MTL - Super Invincible Battleship-Chapter 727 Last trick

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Yan Fei and the ancestral land finally stood face to face. There was no retreat between them. They could only fight one battle. With their own strength, they would kill the enemy and remove their own confidant.

In the eyes of the ancestral land, the opposite exoskeleton armor was quickly cracked, revealing the Yan Fei body inside, Yan Fei stepped out of the protective scope of the exoskeleton armor and came to the ancestor ground. Yan Fei's mood was very calm at this time. He didn't radiate any momentum, but used his mental strength to lock up the turbulent ancestral land and was ready to launch an attack on the ancestral land.

Yan Fei's super combat armor did not pinch the ancestral land with Yan Fei, but was on the sidelines to prevent accidents.

In Yan Fei's impression, the ancestral land is a sinister enemy, and it has always behaved very calmly. But today I do n’t know what the reason is. The ancestral land is no longer calm and calm, it can easily become irritable, which makes Yan Fei feel that the ancestral land is no longer terrible.

When he saw Yan Fei walking in front of him, the violent emotion in the ancestral land was actually suppressed by it, and he laughed wildly: "Yan Fei, you are so stupid, you dare to expose your body directly to the air. Did you know that it takes only one second for the perfect virus to infect humans, and you have been exposed to the air for more than three seconds, so you have been infected with the perfect virus and you are dead today. "

The previous Yan Fei wore exoskeleton armor. Although the perfect armor was used to isolate the invasion of the perfect virus, this suit of armor was actually very fragile and very inflexible. Wearing it to combat would limit Yan Fei's speed and let him Unable to show their true strength. It was with this in mind that Yan Fei took off his exoskeleton armor and fought face to face with the ancestral land. The vitality in his body can devour the perfect virus. After killing the ancestor's land, he can then heal with the vitality, which will naturally relieve the damage of the perfect virus to Yan Fei's body.

But in the face of the ancestral land, Yan Fei would not say so. He sneered and said, "Ancestral land, I believe you already know that, the technology of your apes is based on the rules of the earth's mutation. The same goes for biological genetic technology, including making the perfect virus. "

"But since the space passage at the Holy See headquarters disappeared, the regular radiation of the earth from the high-latitude space opposite the space passage has disappeared, and the original earth rules that have undergone abnormal changes are being restored. All technologies developed based on the earth's mutation rules will collapse The perfect virus produced by the mutated gene technology will also collapse. Maybe the perfect virus was very powerful on the earth 80,000 years ago, but at this time, its lethality has dropped sharply, and it can no longer damage my body. Now, so your expectations will never be fulfilled. "

Yan Fei's sentence originally flickered the ancestor's land and hit the other party's confidence, but when he finished this sentence, he suddenly noticed something strange. According to the theory that Yan Fei just said, the technology of the Ape base has now collapsed, and the perfect virus can not exert its powerful lethality. However, in his actual encounter, the Ape technology still plays a role, and the perfect virus and There was no difference 80,000 years ago. If it were not for the vitality of Yan Fei's body to play a magical effect, he would die under the highly lethal attack of the perfect virus.

After the original passage of the Holy See ’s headquarters was closed, the mutated rules of the earth would return to normal, but the situation now differs greatly from Yan Fei ’s imagination. Not only does the Ape Base still exist, there is even another black technology that is a magical force field that can shield all connections. Then Yan Fei began to wonder if the information she had obtained before was wrong? Or is the space channel connecting the earth to high latitudes not actually closed, and the high latitude space is still affecting the earth?

Unlike the suspicion that suddenly appeared in Yan Fei's heart, the ancestral land did not know so much inside information. It really thought that the technology of the ape-based base was about to collapse, and its perfect virus could no longer hurt Yan Fei. Why dare to expose yourself to the attack of the perfect virus? The thought of the technology that the Ape has been developing for many years is about to collapse, the heart of the ancestral land is full of despair. Without the support of the Ape technology, even if it escapes safely, it will not be able to complete the task of allowing the Ape to rise again ...

Seeing the ancestral land once again in a state of irritability, Yan Fei temporarily let go of his suspicion and refocused his ancestor's biggest opponent on him. He moved his body and said, "Ancestral land, you and me There is no need to say more about the grievances between us. In the end, it depends on the strength of the two sides. Let us see the true chapter under our hands! "

The ancestral land is getting more and more violent, and its eyes are getting more and more red, and when it suddenly makes a loud roar, then it rushes towards Yan Fei quickly, and it must first launch an attack on Yan Fei. But the ancestral land had just activated its body, and found that Yan Fei disappeared magically in front of him.

