MTL - Super Soldier-Chapter 19 Miss Ye Jia Er, Ye Xiaoxi!

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The indifferent gaze made the plain clothes feel uncomfortable, as if they were being examined by a princess.

The leaves gently licked the hair and chuckled: "You want to catch him, why?"

Why? The captain who was smashed by the leaves smiled angrily: "I am the captain of the Interpol Brigade of Jiangcheng Jinsha District. Your boyfriend is suspected of seriously injuring others. Now he is going to be arrested. In addition, now he still There is an additional charge of assaulting the police."

"Oh." The leaves of the leaves turned and smiled. "You said that he attacked the police. Then I was curious. Why do you say that you are a policeman? What about your uniform? You said that you are a policeman. I said that I am a female president. Do you believe?"

The words of the leaves caused a sneer around.

Qiu was very angry and smiled: "Well, take my documents to you."

After the brown dress was finished, he reached out and went to his arms. His face changed, and there was a sneer around him. The face of the pink coat became very ugly. Looking at the players next to him, he asked: " Who of you has a document?"

"I... I brought it." One of the plain clothes ran over his face and took his documents in his hand.

Qiu Beiyi proudly said: "Show them."

The man shook his hand with his documents and said: "I see it clearly. I am a police officer of the Interpol Brigade. I am now responsible to tell you that this is the captain of our Interpol Brigade. Any questions? ”

The leaves smiled and said: "There is no doubt about your identity. However, when your captain goes out, even the documents are not taken. Even if you don't have time to change into uniforms, you will come. It must be temporarily called. Hao’s police chief called you to come? A good communiqué, huh, huh... Are you going to let my boyfriend go with you in any name? Is it detention or summoning? Have you taken the detention card and the summons certificate? What procedures have you brought, let me see?"

The face of the brown coat is somewhat ugly, and it is strongly argued: "According to the law and order regulations, under special circumstances, I have the right to arrest the relevant personnel and then complete the relevant procedures, talk nonsense, and bring people forward!"

A few plain clothes walked toward Xiao Bing together, and the brows of the leaves were slightly wrinkled. She also knew that Qiu Muyi said that it was correct. The key point is that she now knows that the other party is abusing private rights, but this is indeed in line with the law. At that time, Xiao Bing beat people. It is also seen by many people, even if Xiao Bing really has a measure of scale, but as long as they are in the hospital to prove the above, it is very easy to do, this is a breeze for them.

The leaves hesitated and repeated, and were planning to carry out their family identity. Xiao Bingle said: "That's good, I will accompany you to take a trip."

Xiao Bing doesn't care about these things, but he can't move out of his identity. Although Xiao Bing is very reluctant to expose, but with his status as the captain of the Dragon Tooth Brigade, even if he has already retired, the rights he has in his hands are not These small characters can be compared, even if the shitmaster has to stand by, not to mention that Xiao Bing does not necessarily have to use this, because in addition to this, Xiao Bing also has a killer, for the general public of the Jinsha District, Chang Huai'an A deadly killer!

The leaves shook his head and smiled sweetly: "Bing brother, ask you a question."

"You ask."

"do you love me?"

Xiao Bing did not think that at this time, the leaves would ask this kind of question. The people onlookers were all drunk, but Xiao Bing nodded solemnly and seriously and replied: "Like."

The leaves smiled sweetly: "So, from tomorrow, you will call me every night, and say good night to me before going to bed every day. Can you do that?"

Xiao Bing smiled: "Of course there is no problem."

"You are my first boyfriend..." The leaves were full of seriousness. "I hope that is the last one."

After saying this, the leaves turned their heads and turned to the plainclothes policemen. They smiled lightly: "I am Ye Xiaoxi's man, do you want to take it away? Call your secretary and say that I am Miss Yechengcheng’s family, ask him what he should do today, and bully people are going to bully me to Ye’s body?”

Pride, self-confidence, and honor. At this moment, the leaves are like a princess. Those plain clothes are actually stunned by her momentum, and they can't speak, but then they are shaking for her family. Ye Bancheng, the whole river city. The richest man!

She turned out to be the second daughter of Ye Bancheng, the apple of the Ye family!

Not only are these plain clothes shocked, but those who watched the lively ones all moved up. It is obvious that the words "Ye Bancheng" represent a symbol in Jiangcheng, symbolizing wealth and rights. They originally just watched the excitement. Now, I feel that this thing is going to be more heated, far more than expected.

The cold sweat of Qiu Muyi flowed down from his forehead and panicked. "That... Miss Ye waited a little, then I called and asked."

He picked up his mobile phone and ran to the side to sneak a phone call. It was not convenient to say it in front of everyone.

