MTL - Super Dimensional Wizard-v6 Chapter 3241 Pay attention to

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  The pickup sage rubbed his swollen temples.

  After a while of thinking, his mood calmed down a little, and he probably understood Gleipnir's thoughts.

  Perhaps in the eyes of Gleipnir and others, adding pages is really not a big deal. What's wrong with the whole party having a page for almost every race in the show book and wanting a page?

  Indeed, no matter how weak the race is, it has its own display page. As a powerful astrologer, Gleipnir seems to have a great existence behind him. It is normal for them to have their own display page.

  But... time is not with me!

  The major races with display pages all confirmed their participation in the party about a month before the start of the party, and reserved the positions on the display page.

  At that time, even if it was a race as weak as the fireflies, as long as they were willing to apply, they would give the display page.

  It is right to meet the wrong person at the right time.

   But now, the party has already started, and the display booklet has been distributed, so it is much more difficult to temporarily add pages.

   This is the so-called wrong time, even if you meet the right person, it is still wrong.

  The pickup sage sighed helplessly, and expressed his suffering.

  Luigi "According to you, the singer and the Hansen clan met at the wrong time, so how can they be considered "right"? You are too double standard. Or…"

  Luigi narrowed his eyes, "Are you looking down on us, thinking that our importance is not as important as the singers and the Hansen clan?"

  Pickup sage waved his hand quickly: "I definitely don't have such an idea. As for the singer and the Yusen clan getting extra pages, I am not the only one who decides."

"You all know that Piluxiu is notorious, and we can't help ourselves in many cases." Pika sage said bitterly: "Because of our bad reputation, even if we named and supported this gathering, In effect, the right to party has been divided by three."

   "The Piluxiu clan gave support, Jinghai Scholars undertook it on their behalf, and the Jingmu clan decided on the venue."

  Support, host, venue. These three words, in terms of importance, obviously support the more humble and weak.

Similarly, the Piluxiu clan occupied the least one point in this "three-point gathering". If there were 100 points in this gathering, then Piluxiu only occupied less than 20 points. The remaining weight was divided between Jinghai Scholars and Jingmu Clan.

  Because it occupies the least amount of weight, Piluxiu has the weakest right to speak.

   "The Singer and Yusen clan want to add pages, even if Piluxiu disagrees, as long as the Jingmu clan and Jinghai scholars agree, then the pages will definitely be added."

  「And if you want to add pages, you must at least get the consent of the majority.」

  The pickup sage spoke out his difficulties, and from a reasonable point of view, what he said was indeed correct.

  However, Luigi did not accept his statement.

  Because, the official word is "Piluxiu's support", but the Pika sage did not elaborate on this "support", what exactly is "support".

   It just so happens that Luigi knows this.

   What Piluxiu supports is "technology!"

  The various functions of the brochure, including online shopping and online consultation, are all technologies brought by Pi Luxiu.

  This time the singer and the Yusen clan added pages, why did everyone come to Piluxiu's station to line up? Isn't it because Piluxiu has mastered the technology and wants to add pages, Piluxiu is the upstream source.

  Pickup sage pushed the functions that can be subdivided into a macro structure, and also dragged the Jingmu tribe and Jinghai scholars into the water. Isn't this just a pretext?

  If the Pickup Sage is really willing to add pages, just do it directly, why bother with others? After all, the technology of adding pages is in Piluxiu's hands.

After listening to Luigi's complaint, the Pika sage smiled wryly and said, "The technology is indeed in my hands, but we only have the technology and no channels. We can increase the number of pages, but if we want all races to increase the number of pages willingly, it depends on the mirror sea scholars With the appeal of the Jingmu clan."

   In other words, even if he agreed to add pages, if the various ethnic groups did not come, he would not


  Luigi "You are still refusing, if you really want to do it, you can definitely do it..."

   "Wait a minute." Luigi was interrupted by Angor just after speaking.

  Luigi looked at Angor suspiciously, and Angor said indifferently, "I'll talk about this later."

  Although Luigi didn't understand what he meant, he definitely wanted to listen to Angel's words.

After Luigi shut up, Angel looked at Sage Pika, and in the latter's puzzled eyes, he slowly said, "As I said at the beginning, adding pages is just a trivial matter. Agree or not?" Agreed, it doesn't matter to us."

