MTL - Super Soldier-Chapter 20 Xiao Bing, you were arrested.

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Xiao Bing went home in bed and took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to the leaves: "Good night."

The mobile phone quickly replied with a text message: "Call me baby."

Xiao Bing’s mind emerged from the squeaky look of the leaves, and he couldn’t help but laugh, his fingers snapped quickly: “Baby, good night.”

"good night."

Ye Bancheng is 55 years old this year. It is reasonable to say that it is the time when the young and the rich are strong. Unfortunately, his body has had a big problem this year. Even if he went to Europe to find a famous doctor, he could not heal.

Some people suggested that he go to Kyoto to find the first doctor of Huaxia Zhang Yizhi. As a result, he sent people five times to go back, and five times failed to return. After Zhang Yizhi retired, he no longer gave people treatment. Ye Bancheng had no choice but to help. Abandoned this plan.

Just today, Ye Jia suddenly heard a good news. Zhang Yi pointed out that now Jiangcheng, just appeared on the face of the first hospital of Jiangcheng, Ye Jia hurriedly asked people to inquire in detail, learned that Zhang Yizhi came Jiangcheng was invited by a man named Xiao Bing.

Ye Bancheng has a son and two daughters, the eldest daughter Ye Xinyi, Ye Xinyi's younger brother is Ye Tianming, the little princess is the 'leaf' Ye Xiaoxi, because the leaves are the youngest, so the week is also the most favored by Ye Bancheng, but The relationship between the leaves and her father was not good. At this time, Ye Xinyi and Ye Tianming stood in front of his bed.

Ye Xiaocheng’s voice is weak: “Zhang Yizhi went to Jiangcheng. This is the last chance. I have to invite him to treat him as a father.”

Ye Tianming said: "Zhang Yizhi is stubborn and I don't think it would be useful to ask him any more. Father, I have an opinion."

Ye Bancheng looked at his son and gasped: "You said."

"Since he was invited by the foreign household named Xiao Bing, it proves that their relationship must be different. Why not take the strategy of saving the country by curve? Xiao Bing is just a foreigner who works in Jiangcheng. If he is willing to pay a price, ask him for help. Is it easier to ask for Zhang Yizhi?"

The murky eyes of Ye Bancheng flashed a glimmer of light, and the voice rushed: "Let's do what you said, look for the Xiao Bing, as long as he is willing to help, no matter how much it costs. Who are you going?"

Ye Tianming has not spoken yet, Ye Xinyi has said: "I am going."

Ye Tianming looked at his sister and did not say anything.

The eyes of Ye Bancheng fell on his daughter. Even if the clothes were simple, there was no way to cover Ye Xinyi's noble and beautiful. Ye Bancheng looked at his eyes for a while and suddenly said, "Well, if you go... It may be bigger."

Ye Xinyi’s eyes flashed a bit, and said with a smile: “Dad, you are relieved. Anyway, I will definitely let him promise to help.”

"Yeah." Ye Bancheng slowly closed his eyes and looked tired. "It's too late, you all go back to the room to rest, and the father will sleep."

Ye Tianming and Ye Xinyi looked at each other and then retired together.

After walking out of the door, Ye Tianming suddenly said: "Sister, when I was investigating Xiao Bing, I accidentally heard that he had a conflict with Xie's family, and it seems that you still have..."

"Yeah." Ye Xinyi smiled indifferently.

"That... are you going to be right?"

"Don't try to know how." Ye Xinyi smiled confidently. "Not to mention that he is offended by his family, not me. Are you saying?"

Listening to his sister, Ye Tianming knows that his sister is going to compromise in front of Xiao Bing. From an early age, he will understand the excellence of his sister. This is not just an excellent study, but more importantly, knowing how to advance and retreat. In the society, let alone the children of the big family, even the children of ordinary people, there are very few who can understand this.

The next day, the day just dawned, Xiao Bing climbed out of the bed.

Su Xiaoxiao was also a person who could get up early, but he couldn't get up so early. After Xiao Bing's lame wash, he ran to the kitchen and began to toss.

After more than six o'clock, Su Xiaoxiao stumbled into the bathroom, washed his face and went into the kitchen to prepare for cooking, but found that Xiao Bing had already cooked the breakfast.

Xiao Bing placed two bowls of hot chicken cake on the table, and broke into the hot rolls of the plate. When he saw Su Xiaoxiao coming in, pointing at the breakfast on the table, he smiled and said: "Get up? Hurry up. Sit down and eat early."

When Su Xiao’s eyes fell on the two bowls of chicken cakes, her sleepiness disappeared, her eyes stayed, and then she burst into tears in her eyes.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "You said that since your sister left, no one has ever cooked chicken cake for you. I have done it several times before. I don't know if your sister is doing delicious..."

"Thank you." Su Xiaoxiao sat down and took a spoonful, but squinted tightly, because she was afraid that tears would flow down accidentally. In the scene, she thought of her sister, thinking about it a few years ago. , my sister’s moment at home.

Xiao Bing smiled and gave Su Xiaoxiao a scroll. He smiled and said: "I used to eat chicken cakes when I was a child. But at that time, the aunts of the orphanage gave us more than I did."

"Yeah." Su Xiaoxiao finally took a mouthful, and then nodded, her hair scattered on the table, and even blocked her face, she did not care, continue to eat with a big mouth and a big mouth. A flower roll, a chicken cake.

Seeing Su Xiao snacks so happy, Xiao Bing also showed a happy smile, Su Peiya is gone, he wants to take care of Su Peiya's family as much as possible, even if this is hostile to him Su Xiaoxiao .

