MTL - Supreme Soaring Immortal-Chapter 1 Warrior continent

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We have sent new books to our comrades, and we have once again assembled a new journey. Come on, let us create new glory.

The sun has not yet revealed a hint of red, and the sky is just white.

A small river squats through the Tianqin Town. The Tianqin Town is located in the Tianqin Mountain. The Qinshan Mountain is very similar to a Guqin. It is said that in the ancient times, a Guqin flew to the place and turned into a mountain. It is called Tianqin Mountain. The name of Tianqin Town also came from this.

There is a manor in the east river of Tianqin Town. It is the residence of the seventh princess of the Ming Dynasty. The whole Tianqin Town is the seal of Qin Double.

At this time, a pale girl in the bedroom of the Princess House was lying on the bed, staring at a pair of confused eyes staring at a middle-aged woman who was sleeping sweetly on her bed.

The middle-aged woman moved a little, opened her eyes, and moved to lean against the back of the chair. She looked at the girl lying on the bed, her eyes flashed a bit of pain and said softly:

"His Royal Highness, since you are weak and you are not willing to practice martial arts, then read it."

The words fell, tiredly stood up, walked out desperately, and gently covered the door, isolated the girl's sight.

The girl is lying in bed, her eyes are still confused. The two memories in consciousness are intertwined, which is the place that has been confusing since she just woke up.

She is a kendo master named Liu Meiruo. She is known as the Valkyrie. She clearly remembers that a vision appeared in the Mourning Mountain a month ago. From time to time, she has a red light, so she and a few friends went to explore. But I came across a landslide.

A landslide is not irresistible to these top players, but after the landslide there has been a huge stone monument with three large characters on it:

Gongde monument

In their vision, the merits of the monuments shrank and eventually exploded. And she died in the explosion. But it came to this inexplicably, a world that is both strange and familiar. The other memory tells her that the true identity of this girl who owns her body is called Qin Double, the seventh princess of the Ming Dynasty Kingdom.

The seventh princess is lazy and can never stand when she can sit. She can never sit while lying down. So people are obese like pigs and become a joke in the royal family. In fact, the reason for all this is that the entire royal family knows that it is because the Qinsong's meridians are blocked and they are naturally unable to cultivate. Then, the seventh princess broke the can.

In the end, the Queen's Strings of the Moon Kingdom sealed the distant Tianqin Town to the Seventh Princess, and sent her away from the Kings. The eyes disappeared and the heart was not bothered.

The middle-aged woman is her mother-in-law, called Qin Ying. But people are not British at all, and the strength of the forty-six people is only during the reinforcement period. But she is very embarrassed about herself, practicing herself every day. Not only for her own, but also for the seventh princess. Qin double is her big hand, she does not want the piano pair to be so inactive, although knowing that the piano double cultivation is also a mischief, but the heart still holds a glimmer of hope.

The Qinshuang who was forced to come to Fengfeng was still a 13-year-old child. The Queen completely ignored her. Although it was her fiefdom, she did not have any prestige here. It is a vulgar individual. In the past, in the palace, Qin Ying did not dare to practice the piano double. Now away from the palace, Qin Ying has no scruples. So under the pressure of Qin Ying, I had no choice but to practice.


I haven't practiced for two months. Obesity is like a pig. The piano pair that has never been practiced hard has not been trained to die. After that, Liu Meiruo was attached to Qin Double.


The door was pushed hard, and a girl of similar age to the piano rushed in. Liu Meiruo felt that the girl's face was strange and familiar.

"Princess, get up, kill a demon road in the town."

"Bow Road"

Liu Meiruo’s consciousness at this time is still very confused. There are many things that are not straightened out, so they don’t want to go out and want to quietly think about things.

"Princess, hurry up," the girl came up and glared at Liu Meiruo's arm. "Listen to the adults and say that there has never been a demon in our town. Everyone is going to watch the fun, let's go."

When Liu Meiru thought about it, I felt that everyone had gone. I didn’t go to see the excitement at this age. I am afraid that it would cause doubts from others. I climbed up from the bed, put on my clothes, and ran out by the girl. The obese body trembles every step of the way, such as the choppy waves.

In the memory, there is a picture of this girl in front of her. She is called Qin Yunxia, ​​and she is a beggar of her own. Two people ran out of Zhuangzi and ran to the west along the river bank.

A lot of people have gathered on the bank of the river. Liu Meiruo struggled to squeezing inside under the guise of Qin Yunxia, ​​listening to some warriors in the ear and talking loudly:

"It’s really demon."

