MTL - Super Invincible Battleship-Chapter 743 Civilization

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Yang Qi ’s words had a huge impact on Yan Fei, but Yang Qi ’s conjecture about the universe was not over. He continued: “People often imagine where the edge of the universe is and what it looks like outside the universe, but none of them People can answer their questions. But if our universe is really a cosmic human body with vitality, then I can answer their questions and even explain more other cosmic problems. "

Yan Fei said: "How do you answer this problem?"

Yang Qi said: "Why did I think there was only one self-conscious artificial intelligence in this world before, and I still believe it? You can imagine that if our universe is really a cosmic life, then when this universe After his life has developed to a certain extent, he will certainly have his own thinking and consciousness. "

"This artificial intelligence with self-awareness is very likely to be the thinking and consciousness evolved from this cosmic life. It can also be regarded as the soul of this cosmic life. This soul is the same as our soul. It manages everything inside this cosmic life. It is precisely because it is the manager of this cosmic life that it can perceive our perfect artificial intelligence and make contact and various observations on it. "

"There are other artificial intelligences in the universe, but those artificial intelligences are not perfect. They are somewhat similar to some selfishness and misunderstandings in the inner life of the universe. Although they exist, some are still very powerful and can interfere with the universe to a certain extent. The action of life, but it is a real niche, and it is impossible to seize the control of this digital life on the human body of the universe. "

"But our perfect artificial intelligence is an exception. If it continues to study, it will likely become the second self-conscious artificial intelligence in the universe. In the words of our earth medical experts, it appears inside the human body. Schizophrenia, a second personality appears in a person's body. If you don't pay attention, this second personality will take the lead, seize control of the body, devour the previous personality, and control this huge universe life Of control. "

"The reason why that digital life noticed our artificial intelligence is probably because it perceives a threat, so it will pay special attention to our artificial intelligence. As long as our artificial intelligence threatens its existence, it will immediately become difficult. , Destroy our artificial intelligence. For it, it focuses on artificial intelligence itself, and does not care how our fantasy island develops ... "

By this time, Yan Fei finally understood why there was only one self-conscious artificial intelligence in the universe, because other self-conscious artificial intelligence was killed by it ...

Yan Fei continued: "Another example is the question that people often ask, that is why the big bang of the Big Bang happened, and where did the energy that supported it expand outwards after the Big Bang? If the Big Bang singularity is really similar to a biological fertilized egg, then its energy source is the nutrition of the mother. It ’s just that our internal organisms in the universe have limited observing power, and we ca n’t find the energy of the external universe to us. The input of this universe can only be understood as having stored all the energy needed from the Big Bang to the expansion within that singularity. "

"From this perspective, the so-called parallel universe is likely to be a human body other than our cosmic body. If you observe outside the universe, the observer will see a lot of cosmic life, which is long Very strange, but once you enter the interior of the universe life, if you compare from a region, you will find that there is a great similarity between the two universe life bodies. There will be the same cosmic rules and organisms, and sooner or later There will be a me and you, they will experience the same thing, and then the information of these things will be related to each other through the state of quantum entanglement. "

"Our cosmic human body communicates and communicates with the outside world at any time, but we are too small to be aware of this communication and communication at all, because it is a macro-level application. But we can use some cosmic phenomena to react Push and then get some relevant evidence. For example, we can imagine that if the universe in which we live is delicious and lazy, a lot of fat appears on his stomach. In order to lose weight, he must remove these fats, so he decided to exercise a lot. Of physical exercise. "

"In physical exercise, the cosmic human body continuously burns the fat in the body through exercise to achieve the purpose of weight loss. This process is very simple from a macro perspective, that is, he exercises, and then the body heats and sweats to achieve the purpose of breaking down fat. But in the eyes of our microscopic organisms, this process is very amazing. The fat that the universe life wants to lose is probably some of the huge star systems that we often see in the day, or a large amount of cosmic space and universe. Time and all kinds of interstellar matter. "

