MTL - Super Invincible Battleship-Chapter 699 Rarely confused

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Looking at the slate of prophecy in Yan Fei's hand, Lu Pingping had mixed feelings in her heart. Unexpectedly, after a large circle, this slate would finally appear in Yan Fei's hand. She thought that the failed plan had a new dawn.

Lu Pingping's mood suddenly became beautiful, but she pretended to know nothing: "A Fei, did you deliberately take out this slate at this time, because it is something special?"

Yan Fei raised the slab in Yang's hand and said, "Yes, this slab is indeed very special. But not only because of its very hard texture, but also because its surface is very smooth, but it does not know who is on this slab. A prophecy letter was written on it. "

Lu Pingping's face became more ruddy, and she said with anticipation: "This is a prophecy letter! What exactly is written on the prophecy letter?"

Yan Fei said, "I want to hear from you!"

Lu Pingping said, "OK."

Yan Fei coughed and began to read the prophecy letter on the slate: "Now it is January 24, 2013, I am here to make a prediction: Today 8 years later, that is, January 24, 2020, Yan Fei and Lu Pingping will find this slate from the ground, and they will see the words on the slate. Then they will love each other, have a good heart, and live happily together forever. "

This letter was written by Lu Pingping. She naturally remembered the contents of the letter, but she still pretended that she had seen the letter for the first time. She twisted and said, "Afei, do you believe what is in the prophecy letter?"

Yan Fei said, "I believe it! Why not believe it?"

Lu Pingping said: "This slate was passed on to you by someone else, and you didn't find it yourself, aren't you afraid that the above content was compiled by someone to deceive you?"

Yan Fei laughed: "I knew you would ask this, so I have identified the text on this slate. After analysis of the instrument, I found that this prophecy letter was written by blood donation. According to the blood on the slate, Based on the calculation of the traces below, you can know that the letter was written around January 24, 2013. At that time, I was just an ordinary student. Who would write this letter in advance to lie to me? "

As if afraid of Lu Pingping's disbelief, Yan Fei pointed to the mysterious symbol at the end of the prophetic letter and said, "Ping Ping, look, I checked it online. This mysterious symbol represents the prophetic love. There are already many people. Because this mysterious symbol has found his true love. It is precisely because of these evidences that I believe the prediction of our future in this letter. "

Lu Pingping was a little embarrassed. She did not expect that a symbol that she had deliberately drawn for mystery was regarded by Yan Fei as a sign of prophetic love, but she immediately felt happy because Yan Fei firmly believed in the content of the prophetic letter.

But on the surface, Lu Pingping couldn't easily believe the content of the prophecy letter and asked: "This prophecy letter on the slate says that we will find this slate on January 24, 2020. But January 24, 2020 has already It ’s been a long time in the past, and we did n’t find it, so the predictions on it should be inaccurate! ”

Yan Fei said: "This prophecy letter is absolutely not wrong. It says that we will find this slate on January 24, 2020, but it does not say that we will get this slate on that day. Think about it Think, on January 24, 2020, we once visited the campus of Aurora University, and we have visited the place where this slate was unearthed. We must have seen this slate at that time, but we did not see the above The prophecy letter was the reason why it was missed. In this respect, the content of this prophecy letter is not wrong. "

Lu Pingping was a little surprised, but unexpectedly Yan Fei actually explained the content of the prophecy letter in this way. This almost made her hallucinate, thinking that the letter she wrote at random really represented God's providence. Lu Pingping lowered her head, her voice became quieter than the mosquito, and said, "Afei, show me this stele, what do you mean?"

Yan Fei grabbed Lu Pingping's hand and said in a resolute tone: "Ping Ping, I wanted to say this to you a long time ago, and that is-I love you!"

Finally heard Yan Fei say this, Lu Pingping felt happy for the moment and almost fainted ...

Yan Fei continued, "Look, even Heaven is helping us, and people have written us a prophecy letter and let us see this prophecy letter. So please accept my love and let me in my future life Love you so much! "

Lu Pingping, who had been generous in nature, was shy. She twisted her clothes with her fingers and said, "But ... but ..."

Yan Fei said, "But what?"

Lu Pingping was about to speak, but was caught by Yan Fei, who immediately kissed her lips. Lu Pingping's body suddenly became stiff, and then started to respond with awkward movements under the provocation of Yan Fei's tongue. After a long and arduous test, these two lovers finally made their first intimate contact in life.

