MTL - Swallowed Star-Chapter 3 Jiangnan City

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Chapter III Jiangnan City ("")

"When the rr virus appeared, it quickly spread to the whole world, all life in the world... Whether it is humans or birds and beasts, as long as it is necessary to breathe, it is infected with rr virus."

"When humans discover the existence of the rr virus, it is already late."

After the rr virus infection, the mortality rate was extremely high, reaching nearly 30%. In just three months, according to ex post facto statistics, in the three months, in addition to a large number of animal deaths, the global population was sharply reduced by nearly 2 billion! Months are three months of nightmare. Global scientists are at a loss in front of this virus!"

"The human survivors have a population of nearly 5 billion people. If they survive, they naturally produce antibodies in the body!"

"After three months of this nightmare, the world is immersed in endless sorrow."

Luo Feng said slowly, "In the process, five billion human survivors have found that their bodies have become better, and almost every human power, speed, cell activity, and skin toughness have more than doubled. Even an ordinary person can easily break the world record of the world weightlifting and the 100-meter run in the past."

"However... the disaster has begun!"

"The human beings who have always lived comfortably have increased their physical conditions. The same is true of the birds and beasts that survived the rr virus. They have always followed the survival of the fittest of nature. This time, the physical changes have increased the strength of all kinds of birds and beasts. Humans are much more amazing. And some of the scary monsters have wisdom!"

“In September 2015, starting with the endless creatures in the ocean, the ‘monster’ that countless birds and beasts began to attack human habitation!”

"Bloody, crazy!"

"In the war between humans and monsters, people have been shocked to discover that the hot weapon that has always been proud of has only worked on some low-level monsters. The powerful birds and beasts are not afraid of bullets. Bullets hit them. On the body, even the scales can not be broken! The missile attack is easily avoided by the fast-responding and fast-moving monsters."

"Even if humans use nuclear bomb attacks, they are shocked to find out..."

"The monster defense is too strong, only the core area of ​​the nuclear bomb attack range, a large number of monsters die, and the larger areas of the monster, the monsters are not dead. The power of the nuclear bomb is far less powerful than the imagination. Although killing a batch of monsters, However, nuclear radiation has produced a more terrible existence in the monster. The most famous one is the most terrible 'blood demon wolf' of the year. The blood demon wolf has the ability to fly, killing more than one million human beings. Know... nuclear radiation can make some monsters mutate! There is a terrible existence."

"There are terrible existences in the monsters. Among the human beings, there are also strong people! The **** demon wolf, and finally the human superpower who is also capable of flying, is also the second internationally ranked 'Raytheon. 'Hit a serious injury and escape.'

"These strong, at a critical moment, saved a large number of ordinary people, assisted the army, and resisted the monsters. During this period, there were a lot of stories that could be heard."

"And human scientist Croderson, according to the corpse material of the monster, and the 'blue gold' metal found on the moon, invented a harder alloy than the diamond - the Croo alloy! It is a strong, no need to fight by hand, have A terrible weapon that can open the monster's fur and scales."

In Luo Feng’s mind, this part of the history recorded in the book is very clear.

“A large number of cities were destroyed during the war.”

"I am the land of China, the country has urgently built six bases, and transferred a large number of people to the six bases. On the strong... China and India, which advocates ancient yoga, the two countries have the largest number of human superpowers! And the United States, the European Union, Soviet Russia is leading in science and technology."

"Because there are countless monsters in the ocean, almost every island country is destroyed!"

"Until now, the ocean is still the territory of the monster."

"Monsters and human wars, the only countries on the planet that can protect themselves are China, India, the United States, the European Union, and the Soviet Union. Other countries are fragmented. At the crucial moment, the five major powers are the core, and the Earth Alliance is established! Assisting in the establishment of numerous human bases around the world."

"Monsters and human wars began in September 2015, along with the successful development of the UHF laser cannon in March 2021, killing more than ten s-class monsters and two ss-level monsters. Monsters and humans. The massive war is finally over."

Luo Feng is not awkward.

The whole five and a half years of war, the most terrible war! In this war, the death toll of human beings is almost one billion. Only the five countries preserve the ‘country’ system, and all the surviving populations of all countries enter the various human bases and live together.

Until now -

On land, humans have an advantage. But there are too many monsters in the ocean, and the ocean is still the territory of monsters!

"From 2013 to 2021, these eight years are the big nirvana in human history!" Luo Feng sat on the sofa and slowly said.

When ~~ when ~~ when ~~ when ~~ when ~~

The sound of the clock echoed in the house.

The wall clock rang five times, it was already five o'clock in the afternoon.

"Great Nirvana period." Luo Hua is also embarrassed, "Brother, to be honest, I am really a bit unimaginable. Before the Great Nirvana period, there were more than two hundred countries in the world. How much was the population? Billion only. Some small countries are really too small. I am afraid that a powerful monster will be able to destroy the country."

Luo Feng nodded: "So, nowadays, the world is the five powers and 23 cities."

There are five major countries on the whole planet - China, India, the United States, the European Union, and Russia. And 23 people bases formed in South America, Africa and other places, that is, 23 cities!

There are six human bases in China, which is now the six major cities!

Luo Feng’s home is in Yi’an District, one of the “Yangzhou City”, one of the eight David cities in Jiangnan City.

The entire city of Jiangnan has a population of nearly 200 million. The population of 'Yangzhou City', one of the eight David City in Jiangnan City, is over ten million. In the past, the human base in Jiangnan City was mainly formed by the migration of a large number of people from the former Jiangsu and the former Zhejiang. Of course, there are also some of the original Anhui population.

