MTL - Super Invincible Battleship-Chapter 19 Unbeatable

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Yan Yanfei looked over and found that among the crowd behind Han Junxi, someone was holding a camera to his side. A host held a microphone and stood in front of the camera and whispered something, at a glance he was doing video shooting. There were also several people holding mobile phone selfie sticks next to them. These people also whispered in their mouths, which turned out to be a live webcast.

The other Koreans are also in a state of euphoria, and there is no tension at all. It seems that they are not worried that they will fail this time. They more want to testify that South Korea's Taekwondo defeated Huaxia Kung Fu.

Wang Yongping was a bit sneer at times. Although some people come to play in the gym, he still behaves lightly and lightly. He said: "Huaxia Kungfu is profound and profound. What I have learned is only fur, there is no entry at all, and it does not represent China. If you want to challenge Huaxia Kung Fu, look for another brilliant! "

Han Junxi sneered and said proudly: "We are the world leader in Korean Taekwondo. No matter who the opponent is, we will defeat him. So whether you find you or any other master of martial arts, you only have one end, and that is to be us. We knelt down and begged for mercy. We came to you because it is the magic capital and the most developed place in China's economy, so this will be our first stop for Taekwondo to conquer Huaxia Kung Fu. After defeating you, we will naturally go Find other masters. Besides, you say that you are not good at art, and you have to come out and teach others, isn't it a mistake to discard children? "

The kung fu scene was quickly spotted by the karate coaches and trainees next to them, so they stopped training and surrounded them all, watching this rare kicking action curiously.

The previous Taekwondo coach came out again and said, "Coach Wang, the goal of our Taekwondo alliance is not to win or lose with you, but to prove that our Taekwondo is not only powerful in itself, but also more advanced in education methods than your Chinese Kung Fu. You see The taekwondo students behind us are not doing taekwondo for a long time. It ’s about the same time as your kung fu students practice kung fu. Let ’s have a few competitions between them to see who is better. ”

Ji Yanfei was a bit disdainful. This group of Koreans apparently came from unscrupulous and uncomfortable. Those who study Taekwondo may not have long study time, but if they can be sent out, they must have learned some useful fighting methods, and they are extraordinary in skill and have certain fighting power.

On the other hand, the students on Wang Yong's side only practiced basic kung fu routines, and there were few even battles, and some were just tricky. In addition, Wang Yong taught at random and did not have strict requirements on them, so their mental state was also very poor, not much stronger than ordinary people, and completely lacking combat power.

比较 Comparison of the two, Taekwondo students are better than Kung Fu students. The Koreans also discovered this, and then they came forward with great fanfare and conducted live broadcasts in an attempt to let more people know the power of Taekwondo and suppress Huaxia Kung Fu.

Wang Yong shook his head and said, "Sorry, our purpose of practicing Huaxia Kungfu is to keep fit and not to fight hard, so I refuse my students to compete with you."

Han Junxi taunted me, "The people who practice Chinese kung fu are cowards, and you have no courage to fight."

Then he put himself in front of the camera and said in Korean: "Dear Korean friends, have you seen it? Those Chinese people blow their effort into the sky, as if it were the first in the world. It turned out to be just a bunch of cowards. We Taekwondo people Even if I ’m an introductory disciple who has only practiced for a few days, I will face the challenge in the face of challenges. Therefore, Hua Xia Kung Fu is completely useless, it ’s just the best blow, or our Korean Taekwondo is the best! "

Han Junxi scolded Huaxia Kungfu in front of the camera, and then turned back to Wang Yong and said, "Coach Wang, look at the logo on this camera. It is our domestic WSSB TV station, and their TV station is doing a live broadcast of this Taekwondo challenge Kung Fu. There are also several webcasters. They are well-known webcasters in South Korea and China. They are very popular in both countries. They are also doing live webcasts. In other words, there are a lot of people who are watching this challenge now. "If you don't dare to fight, then your Chinese efforts will wipe out your reputation and you will never look up."

Wang Wangyong finally changed his color. He didn't expect that he was being broadcast live by the other party now. He wanted to stop it, but didn't know what to say. He didn't dare to bear the responsibility of shame the Huaxia Kung Fu, otherwise he would be the ancient sinner of Huaxia. He turned his head to look at his students, and saw those students shrinking, his eyes unnaturally looking elsewhere, he didn't look at him at all, and there was no confidence in combat. The only Yan Fei who seemed a bit normal, had less than ten days to learn kung fu.

According to Yan Fei's original intention, after knowing that the other party is coming to play, they will have to come out to fight anyway. But he has recently made a big deal, and he has aroused his enemies. He wants to keep a low profile and doesn't want others to notice himself. So he didn't want to be strong and maintain the honor of Kung Fu, let others do it! Although Wang Yong looked at Yan Fei, Yan Fei pretended to be invisible.

