MTL - Super God Gene-Chapter 13 Ice muscle jade

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At the beginning, Xuelongyan struggled with his legs and Hansen, but Hansen completely ignored it. He only used the bull's head to hit the face of Xuelongyan. After a while, the body of Xuelongyan softened, and when Hansen’s heart faded, It was discovered that the snow geese had already died, and the face was smashed by him, and the five senses were all turned into a rotten meat.

The **** and slaughter's body and the blood-level beast's soul armor, even those who have practiced super-nuclear genetic techniques, can't resist such brute force impact.

Hansen loosened his hand, and Xuelongyan fell like a muddy mud on the ground, completely without life.

The **** slaughter turned out and the black beetle armor was relieved. Hansen only felt the pain in the body. There were several places where the pain was very painful. It seems that the bones inside were cracked.

Hansen’s heart was secretly scared. He wore a **** armor and turned into a **** and slaughterer. He was also so severely injured. The super-nuclear gene of Xuelongyan was terrible.

If he also has the same soul, Hansen knows that he is not his opponent.

Han Sen looked at the body of Xue Longyan and hesitated. He reached for his clothes and really let Hansen flip a wallet out.

There is no money in the wallet, only a few crystal cards, and at first glance is a very advanced crystal card, the amount of overdraft is extremely large.

In addition to this, there was only one memory chip. Hansen thought for a moment, ruined the wallet and the crystal card, and threw it into the deep pool together with the body of Xuelongyan, leaving only the memory chip.

Seeing several iron-toothed crocodiles floating out of the water, earning the body of the snow-billed geese, and soon the bones of the snow-capped geese were left, Han Sen turned and left.

Without continuing to hunt, Hansen’s body was in pain, and he returned to the steel armor shelter.

The gods of the gods still block the door to trace the whereabouts of the gold coins, and the rewards are getting higher and higher. Unfortunately, no one in the steel armor shelter has had any communication with Hansen. No one knows that the gold coin is Hansen’s ass. .

Someone from time to time on the street talked about B's things. Hansen went back to his room and looked at the copper tooth beast. Most of his body was turned into bronze, but the color is still lighter than the real mutant copper tooth beast. Some, it should take some time to evolve.

After leaving the world of shelters, Hansen went to a medical clinic. After the examination, he found that many bones were broken and the doctor took a long time to deal with the injuries of Hansen.

Fortunately, Hansen earned 100,000 pieces from Su Xiaoqiao not long ago, otherwise the medical expenses could not afford it.

Back home, Hansen closed the door and inserted the memory chip into the smart machine. I wanted to see if I could see the identity of Xuelongyan.

Have the ability to cross the mountains and daze, reach the steel armor shelter, and practice the super nuclear technology that is not ordinary color. If it is not the animal soul of him, it was destroyed as early as crossing the deep mountain Daze, and the body If there is any injury, even if there are two gods of blood and blood, Han Sen is not sure if he can kill him.

The intelligent machine read the contents of the memory chip. Hansen only looked at it for a while, then widened his eyes and his face was full of surprises.

"Super nuclear gene technology... This is actually a super nuclear gene technology..." Hansen almost wants to laugh.

Among the virtual stereoscopic images projected by the wafer, a woman who is not in a position is doing all sorts of strange movements while carrying a ridiculously ridiculous law. Every time an action is done, the woman will make some explanations.

Although the woman was beautiful to the extreme, Han Sen’s attention at this time was completely attracted by the super-nuclear genetic technique she was talking about, and she could not give birth to other thoughts.

"Ice muscle jade bone surgery", isn't this the super-nuclear gene technology used by Xuelongyan?" Han Sen has seen the power of Xuelongyan using this super-nuclear gene technique, and his heart is even more pleasantly surprised.

After shutting himself in the room for two days and two nights, Hansen finally remembered all the contents of the wafer, and then thought about not destroying the wafer directly. This kind of thing stayed on the body, and it is likely to be a disaster in the future. After reading "Ice Muscle Jade", Han Sen felt more and more that the identity of Xuelongyan is definitely not simple.

Hansen began to try to cultivate "ice muscle jade bone surgery", and also raises the injured by the way. Originally, he thought about it. After getting the money, he went to buy a super-nuclear gene, but he was able to buy it, basically it was a stall, and this "ice muscle jade" knew that it was a high-quality item.

Although Hansen knew that the cultivation of "ice muscle jade" had the risk of being discovered, he still began to cultivate because he missed this "ice muscle jade", maybe he would never have access to such a super super Nuclear genetics.

After practicing for two or three days, Hansen felt that his body seemed to be cool. He measured his body temperature, which was about two degrees lower than the normal person's body temperature. However, Hansen did not feel uncomfortable, but felt that the whole body was refreshing. The spirit is much better, as if the cells of the whole body are full of vitality.

After continuing to practice, there is no change in body temperature, but Hansen’s spirit is getting better and better, and even the skin on his body seems to have become more delicate.

"Han Sen, what have you done recently? We haven't seen each other for a long time, come out and gather together." The communicator popped up a long-haired handsome guy with a smile on the face of Hansen.

"Where to go?" Han Sen saw a long-haired handsome guy, and he was in a good mood. This is his hair Zhang Danfeng. They grew up together and grew up with iron buddies. Zhang Danfeng’s father is Zhang.

"You should come down and talk about it, I will be coming to your home, Han Hao and Xue Xi are all there." Zhang Danfeng said.

"Good." Hansen nodded. When he saw the door, he saw a small private aircraft parked outside. Zhang Danfeng was sitting in the driver's seat and waving to him.

Hansen got on the plane and saw two men and a woman sitting behind. The woman's very beautiful and quiet, called Xue Xi, the man's nature is Han Hao, in fact, Han Sen is a relative, that is, the son of Hansen's fat aunt, on behalf of the seniors also called Han Sen a cousin.

Because Hansen’s aunt is strong and her husband is a female son-in-law, Han Hao followed her aunt’s surname Han.

In addition, Zhang Danfeng, four people grew up together, but after Hansen’s father had an accident, he could only read the integrated compulsory education. Zhang Danfeng and the three of them read the private college.

Hansen and Han Hao and Xue Xi greeted him and sat down at the co-pilot position next to Zhang Danfeng. Han Hao just snorted and continued to talk to Xue Xi, not to care about Han Sen.

"Snow eve, unfortunately you are not in the steel armor shelter, otherwise you will be very shocked to see the scene, B brother is so stretched out, suddenly become the lower body is a horse, the upper body is a human, but also a cow head, the whole body was The monsters wrapped in gold armor, the gods of the gods can only watch the sly look at him and ride the dust..."