MTL - Surprise! Tyrant’s Little Crybaby Went on a Killing Spree After Being Reborn-Chapter 544 It is also very difficult for us to leave the territory of the ghost clan.

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  Chapter 544 It is also difficult for us to leave the territory of the ghost race

  The inn was fully booked, and in the entire hall, except for the people from the National Teacher's Office, no other shop assistants came to bother.

  However, Shen Yaowei and Huo Junhan walked down the stairs slowly, and they could see the people present sitting at the table with solemn faces.

Qi Yuan sat at the table without moving his chopsticks, he heard the footsteps of the two, raised his head and looked at them: "You two came just in time, after what happened last night, you are already wanted. "

"Yes, and it is specifically marked on the arrest warrant, no matter what, the master has to catch you alive, and he also asks that the master not let you suffer any harm." The ghost general is also sitting on the table, and he can pass through Huo Junhan's breath. Recognizing his identity, he smiled obsequiously, "Could it be because you are too handsome, master, so you were targeted by the people in the palace instead?"

  As soon as these words came out, the other disciples of the National Teacher's Mansion present, without exception, all looked at Huo Junhan, looking at his peerless appearance, and felt that General Ghost's guess was somewhat reasonable.

  At the same time, Huo Junhan glanced over, and the aura around him was so indifferent that he could almost freeze people: "Don't ask if you shouldn't ask."

  Ghost General was gossiping just now, but now he is terrified. He shrank his neck like an oversized quail, and kept his mouth shut, not daring to say a word.

"No matter what, the fact of being wanted is a certainty. If we continue to stay here, we will not be discovered. Therefore, I have decided to let you end the mission early and leave Ghost City immediately." Qi Yuan's expression was serious , while speaking, his eyes slowly swept across the faces of the crowd.

  Shen Yao felt something was wrong acutely: "Dare to ask the national teacher, what is 'you'? Is the situation so serious that the national teacher still plans to stay in the ghost capital?"

  All worried eyes fell on Qi Yuan.

   "You go first, I still have important things to deal with." Qi Yuan said slowly.

  Huo Junhan took Shen Yaowei to sit across from Qi Yuan, staring at him and asked, "What's the matter? Please explain clearly."

   There is a bit of pressure between the lines.

  Qi Yuan met Huo Junhan's gaze, but didn't answer immediately.

   Seeing the stalemate between the two, Shen Yaowei's eyes flicked between the two.

   This is not the first time she has encountered this situation.

  As Shen Yaowei expected, Qi Yuan would never confront Huo Junhan head-on.

   Sure enough, after a slight stalemate between the two, it was Qi Yuan who looked away first, and answered Huo Junhan's question honestly.

"After entering the palace yesterday, in order to attract Dugu Aoyun's attention, I had to attack the Times Tomb. At that time, I discovered that there were a large number of troops in the palace. They had assembled a large number of troops and planned to besiege the human world. This matter is no small matter, I must stay and stop it, and cut off all connections between the ghost race and the human race."

Yao Qingyi was slightly taken aback: "Master, if the contact is cut off, then the ghost clan will be in a completely closed state. At that time, the ghost clan will indeed have no way to go to the human world, but it will be difficult for us to leave the ghost clan's territory again. "

   "That's right, it is precisely because of this that I want you to leave here early. At that time, I will be responsible for cutting off all connections here." Qi Yuan said slowly.

  (end of this chapter)