"Of course, I saw it with my own eyes. The demon road was discovered by the adults of Wu Zongdian. From there, I traced it all the way. The demon road can make a big fireball out of the air, but it was finally given by the adults of Wu Zongdian. Killed, the body was taken away by the adults of Wu Zongdian. You see"

Speaking of this, the young man who spoke screaming and pointed at a burnt place on a tree trunk said: "This is where the fireball hits, the trunks are burnt. The means of the demon road is terrible."

The faces of the people around him were exposed with fear and disgust, and they dissipated in a noisy manner. Qin Yunxia also took Liu Meiruo’s hand:

"Princess, let's go back."

When Liu Meiru looked at the clear river and felt soothed, she thought about quietly combing the memory here, and whispered:

"Yunxia, ​​go back first, I am walking here."

Qin Yunxia shook her head: "Princess, no. The slaves will follow you."

"I want to be alone," Liu Meiruo said with a sad face: "You don't want to go back, just wait here, don't follow me."

In the memory of Qin Yunxia, ​​I have never seen the double-faced face of the piano, always look like a sly. Now, when I suddenly saw the piano sinking down, I couldn’t help but nod my head:


Let go of Liu Meiruo’s hand and stand honestly under a big tree. Looking at Qin Yunxia's pitiful appearance, Liu Meiruo sighed and slowly turned around and walked aimlessly, searching for the memory of Qin Double.

This is a world of equality between men and women, known as the era of glory. Now the master of the Mingyue Kingdom is the mother of Qin Double's mother.

This is a world of civil and military, known as the Warrior continent.

The literati have the temple in their hearts, called the Confucian sect, who are governing the world.

The Wu people have the temple in their hearts, known as Wu Zong, they are opening up the country and defending their homes.

However, the balance is still tilted towards the warrior, because the life of the literati is very rare until the age of 100. However, the martial arts can continue to improve their life by virtue of their strength. Moreover, some of the legendary masters of Wu Zong are able to break the water from the mountains, and their abilities have exceeded the scope of human understanding. Therefore, the literati always bowed in front of the martial arts, which also caused the strong position of the military, and the whole continent was a good wind.

For the memory of the demon, the piano does not. It seems that Qin Yunxia is right. The demon road has never appeared in Tianqin Town. The 13-year-old Qin double will naturally have no memory. And Liu Meiruo’s memory only has some legends about the demon. Her past life is a loner, and there is no background, so I don't know anything about these legends.

The combination of civil and military, equality between men and women, this is an exciting world.

It’s the best time for the world to be peaceful and full of flowers.

Liu Meiruo’s confused eyes, which were attached to the piano pair after death, gradually became clear and beat the flame of excitement. Here is the continent where her previous life was.

Warrior continent

She did not leave the world, just

This time is wrong, she came 15 years later. That is to say, it has been 15 years since she was killed by the merits. At the beginning, this incident was a sensation in the entire warrior's mainland. Nowadays, there are people who talk about it after the meal. It is now that the 13-year-old Qin Shuang has heard of the story.

It is said that after the explosion, all the warriors came to explore, but never found the meritorious monument, but found a young child in the mountain, and was taken over by Wu Zongdian.

Liu Meiruo’s gaze suddenly shrank. She remembered the ending of the demon, and her heart was a little vigilant. It seems that the world has become dangerous and extremely dangerous. Thinking of his own identity, Liu Meiruo could not help but tremble. I definitely can't let people know this secret. From now on, I have to remember:

My name is Qin Double.

I stopped my footsteps and looked around and found myself walking into a forest without knowing it. As I saw it, I saw a piece of cloth hanging on a shrub. I just wanted to look away, but I found something in the bush. Go forward, reach out and carefully open the shrub, and see a bag inside. Take the bag in your hand and gently open it and find that there is a thin booklet, a book and a book, a few pieces of silver and pieces of debris.

The thin booklet was taken out, but it was not ordinary paper, but made of sheepskin. There are two words on the front page:


Suddenly, the face of the double piano shed cold sweat, and she instantly remembered the word "demon". I hurriedly stuffed the sheepskin book into the bag, threw the bag into the bushes, and ran away from the woods.

After running out for a dozen steps, she stopped again and looked back at the bag in the bush not far behind her, and a heart twitched. She remembered the magic that the young demon in the morning told me that she could release the fireball. She remembered that this body could not be cultivated. The past life as a martial art could not lose power in this life. Her eyes gradually revealed her enthusiasm.

Fully able to have more than ten minutes of time, Qinshuang’s eyes showed a firm color, and looked alertly and nervously around, and saw no one around, she walked step by step toward the bush and stretched her hand again. To the bag

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