MTL - Super Soldier-Chapter 27 Only obliterate

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When I walked into the small noodle restaurant, the noodle restaurant was about to close the store. When Xiao Bing came back, Zhang Jing, Li Hong and Wang Guifang immediately surrounded them. It is obvious that they are long-spirited. Zhang Jing and Li Hong are even more embarrassed. The question is not stopped.

Xiao Bing smiled bitterly: "I will tell you later, Wang Hao, trouble you to help us cook a few bowls of hot noodles, we have not eaten at night."

Two goods erected three fingers: "Give four bowls."

After Wang Guifang looked at it, he stunned.

"Oh, no." Two goods erected four fingers, "Give three bowls."

Wang Guifang smiled and said: "You can be a funny friend, rest assured, I will cook a pot for you, you can eat as much as you like, how much you like to eat."

The second goods caught the hair and smiled.

After Xiao Bing sat down with a few people, taking advantage of Wang Guifang's cooking time, Xiao Bing began to tell them slowly about the things in the cell, including how the two goods were framed, how to meet them, one by one. I talked about it ten times.

After listening to Li Hong, he looked at the two goods and said with a sigh of relief: "Bing brother, he wants to interrupt your leg, you bring him out and ask him to eat noodles!"

After that, Li Hong was quite hostile looking at the second goods, and the second one was a bit stunned.

Since Xiao Bing guarded Li Hong and said the two sentences that day, Li Hong began to be moved by Xiao Bing. Now Xiao Bing is in her eyes besides the store manager, she even regards Xiao Bing as a big brother, so Knowing that this person seems silly in front of him, he once had a hand with his brother and was immediately unhappy.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Li Hong, don't be like that. He is actually involuntarily. You think, people scare him, keep him in his life, and tell him a lot of bad things. If you change it, It is you, what do you do?"

Listening to Xiao Bing’s defense of the second goods, Li Hong’s hostility was much less.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "You don't have to worry about the goods. I don't think he has any place to go now. It's better to stay in the store to help. Just there are two rest rooms in the store. He, he still has a place to rest at night."

After listening to Zhang Jing, some hesitantly said: "We don't care, but will Li Wei promise?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I will go to Li Wei over there, rest assured, nothing."

The second goods sneered aside and said: "As long as you can eat enough every meal, don't pay for it."

Xiao Bing smiled and took a slap on the head of the second goods. He laughed and said: "You are not stupid. Rest assured, we will send you a salary, but you can eat it if you have a meal. The salary can be less than others. Send some."

Zhang Jing and Li Hong both snickered next to each other. The leaves said: "Bing brother, you can't be called because of the goods, you bully people, how much can people eat for a meal?"

The second goods were smirking and grabbing the hair. Some embarrassed words: "It feels good to stumble."

The face was quickly brought up. After Wang Guifang put the three bowls on the table, he sat down next to him. Xiao Bing and the leaves ate while eating and laughing with Wang Guifang. The second thing was a word. Said that the boring head opened, Xiao Bing several people have not said two words, the second goods will be placed next to the bowl, full of mouth is the oil: "Two more bowls."

In addition to Xiao Bing, other people looked at the empty two bowls of the two goods all smashed, Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Okay, your meal is still polite here, go to the kitchen and let it go."

"Good." The two cargo stations got up and walked straight into the kitchen. Soon they came to two bowls of noodles, and they gorged themselves into the sea. This time everyone didn’t talk, just staring at the two goods, but Seeing two goods, I ate two bowls of noodles in less than a minute. It was not called eating. It was called to pour in my mouth...

The second goods got up again, and they took two empty bowls and went to the kitchen. Then they took two bowls of noodles and sat back, and continued to eat...

In less than ten minutes, five bowls of noodles swallowed, and then placed the bowl aside, Xiao Bing curiously said: "Is it full?"

The second thing was a little embarrassed, a smile, a face that was still unfinished: "There is no pot in the pot..."

"Oh my God!" Wang Guifang said with a sigh of relief. "The big bowl, the five bowls are not full?"

"My mother said, I can eat so much, so my strength is bigger than others..."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Your mother said it is reasonable, Wang Jie, go and give him some noodles."

The second goods hurriedly said: "No need."

Everyone looked at him, Xiao Bing asked: "Don't eat?"

The second cargo station got up and went straight to the kitchen: "Let's go to the kitchen."

Everyone took a look at each other and laughed.

The leaves smiled and said: "I don't think your brother looks silly, but he will cook."

Wang Guifang said: "In fact, the more you come out of the backcountry, the harder you are, the more you will do."

When I heard Wang Guifang talking about this, Li Hong and Zhang Jing next to them all showed a bit of sorrow, and obviously their family was very bad.

