MTL - Super Dimensional Wizard-v6 Chapter 3282 Interlude

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  Chapter 3282 Interlude

   "Can you buy it?" Sipolov was stunned, and said after a long while: "But, just now..."

  Sipolov turned his head to look at Luigi on the other side, and then at Angel, with a dazed expression.

  Not to mention Sipolov was puzzled, Inu Deacon also looked over curiously. If it weren't for Angel's special status, it might have started reading minds directly.

  Angel: "Luigi's comparison of the Feather of Life to a slow poison is not a lie. However, since we already know that it is a poison, it is enough to find a way to detoxify it."

  Sipolov hesitated: "What is the detoxification method...?"

   Angel: "Wait."

  Sipolov, Inu Deacon: "???"

Angel: "It literally means that when the time is right, the so-called 'poison' will naturally be removed. Therefore, this kind of hidden danger that only takes time to be exhausted is not a big hidden danger. If you want to buy it, you can buy it." There's nothing wrong with buying it."

  The so-called "poison" is actually the desire of the Yusen clan to invade. If the Yusen clan had no interest in Bairi Jingyu, then the poison would be cured naturally.

   But it would be too simple to make the Yusen Clan not interested in the Day Mirror Domain... When the Doom Puppet comes out from the Dark Ghost Creature, the Yu Sen Clan will naturally lose interest in the Day Mirror Domain.

  So, time is the best medicine.

  Just wait.

  Sipolov nodded thoughtfully. He understood the result of "waiting", but he was still at a loss as to why he had to wait and what the waiting process was like.

  However, he did not choose to ask. He only needs to know one answer, and the rest... Leave it to General Oleg.

  On the main display stand, Mrs. Meiye finally finished talking about the various seeds Yusen brought, without stopping at all, she turned around and left.

   At this time, the heat has reached 80%.

  Although it is not necessarily all the enthusiasm brought by Mrs. Meiye, it also shows that all ethnic groups care about Yusen.

  Not long after Mrs. Meiye left, a new figure appeared on the display stand.

  The appearance of the visitor is very special. In Angel's words, this is a "living statue".

   "Statue" does not mean to describe the other party's facial features as three-dimensional as carved by a knife, but rather, he gives people the impression that whether it is skin or clothing, they have the rigidity of statues.

  As for the form of this "statue", it is an artist holding a black flute.

   After the "statue" stood still, the voice of Battooth Nichols sounded from the narration. Following his explanation, everyone understood that the person standing on the display stand was named "Magic Flute".

   And his race is...singers.

Soon, the singer of the magic flute began to talk on the stage, and his speech was almost the same as that of Mrs. Meiye before. He still didn't have any research results on aggregation energy, and he was all talking about the benefits of the "Monument of the Singer" .

Luigi listened to the bragging of the magic flute, and looked at the still rising heat reflected on the mirror, and he couldn't help sighing: "Pirouchi is really unpopular, not even the second pick. Give."

   Angel also nodded approvingly.

   You must know that Pi Luxiu was also one of the sponsors, but in the end he was even robbed of the first and second picks.

  The shadow of the pickup sage flashed in Angel's mind...Before, the pickup sage also said that he would try his best to help their "dream mirror" win the chance to be on the main display stand.

   Now it seems that there is basically no play.

  They can't even keep their position, so how can they protect them?

  Moreover, the Pika sage was planning to contact the leaders of other races to discuss actions against the Doom Puppets.

  Angel felt that the Pika Sage might be able to persuade a few old friends by relying on his own reputation, but there were probably not many who really believed his words.

   It may be difficult to rely on the Pika Sage to carry the banner.

  However, Angel did not think about letting the Pika sage do it alone. To deal with the doomed puppet, he still had to break through from the Bailong Kingdom.

While Angel was thinking about it, on the other side, the dog deacon lying on the paw pillow said to Luigi: "When the first pick has been given up, it doesn't matter whether Piluxiu wants the second pick. It makes a lot of sense. Maybe Pi Luxiu took the initiative to give up the second pick."

Luigi thought for a while: "It seems to make sense when you say it like this... But then again, I know the sage Pika, he is not a person who can easily compromise. Moreover, the sage Pika also knows that the singer and the sage The inside story of the Yusen clan..."

   "The inside story of the singer and the Yumori clan?" Inu Deacon looked at Luigi suspiciously.

  Sipolov also pricked up his ears curiously.

It’s just that Luigi didn’t mean to say it, and directly brought it: “You will know later, and it’s useless to say more now. In short, what I want to express is that the pickup sage may be forced to give up the first pick, but The second pick is also given up, this doesn't feel like his style, maybe there are some other tricks in it?"

   Deacon Inu gave Luigi a deep look, but didn't answer.

On the contrary, Sipolov pondered for a while, and then made a serious analysis: "My grandfather has a high opinion of the Pika sage. He once told a story that at the beginning, the Pika sage went to the outside world in order to obtain a new weapon of the Yingji tribe. Order, it took less than a day to draw a rough sketch of the weapon, and then brought the team to the ice country in person to meet the commander."

  "Pika Sage doesn't stick to his personality and identity at all, he is a flexible person."

   "If the pickup sage is wronged on the issue of the pick, then perhaps, as Luigi said, he will make up for it in other aspects."

  Sipolov actually didn’t know whether his analysis was right or not. He took the initiative to answer the conversation, purely thinking that this might win the favor of Luigi and others.

  He doesn't know the identities of Luigi and others, but Inu Deacon's attitude towards them seems casual, but respect is implied everywhere. Especially the girl with different pupils, as long as Deacon Inu glanced at her, his eyes would definitely be restrained.

   From this, it can be seen that the identities of this group of people are unusual. Coupled with the fact that Angor still holds his favor, it is absolutely correct to gain some favorability.

  However, when Sipolov was thinking this way, he found that Luigi hadn't said anything for a long time... Could it be that his analysis was wrong?

Just when Sipolov was full of doubts and didn't know why, Luigi finally raised his head: "I just received a message from Gleipnir... an hour later, before the main display stand is about to close, there will be a buffer rest of about five minutes Time. This time was originally used to distribute the heat columns of various display stands, but now, it has been won over by the pickup sage."

   "He granted us this time..."

   That is to say, the pickup sage helped them win a chance to be on stage!

  (end of this chapter)