"It's so far away." Brother Luo Hua, looking at the wall clock, "It is already 2056 AD, and the Nirvana period has passed more than 30 years. Human society, going to the martial arts, almost everyone must do." Human society is much stronger than it was 30 years ago."

Luo Feng nodded.

In the past 30 years, there have been many more powerful people, and technology has improved. However, a lot of terrible existence has also been born in the monster.


The door was opened and I saw a pair of middle-aged couples coming in. The middle-aged man was sweaty, and there were some stains such as paint. The whole person looked tired. The middle-aged woman was not tall and had a basket on her hand. There were some vegetables and meat in the basket.

"Dad, Mom." Luo Feng immediately stood up, this couple is his parents.

Father Luo Hongguo, mother Gong Xinlan.

"Oh, um, Xiaofeng, you read a book, you read a book. Don't worry about me." Luo Hongguo said with a smile, his son wants a college entrance examination, and reviewing is naturally the most important thing in Luo Hongguo's view.

Luo Hongguo looked down and saw a large plastic cup on the table. He couldn’t help but warm up. Every time he came back, he would have cold water ready. When he worked for one day, he picked up this big plastic cup and he sighed. All of them drank all the light and exhaled breathfully.

"You are going to take a shower and see you sweaty." Mother Gong Xinlan laughed.

"Haha." Luo Hongguo smiled and immediately went to take the change of clothes and went to the small bathroom that the family had used for many years.

Gong Xinlan smiled and looked at his two sons: "Xiao Feng, Xiao Hua, today, mom will give you braised pork!"

"I like to eat the most." Brother Luo Hua immediately shouted.

Luo Feng couldn’t help but smile. Watching her mother wear a scarf to cook dinner, Luo Feng was very clear... Mom went shopping after work every evening, because the price of meat at this time was much cheaper than that in the morning, but in the evening. When vegetables and meat are not fresh in the morning. Luo Feng looked at the bathroom again and said in his heart: "I must get the title of "Warrior" as soon as possible. At that time, my mother does not have to go shopping in the afternoon. Dad does not have to go to the renovation to work hard. Lived."

in my heart……

Luo Feng has been eager to let his parents rest, can enjoy the sun quietly and enjoy the food.

"Xiaofeng." The father who took the shower, Luo Hongguo, came over. "Dad has something to say to you."

"What?" Luo Feng looked at his father.

Luo Hongguo smiled slightly: "This is the case, Xiaofeng. I have never asked you, your own plan after high school graduation. Can you talk to Dad?" Luo Hongguo rarely talks with his son because he does not want to put too much pressure on his son. He knows that his son has been working hard. I have always done very well.

Luo Hongguo said this, and the mother Gong Xinlan who was cooking and cooking was slower. Parents are very concerned about the future of their son.

"Dad, I think so."

Luo Feng said directly, "I believe that the college entrance examination into the 'Jiangnan First Military Academy' should be difficult. I have already won the title of 'Senior Trainee' of the Wuguan Museum and went to the First Military Academy of Jiangnan. It will be directly used as a result." Military training. Parents can also directly enter the military community."

As soldiers, they are also hierarchical.

Now China is certainly recruiting, but ordinary soldiers are not much welfare. At a young age, it is a 'high-level student of the martial arts hall', and can also test the words of the 'Jiangnan First Military Academy'. The energy is equal to the ‘civil and military’. The state will definitely focus on training, and the state will allocate a house directly in the family district of the military region.

For the house of the military officer's family, the conditions are naturally ten times better than this low-rent housing.

"If that is not the first military school in Jiangnan?" Luo Hongguo said, "Xiaofeng, you don't put too much pressure on yourself."

"There are two key military schools in Jiangnan City. It is the abnormality of the college entrance examination and the first military school. However, the second military school is absolutely no problem." Luo Feng is very clear about his achievements, the average examination is about 50 points higher than the undergraduate score line. And the second military school, as long as the undergraduate line can be reached.

Today's college entrance examination, there is no such statement, only undergraduate and specialist, there is only one score line. The undergraduate line is undergraduate, and the undergraduate line is undergraduate.

"At the Second Military Academy, the senior martial arts student will be trained as an officer. The treatment will not be too bad." Luo Feng laughed.

Can be admitted to the undergraduate...

Two of the ten people can do it.

However, among high school students, it is necessary to obtain the title of "Senior Trainee of the Martial Arts", but only one of the thousands.

"Well, you can be sure, but Xiaofeng. Don't give yourself a lot of pressure. My mother and I, as long as life is safe." Luo Hongguo nodded slightly. "You, this child, is too much pressure on yourself."

"Nothing." Luo Feng smiled. "I have no pressure. Young people, they have to be a little aggressive."

Luo Feng said so, but in his heart, he said: "Parents, younger brothers, after I finish the college entrance examination, you will soon be able to live a good life. When I get the title of "Warrior", you don't have to work hard again. It is."

"Hurry up and take the dishes, and have a meal. Dinner is good!" Gong Xinlan smiled and urged.

"Well." Father Luo Hongguo smiled and stood up, went to take the dishes.

"The green vegetables are really fragrant." Luo Feng smelled it in the soup pot and also helped the bowl.

"I smelled the smell of braised pork, wow ~ ~" Brother "Royal" was also excited to scream, pull the wheel, the wheelchair approached the table toward the past.

A family of four is happy.