MTL - Surprise! Tyrant’s Little Crybaby Went on a Killing Spree After Being Reborn-Chapter 601 I want to go to the Abyss of Ghost Slayer first to find Jun Han

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  Chapter 601 I want to go to the Ghost Slayer Abyss to find Jun Han

  The people in white robes without exception lowered their heads and dared not speak, for fear that if they were not careful, they would become a punching bag.

  The quiet air spread towards the surroundings. With a cold face, Dugu Aoyun crushed Dugu Yao's body bit by bit. Strong anger swept out, and boundless murderous aura burst out from his eyes.

   It wasn't until Dugu Yao's body on the ground turned into a paste that Dugu Aoyun finally calmed down a little.

  He thought of his long-term efforts in vain, and the strong resentment and anger almost shattered his reason.

"Duguyao has the blood of Wansha in her body, and the general ghost race will not be her opponent, unless she died at the hands of a human race. If there is no accident, there must be a very powerful human race in the ghost capital now." Dugu Ao Yun took a deep breath of the strong smell of blood and forced him to calm down.

  Bai Ying finally dared to speak: "But the connection between the ghost clan and the human race has been completely severed. Logically speaking, no one can break into our ghost clan..."

"There are exceptions to everything. Maybe there were powerful human races lurking in the ghost city before. In short, during the period when the gates of the ghost clan are closed, seal the ghost city for me, and no one is allowed to enter or leave casually. Get the murderer out!"

   "Yes!" Bai Ying didn't dare to be careless, and after a reply, he quickly left with the other men in black to do things according to the order.

   At the same time, inside the Baihua Building.

  In Moon Fox's room.

  The maid carefully served the moon fox who was sitting in front of the mirror, her voice was full of flattery: "Oiran, you are still handsome today, let the maidservant dress up for you."

The long hair behind Yuehu seemed to have the touch of silk. Looking at her face in the mirror, she couldn't help sighing faintly: "What's the use of still being graceful? What I want, what I want to see After all, people have become nothing, and no one will be able to fulfill our wishes in the future."

  The maid couldn't help being curious when she heard this, "Oiran, who is the person you mentioned?"

  Yuehu frowned and glanced at the maid.

  The maid realized that she had said something wrong, and lowered her head, not daring to look at Yuehu's face again.

  Yuehu was too lazy to argue with the maid, so she raised her hand and waved at her: "Forget it, don't bother me anymore, just leave now."

  The maid nodded quickly, then obeyed the order, and obediently left the room.

The irritable look in his eyes didn't seem to dissipate, Yuehu looked at himself in the mirror, and suddenly wanted to cry: "Master, why haven't you shown up since the last turmoil in Ghost Slayer Abyss? What? Have you really returned to the human race?"

  Yuehu felt sad when he thought of their great cause.

   If there is no master, the group of them are like headless chickens, without any support!

  A more intense and sad look spread in his eyes, Yuehu sighed and had no intention of dressing up, got up and walked towards the bed.

   "It seems that you really miss Junhan." After opening the window and entering the room, Shen Yao looked at Yuehu slightly.

She analyzed it after leaving the ghost clan before, and then remembered that Yuehu's attitude towards Junhan was very unusual. She felt that there should be some special friendship between these two people, so she thought about coming here to see if she could get along with Yuehu. Fox cooperation.

  Looking at Yuehu's state, she won't make this trip in vain.

  The vigilance in Yuehu's eyes disappeared completely the moment she saw Shen Yaowei. Her eyes, which were as dead ashes, once again shone brightly. After her knees softened, she knelt down in front of Shen Yaowei: "I've seen the mistress!"

   Shen Yaowei, who originally thought Yuehu was a rival in love, was surprised by her action, "Why do you call me mistress? Don't you like Junhan?"

  Although she knew very well that Jun Han would not be interested in any woman other than her, but Jun Han is so good, it is reasonable for someone to like him.

Yuehu was taken aback and shook her head like a rattle: "The hostess misunderstood Yuehu. Yuehu worshiped the master, but the slaves worshiped the master. The master has the purest blood of Wansha, not an ordinary person like Yuehu. , Yuehu never dared to think like that! Only you are the only mistress recognized by the master, so Yuehu naturally calls you mistress."

  She admitted that she did have some unreasonable thoughts about the master before she learned that the master had the blood of Wansha.

  However, after she learned how noble the master's identity is, she knew that it was a blessing to be able to assist the master with her strength and courage, and she absolutely dared not ask for other things that did not belong to her.

   "For the ghost clan, the blood of Wansha is the supreme existence. When Yuehu meets Junhan, she will subconsciously be in awe. This can't be faked, so she didn't lie." Qi Yuan opened the window and entered the room.

Yuehu glanced over expectantly, she looked behind Qi Yuan, saw Yan Bei came in through the window and closed the window, the disappointment in her eyes could hardly be concealed: "Excuse me, mistress, the master did not come back with you this time ?"

"Back when we had a battle with Dugu Aoyun in the Abyss of Ghost Slayer, Jun Han used two kinds of artifacts alone to close all connections between the ghost race and the human race, and his whereabouts have been unknown since then. However, I have a strong feeling I have a hunch that Jun Han must be safe and sound, and when I enter the palace tomorrow and get what I want, I will first go to the Ghost Slayer Abyss to find Jun Han." Mentioning Huo Junhan, Shen Yaowei's eyes lighted up of light.

   "The mistress is right, the master has the blood of ten thousand evil spirits, and even a little bit of wreckage or remnant soul can be resurrected, I also believe in the master!" Yuehu clenched her fists and said firmly.

"Okay, now is not the time to talk about these things. Miss Shen killed Dugu Yao, Dugu Aoyun must have known about it, according to that person's habit, he will definitely do everything possible to deal with us, we must not be careless." Qi Yuan looked around the room, with serious eyes, "First of all, we need to determine whether it is safe to stay in Wanhualou."

"With me in Wanhua Building, it is naturally safe. Moreover, I have a way to deal with Dugu Aoyun." Yuehu hurriedly asked Shen Yaowei to sit down, her eyes were full of urgency, and said while pouring tea: "Mistress, Since you have been to the Abyss of Ghost Slayer, do you know that there is a power in the Abyss of Ghost Slayer that can subvert the entire ghost clan?"

  Shen Yao narrowed her eyes in doubt, "Aren't there only two great artifacts in the Ghost Slayer Abyss?"

"No, it's not about the two great artifacts, but about the Ghost King Token and the Ghost Slayer Army." Yuehu mentioned these two things, with intense excitement in his eyes, "The master will definitely become the king of the ghost clan in the future." , as long as the master returns, his Wansha blood will make most of the ghost clan surrender. In fact, not all the ghost clan is full of hostility to the human race, and most of them still hope to coexist peacefully with the human race. It's just that the blood feud over the years is difficult to quell, That’s what led to today’s situation.”

  (end of this chapter)