MTL - Super Invincible Battleship-Chapter 700 Upgrade data

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, The fastest update of the latest chapter of the super invincible battleship!

When Yan Fei and Lu Pingping returned to Dream Island, the local time of Dream Island was three in the afternoon, which was a clear day. The place where the two were was still late at night, but they just turned around in the fantasy cave, and when they came out, they found it was a day, and the whole process was very magical.

At this time, the managers of the Neverland Headquarters entrusted by Lu Pingping are like ants on a hot pot. They are not only anxious, but also engaged in fierce quarrels. For so long, they have not made any substantial response plan.

After finding that Lu Pingping didn't show up for a long time, everyone searched for Lu Pingping, only to find that Lu Pingping disappeared magically in her office. Just as everyone was in a mess, the remnant satellite network of Neverland detected that the ape-based energy weapons over Africa had been assembled. Now this energy weapon is undergoing proofreading and test firing. Once the preparation work is completed, an energy weapon attack on Neverland is required.

Neverland ’s orbital guns are very electromagnetic, and their attack distance is very long, but because the ape-based energy weapons are located in the space above the African continent, the direct-going electromagnetic cannonballs cannot attack the other side of the earth. Originally Fantasy Island had a large number of anti-satellite missiles, but because most of the navigation satellites were lost, and there was still a strong electromagnetic pulse remaining in the space above Fantasy Island, the fantasy island ’s anti-satellite missiles could not be launched at all, and naturally Cannot attack the African continent on the other side of the planet. The missiles on the space-based weapon launch platform have been completely consumed, so although Neverland has discovered the huge threat posed by the enemy, they have no way to use this powerful weapon.

The woe is not alone: ​​the energy weapons over Africa are about to finish the firing task, and then fly from space to the place where they can attack Neverland. Neverland ’s surveillance system suddenly found a violent explosion on the seabed 1,000 kilometers east. This explosion also triggered a super-magnitude 9 earthquake, and then a super tsunami with a height of 50 meters formed in the sea area above the explosion point. This super tsunami is rushing towards Neverland at a speed of 200 km / h, and will reach Neverland in 5 hours.

In addition to these threats, the three aircraft carrier battle groups of M State are rapidly approaching Neverland. Fighters and bombers taking off from island and cold countries, as well as from the Mi Mi base in the Pacific Ocean, are also approaching Neverland.

Although Lu Pingping had no combat experience, he dared to take shots at critical moments. The high-level fantasy island entrusted by her, they also have no combat experience, but they worry too much and always calculate the gains and losses when facing the threat. Therefore, they did not respond at all to the menacing threat of the Mi Army. .

These people overly believe in the defense system of Neverland, and always want to put the Mi Army closer to fight, in order to save the weapons and ammunition of Neverland, so they focus more on how to deal with energy weapons and super tsunami Threats above.

Foreshadow some people suggest to issue a personnel evacuation order, re-open the airports and ships on Dream Island, use all means to evacuate all the personnel of Dream Island, and abandon Dream Island, so as to avoid this unavoidable death. disaster. Others insist that this matter must be decided after Yan Fei and Lu Pingping return. Because once the evacuation order is issued, the entire Neverland will be in a mess, and maybe immeasurable bad things such as burning and looting will occur. If things really go wrong, Neverland is over. You must know that Dream Island is the private property of Yan Fei. They are only managers and cannot determine the future of Dream Island.

In this way, the two sides have been entangled in these small things, unable to make a decision. But as they continued to pull the skin, the ape's energy weapons had completed the final proofreading and moved in space towards the other side of the earth, and they would launch a violent attack on Neverland, and the super tsunami was merciless. Rushing towards Neverland ...

Just when the two sides were arguing, Yan Fei and Lu Pingping appeared in the office in time. After seeing the core personnel of these two Neverland appear, the two people who were arguing suddenly relieved. They executed the orders of Yan Fei and Lu Pingping very well, but it was a problem when they asked for their ideas. Now that the people who take the idea are back, they don't have to take responsibility for decision-making, and there is not so much psychological pressure in their hearts.

