MTL - Super Manufacturing Force-Chapter 552 Who really decides

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"Boom, boom, boom ..."

A loud noise shook the sky, the earth trembled, and the entire planet fell into a mad war.

The fierce fighting of the black giant and the water monster, countless towering trees broke suddenly in their battle, countless animals were affected by their battle, and blood flowed into the river.

But they don't care, they just want to kill each other by the most fierce means.

A black giant waved a huge fist and smashed it into the chest of the water giant. The water giant shattered and turned into countless water splashes, but it did not die. I saw the stream of water flying in the air. , As tightly entwined as the black giant.

These piercing water currents are actually highly corrosive, and the black giant's body was immediately corroded into big pits, and the nano creatures that make up the giant's body were dead and injured.


The black giant was miserable, and then the entire body was "banged" to dissolve. Numerous nano-scale creatures were like storms, which in turn shrouded a stream of water, and then used their tiny body to start pulling the molecules that make up the water. Decompose the body of the water monster.

Similar battles took place on the entire planet, and the whole war situation intensified, and the two sides have completely forgotten their lives.

But in general, the Black Giant is more powerful. They occupy the advantage of the entire war. On average, three current giants die to kill a Black Giant.

If this situation continues, the Shuiling tribe will be slaughtered sooner or later, and the entire planet will be ruled by the super elementary life.

The Shuiling tribe is clearly aware of this situation, so they are struggling to resist and try their best to resist defeat, but unfortunately, strength is strength. No matter how desperate they are, they still cannot stop the superiority of the elementary life.

"Why ... why this is so, we have been disregarding life and death, why are we still unable to drive away the invaders, **** Nami, you must die!"

A wailing sorrow of a giant beast of water, and then it was completely torn by two black giants, and the vitality was exhausted.

On the battlefield of the entire planet, the black giants have taken the absolute initiative, and the situation has begun to become one-sided, with heads of water giants being killed. It seems that the battle has been divided, and the water giants can no longer defeat the victory. Already.

In mid-air, Zhao Xu and the Holy Spirit floated, silently watching everything below.

"Aren't you ready to shoot? They don't seem to be long enough to support it!" The Holy Spirit whispered.

"The enemy's enemy is a friend. I won't sit idly by and defeat them. Let's go. Since the manufacturing power can't directly attack the super elemental life, then we must think of other ways!"

Zhao Xu said he flew towards the sky and soon disappeared completely.

The war on the ground is still going on, and the situation is getting worse and worse, more and more water giants are killed, wailing, screaming, and crying throughout the planet.

Ten minutes passed ... Twenty minutes passed ... An hour passed ...

In the end, the behemoths are completely desperate. Although they are still resisting, they are only left with endless fatigue and despair. They have no hope for the victory of this war.

On the contrary, the black giants are fighting more and more bravely. They shouted excitedly, laughed cruelly, and used all kinds of fierce means to kill the water giants.

Even some black giants have fallen into the frenzy of killing. They are comparing each other, betting who kills more opponents, and who uses more cruel methods. They use the most distorted mentality, enjoying the thrill of crazy killing, and the upcoming victory.

Just when everyone thought that everything was settled, suddenly, weird noises suddenly sounded in the heavens and the earth: "Oh ..."

"what sound?"

Suddenly, both the black giant and the water giant stopped fighting each other and looked up at the sky in suspicion. They could feel that above the thick clouds, there seemed to be a huge and terrifying force in the Accumulation, the sound of a "snoring" sounded like something, flying through the air in a hurry.

Suddenly, the sky above the entire planet became extremely bright, and there seemed to be countless rays of light covering the entire sky. The next moment, a stream of light was seen breaking through the clouds, whistling from the sky, like a meteor shower.

"What's this?" Everyone was horrified, all subconsciously trying to escape.

But unfortunately, the speed of these optical flows is too fast. Although the black giant and the water giant have powerful powers, they are insignificant in terms of speed.

"Hmm ..."

In the blink of an eye, countless optical streams have washed down, and an amazing scene happened. These optical streams seemed to have eyes. They all aimed at the black giant, but ignored the water giants.

"Boom boom boom ..."

Suddenly, a loud noise was deafening, and countless light streams all hit the black giant. Their bodies were blown up and shattered, and nano life was blown up into the sky like countless sands, and then fell miserably.

Suddenly, the number of black giants dropped by one-third. The power of these light streams is really terrible.

The water giants stared blankly at everything in front of them, and looked at the black giant who had just won the ticket, and in such an instant they ended so miserably, they almost thought they were dreaming.

"Who is helping us?" The beasts of water flowing in their hearts were in doubt, staring at the sky involuntarily, wanting to know who the shot was?

At this time, countless optical flow attacks finally stopped, the black giants mournfully mourned, and some were snarling in anger pointing at the sky: "Who is it, who is it?" Man, do n’t you dare to hack in the back? ”

There was a silence in the sky, and when everyone thought that the people who were going to be there would not appear, suddenly, the clouds in the sky began to roll, and there seemed to be something huge, coming down from above.

Under the gaze of countless nervous eyes, three behemoths were seen, descending slowly from the three directions of the planet. There were actually three huge space carriers, each of which was no less than four kilometers in length.

And unlike Zhao Xu's previous rides, the entire hull of the three space carriers was covered with energy guns. It did not look like a spaceship, but instead looked like a terrible war fortress.

The water giants stared at the three monsters in a stunned state: "What the **** is this?"

The black giants were even more frightened, especially when they saw the numerous dense energy cannons on the space carrier, they remembered the previous stream of horrific light, and were horrified in their hearts. 2k novel reading network