At this time, the door screamed and everyone looked at the door. Su Xiaoxiao, wearing a light green skirt, walked in from the outside. In addition to the cold temperament, he could feel the faint purity, she was seeing After Xiao Bing, it was obvious that it was a bit relieved. Instead, he deliberately showed a pair of cold expressions. He frowned and said: "I just went to the detention center to see you. They said that you have been released. I called you." Nowhere, guess you are here."

Xiao Bing took a look at the phone: "There is no electricity."

Su Xiaoxiao coldly said: "Don't you not use someone else's mobile phone to inform me?"

The leaves stood up at this time, sweet smile: "Bing brother, who is she?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I introduce, she is Su Xiaoxiao I mentioned with you. Little, this is the leaf."

Su Xiaoxiao and the leaves looked at each other a bit, and the heart of the leaves secretly admired Su Xiaoxiao’s cold and temperament, and Su Xiaoxiao was surprised to find that the leaf turned out to be the school flower in his school. How could her brother and her understanding? And it looks like they are familiar with them.

The leaves reached out and sweetly smiled: "I told you that the brothers mentioned you, and we seem to have met, I remembered... there is a classmate in our class who still secretly loves you."

Su Xiaoxiao and the leaves shook hands and said from the heart: "The boys in our class basically talk about you, you..."

"Oh." The leaves picked up Xiao Bing's arm, and the pretty face was gently attached to it. His face was happy and playful. "He is my boyfriend."

"Yes." Su Xiaoxiao smiled, but she smiled a little, her eyes were free in the noodle restaurant, and the soul did not say to Xiao Bing, "Since you are safe, I will go back first." Go to the hospital tomorrow, my mom asked you..."

"Good." Xiao Bing promised, too much to say, and saw Su Xiaoxiao hurried out, and when he walked to the door, he was stunned by the threshold.

After walking out of the noodle restaurant, Su Xiao’s heart was a little unnatural. I was thinking about it, I was thinking about something, he had a girlfriend, what was in my heart, he could not match the leaves, yes, I must be It feels worthless for the leaves, nothing more!

Seeing that Su Xiaoxiao’s soul was not guarding, he rushed out of the noodle restaurant. The leaves loosened Xiao Bing, and he smiled and looked at Xiao Bing. He seemed to have a deep smile: “She seems to be very unusual to you. I care about your appearance. ""

Xiao Bing smiled bitterly: "What do you say nonsense, she hates me..."

"Yes." The leaves smirked. "I don't believe it."

Zhang Jing and Li Hong also said: "I don't believe either."

Xiao Bing asked: "Why?"

The three girls said at the same time: "Woman's intuition."

“Intuition?” Xiao Bing’s mind emerged from the cold temperament of Su Xiaoxiao, remembering the kind of cold and disgusting look she saw when she saw her, and then she thought of the time she just rushed in. That kind of concern and anger, does she really hate me?

But even if you don't really hate me, it won't be that kind of... How come!

After the second shipment, I ate three bowls of noodles. This time, several women knew that Xiao Bing would say that they had to deduct a little food for each month. This two goods are too edible.

In the evening, the noodle restaurant began to live here by two goods. The weather was too late, and everyone dispersed. Xiao Bing still had no chance to send leaves home, so he returned home alone.

The black paint at home, Xiao Bing turned on the light, but saw Su Xiaoxiao lying on the sofa, saw the lights turned on, Su Xiaoxiao immediately opened his eyes and sat up, Xiao Bing put on the slippers, asked : "You haven't slept yet?"

Su Xiaoxiao snorted, pulled out the USB flash drive from his body and put it on the sofa and asked: "Is it because you only let you out?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Ice and snow are smart, right!"

Su Xiaoxiao frowned and said: "What should you do with this USB flash drive? Keep it or destroy it?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Nature is to report it, such a corrupt official, do you still want to keep him?"

Su Xiaoxiao stunned and said with some surprise: "Is he willing to let you out, not because he has achieved reconciliation?"

Xiao Bing walked over with a smile, picked up the USB flash drive and held it in his hand. His eyes sparkled with cold cold light. At this moment, Su Xiaoxiao found that the man in front of him changed and became the way he faced Sharon. Cold, ruthless, domineering, Xiao Bing's tone also carries a bit of chilling temper: "I only told him that if he does not let me out, I will report the evidence, but did not say if he let me go I will not report it when I come out."

"For this kind of locust, only eradication!"

"Do you still remember? When he caught me, I already said, I am in prison, he goes to hell!"

"To treat the enemy, I have never paid attention to the means, never consider the sentiment, only obliterate!"

Su Xiaoxiao looked at Xiao Bing, Xiao Bing’s face with a faint smile. This indifferent smile brought people a kind of confidence and strength that is shocking. It is a domineering and transcendence. Confidence: "Chang Huai'an is going to hell."