Yan Fei contacted the artificial intelligence "Fantasy", and soon knew the situation that Fantasy Island is facing now, and was disappointed with the capabilities of these people. However, he did not criticize these people on the spot, but said: "Everyone has worked hard, I know what happened here, I already have a way to deal with it. You go back to your respective jobs first, and always wait for my combat order. "

Seeing Yan Fei's calmness, everyone took a reassurance pill, and subconsciously felt that Yan Fei could handle everything. Although they felt that the energy weapons and super tsunami in space could not deal with it, Yan Fei had dealt with so many difficult issues before, and he might really be able to figure out a solution to the crisis on Neverland.

After everyone left, Lu Pingping, who knew the truth, became worried and said, "A Fei, the situation is very critical now, what should we do? Should we evacuate everyone to Dream Cave and give up Dream Island?"

Yan Fei said: "Ping Ping, don't worry. I said before that my big things have been successful, we now have the ability to control everything. You don't have to worry about it, I will soon This matter is handled properly and the whole war situation is completely reversed. "

Lu Pingping said: "The enemy can be defeated, but that tsunami, its power destroys the world, how do you deal with it?"

Yan Fei touched Lu Pingping's head and gave her a reassuring expression, saying: "Ping Ping, believe me, I must have a way to deal with this matter. Your clothes are dirty, change your clothes first!"

Lu Pingping had no choice but to return to his office, put on a clean set of clothes in the office, and then handle the leisure and miscellaneous affairs on Dream Island to the best of his ability.

After Lu Pingping left the office, Yan Fei turned on the drone's virtual control screen. He has been in an emergency situation since the drone upgrade was completed. Until now, he had time to take a good look at the data changes after the drone upgrade.

In the virtual control screen, a long list of data and instructions are displayed:

Drone avatar (level 6)

Energy block-10 million. (1 energy block = 100 million energy points)

Merit-0/100 trillion.

The longest control distance: 100 billion kilometers.

Universal space-200 cubic kilometers.

Drone length: 30 kilometers.

Width: 10 kilometers.

Height: 8 kilometers.

Maximum speed: 10,000 km / s.

Data refresh time: 24 hours.

Special skills: making wormholes, energy shields, quantum transmission, quantum communication, and automatic repair.

Mother subsystem: UAV mothership has three subsystems: the first subsystem: super fighter, number 1; the second subsystem: transport aircraft system, number 2; the third subsystem: quantum satellite system, number 10,000.

Weapons: gravity bombs, energy cannons, laser weapons, interstellar missiles

Production plant: a medium-sized production workshop that unlocks the processing and production of nuclear weapons, the production accuracy is greatly improved, and the production capacity is 100 million times that of a small production plant. The production workshop is located inside the general space and has a volume of 100 cubic kilometers. It can produce and process raw materials according to the design drawings input by the intelligent brain. The energy point is consumed during the production process. When the energy point of the drone is consumed, the production workshop is automatically closed.

After the drone reached Level 6, its data did not grow as long as Yan Fei imagined, but was relatively simple. But there are a lot of new functions in these simplicity. These functions require Yan Fei to explore for a long time to develop all its uses.

But the data changes on the bright side of the level 6 drone made Yan Fei very shocked. Compared to a level 5 drone that can only move on the earth, a level 6 drone is like changing the world. It can not only move in the universe, but also has a variety of powerful abilities derived from it. expected.

The original drone upgrade was based on the space warship designed by Yang Qi as a template, but after the upgrade was completed, the level 6 drone was very different from Yang Qi's space warship. Not only is its data greatly improved on the space warship data designed by Yang Qi, but it also adds many unique features that space warships do not have.

From this point of view, the upgrade of the drone is very similar to the previous upgrades. After they are upgraded, all the data of the new drone has exceeded the upgrade template, and there has been a huge increase in strength.

The most intuitive change is reflected in the hull. The upgraded drone has got rid of the shape of the B2 on the earth, and it no longer even looks like an aircraft on the earth. When Yang Qi designed it, it perfectly combined all the imagination of human beings on the earth, coupled with the repeated deduction of the science and technology deduction system, it already has a unique shape.

It is streamlined as a whole. Although streamlined does not make any sense in space, because of Yang Qi ’s ingenious design, it can install a large number of energy cannon weapons on the surface. These energy cannons shielded each other and sealed off all lines attempting to approach the drone, ensuring that no one could sneak into the drone.

Another thing that shocked Yan Fei was its size. The size of the Class 6 drone was huge. It reached a length of 30 kilometers, a length of 10 kilometers, and an altitude of 8 kilometers. Although this size can't keep up with the space fortress of the cosmic humans, it is far beyond the space battleships used by the apes in the solar system.

