MTL - Super Invincible Battleship-Chapter 759 Formal immigration

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On Earth, Neverland has built an open-air large spaceport on 7,000 square kilometers of new land. The two huge spaceships are usually docked in this spaceport, using this to carry people up and down.

In the past few years, through the powerful transportation of these two spacecrafts, Neverland transported a large number of people and materials to the moon. With the efforts of a large number of staff, the guarantee of sufficient materials, and the full use of intelligent robots, the construction of the lunar transit station has proceeded vigorously. In a very short period of time, under the witness of all the earth people, Neverland built a huge moon city from scratch on the moon.

In fact, Neverland not only built a large moon city on the surface of the moon facing the earth, but also quietly built a larger moon city on the side of the moon facing away from the earth. In order to conceal the existence of this moon-backed city, Neverland changed the entire sky above the moon into a no-fly zone. Except for Neverland ’s own spacecraft, aircraft and satellites of any country are not allowed to approach the moon. Was destroyed. Because of the lack of information, no one knows the action of Neverland on the back of the moon.

In the past few years, Yanfei basically did not intervene in the construction of the lunar transit station, but only let artificial intelligence "dream" control the progress of this super process. However, shortly after the construction of the lunar city began, he still used general space to move a large amount of freshwater resources on the earth to the moon ’s reservoir, laying the foundation for humans to construct and live on the moon.

But in addition to water resources, other materials for the construction of the moon either come from the earth, or they are mined on the moon and extracted from temporary factories. The two spaceships not only greatly shortened the time between the moon and Neverland, but also possessed powerful material transportation capabilities. Although they can only make one round-trip flight per day, there are a lot of materials transported to the moon city through them, enough for Dream Island to build two super-large human cities at the same time on the moon.

Unlike Yanfei's comprehensive transformation of Mars, the moon is only constructed in local areas, and there are no processes such as magnetic field changes, temperature increases, and the atmosphere. In the same way, Yanfei did not use a large gravity array on the moon, but used the backward gravity manufacturing equipment designed by Yang Qi before the ground of the two moon cities, and they applied local gravity to the two cities. Adjustment.

Neverland tries its best to change the environment of the two cities on the moon, but compared to the current Mars, the environment of the moon is still very bad. However, the employees of Dream Island are still very longing for the lunar city, and they are willing to work in the lunar city, because they can not only experience the wonderful life of the universe on it, but also get much higher compensation and welfare subsidies than working on the earth. With the policy support of Neverland, all the aggressive employees on Neverland are reluctant to work on Neverland and Earth, but want to leave the earth and enter the universe. This can not only realize your own life value, but also expand your horizons and increase your knowledge ...

To enter the universe, especially to work in the universe, requires a lot of professional knowledge and physical exercise. According to the current training capabilities of Neverland, it is impossible to train enough professionals in a short period of time. But Neverland has promoted virtual reality game equipment among employees before, as long as they enter these game equipment, they can receive the most professional skills training. Because brain waves enter the game, the body left outside will not be hurt, and people dare to try and operate in the game, so they have made great progress in the game. Fantasy Island ’s aerospace technology is very advanced, and the spacecraft has an advanced life-support system. Even if the passengers are not physically trained, they can protect them from entering the universe safely.

Using this method, in just a few years, Neverland has trained a large number of qualified space workers. These workers also played a role in the construction of the moon, creating a lot of value for Neverland. And for such professional skills training, Yan Fei is also preparing for a long-term and large-scale implementation, because his next goal is to other planets in the solar system, and he needs a lot of professionals.

The city facing the earth on the moon was named Chang'e City by Yanfei. The area of ​​Chang'e City is very large, covering an area of ​​10,000 square kilometers, covered with a layer of high-strength glass. This layer of glass seals the city of Chang'e from the vacuum on the moon, allowing people to live and learn inside.

The entire city of Chang'e can accommodate two million people, and this population is already comparable to some large cities on the planet. Fortunately, there is an independent eco-agricultural circle in the city, where people can breed livestock, grow food, vegetables and fruits, and use this agro-ecological circle to meet part of the needs of materials and reduce the city of Chang'e on the moon to the island of dream Excessive dependence.

In the lunar space above the city of Chang'e, an equally huge space port capable of docking giant spaceships was built. This space port floats in space, is connected to Chang'e City on the ground by high-strength cables, and exchanges personnel and materials with Chang'e City through 120 huge space elevators. As long as the space elevator is up, you can move materials and personnel in the space port and Chang'e City within half an hour. It is because of this function that Chang'e City officially became a transit point for the earth to enter and leave the universe.

All the nations on the planet expressed their admiration for Neverland to build such a huge human city on the moon in such a short time, plus a large space port. When Dream Island first announced that it would build a transit station on the moon, other countries were laughing at Dream Island. They felt that Dream Island had already begun to swell and would surely usher in a huge failure on the moon project. Powerful people are secretly observing, wanting to steal from the technology that Neverland shows in the moon project, and learn the true secret of Neverland's progress.

But after Dream Island actually started to build the moon, they realized that Dream Island's technological strength was so advanced that it was far ahead of the earth, and they didn't even understand some of the science and technology principles displayed by Dream Island. At this time, they had to admit that Neverland had gone too far in technology. No matter how hard they tried, they could not keep up with the progress of Neverland, let alone exceed Neverland. After realizing this, the forces on the earth extinguished their thoughts beyond Dream Island, and began to live their lives wholeheartedly, no longer treating Dream Island as their enemy.

