MTL - Super Urban Master-v12 Chapter 129 fun

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After getting rid of Xu Fengliang, the head of the Xu family, I felt a big stone in my heart fall.

At this time, Xu Fengliang's soul appeared. He thought I couldn't see him, and his first reaction was to run away—he needed to find a physical body in the shortest possible time, otherwise he would be killed by the rules here.

However, I didn't give him a chance, but directly grabbed his soul. He was shocked and asked, "Can you see me? Who are you?"

I ignored him, but directly refined his soul.

At the same time, I on the other side also took out the bell and released the souls in those big trees.

But with my formation, even if they are released, they will not be able to escape.

As soon as I was released, this group of resentful souls yelled at me, crazily outputting all kinds of vicious curses.

I picked my ears, and said indifferently: "Swear, let's go on the road after scolding."

At this time, one of the people with a little brain said: "You can't kill us, don't forget, last time you wanted to touch us, Chen Yi shot us and saved us."

Her words reminded others.

Soon, the group of guys stopped cursing, and someone said: "That's right, boy, you are just Chen Yi's puppet. If you go against his wishes, you will be punished cruelly, right?"

I smiled coldly and said: "I don't know why he wants to protect you, but it is precisely because of this that I want to refine you. I want to see how far Chen Yi will go for you."

I want to be strong, and these guys can help me get better, so I will stop talking nonsense and start taking action after leaving this sentence.

But, as they said, Chen Yi didn't seem to want them to die, so as soon as I made a move, he warned me: "Let them go."

I said lightly: "Chen Yi, I never thought that you, a murderous demon, have weaknesses. So, can I exchange them with you for something?"

Chen Yi thought highly of himself, especially when the earth came out, which made him think that he had completely controlled me, so he only thought my threat was absurd, and asked, "Aren't you afraid?"

I knew what he meant, and said with a sneer, "Afraid? Of course I'm afraid, I'm afraid that you will do something to my most important person, but I know that fear is useless, it can only increase your prestige."

"So, if you dare to touch them, I will kill myself. I want to see if you will choose me or this group of resentful souls."

Chen Yi said angrily, "How dare you threaten me?"

"Who made you have a weakness?" I sneered.

This time Chen Yi was silent.

To be honest, I was quite surprised. I thought that Chen Yi kept this group of people just to torture them, but he really valued their lives very much.

It seemed that Chen Yi trapped them under the big tree for their own good.

But these people didn't know that I had contact with Chen Yi, and naturally they didn't know what he said. They just saw my reluctance and thought that I was not afraid of Chen Yi at all, and finally showed annoyance and fear look.

Although trapped for thousands of years, they still want to survive.

So, someone couldn't help but said: "Chen Huangpi, as long as you don't kill us, I can tell you Chen Yi's secret."

I asked with great interest: "Oh? Let's hear it. If the information you said is valuable, I can consider letting you go."

What I said moved the other party's heart, but others persuaded him not to say it. After all, they stayed by my side, but they had seen my tricks, so they were naturally worried that I would backtrack.

The man hesitated because of this, I gave a sneer, and immediately cast a spell, instantly causing the few people who opposed to be tortured to howl like ghosts and wolves.

When Chen Yi saw this scene, he immediately said angrily: "Chen Huangpi! Do you really think I can't hurt you now?"

As soon as his words fell, my body started to burn from the inside, and the burning pain almost made me faint.

But I already knew Chen Yi's method, so I made a decisive decision and directly broke my hand and my leg.

Probably because I was too cruel to myself, the group of resentful souls were frightened to silence for an instant, and the few people I punished before even huddled together and trembled.

I cut off contact with Chen Yi, and he naturally had nothing to do with me.

After a while, he suddenly laughed out loud, and said, "As expected of being my avatar, you really look like me when you become crazy."

I didn't speak, because I was trying my best to adjust my breath. After all, without the blessing of those two bones, I also lost the strength I got from them.

At this time, the person who said he wanted to reveal Chen Yi's secret finally spoke up. He said, "Chen Huangpi, do you know? Your life is just a fun for the gods of the universe..."