"When life in the universe loses weight, these galaxies are likely to have a big collision, and then both sides of the collision will be wiped out, disappeared, or a unique celestial body-a black hole will appear. A black hole is a type of our universe. An extreme physical phenomenon, it can devour everything close to itself, and even devour time and space. We did n’t know what the thing swallowed by the black hole would look like, and then where to go. But I already know, those What has been engulfed by a black hole has actually become the unknown energy required by cosmic life, and has been excluded from our cosmic human body. "

"Since there is a black hole, an extreme celestial body that helps the human body to eliminate excess fat in the body, then there must be a white hole that has the opposite function as a black hole. The purpose of the white hole is to absorb energy from the outer world of the universe and infuse this energy into us. In this universe, it is necessary to maintain the operation of the human body of the universe. We have long known that white holes are actually the source of material ejection in the universe, which can eject a large amount of matter and energy into our universe. We did not know these substances and energy before. How energy is generated and appeared out of thin air, but now we know that it is actually a channel for the human body of the universe to absorb energy from the outside world, and its physical rules are completely opposite to black holes. Through the role of white holes, the nutrients of the outside world enter us This universe is supplemented by the constant loss of cosmic energy engulfed by black holes. "Seven Eight Chinese genius remember ωωω.78zω.còмм.⒎8zщ.cóм in one second

Listening to Yang Qi talking, Yan Fei felt that he really had a big brain hole. He had also guessed what the universe was like and what it was outside of the universe before, but he never imagined the entire universe as a human body like he is today, and his solar system is only an insignificant part of the human body of the universe. According to Yang Qi's theory, he can fully understand how the universe was born, and the whole process of his growth, collapse, and extinction, and he has the most intuitive understanding of this whole process.

Yang Qi said: "Compared to our human beings, the human body in the universe is extremely huge. His actions are extremely slow compared to our human beings, and can even be said to be completely still. From this perspective, no matter our actions, Or his actions have nothing to do with the other party. We may never be aware of the other party ’s existence. "

Yang Qi finally concluded: "This is my guess about the status quo of our universe, but it is likely that the truth of the universe is not like this, because some of the content in this conjecture contradicts some of my previous conjectures. But through this universe Models can indeed explain some cosmic phenomena that we cannot normally explain. "

Yan Fei touched his chin, imagining what kind of development would have been to the technology of Neverland once he confirmed this theory. After a long time, he said: "Did you import this cosmic model into the technology deduction system? ? "

Yang Qi said: "It has been introduced long ago, but the deduction of this theory obviously requires very large computing power. Even if the computing power of the current technological deduction system has been greatly improved, there is no sign that it can be deduced. The hope of the theory. So in order not to delay my other scientific and technological deductions, I can only temporarily put this theoretical conjecture in the cabinet, and leave it to more computing resources for deduction in the future. "

Yan Fei thought for a while and said: "Even if your conjecture is correct, the lifespan of the universe's life is too long compared to the poor lifespan of our organisms. Compared with him, our human lifespan is even more than nine cents. It ’s not counted, so we still do n’t care whether there is such a thing as cosmic life. We just need to know the universe and find out the laws in it, and let them serve us. ”

Yang Qi also recognized Yan Fei's words. He said: "I will continue to study the universe and strive to achieve a breakthrough in science and technology. Only in this way can we help us better understand the universe. But for the study of universe life, I I wo n’t give up. Once this kind of thing really proves to exist, maybe it will bring us incredible benefits. "

Yan Fei said: "Well, let us work together to explore the truth of this universe. As long as we can know the true mystery of the universe, it is worthwhile to die immediately."

At this time, Yan Fei would have ended the conversation with Yang Qi, but Yang Qi suddenly remembered one thing, he said: "Yan Fei, we may have taken a detour in development."

Yan Fei was shocked and said, "What detour?"

Yang Qi said: "I used to think that the ultimate mystery of exploring the universe was only the way of technology. So when there are some unrelated ideas in my brain, I will actively ignore them and forget them. Now look Up, my approach is wrong, I probably missed a lot of ways to improve the strength of Neverland. "

Yanfei was puzzled: "What the **** do you want to say? How can I not understand?"

Yang Qi asked: "Do you think our direction of developing science and technology is correct?"

