MTL - Super God Gene-Chapter 20 is her?

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Early the next morning, Hansen sat on the air train to the transfer station, where there were many men and women who went to the transfer station like him.

Most people can't afford a home transport device, and they can only enter the shelter space of the gods through the transfer station.

The driver who drove the sky train today was obviously very violent. Hansen was thinking about what to do after entering the shelter space. The sky train violently trembled, and suddenly the standing people on the air train fell to a large area. .

Because Hansen was thinking about things, he did not hesitate to take a few steps before he did not pay attention. He suddenly slammed into a gentleness.

Hansen's hands and subconsciously want to grasp something to stand firm, but this catch, suddenly feels something wrong, the place to start is more soft and tender.

Hansen discovered that he had collided on the back of a woman in a military uniform, and his body was completely attached to the back of the woman's buttocks. His hands just held the proud double peak of the military uniform woman.

"Bastard!" The military uniform woman screamed angrily, the backhand was an elbow, and quickly and slammed into Hansen's face. This elbow was so heavy that if she really hit her, Hansen's half The face will be ruined.

Hansen subconsciously raised his arm and only felt a strong collision on his arm. He couldn't help but retreat a few steps to stop his figure.

The military uniform woman had turned around and fiercely glared at Hansen, but she glanced at it and suddenly screamed: "It's you, fart..."

"Qin Wei!" The military uniform woman did not shout out the sentence, and the words behind it swallowed back, but Hansen was stunned and blurted out. This woman in military uniform turned out to be the Qin who became the "butt mad". Hey.

Hansen really did not think that Qin Hao was also in Luojiaxing, and it seems that she has joined the army and joined the army. The current status is a soldier.

Military status is not unusual in the league. The legal residents of the alliance must serve at least five years of military service when they are twenty years old. When Hansen is twenty years old, if there is no special reason, he will become a soldier.

Qin Lan recognized Han Sen, but he did not do it, but he always stared at Hansen with cold ice and a slightly disgusted look.

Hansen’s heart secretly smiled: “I’m afraid she has decided that I was deliberate. It’s no wonder that I accidentally licked her ass. Now, if I change it, I will not believe in myself. It is innocent."

"The league is so big, there are so many planets, how can Qin Qin come to Luojiaxing? How could it be so clever, let me meet her, what happened to this?" Hansen complained However, there is no way to do it now, but one step at a time.

Naturally, the league can't just hurt people. Qin Hao doesn't want to cause commotion, so he just stares at Hansen, but there is no more action.

Hansen was stared at some hair. After arriving at the station of the transfer station, he quickly stepped down the sky train. Who knows how Qin Hao followed.

"You really haven't changed your life. I thought you were just ignorant. I didn't expect you to be such a disgusting person." Qin Hao said with a stare at Hansen.

"You saw it just now. It was the air train that vibrated. Many people stood up like me and fell down. Everything was just a coincidence." Hansen explained with a smile.

"You are my word, would you believe it?" Qin Xiaobing said coldly.

"What do you want?" Han Sen asked Qin Qin. Anyway, Qin Hao had already identified him as a jerk. He didn't explain how to explain it. Who made things so coincidental.

"You are really brazen and shameless. You have done something so bad, and you haven't had a bit of remorse. You can see that it is a habitual criminal at first glance." Qin Yan saw Hansen's acknowledgment of the mistake. He suddenly became angry: "You thought me." Sending you to the police, is the police educating you to finish it? It’s not that simple, I can’t teach you here, but in the world of shelter, it’s not the same. Are you going to the shelter world? wait for you."

After that, Qin Hao turned and left, and walked over to the transfer station.

Hansen secretly smiled, and now his explanation is useless, but he can't enter the shelter world in the future, but he has to go into the transfer station with his scalp.

"Qin Station is long." Qin Hao just walked to the front of the transfer station, the soldiers on both sides of the transfer station, and they brushed and bowed to Qin.

Hansen was awkward, and his eyes widened and he looked at Qin Yu incredibly. There was an urge to cry and scream.

The transfer station is under the jurisdiction of the immediate force. Each transfer station has a garrison, and the stationmaster is the chief of the garrison.

Hansen also heard that the last stationmaster was about to be transferred. The new webmaster has arrived, but he wants to break his head. Even if he dreams, he will not think of it. The new stationmaster will actually be Qin.

Hansen has a bad premonition, and his good days are coming to an end. As the stationmaster of the transfer station, Qin Hao can fully grasp when he enters and exits the transfer station, and he is well aware of his whereabouts.

Even if Hansen wants to change a transfer station, it is unlikely that there will be only three public transfer stations in Luojiaxing. The other two are far away from here. How can Hansen waste two days to go to the other two transfer stations? .

Hansen could only go to the shelter office when he took the Qin to the transfer station office building. He made up his mind to wait until Qin Hao went out from the steel armor shelter and then sent it back to the league.

Hansen did not give Qin Yu a chance to block him. With the made variants of dried meat, Hansen left the steel armor shelter.

"The recent popularity is really bad. Isn't all my luck used on black crystals?" Hansen thought as he walked.

It’s not too far away, I saw that a group of people, such as God’s Son, stood outside the steel armor shelter and seemed to be negotiating.

Hansen lazily listened to what they said, and went in the other direction. Who knows that Luo Tianyang suddenly called him over there: "Ass, you come over."

Although Hansen did not want to, he had to turn back and look at Luo Tianyang with doubts.

"Call you? What are you doing there? My brother has a good deed to take care of you." Luo Tianyang said to Hansen, but his mouth was a hint of a bad smile.

"I don't need it anymore. My strength is not good. I can only kill ordinary creatures. Even the original creatures can't beat them. I'm afraid I can't help you." Hansen used his toes to know that Luo Tianyang told him to come. Good thing.

"Let's talk nonsense, itchy skin is it? Let you come, you will come, have your benefits." Luo Tianyang pulled down his face, and stunned Hansen.