MTL - Super God Gene-Chapter 19 Celebrity nobility area

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In the middle of the night, Han Sen put a pack of poisonous crystal corpses and a piece of paper on the door of Su Xiaoqiao's room. After knocking a few doors, he ran into the nearby alley and saw Su Xiaoqiao coming out of the bag. I took it with the note and left it with peace of mind.

The deal with Qin Hao was very successful. Hansen successfully got more than 80,000 pieces of six million and poisonous crystal corpses, and returned to his room. Looking at the money full of boxes, Hansen excitedly jumped up.

Even when his father was still alive, he had never seen so much money.

Hansen left the shelter directly with money. Now he doesn't want to do anything. He just wants to share this joy with his mother and sister. They finally have no need to suffer, and the hardship has finally passed.

Although I sold two million in the past, but they all used to solve the problem of the old house, Han Sen did not get a hand. The six million, but the real ones are completely owned by Hansen himself. totally different.

Although the money is not enough for the rich to buy a luxury private aircraft, but for Hansen, it is already the most money he has ever seen in his life.

"Mom, hey, come over, let you see one thing." Hansen pulled his mother and sister into his room, opened the box full of money, and dumped all the money inside. On the bed.

"Where are you coming so much?" Russell Lan's eyes widened. The first reaction was not a surprise, but a shock, fearing that his son had done something dangerous.

"Mom, I was lucky enough to hunt a mutant in the world of shelter, and I got the soul of the beast. The money was bought after it was sold." Hansen dare not say too exaggerated, afraid that Russell will bear Can't live.

In the case of black crystals, Hansen didn’t dare to say it when he killed him. It was something that could provoke the evils of the genocide. He would rather rot in his stomach for a lifetime. Even if he dreams, he would never reveal half a word, otherwise Passing out, the death of the whole family is only the happiest ending.

Russelllan listened to the sudden and said: "Komori, you shouldn't, you should keep the mutant animal soul, you will be able to have better development in the future, we have nothing to bite, we will always be able to smash in the future... ”

"Mom, you can rest assured that there will be opportunities in the future. I have already eaten the flesh and blood of the mutant creatures and got the mutated gene. After I hunted the alien creatures, it will be much easier. It will slowly get better, and there will be opportunities to hunt for the mutation in the future. Creature," Hansen said.

"But..." Russell Lau still felt that it was a pity, and the mutant creature was so easy to hunt.

For ordinary people, it is already a great fortune to be able to hunt for a mutant creature, and the lottery ticket is not much different. It is possible to go for the second time.

"And I should go to school right away. I don't want her to go to the integrated compulsory education like me. There is no future," Hansen said.

Russell looked at Han Sen and looked at Han Han again. There was tears in his eyes: "I am the mother, I have not taken care of you. This should be me..."

"Mom, you can raise us. It seems to me to be great. You should always leave a little chance to show your son." Hansen smiled and picked up Han Han: "Hey, you want to What to eat, today we go to eat a big meal, what to eat if you want to eat."

Han Han suddenly rejoiced: "I want to eat sapphire ice cream."

"Okay, let's go to the sapphire ice cream. Let's eat this little lynx enough today." Hansen squeezed Han Han's little nose.

"Sapphire ice cream is expensive, you have to save some money, and you can buy some flesh and blood later..."

"Mom, this time." Hansen took Russell and went out.

"You hunted the mutant creature and sold the mutant animal soul, don't say it, don't advertise, I don't want you to be like your dad..." said Russell Lanson Hansen.

Since Hansen’s father’s accident, Russell’s entire outlook on life has changed. He does not want Hansen to manage so many things as his father, just ask him to be safe and secure. Good day for yourself.

"Mom, you can rest assured, I will never say it, the money will be put here, everything you say." Han Sen held Han Hao in one hand, and Russell Lan came out of the house with one hand.

The sapphire star ice cream is very famous in the whole league. Of course, the price is very expensive, and the cheapest one has to be tens of thousands.

The children of the neighbors often eat, and Han Yusheng is not the time. Before he can eat ice cream, the family has already fallen, and he is willing to buy such expensive ice cream for her to eat.

In the past, Russell Lan had eaten Hansen several times. Hansen’s memory was really delicious, but it was a few years ago. He could not remember what it was.

Three people came to the sapphire ice cream shop. After entering the door, they found that people were already full, and others were lining up to buy ice cream.

"Let's go upstairs." Before Hansen came in, through the window on the second floor, it seemed that there was no one on the second floor. He wanted Russell and Han Yu to go to the second floor. He went to the queue alone. It is.

Who knows that just arrived at the stairs, he was stopped by a male waiter in a store.

"Sorry, you can't go up," said the male waiter.

"Why? Is there a space available upstairs?" Hansen asked with a frown.

The waiter's face showed a contemptuous and impatient look, pointing to a small sign hanging on the wall next to the stairs: "I haven't eaten sapphire ice cream, should I have heard the sapphire shop rules?"

Han Sen looked at the small sign and saw the "Celebrity Aristocratic Zone" written on it.

Hansen suddenly understood what was going on. The second floor was an area where privileged people could enter. Ordinary people without identity did not even have the qualification to sit up and sit.

It is no wonder that the decoration on the second floor is much better than the first floor. It is no wonder that the first floor is full of people, there are people waiting in line, there are so many vacancies on the second floor, now Hansen understands.

"We are not tired, just wait for a while, Komori, go to buy ice cream for you." Russell Lan pulled La Hansen and wanted to give Hansen a break.

"I will go." Hansen smiled and ran to the crowd and lined up. It seemed to be indifferent, but he had an unspeakable desire in his heart.

"Celebrities... aristocrats... that's what counted, and soon I have that, even more, I won't let the **** little wooden block stop me."

After buying the ice cream, there is still no space. Hansen can only take it with him. When he left, Hansen took a deep look at the small sign of the staircase.

"Celebrity Aristocratic Zone!"