Although the size of the drone is huge, the internal space is very small. There are only twenty cabins with different functions, which can only accommodate less than one hundred people living on it. But there is plenty of air inside the drone, and you can also create various gravity according to your needs, so that people can live comfortably inside.

In addition to this part of the living area, drones have other huge areas. However, all the contents in these areas cannot be dismantled, and even Yan Fei did not know what was inside. Yang Qi's carefully designed internal systems and equipment for drones were completely wiped out when the drones were upgraded. Only the capabilities of these systems and equipment were left, but these systems and equipment could not be found.

In addition to the size of the drone becoming larger on the bright side, its various data has also changed dramatically.

The first is the energy source of the drone, which changed from the previous energy point to the current energy block. One energy block contains 100 million energy points, and the total number of energy blocks of the drone has now reached 10 million. In other words, the total energy of drones is now 100 million times higher than before. If Yan Fei had to save energy points before, now he can finally use the energy points with confidence.

The second is the upgrade merit points of the drone. If the level 6 drone wants to upgrade to level 7, the required merit points have reached 100 trillion, which is also increased by 100 million times on the previous basis. If Yan Fei can kill some U.S. troops to achieve the level 6 merit of the drone upgrade, then when he wants to get the merit of upgrading the drone from level 6 to level 7, he may destroy the entire earth Can certainly be achieved.

But Yan Fei has put his eyes on the universe. From the memory of the human soul body of the universe, Yan Fei knows that there are alien civilizations in the universe. With the exploration of these alien civilizations, the earth will sooner or later be discovered by alien civilizations. Once an alien civilization conflicts with the earth, by then, as long as Yan Fei destroys the alien civilization's warship, he will naturally be able to obtain enough credits.

The third is the longest control distance of Yanfei on drones. On earth, the longest control distance of level 5 drones is 10,000 kilometers, but the longest control distance of level 6 drones has reached horror. 100 billion kilometers, also a hundred million times over the previous basis. It is precisely because of the rapid increase in the control distance, even if the trapeze is still on the earth, he can view the various data of the drone.

Neptune, the farthest of the eight planets in the solar system, is only 4.35 billion kilometers away from Earth. The Kuiper Belt, which is farther away, is only 7.5 billion kilometers away from the earth, which is completely included in the farthest control distance of Yan Fei. In astronomy, light years are often used to calculate the distance between two objects in the universe. The distance in one light year is 9460.73 billion kilometers. The maximum distance that Yanfei can control the drone is 100 billion kilometers, which is a full 9.4 times a light year, which is a very scary distance.

In other words, even if Yan Fei is on the earth, he can still command the drone to fly freely in the vast starry sky of the entire solar system, including the Kuiper Belt. Development of resources.

The outermost part of the solar system is the Oort cloud, which is one light-year away from the sun. Yan Fei's maximum control distance cannot cover the Oort cloud, but he can cover 99.99% of the available planets and meteorites in the solar system, which is equivalent to controlling the entire solar system. Compared with the thin material of the Oort cloud, there is no mining value at all.

The fourth is the huge improvement of the universal space. Before UU reading, the volume of the universal space was only 20,000 cubic meters. When collecting things in it, Yan Fei must choose again, otherwise the entire universal space will be filled . However, the volume of the general space at this time reached 2 trillion cubic meters, that is, 200 cubic kilometers, which also increased by 100 million times on the previous basis. Although the medium-sized production workshop is located in the general space, it occupies half the volume of the general space, but the remaining volume is also 100 cubic kilometers. This storage space is huge, and it is enough for Yan Fei to pack all the things he needs.

The fifth is the change in the fastest flight speed. Before that, drones could only fly inside the earth, and the fastest speed was only Mach 2.5, which is 850 m / s, but now the speed has actually reached 10,000 km / second. Although the speed has not reached a horrific increase of 100 million times, this speed is already very powerful, which is one-third of the speed of light. In the future, Yanfei can take the drone to reach the major planets in the solar system more quickly.

The sixth is that the data refresh time has changed. Although it was 24 hours before on earth, the difference between the time difference between the drone's takeoff and landing locations must be considered. Its overall data refresh time is high. In 24 hours. But when the drone enters the universe, there is no difference in the so-called time zone, so the data will be refreshed once every 24 hours.