  The pickup sage heaved a sigh of relief when he heard Angel's words. It seems that there are still reasonable people.

  But in the next second, the sage of Pika heard Angor say indifferently: "I don't want to add more pages. We are not the ones who regret it."

  Pickup Sage "???" What does that mean?

  Angel didn't explain, just waved his hand lightly, and changed the subject: "Since the trivial matter of adding pages doesn't make sense now, let's talk about other things."

   "Of course, this matter is also a trivial matter in our opinion." Pika Sage "Please tell me."

  According to what Angel said before, adding pages is the smaller of the two small things, so what he is about to say should be the larger of the two small things.

   Additional pages are considered small, medium and small, so what else can be considered small, medium and large?

Under the gaze of the sage Pika, Angel slowly said: "The second thing is related to the singer and the Yusen clan. That's right, it is the two races that you took the initiative to issue an announcement to let each clan add pages .”

  Pickup sage: "..." The sentence after "..." is actually a reflection of the additional page, right? He said he didn't care about it, but every word and every word couldn't be separated from the extra pages... oh.

  Although Angel couldn't hear the words in the heart of the Pika Sage, he could guess one or two from his expression.

   Angel did say that on purpose.

  Because what he is going to say next is precisely the intention of the singer and the Yusen clan to come this time—the silent invasion of Lanwu.

   Don't you care about the singer and the Yusen clan? If you know, what you have brought to the singer and Yusen is not prosperity, but decline; not prosperity, but aggression.

  Your behavior of adding pages became the trigger for the Singer and Yusen clan to invade the White Sun Mirror Domain.

   Aren’t you going to talk about the macro pattern? From the perspective of the macro and the pattern, adding pages to the singer and Yu Sen is a betrayal of all beings in the Bairi mirror domain!

  If you want to promote, you must suppress first.

  Before talking about this incident, Angor started from a very plain tone: "Not long ago, with the help of Pixi, we got the exhibition brochure with additional pages."

  While speaking, Angel took the display book from Luigi, and in front of the Pika sage, turned the display book to the last two pages—the pages representing the products of the singer and the Yusen family.

   "Presumably, the Pika sage should already know the products of the singer and Yusen clan." Angel pointed to the representative products of the singer clan, the monument of the singer and the song tower.

  Pickup sage nodded: "Their products are very good."

"Not bad?" Angel suddenly laughed, but there was no high emotion in the laughter, but it was full of sarcasm: "Your Excellency seems to like the Stele of the Singer and the Tower of Songs very much? Do you know , do they really work?"

  Angel used "respect" for the first time in front of the Pika sage. It's just that whether this "honorary title" is really respectful or mocking is another matter.

  Pika sage heard Angor's tone, and vaguely felt that something was wrong. He hesitated for a moment, and said, "The monument of the singer and the singing tower still have a hidden function?"

"Hidden function? No, this is an incidental function. The Singer Clan only wrote the incidental function of the Singer's Stele and Song Tower, and their real functions have not been recorded." Picard Sage's expression slowly changed Be serious.

  Because Piluxiu made the display booklet, and Piluxiu is also responsible for product registration. Before registration, Piluxiu will send someone to appraise the product.

   is equivalent to saying that if the commodity

   If something goes wrong, Pi Luxiu cannot escape accountability.

   Now, Angel told him that the singers had concealed the true function of the product, which made the heart of the Pika sage immediately lifted.

  Pickup sages have a vague feeling...they may have been tricked by the singers.

   Angel did not immediately explain, but glanced at Laplace. The latter immediately understood what Angel meant, and with a flick of his fingers, a barrier enveloped everyone present.

  Angel "After all, we are in the body of the giant city spirit. In order to avoid being spied on, we still need to do a good job of protection."

  Pickup sage looked at this "secret" posture, and his premonition grew stronger.

  Anger: "What I'm going to say next may be unimaginable to the sage. But I swear on Luigi's life, everything I said is true."

  Hearing his name, Luigi subconsciously said, "Angel is right."

  But just after finishing speaking, Luigi seemed to come to his senses, turned his head suddenly, and looked at Angel with disbelief, "Why do you swear on my life?"

   Angel "Because of the importance."

   "Important?" Luigi was puzzled.

