The momentum of the charge gradually slowed down. Facing such a terrifying monster, even the soldiers who put life and death aside could not help but feel fear in their hearts.

  That is not the fear of death, but a deeper, more primitive, engraved in the origin of the soul, trembling with despair for high-dimensional creatures!

"how is this possible…"

  Looking down from the vision in the sky, Yasuo Yamamoto looked at the elegant young man standing with a sword in the distance, full of confusion in his heart.

  Everyone knows that Damin Wu'an Jun is fierce and majestic, and martial arts are superb, but no matter how strong you are, you must pay attention to the basic law, right?

  You are only at the fifth level!

  You are only at the fifth step!

  At this time, Yasuo Yamamoto has already noticed that the frightening phantom of the dark golden black dragon is just the inner projection of the seemingly small boy in white!

   That is to say, under that elegant, indifferent, fairy-like skin hides a prehistoric monster like a natural disaster!

  Obviously there is no mythical personality, but the pressure brought by the boy to Yasuo Yamamoto is stronger than the general mythology, and even feels more oppressive than some eighth-level sub-sages!

  In terms of pure strength, the boy in white clothes is definitely far inferior to the eighth rank, but that subtle temperament, that kind of aloofness, the taste of overlooking all things, overlooking the common people, simply shocked Yamamoto Yasuo.

  This son has the qualifications of a saint!

  Although he has heard countless legends about Damin Wuan, it was only today that Yamamoto Yasuo intuitively and clearly realized the terrifying truth in the rumors.

   No, he must not be allowed to grow any longer!

  When the army of the Fusang Empire set foot on the land of Damin in the future, and then a killing **** more terrifying than Bai Qi would appear in front of him, Yasuo Yamamoto felt chills in his bones.

   What's even more frightening is that this guy also served as [Champion Marquis] and [Liuyin Pillar Country]. If this goes on, he will be named one of the Four Pillar Kingdoms in the future, and it is a sure thing to press one side sideways.

   At that time, if all the major mythical titles are activated by him, maybe he really has the ability to turn the world around and prop up the dying Damin by himself!

  This kid is so terrifying, he must not stay!

  Gritting his teeth hard, Yamamoto Yasuo instantly abandoned his original plan and turned his target to the boy in white.

  Even if you lose the elite navy and let the enemy grab the spoils, you will keep this young man!

   Slaying gods with a mortal body at a young age, what will happen when you ascend to the throne of God? !

   "Masters, kill!"

   Without the slightest sloppiness, Yasuo Yamamoto drew out a samurai sword several meters long and swung it forward fiercely.

  The mysterious blood demon link stimulated courage, and the morale that had been suppressed by the dark gold and black dragon was revived. Hundreds of ship spirits roared piercingly, followed the three mythological leaders at the forefront, and rushed towards the boy in white.

   "Very good, very energetic!"

  Slowly clenched his fists, Zhao Yinshun raised a grin, and the dazzling gilt particles evaporated all over his body, burning like a flame.

   Thanks to [Rolling Cow Cub] [Happy Five Sacred Mountains] and other book friends for their rewards.

   Ask for tickets at the end of the month~~w(Д)w



  (end of this chapter)