The two began to kiss and separated after a while. This was Lu Pingping's first experience in her life. She was a bit weak and fell directly into Yan Fei's arms, panting and saying, "A Fei, I love you too!"

Yan Fei finally embraced the beauty, he was so proud, he laughed and said, "Ping Ping, look, I love you, you also love me, indicating that our fate is really doomed, we are destined to be together."

Then Yan Fei's face showed a thoughtful expression, and said, "I'm curious, who wrote the prophecy letter on this slate? This letter was written by somebody with blood. I will go back and take a good test. See if I can extract the DNA from the blood and use the NDA to find out who wrote the prophetic letter. I'd like to see who is making us secretly. "

Lu Pingping, immersed in the sweetness of love, suddenly awakened. She knew that the stone was written by herself. Once Yan Fei found that there was her own NDA in the bloodstains above, maybe Yan Fei would doubt their feelings, so This slate must never be kept in Yan Fei's hands.

The sober Lu Pingping grabbed the slate from Yan Fei's hand as fast as possible and held it in his arms, saying, "A Fei, this slate is also considered our old age, so I decided to take good care of it. You must not move it. "

Yan Fei naturally knew Lu Pingping's careful thinking, but he didn't say anything. He grabbed his head and sneered: "Okay, now you have the final say."

Yan Fei had never dared to reciprocate with Lu Pingping since she was afraid that those who calculated him would point her at Lu Pingping. But after the drone upgrade, Yan Fei has the strength to crush everything and no longer fear the plot of the planner. Because these calculators can't deal with Yan Fei in person, they want to kill Yan Fei, they can only send the pawns they have cultivated. But for Yan Fei now, no matter which chess piece is sent out, they can no longer threaten Yan Fei's safety.

From now on, Yan Fei is actually safe around him, and he will no longer be charged with pointing his finger at Lu Pingping. In addition, he also wanted to distract Lu Pingping's attention, and at this time took out the slate stolen from Lu Pingping and expressed his love directly with Lu Pingping. From now on, they can finally live happily together.

As for Yan Fei's last word that she wanted to refine the blood NDA in the text, she was just disrupting Lu Pingping's thinking, so that she should not think about the many unreasonable things that this stone monument appeared in her hands. After all, the text on that slate was written with Yan Fei's blood. If Lu Pingping found Yan Fei's NDA from above, it would be troublesome.

Lu Pingping was really disturbed by Yan Fei's surprise attack. She never thought that this slab was forged by Yan Fei, and she always thought it was the one she buried. After robbing it back from Yan Fei, Lu Pingping hid the slate. In the years that followed, Yan Fei never saw the slate again.

Xiang Lu Pingping's confession was under the control of Yan Fei. Although he knew the truth of the slate, he pretended not to know anything, and used a rare and confused mentality to obtain a good result.

At this time, Yan Fei's heart was happy, and she no longer had to worry about Tang Seng's escape. After all, the Tang monk at this time is no longer in Yan Fei's eyes. As long as Yan Fei finds the Tang monk in the future, he can immediately go to the door and kill the Tang monk very easily. Compared to Tang Seng's escape, the difficulty facing Neverland is really the big deal.

At this point, everything that happened in the space passage of the Holy See headquarters was completely resolved. In this most famous event, masters with a last name on the earth basically all appeared here. In previous wars, the god-level masters are top-level combat power, and there is rarely any damage. However, here at the Holy See headquarters, the god-level masters are just as vulnerable as ordinary people. Without strong power, they even Can't live here for a second.

Lu Pingping is just an ordinary person with no fighting power. She was the first to arrive in this horrible battlefield. With the constant decline of the god-level masters, although she was in a difficult situation and surrounded by dangers, she persisted until the end, and she still suffered a lot. The person who killed her had to be said to be an unexplainable miracle.

The war belonging to the gods has ended, but the war on Neverland continues. It is still in a state of war with the three countries of Rice, Eagle, and Expedition, and even the high-tech weapons of the ape tribe also take off and are about to launch a lore attack on Neverland. In addition to these direct threats, a 50-meter super tsunami appeared in the waters 1,000 kilometers east of Neverland. If these threats are not resolved, Neverland is still in danger of collapse.