Angel: "To the Pika sage, I'm just an outsider who broke into the party suddenly, and the weight is not much heavier than the flowers and plants outside. But you are not. Compared with me, an insignificant person, you The weight of the Pika sage is definitely very heavy in the heart."

   "Right?" Angor looked at the pickup sage.

  Picka Sage didn't want to get involved in this topic at all, but Angel and Luigi both looked over, so he could only... lower his head and pretend he didn't hear it.

  Although the pickup sage did not respond, this silence actually represented acquiescence.

   In other words, this is a consensus.

  Whether it is Bailong Kingdom, Tooth Fairy Ancient Ruins, Charles Palace, Crystal City, or Pippi Castle, for people of these ethnic groups, Luigi's weight far exceeds that of Angel.

  In the eyes of all races in the Bairi Mirror Region, Angel is not even the light of rice grains compared to Luigi's mighty brilliance. Luigi thought about it and thought it made sense.

  It's just...I swear on my life, why does he still feel a little weird.

  Forget it, the more I think about it, the more confused I become, and I don’t want to.

  Luigi gave up thinking, and Angel continued to say to the Pika sage, "You don't have to believe me, but you shouldn't believe in Luigi, right? Luigi swore with his own life."

   Pickup Sage... Are you sure Luigi swore?

  Picka sage was complaining in his heart, but he still said very cooperatively on his face: "I believe that what you will say next will not lie."

   Angel "Just believe it."

After a pause, Angel continued: "The true functions of the Singer's Stele and the Singing Tower have been hidden by the Singer family. Why do they do this? Because they are not here to do business, but to... Start the war!"

  War? !

  The pickup sage suddenly raised his head and looked at Angel in disbelief. Angel: "That's right, it's war."

   Immediately afterwards, Angor explained the true functions of the Singer's Stele and the Song Tower. They can indeed make various enhancements to the world inside the mirror, and increase the concentration of aggregated energy, but these enhancements are actually just to transform the environment, filling the environment with "notes" and becoming a place for singers to adapt to living.

  In short, the one who bought the Monument of the Singer is the biggest fool, and the one who bought the Song Tower is the biggest fool among the fools. Hua Ningjing not only buys invasion, but also helps the enemy build fortresses.

  When the pickup sage first heard this secret, he felt a thud in his head, and his whole head seemed to explode.

  In an instant, he thought of many possibilities in the future.

  Including the invasion of the singer clan, the change in the pattern of the White Sun Mirror Domain, and...Pi Luxiu, who was responsible for adding pages, led to the invasion of wolves, and then fell into a predicament that everyone denounced.

  The more I think about it, the more I feel that Piluxiu's future is bleak. Don't think about it, don't think about it yet. None of this has happened yet, and there are ways to remedy it.

  Picka Sage took a deep breath, forcibly suppressed the violent emotional fluctuations in his heart, and asked with difficulty, "These are all real?"

  Angel chuckled lightly, "Don't forget that Luigi made an oath at the beginning."

   Although Luigi didn't swear by it himself, but Luigi didn't refute it, which is indeed true.

   Pickup Sage doesn't know Angel, but he knows Luigi. At Barbaregón, he saw Luigi often and knew Luigi's character well. Luigi seldom lied, especially when it came to big things.

  Luigi agrees with what Angel said, so what Angel said is true!

  After confirming that this is true, the Pika sage recalled the functions of the Singer’s Stele and the singing tower, recalling the shamelessness of the Singer’s “arming himself with the enemy’s money”, and he couldn’t help it!

  Suddenly, the pickup sage thought of something and turned to the last page of the exhibition booklet.

  The main products of the Yusen family: life feather seeds, purification flower seeds. These two, in a sense, also belong to changing the environment. Since the Singer Clan is going to invade the White Sun Mirror Domain, what about Yu Sen? Is the Yu Sen Clan also planning to rely on these two seeds to take the upper hand?

  Facing the question from the sage Pika, Angel did not hide anything, and nodded, "That's right, that's what you think."

   After getting the confirmed answer, the eyes of the Pika sage flickered with indefinite light.

  The behavior of the singer and the Yusen clan relied on poor information to package the aggression into a commodity and put the conspiracy on the surface!

   There is no doubt that this is the outpost of war!

   It is a silent and invisible invasion war!