Seeing that none of Wang Yong's disciples came out to fight, a young man next to the beautiful beauty stood up and pointed at Yan Fei: "In this group of people, only you look like a person. So you Come, fight against them on behalf of Huaxia Kung Fu! "

Qi Yanfei is 178CM tall and well-formed. Standing in this group of people feels like a cocky flock, so she is immediately watched by others and wants to push him out to fight. Yan Fei did not take the initiative to play. Others thought he was an embroidered pillow and had no strength, so he had to force him to take a shot. After all, beating such an opponent was more fulfilling.

Wu Yanfei looked at the young man and said, "Listen to you, should you be a Chinese?"

The young man said dissatisfied: "Do n’t talk nonsense, although I am physically Chinese, but I am already Korean in spirit. This time I accompanied Ms. Cai Jinyan to witness the historical feat of Korean Taekwondo defeating Chinese Kung Fu. "

Only then did Yan Fei know that the young beauty who had never spoken was called Cai Jinyan, and he sneered: "Good Chinese people are not proper. They have to be other people's dogs. If you really want to find a master, please find a better point, even The Koreans are trusting, and I think your IQ is afraid that there is something wrong. Your ancestor's coffin board is already overwhelmed, aren't you afraid they will come to you at night? "

The young man's face turned red, and he quickly concealed: "South Korea is free and democratic, and its economy is developed. There are handsome guys and beautiful women everywhere. Huaxia is completely incomparable. What do I like about Korea? Besides, you are a martial arts practitioner, even one Even if you dare not accept the challenge, what is the face of martial arts? Are you afraid of losing the faces of your kung fu ancestors? "

Yan Fei walked up to the next ring, took off her training clothes, exposed her well-proportioned muscles, and said, "Well, I'm the worst practice of Huaxia Kung Fu. Let me see what your Korean Taekwondo has. How amazing! "

Looking at Yan Fei who finally stood up, Wang Yong's eyes showed a reassuring expression. And that young beauty named Cai Jinyan saw Yan Fei's strong body, and she was very interested.

As soon as Han Junxi saw someone standing out, he waved his hand, and a crowd of barefooted young men wearing white Taekwondo practice clothes came out of the crowd, with a black belt around his waist. The man was a sturdy man with thick legs and feet. The young man walked up to the ring and stared at Yan Fei.

Han Junxi came up before the TV camera and introduced loudly: "Dear audience friends, hello everyone, this is Jin Dongjian of the South Korean Taekwondo Tae Kwon Do Museum. His position is the third stage of the Taekwondo Black Belt. He has very strong strength. He Will be with Huaxia ... "

俊 Han Junxi then remembered that he didn't know Yan Fei's name. He was going to turn back to ask Yan Fei's name. He heard a scream, and the audience next to him exclaimed in exclamation. When he looked back, he saw that Jin Dongjian had fallen far from the ground, holding his belly and rolling on the ground, his mouth moaning painfully.

It turned out that Jin Dongjian entered the ring, Yan Fei made a ceremony of holding his fists, Jin Dong Jian bowed to Yan Fei, and then he put out a starting gesture and made an inviting action. Yan Fei rushed without hesitation. In the past, kicked out, Jin Dongjian quickly resisted, but did not expect that Yan Fei ’s feet were so powerful that he could not resist, and he was kicked into the abdomen by Yan Fei at once ~ ~ screamed suddenly, far away Fly up, then roll down on the ground.

I was just a face-to-face meeting, and the two of them separated. Jin Dongjian, considered to be powerful by Han Junxi, kicked Yanfei and completely lost his combat effectiveness. Yan Fei's first battle was a success, playing the prestige of Huaxia Kung Fu.

Yan Fei has just stepped into the Kung Fu Palace. He was vulnerable in front of Xiao Kong and that strong man, but because those two are really strong, they not only have powerful fighting power, but also have rich experience in fighting. Yan Fei Meeting them can only be crushed by them.

But in the face of this Taekwondo master who relies on combat training alone, Yan Fei, who has experienced a life-and-death battle, not only beats his opponents in strength, but also crushes them in spirit. So he just kicked off a so-called Taekwondo master.

The lightning fight, the lightning-fast decision, stunned all live audiences, even those who were watching TV and webcasts, were also stunned. Especially those South Korean audiences are even unable to accept this reality. In their hearts, shouldn't Huaxia Kung Fu be just a flower rack, and can only design some beautiful martial arts action in movies? Shouldn't it be hanged by Taekwondo? How could it be so powerful, just in one move, you defeated the seemingly powerful Taekwondo Titan?

俊 Han Junxi began to sweat on his forehead. He had originally seen Wang Yong unwilling to play. He thought that Wang Yong and his students had little skill, so the Taekwondo masters he brought must have won steadily, and he had a wave of advertisements for Taekwondo while suppressing Huaxia Kung Fu. But I didn't expect to be kicked on the iron plate, and one face was knocked down by others.

Across from Huaxia Kung Fu, Taekwondo was extremely vulnerable.


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