The city of Fantasy Island built on the back of the moon is even bigger. It is named Wu Gang City by Yanfei. If all the equipment in it is activated, it can live 10 million people. Unlike Chang'e City, Wugang City did not build a space city, because it is a huge space city itself. Not only can a large number of people live in Wugang City, but they can also directly take off and land on the spacecraft and transport materials and personnel here. The reason why Yan Fei built Wu Gang City was to use this huge space city to transfer the people on Neverland to the major planets in the solar system.

Neverland on Earth has put its main energy on the construction of the lunar transit station, which makes its other operations on Earth slightly shrink, but even so, Neverland has been carried out three times in the past few years. Recruitment of foreign employees. It is exactly the same as the previous employee recruitment process, and the final recruitment of Neverland is all healthy Chinese people with correct ideas. In these three recruitments, Dream Island recruited a total of 50 million people.

Some of these 50 million people were recruited directly from China, and some were recruited from the families of employees who had previously recruited employees. The number of them and the number of employees recruited by Neverland before made the total number of employees of Neverland reach 80 million, and their family members who moved to Neverland, the population in the hands of Neverland at this time The total number has reached 250 million people.

China was already overcrowded at home, and various resources were very tight, which brought huge social conflicts. However, after accepting 250 million people for Huaxia in Fantasy Island, plus Yanfei helped to completely develop the great desert in western China. A large amount of land has been added to China, and the severe population problem facing China has been solved at once. In order to thank Huaxia for its unconditional support for its own population, Neverland has opened up a lot of science and technology to Huaxia, making Huaxia Technology a big step ahead of other countries on the planet. Using these science and technology, China has become a high-income country on the planet, second only to Neverland, and the living standards of the Chinese people have been greatly improved. The cooperation between Neverland and Huaxia is truly a win-win situation.

The area of ​​Neverland is only 10,000 square kilometers, which cannot satisfy the 250 million people living on it. Therefore, people who are connected to Neverland will be arranged to live elsewhere. Some of them are arranged to Alaska, some are arranged to Pacific islands such as Hawaii, some are arranged to the Fantasy Island branch of other countries in the world, and some are arranged to the moon for construction work.

In this work arrangement process, because of the work mistakes of Neverland, their information registration is very confusing. In this chaotic process, most people have lost contact with their friends, and even if they have been stable for a long time, they cannot reach their friends. This has led to Neverland being criticized by some countries. They feel that Neverland ’s efficiency is too low, otherwise there will not be such a chaotic situation ...

But no one knows that since the control of artificial intelligence "dream", there will never be confusion on the island of fantasy. The reason why it appears chaotic is actually Lu Pingping deliberately operating in secret. Her purpose is to take advantage of the chaos and transfer part of the employees of Dream Island to Dream Cave, to increase the population of Dream Cave.

In order to minimize the possibility of being discovered, once Lu Pingping selects the person to be transferred to Dream Cave, he will send this person together with his family to Dream Cave, so that their family can live together. This is why the employees of Neverland will find that their friends and their families suddenly cannot be contacted.

However, artificial intelligence "Fantasy" will also monitor the world network. Once it is found that someone doubts whether his friend was killed by Neverland, it will first arrange for them to immigrate to Dream Cave and erase them on the network Traces left. When they enter the fantasy cave, they will naturally reconnect with their friends and understand the good intentions of the fantasy island.

In the quiet operation of Lu Pingping, after Mars has been successfully transformed, the total number of people in the fantasy cave has reached 100 million people. With so many people entering, Dream Cave began to develop rapidly in a vibrant posture ...

After Yan Fei returned to Neverland, he discussed with Lu Pingping and formally decided to start the Mars immigration program. In the first phase of Yanfei ’s immigration plan, he planned to transfer more than 50 million people to Mars. In the next ten years, Neverland will have to emigrate at least 100 million people to Mars to completely develop this planet that has been transformed into a planet similar to the earth.

At this time, the construction of two human cities on the moon was completed, so Yanfei began to vigorously promote the moon immigration plan. A large number of Dream Island employees were transferred to Wu Gang City on the back of the moon by means of moon immigration, and then these personnel were transferred to distant Mars.

When Yan Fei selected employees before, they selected people who were willing to accept the work arrangements of Fantasy Island, so whether they were transferred to the dream cave, or they were immigrated to the moon city, or even to distant Mars There is no way for employees. They may complain at first, but they will soon accept the reality and then integrate into their jobs.

When humans on Earth have n’t responded yet ~ ~ There are eight more spaceships on Dream Island. Together with the two previous spacecrafts, they will form the passenger and cargo transportation brigade of Dream Island The island's interplanetary material transfer mission. Then Neverland began to mobilize the staff living in the controlled area of ​​Neverland, and began to transfer them to the moon city in large numbers.

Neverland has not announced the total number of immigrants to the moon, but in practice, more than 50 million Neverland employees and their families have been transported to the moon. Less than one-tenth of them will stay on the moon to work and live, and most other employees and their families will be immigrated to Mars.

In this middle, Neverland has the absolute right to speak. The earth countries can only see continuous spaceships taking off from Neverland and sending Neverland employees to the moon, but they simply do n’t know how many people have been sent to the moon. .

Not only do statistical agencies in other countries do not know the total number of Neverland employees traveling to the moon, but also inside Neverland do not know how many people have been immigrated to the moon. In this world, only Yan Fei and Lu Pingping know the specific personnel data, but these data will not be disclosed to the public for the time being. But their true experience as the formal immigrants of Mars on Earth will be decrypted and announced one day in the future, so that everyone will know the great achievements of their ancestors ...