Xiao Bing quietly looked at Ye Xiaoxi's delicate back in front of her. It turned out that she was Ye Xiaoxi, presumably she should also be Ye Xinyi's sister... Xiao Bing's heart was inexplicably hurt.

Since it is a big family named Ye, the leaves are probably the sister of Ye Xinyi who has had friction with the airport. Xiao Bing does not care about this. Ye Xinyi is Ye Xinyi and the leaves are leaves.

Xiao Bing knows that the leaves don't like to mention her family. She doesn't like to show off her family. It is not a kind of happiness for the leaves to have a prominent family. It is a kind of restraint and a kind of sadness.

Xiao Bing was distressed because he knew that the leaves touched the sadness that she was least willing to mention for her own sake.

Xiao Bing’s eyes flashed a cold chill, often Huai’an, perhaps he should pay some price.

At this time, the chiffon coat ran back, accompanied by a smile: "That... Mr. Xiao, Miss Ye, misunderstanding... misunderstanding... We may have made a mistake, bothering you to go shopping, we are leaving, we This is going to go...."

The leaves are calm and faint: "Because I am a Ye family, you made a mistake. If we are just an ordinary person, I think the object has already been taken away by you, maybe it will be closed for ten days and a half, and it needs to be raised. A sum of money to redeem people... Go back and tell you the Secretary, this is because his nephew voluntarily harassed me, so the incident caused, I am just a student, I don’t know much, I only understand one reason, I want to To be a long-term official, it is necessary to be clear and honest, to do things cleanly, and to be innocent is the most important thing!"

There was a good voice around them, and those plain clothes went away one by one, coming fast and going fast.

The leaves looked back to Xiao Bing and smiled: "Bing brother, solved."

Xiao Bing stretched out his fingers and gently scraped her nose. He smiled bitterly: "Do you like me standing behind the woman?"

"No... Bing brother, in my eyes, you are a dragon, these little people should not let you shoot."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Fudge me?"

"I was serious!"

"Okay, then I believe in you!" Xiao Bing is also a serious face. "But the next time I remember, there will be something in the future, I can only protect you."

"Remember. Ah... just blame them, it’s too late to watch a movie."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I will send you home."

Both of them saw reluctance from each other's eyes, but the weather was late and there was no place to go. It was time to go home.

Most of the people around have already dispersed. Some people are still walking and looking at it from a distance. Xiao Bing glanced at the small hand of the leaf and hesitated. He quietly extended his hand and grabbed the hand of the leaf. The hand.

The leaves looked to Xiao Bing, sweet smile: "Go, send me home."

Finally, the leaves were still in their own car. Xiao Bing sent the leaves to the mall. Soon, Ye’s car followed. Before leaving, Xiao Bing told his new mobile phone number to the leaves, and then stopped himself. A taxi back to the Su family.

At this time, in a villa in Jiangcheng, an obese man sat on the sofa and smoked one by one. A middle-aged woman of a young age was crying in front of him, crying and saying: "Brother, Your nephew is being bullied, do you really care?"

The obese man is somewhat annoyed: "This matter involves the Ye family. How do you let me manage it? What's more, this thing is caused by Xiaohao. Although the other person has beaten people, it is also unreasonable to say that it is hurt anyway. It’s not serious. It’s good to have two days off at home. Just forget it.”

Seeing what his sister wants to say, the obese man said: "And, after you go home, tell Xiaohao, don't go to mess with that person, don't even provoke the surname of the surname, we can't help Ye Jia, also No need to provoke."

The woman does not cry, she knows her brother's character, even if she cries again, it is useless, not to mention that Yu Hao is indeed not serious, this is the most important.

At this time, the villa's landline rang, and after the obese man picked it up, there was a laughing man on the phone: "Currently, I am sorry to disturb you so late."

Chang Huai’an hesitated and asked, “Who are you?”

"I am Sheron."

Chang Huai'an laughed and said: "It turned out to be Xie Boss. Calling so late is definitely not as simple as it is?"

"Haha, it is like this... I heard that the people in the Jinsha District died two days ago. It is a gangster called a broken finger. I intend to provide a clue. I know who is the killer."

"Oh? When did the boss start to care about our criminal investigation work?"

"Haha, the police and the people cooperate."

"Then you talk about who it is?"

"The staff of the small noodle restaurant, Xiao Bing!"

"Xiao Bing? Thanks to the boss, if there is no absolute evidence, I can't arrest people. The purpose of providing this clue is probably not simple..." Chang Huai's heart was first moved, thinking of the Xiao Bing who beat his nephew. Then he smiled, and the smile looked like a sly old fox.