Su Xiao snacks are finished, finally put down the spoon, put the hair back up again, looked up, Xiao Bing found her eyes red, but her face was a rare smile, the voice is softer than usual: "Zhang Grandpa said that I can have surgery for my mother today, so I went to the hospital today, my mom said that it is good for you to take care of the business in the store. We all believe in the level of Grandpa Zhang. After the operation is successful, I will I will tell you good news at the store."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Okay."

Su Xiaoxiao pushed the stool and stood up: "I will not wait for you, if you have something, please call me."

"You too."

"Yeah." Su Xiaoxiao promised, first left the kitchen, went straight to the door to change shoes, opened the door and went out.

After Su Xiaoxiao left, Xiao Bing’s eyes fell on the place where Su Xiaoxiao had just eaten, and there was a trace of water on the table.

Because it was earlier today, when Xiao Bing came to the noodle restaurant, there was no one in the noodle restaurant.

Open the door, go in and simply clean up the sanitation. Wang Guifang first came in and saw that Xiao Bing had arrived. Some accidental words: "Xiao Bing, come so early?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "It’s early, and I can’t sleep anyway, so I came early after breakfast.”

"Oh, unfortunately, you have an object, or else I have a distant prostitute who is also at the age of the object. Young people are so little down to earth like you."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Wang, you don't swear at me, I am a part-time job. If your niece follows me, you have to be guilty."

Wang Guifang blamed: "You, this child, how can you say that yourself, how is it working, as long as you work hard, how can you not eat? I believe that Auntie’s vision, you can get ahead sooner or later, Auntie will not be wrong. Besides, if you are so bad, how can school flowers look at you?"

Xiao Bing smiled and did not refute.

Two people said, Zhang Jing and Li Hong both came. After they saw Xiao Bing, they immediately went around and asked about yesterday’s date. When they learned that Xiao Bing and the leaves had confirmed their relationship. The two girls have their eyes lit up, and they are excited to ask.

The business in the morning is indeed relatively deserted. It is said that this is because the small noodle restaurant is more famous, so there are only three or three businesses. The other snack shops on this street are basically open until noon.

Less than ten o'clock, Su Xiaoxiao ran in from the outside. After seeing Xiao Bing, he said with excitement: "Bing brother, the operation was successful!"

There are only two tables in the noodle restaurant. Some people have dinner at the table. When Su Xiaoxiao is coming in, Xiao Bing is talking to Li Hong and Zhang Jing. When he sees Su Xiaoxiao, Xiao Bing is very happy. A stone finally fell to the ground, and immediately smiled: "That is very good, this time you can not worry, go to school, and I will go to the hospital in the afternoon."

Su Xiaoxiao looked at Xiao Bing and said with a serious look: "Thank you, if it weren't for you, my mom might..."

Xiao Bing smiled and shook his head: "As long as you don't drive me away, you'll be fine."

Zhang Jing and Li Hong were surprised at the side: "Little, you have to chase the soldiers to go?"

Su Xiaoxiao sighed, and some words could not be said to people. Although Xiao Bing helped her a lot, her impression of Xiao Bing gradually improved, and it was impossible to go to Xiao Bing to leave, but some knots. But it is impossible to resolve it so quickly. Everything is because of Su Peiya who died. The deeper her feelings for her sister, the deeper the knot will be.

Su Xiaoxiao was about to talk, and the police siren outside the door made a big noise. Xiao Bing and others looked out. Several police cars parked outside. Under the leadership of an obese middle-aged police officer, a group of young police officers followed him directly. The two tables that were eating in the noodle restaurant stopped the chopsticks and looked at the people who suddenly rushed in. The middle-aged police officer first showed his work certificate and shouted in a loud voice: "I am Jiangcheng." The general public of the Jinsha District, Chang Huai'an, who is Mr. Xiao Bing?"

Su Xiaoxiao and others are all stunned, especially Li Hong and Zhang Jingquan are thinking, is it true that the boy who was kicked out by the soldiers yesterday died after returning? Everyone's heart is full of uneasiness, but Xiao Bing is very calm and calm: "I am."

Chang Huai'an said: "You are suspected of having entered the murder three days ago, you were arrested!"

Xiao Bing picked up his brow slightly and asked, "Are you sure you want to catch me?"

Chang Huai'an is still a look of righteousness, giving people the feeling of being a clean official, a good official who is just right, his tone is serious: "We have sufficient evidence to prove that you are the first suspect in this case, so You are going to take a walk with us now, no matter what your identity, no matter who you know, no matter what relationship you have with Ye Family... If you want force to resist, we have the right to kill you on the spot."

"Everyone is equal before the law!"

A person's military strength is stronger, and it is impossible to confront the state machine. Of course, Xiao Bing will not shoot, and it is even more impossible to give Chang Huai'an an excuse and opportunity.

Chang Huai'an only felt that his words were righteous, enough to make people listen to the hearty and bloody, but Xiao Bing looked at him with a kind of satirical and full of ridiculous eyes. Xiao Bing was obviously not afraid of him. Didn't care about him, which made him feel a little bit in his heart.

The policeman next to Chang Huai’an took out his handcuffs and was about to give Xiao Bing to the squat. The door of the noodle restaurant suddenly opened again. Ye Xinyi came in from the outside and said with her confident but very nice voice: “often Secretary, how come you, what are you doing?"

Chang Huai'an looked back and saw that Ye Xinyi, who was wearing fashion and noble, walked in the dark blue high-heeled shoes. As soon as she entered the noodle restaurant, almost everyone's eyes were placed on her.

Dazzling and radiant.