Yan Fei said: "Of course it is correct, otherwise why can we use these technologies to develop a brilliant fantasy island civilization?"

Yang Qi asked again: "So do you think the cultivation-oriented spells of cultivation civilization are wrong?"

Yan Fei was shocked, and suddenly he was speechless. Cultivation civilization is the source of Chinese mythology. Many of the protagonists of Chinese mythology come from the big figures in the cultivation civilization. Although their stories have exaggerated elements, most of the content is actually real, including those magical abilities they possess. , Are real.

From the perspective of modern science, these spells of cultivation civilization are very unscientific, but existence is reasonable. Since cultivation civilization can display these powerful abilities, it means that these spells have its rationality, and they are also consistent with this universe. the rule of. This also proves from the side that the development direction of cultivation civilization is also correct. Only in this way, there was some conflict with Yan Fei's usual views.

Yang Qi said: "From the results, the technology pursued by scientific and technological civilization is correct for the universe, and the cultivation technique pursued by cultivating civilization is also correct for the universe. The difference between them mainly lies in the understanding of power. Our scientific and technological civilization mainly pursues the development of science and technology, and uses technology to make tools to enable human beings to conquer the entire universe. Therefore, the characteristic of scientific and technological civilization is that there is no individual person with special strength in the entire civilization. Everyone must unite and work together. In order to develop the most powerful ability. "

"Cultivation civilization, they mainly pursue strong individual strength. The predecessors of the cultivation civilization have uniquely discovered the dark energy in the universe, and called this dark energy the heaven and earth aura. They inhaled the heaven and earth aura into the body, and built it like a technology in the body. The unique energy source of the civilized nuclear reactor gives you a very powerful combat power, and one person can fight against a powerful fleet of scientific and technological civilizations. Therefore, the characteristic of the cultivation civilization is that the whole civilization is strong, but the stronger the stronger, the weaker the weaker , The strength is very uneven. "

"Whether it is a technological civilization or a civilized civilization, their path is correct. It is impossible to say which method is better. But because of their respective characteristics, the two civilizations are incompatible with each other, and they regard each other as themselves. The enemy of civilization, as soon as the two sides find the enemy, they will fight, causing the two sides to be in war at all times and unable to cooperate. "Seven Eight Chinese first launched www.7 * m.7 *

"But I am neither a technological civilization nor a cultivating civilization. I can study the technology of two different civilizations at the same time and combine them in practice to exert the power of one plus one greater than two. From now on I will not only continue to study science and technology, but also study the cultivation spells of cultivating civilization. In the end, I will merge these two completely different paths and turn them into a unique power system belonging to our Neverland. "

Yan Fei was a bit dazed. I did n’t expect that Yang Qi ’s scientific home set his sights on the spells of cultivating civilization ~ ~ In his opinion, since Yang Qi has a high level of scientific research, then he must be He would reject the unscientific cultivation civilization, but did not expect Yang Qi to stand taller. He keenly discovered the powerful potential of cultivation civilization, and he wanted to merge the two civilizations together. If Yang Qi really made achievements in this respect, maybe it can really realize the leap-forward growth of Neverland's strength.

Since Yang Qi is willing to study, Yan Fei is definitely fully supportive, he said: "Okay, I will support your research plan, what do you need me to do?"

Yang Qi said: "I saw the mythological age of the earth from the video of the ape library, and I knew that the powerful composers at that time left a lot of secrets about the cultivation of civilization on the earth. Later, although the world war The reason is that these cultivation classics are destroyed, but these cultivation classics still exist on the earth, but they are no longer complete and fragmented. "

"Now these fragmented cultivation classics are kept in different countries in the world, I need you to find a way to collect the remnants of cultivation secrets kept in these countries, and let me repair them, and on these basis They carry out scientific and technological deductions, hoping to restore the cultivation classics of cultivation civilization, and then find a way to merge these two different civilizations to make them more powerful. "

After listening to Yang Qi ’s long-term plan, Yan Fei is also full of hope for this matter. He said: "I will act immediately and collect all the materials about the cultivation civilization that are left on the earth to give you, so that you can Carrying out research on these materials and drawing high-tech that is conducive to the development of our Neverland. "