It turned out that Yan Fei once again exerted the ability of space transfer, and suddenly transferred himself from the ancestral land to behind him. This ability to cross space is very powerful. Although Yan Fei's whereabouts were immediately discovered in the ancestral land, its body could not keep up with its speed of thinking. It just had time to raise its own arm to block it, and it was Yan Fei hit with a punch.

Yan Fei punched on the arm of the ancestral land. The place where their fists hit violently exploded. In the shock wave of the explosion, the ancestral land was blown out by Yan Fei. It also started to spit blood in the air, then the bones of the arm were broken, and the body was severely smashed into the stone wall of the room ...

After the drone is upgraded again, Yanfei's comprehensive strength has been upgraded to an incredible level. In particular, his various physical qualities have reached the limit that human beings can reach. From ancient times to today, no human being can reach his current height. With such strong physical support, Yan Fei's space transfer ability is well-used. On the premise of being able to use the space transfer ability at will, Yan Fei's movement speed within a short distance is unparalleled in the world.

The ancestral land did not play against Yanfei after the drone upgrade, and did not know Yanfei ’s unique ability at all, so he made a mistake at the beginning. Yanfei ’s space transfer ability was close to himself, and then Yanfei In a boxing, he was seriously injured.

Yan Fei was so unreasonable that he was ready to attack again and completely kill the ancestral land. No one had thought that the ancestral land, which should have lost its combat power, laughed. In the trembling laughter, the ancestral land embedded in the rock released a magical power outward. This magical power Acting on the surrounding rocks, these rocks melt like liquid quickly, they flow to the body of the ancestral land at an extremely fast speed, wrapping the ancestral land, and a huge hollow appears in the place where the original rock was.

These liquid rocks covered the ancestral land, which caused the body of the ancestral land to expand rapidly. It suddenly changed from less than three meters to eight meters high, and the waist circumference also expanded by the same proportion. If the room space is not too small, the height of the ancestral land may be more than ten meters.

Under Yan Fei's gaze, the ancestral land was very strangely transformed into a stone man covered by liquid rocks. It stood on the floor of the room and looked very clumsy. Then these liquid rocks began to harden, and after the hardening process was over, a petrified chimpanzee appeared in the room.

The ancestral land that completed the petrification has not lost its ability to move. It can still operate normally as before, just because it is covered with the petrified armor, its movement is very slow compared to the previous.

The ancestral land looked at Yan Fei, and the petrified mouth opened and laughed wildly: "Yan Fei, you are very good, you finally forced my killer. But you will soon regret it because of today's actions, because I will kill you completely. "

Yan Fei was a bit surprised. He did not expect such changes in the ancestral land, but he still did not take the ancestral land in his eyes. This ability to petrify yourself should be the last trick of the ancestral land, and also the unique ability of the god-level master in the ancestor land. However, Yan Fei had never seen this ability before, and even when the Holy See was in great danger, the ancestral land was only used to fight in a normal way. This can only show one point, that is, the sequelae of exerting this unique ability is very large, and it is too dare to cast it so easily that it can only be regarded as the last trick.

This is a bit similar to Captain Huaxia. Captain Huaxia can increase his strength tenfold in a short period of time after the taboo is applied, but in the following ten years, he will lose all his strength and become an ordinary person.

Yan Fei didn't talk nonsense to the ancestral land, his body disappeared, and when he appeared again, he had already come behind the ancestor land. Yan Fei punched fiercely, in the vest of the ancestral land. Under the powerful force of Yan Fei, the petrified rocks on the ancestral land began to crack, and a lot of rock debris fell down, but this rock layer Has not been destroyed. However, the ancestral land wrapped in the center by the rock gave a muffled hum, indicating that Yan Fei's fist had hurt the ancestral land just now.

Once the ancestral land was stomped, the ground was like a slight earthquake, and the rocks connected to its feet melted again. They flowed back to the ancestral land in violation of the physical theorem, and quickly cracked the rock that was broken by Yan Fei. The crack was repaired and added to the rock loss that Yan Fei had hit. Just a blink of an eye, the petrified armor on the ancestral land returned to normal, as if it had not been harmed.