Just when Yan Fei was about to contact Fantasy Cave Sky and use energy to open a temporary passage here, Lu Pingping suddenly said in surprise: "A Fei, do you see any muscles on my body?"

Yan Fei looked over and found that Lu Pingping was still slender, and even her exposed arms did not have any muscles. He said puzzledly, "Do you not know yourself? Where are your muscles?"

Lu Pingping said doubtfully: "Since I haven't suddenly developed muscles, why do I think I have a lot of strength?"

Yan Fei said, "You say your power has increased?"

Lu Pingping said, "Yeah! Since I just woke up from a deep sleep, I have discovered that my physical condition is better than ever. I thought it was hallucination, but I just tried it, and I broke a branch with one hand. . "

Yan Fei looked over, and she really saw a broken tree branch on the ground. This branch was just broken off from the tree. Because the branch is rich in plant fibers and there is a lot of water, it is very tough, and even a strong man may not break it hard. But it was easily broken by Lu Pingping, so Lu Pingping was surprised and asked if Yan Fei had long muscles.

Looking at the current state of the landing Pingping, Yan Fei seemed to see himself then. When he just got the drone that year, there was also a surge in strength, and he couldn't control the surge in strength at all. But he was transformed by the mysterious energy of the drone. Why did Lu Pingping also have such a situation, did she get any adventure?

Then Yan Fei understood something. Lu Pingping appeared at the Holy See's headquarters tonight and performed a voluntary blood sacrifice on the mysterious altar. Although she had no other actions, the altar was very simple. It connected two different dimensions. The only channel must have some magical ability. After the voluntary blood sacrifice to the altar, the mysterious altar is likely to transform Lu Pingping's body and change Lu Pingping's body. This is also the main reason for Lu Pingping to fall asleep after the passage of space transformed by the altar has disappeared.

It is very likely that the altar changed Lu Pingping's body, so when the drone was upgraded, when the mysterious energy was transforming Yan Fei's body, it came into Lu Pingping's body and strengthened Lu Pingping's body. Only in this way can we explain why Lu Pingping's strength suddenly increased. At that time, Yan Fei could call up the control panel of the drone, so he knew the reason for the change in his body's strength, but Lu Pingping didn't know anything, and he was surprised why his strength soared.

Yan Fei knows that the situation and facts are very close, but he did not explain this to Lu Pingping, but smiled, "Ping Ping, we are lovers now, so we are a community of destiny. I can transmit the power in my body to your body. Inside, let your physical fitness directly double in a short time, so your strength will be doubled. But the increase in strength is only part of it, you slowly realize that you will find that in addition to strength, your other physical fitness is also Will be enhanced. "

Originally, according to Lu Pingping's worldview and cognitive view, she would not believe such a whisper of Yan Fei. But she saw too many unexpected people and special abilities this evening, and her worldview and cognitive view have been broken. So when Yan Fei told her that he could improve her physical fitness, she was just surprised and accepted quickly.

Lu Pingping said happily: "Since you can improve my physical fitness, then you must help me improve a lot. In this way, I will soon reach the physical standards for astronauts to enter the universe. By that time, I will I can accompany you on the spaceship and explore the universe with you. You know this is the biggest dream of my life. "

Yan Fei did not expect that Lu Pingping actually had such a plan, he said vaguely: "No problem, if you are willing to continue exercising, you should be able to enter the universe as an astronaut."

Then Yan Fei said, "Okay ~ ~ Pingping, things here are resolved, let's go back to Fantasy Island right away, there are still a lot of mess to clean up!"

Lu Pingping immediately thought of her random command on Neverland before, and her joy was diluted a lot.

Yan Fei laughed: "Why ... don't you believe in my ability? It's not me bragging. As long as I return to Neverland, I can defeat all our enemies in minutes."

Seeing Lu Pingping's face still worried, Yan Fei stopped talking nonsense. He connected to the fantasy cave sky at an infinite distance, and opened a temporary space passage here. The space is very stable after being far from the altar of the Holy See headquarters. After consuming 1% of the total energy reserve before Dream Cave Day, Yan Fei opened a space passage back to Dream Cave Sky here.

Lu Pingping has seen space channels many times, so she is not too curious about Yan Fei's action. Then the two entered the space channel hand in hand. When they returned to the fantasy cave, this temporary space channel was quickly closed and disappeared.

Yan Fei and Lu Pingping just turned around in Dream Cave and returned to Dream Island through another space channel.