MTL - Supernatural Rebirth Genius Girl Diviner-Chapter 1782 Finale (46)

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Seeing Yang Zimei and Xuehu fall down by him, Long picked the dragon flower from ear to ear, inserted it into the pocket of his shirt, and restored his original sense.

The white royal dragon flower was inserted into his black shirt, the whiter the whiter and the blacker the blacker, adding a certain refreshing color to him, not looking so cold.


Yang Zimei couldn't help but reached out to scratch his collar, adding, "The man with a flower is the most handsome!"

Although Long Zhutian didn't say anything, the happy look was enough to show that her words were very useful.

"Okay, let's go!"

Xuehu said to the two still frowning couples, "You have to enter Crystal Mountain before the sun goes down."

"it is good."

To enter Crystal Mountain, you must pass through this floating city.

Jumping into these floating cities is not a problem for Yang Zimei and Long one day at a time.

When they jumped to the first floating city, they found that there was a deserted and inhuman appearance everywhere, and only some small animals were running around.

"Don't you say that these floating cities are home slaves of the Dragons? Why don't you see anyone? Are these little animals the Dragon slaves?"

Yang Zimei asked in confusion.

Xuehu shook his head. "I came here more than five thousand years ago. At that time, it was not so barren. Someone was taking care of it."

They even walked a few floating cities like this.

It's a pity that it was abandoned here.

After walking for about an hour, I finally saw the crystal city suspended in mid-air, dyed by the halo of the setting sun.

Yang Zimei looked fascinated.

She found that her previous imagination of the Crystal Palace was too scarce, not as good as one thousandth of what she saw.

What a dreamy feeling!

Xuehu frowned slightly. "How could there be no dragon breath?"

Yang Zimei woke up from his dream and asked him in confusion, "What do you mean?"

"I suspect that no dragons are there!"

After Xuehu finished speaking, he pulled them and leaped over.

Foot on the Crystal City, the feeling is still very unreal, the light refracted by the crystal, cast a layer of holy light for everyone.

Then, she found that the Crystal City was really deserted, and there was no breath of life on it, as if it were a dead city.

Followed Xuehu forward and walked into the Crystal Palace.

On a large table inside, several tall crystal glasses are quietly placed. The glass is also filled with half a glass of red wine, and the table is also filled with dishes for drinking.

However, these dishes have become a pile of black charcoal, and the red wine has no aroma of wine, and it has become stinky water.

The people here seemed to leave suddenly, and then never came back.

The three of Yang Zimei looked at everything in front of them in wonder, what happened here?

"Snow Lake, how many people are there from the Dragons?"

"In ancient times, there should be a lot, and then it became less and less. In the end, only one line survived. This line lives in this crystal city. Others who do n’t have pure dragon blood live in the floating city outside. Became domestic slaves. "

Xuehu picked up the crystal cup and shook it. "Five thousand years ago, when I came here, Long Xiao was still a child and Long Feifei was not born yet."

"Did you suddenly suffer extermination?"

Yang Zimei asked in confusion.