The ancestral land perfectly blocked Yan Fei's attack, and it began to laugh again: "Yan Fei, your attack is useless to me. This is the unique ability of my god-level master-fusion, with this This kind of ability, I can fuse everything and turn them into my body armor. As long as you can't break my body armor at once, I can get a continuous supply of material from the outside world, keeping me in an absolutely safe state , I'm already invincible. And after you continue to consume power, you will be easily killed by me. "

Yanfei knew what the ancestral land's last trick was, but he didn't worry at all, but sneered: "Ancestral land, your petrified armor is really powerful, but the sequelae should be very serious, otherwise? Why didn't you use this ability to protect your security at the Holy See headquarters? "

The ancestral land was a bit depressed, saying, "Yan Fei, you're right, as long as I have the material I need, I can superimpose a petrified armor that can never be broken by people, but the sequelae Even I will be integrated into this armor, and become the same as armor. From then on, I will become another kind of life. Although I can live forever, I have become a person, a ghost, a ghost, no It is the ape race again. This was originally my life-saving skills. I could only launch it once in my life, but I didn't expect to use it in your war ... "

Without waiting for the ancestors to finish speaking, Yan Fei once again performed a space transfer, appearing behind the ancestor's land, a boxing ancestor's land. Yan Fei's fist gave full strength, but as the ancestor said, its stone armor was defensive, and Yan Fei just cracked the armor and lost some stone debris. But under the control of the ancestral land, the damage suffered by this pair of stone armor was immediately restored and renewed as if no damage had been received.

Although he did not break the defense of the ancestral land, Yan Fei had greater confidence in killing the ancestral land. He said: "Ancestral land, you are too slow now, it is a humanoid target, depending on your current speed. It ’s impossible to kill me. I can keep attacking you. I do n’t believe your body armor can always exist. As long as I keep attacking you, your special ability will always be exhausted. Then you will die. "

As if Yan Fei had hit the pain point, the ancestral land was angry, it waved a huge fist that had been petrified and wanted to attack Yan Fei, but its speed is now too slow, even if Yan Fei does not use the space transfer ability The ancestral land could not attack Yan Fei.

After discovering this helpless fact, the ancestral land finally knew that it couldn't kill Yan Fei, so it had no intention of fighting, so it had to leave here quickly to avoid Yan Fei's attack first. If it had the chance, it would find a way to get revenge on Yan Fei, but today, the ancestral land has been defeated, and it can no longer stand up.

Although Yan Fei's attack could not break the defense of the ancestral land, every attack of Yan Fei would act on the body of the ancestral land, making its body very uncomfortable. If it continues like this, the body of the ancestral land will be killed by Yan Fei's living shock.

So the ancestor's land quickly retreated, leaning his body on the stone wall behind him, and his special ability began to show. He saw the stone wall behind him as if it had melted, and began to fuse the stoneized body of the ancestor's land into it. Help it escape from here in an incredible way ...

After discovering that the surface of the ancestor's land was rocky and unable to break through its defense, Yan Fei was thinking about the response method. As a result, he really thought of a way to use strong acid to corrode the ancestral land's protector. armor. Although the armor of the ancestral land is powerful, UU reads but the main component is rock. As long as the acid is used to corrode these rocks, the defense of the ancestral land can be broken.

Yang Qi once produced a highly corrosive compound strong acid, which is 10,000 times more powerful than the strongest corrosive liquids currently available. The original purpose of this compound strong acid was to sculpt on hard objects, but now it can be used to erode the armor of the ancestral land. Therefore, although Yan Fei has been attacking the ancestral land and seems helpless to the petrified armor of the ancestral land, he has secretly started a medium-sized production workshop to produce this composite strong acid at the fastest speed using the stored raw materials.

Just when the ancestral land tried to merge into the stone wall behind him, and escaped from here, the compound strong acid Yanfei needed was already produced. I saw that the space above the ancestral land suddenly fluctuated, and a large amount of unknown liquid rushed out from the void and sprayed on the petrified armor outside the surface of the ancestral land.

These unknown liquids were just sprayed on the petrified armor, and the petrified armor melted as quickly as Bai Xue met the sun. The armor was corroded, and even the ancestral land itself, which hurt the ancestral land itself, could not bear this kind of pain, and it began to make a terrible mourning sound.

The movement of the ancestral land into the stone wall also stopped. It seems that Yan Fei's compound strong acid hurts it very much ...

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