MTL - Swallowed Star-Chapter 9 Warrior's privilege

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Chapter IX The Privilege of the Warrior ("")

"Yan Luo said right!" Jiang Nian looked at Luo Feng, and his heart was long-lasting. "Luo Feng, your progress is very fast. In our limit martial arts hall in Yi'an District, you should be regarded as the fastest-growing one! 16 I entered the Extreme Wushu at the age of 18, and now I am 18 years old. The physical quality requirements have reached the realm of the military. If you go to college, you are wasting your energy in college and wasted four years. That is a violent thing!"

"You have to know that 16 to 30 years old is the fastest progress. The older the age, the harder it is to progress." Jiang Nian said seriously.

For four years in the university, it is indeed the four years in which the cultivation of the military is the easiest to speed up.

It is a big sin to waste these four years to receive cultural education.

"Oh..." Luo Feng was a bit stunned.

God, it seems that the failure of the college entrance examination is not a bad thing.

"Luo Feng, wait for you to officially become a warrior, how about joining my Extreme Wushu?" Jiangnian smiled. "As long as you become the warrior of my extreme martial arts, I will limit the martial arts hall and arrange a set of independence in the best place." The villa is allocated to you, of course, you are not allowed to sell this single-family villa. And there are 20,000 Huaxia coins per month."

"Single-family villa? 20,000 yuan basic salary?" Luo Feng sucked a cold breath.

20,000 is not a big deal, but a single-family villa is too extravagant.

Nowadays, the entire Huaxia country has only six human bases, that is, six major cities. The land is extremely precious, but the single-family villas have to pay huge luxury tax. Nowadays, ordinary commercial houses have to be tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of square meters, which also causes most ordinary people to live in low-rent housing.

Ordinary commercial housing is so expensive, superimposed villas, townhouses, super-sized luxury homes, hundreds of thousands of Chinese currency.

In a single-family villa, in this era, the country is limited, and it is not possible to live with money. You have money, rights, and special status to live in. And also to the huge luxury tax, the price of a typical single-family villa, a square must be over a million.

"A single-family villa, even if it is small, there are three hundred square bars, and there are two or three hundred thousand." Luo Feng felt breathless. "Although it is not allowed to sell, but the family lives in a single-family villa, that is not I have been in the world for a while."

Two or three hundred million, what concept?

It is Zhang's father, a rich man, and all of his family may not be able to catch up with this single-family villa.

"Luo Feng. The welfare of my Extreme Wushu is not much different from that of the special department of the country." Jiangnian laughed. "The military of the state department has a basic salary and benefits, and has a living privilege. 'Killing license', you can temporarily decide to kill ordinary people according to the form. Of course, they do not dare to kill, but they still need to explain things with the above organizations."

"The murder license?" Luo Feng had heard that the military of the special department of the country did have the power to kill on the spot.

"However, our Extreme Wushu is also privileged. If any ordinary person has provoked you, you can report it to the martial arts hall. After the martial arts museum verifies that it is true, it will directly take the ordinary person through the Jiangnan Municipal Security Bureau." A little smile, "Join our martial arts hall, money, status, everything! You can safely pursue the limits of humanity, the limits of martial arts!"

Jiang Nian pointed to Yan Luo next to him: "My little brother Yan Luo, who hunted a monster not long ago, earned nearly 100 million earth coins. It is more than 300 million Huaxia coins. Your talent, It’s not impossible to work hard and reach the point of strictness in the future."

Luo Feng was completely shocked.


Hunting a monster, you earn so much? What level of monsters have you hunted?

"Luo Feng, work hard. Your talent is really good, don't let this talent down." Jiang Nian smiled and took Luo Feng's shoulder.

"Kid, don't let go, I believe that you will be able to become a warrior in the future. At that time, money, status, beauty. Everything!" Yan Luo smiled. "At the time, I am very happy." Go out with you to hunt monsters. Haha..." After that, the two great warriors, Jiang Nian and Yan Luo, left with a smile.

Luo Feng stood in the martial arts hall, and his mind was very chaotic.

Whether it is the instructor ‘Year of the Year’ or this mysterious red-haired youth ‘Yan Luo’, Luo Feng feels a kind of coziness in their laughter! A madness!

"Cozy, mad?" Luo Feng's face gradually smiled. "Yes, when a man is alive, he should be willing to make a living and come up with a career! The world's strongest person said that the soldiers who don't want to be generals are not Good soldiers. If you don't want to be the world's first warrior, there is no warrior at all."

"What is the meaning of "people living for a lifetime, with their hands and feet?"

"It is necessary to create a great earth-shattering career!"

At the age of 18, it is an age in which the values ​​of life are gradually fixed. After meeting with the instructor ‘Yangnian’ and the mysterious warrior ‘Yan Luo’, Luo Feng’s thoughts have completely changed.

"Go it!"

"The world's strongest 'Hong", the world's second-strongest person, "Raytheon", respectively, created the ultimate martial arts hall and the Thunderbolt martial arts museum. Even the five powerful countries must be treated equally with them. They can do it... Can't you? Is there a third person to do it?” Luo Feng smiled and walked outside the training room.

Men have dreams, dreams go!

Young is capital!

Young, it means the future is limitless! Everything needs to work hard and fight hard!

On the 28th of June, in the morning, the weather was clear.

Luo Feng and Wei Wen are on their way to the third high school in Yi'an District. Today is the day to receive the diploma and volunteer application.

"A Feng, are you really sure to pass the 'Assessor's Appraisal'?" Wei Wen could not help but exclaimed.

"Well, on July 1st, I went to the Extreme Hall of Yangzhou City's Extreme Wushu Headquarters, and went there to conduct the assessment of the paramilitary." Luo Feng smiled.

The school is already in front.

Luo Feng looked at the front campus and looked at the students in the school. He felt that his mentality changed a bit: "Well? I used to think of myself as one of them, but now, I seem to feel that I and they are already two. People in the world. They go to college, work hard later, and marry their children."

"And I, unlike their roads." Luo Feng and Wei Wen entered the school and went to their own classes.

Walking in the corridor of the teaching building.


"Luo Feng brother." Some other high school students also greeted Luo Feng enthusiastically.

"When I heard about Luo Feng’s college entrance examination, I fainted in the examination room."

"It's a pity that I fainted in the examination room." Some people who saw Luo Feng in the distance whispered.

Luo Feng's physical fitness has reached the point of the military, listening very well, clearly heard the conversation of those students in the distance.

High school (5) class, this is the class where Luo Feng is.

"Luo Feng is coming."

"Ruo Ge." Many other classmates in the class have arrived and greeted with enthusiasm.

Luo Feng nodded with a smile.

Most of these old classmates and Luo Feng have a good relationship, but some of them are quite uncomfortable. On the surface, there is still some enthusiasm, but there are still some old classmates who are whispering in the corners: "Luo Feng has been so good in the past, and he is a senior student of the martial arts. I didn't expect this time to fall so big, fainting in The examination room. It is really bad luck."

"This is life, who can blame?"

In the past, Luo Feng was the pride of the class!

The culture is good and the force is strong. Nowadays, this genius has fallen a big one. These ordinary students will naturally have a good time! Although they said that they have a good relationship with Luo Feng, but people are like this. When you see the excellent people in the past suddenly falling, you will also feel happy, secretly - you have today!

"I have issued a diploma, issued a diploma. There are also volunteer applications, everyone is coming." The three cadres took the diploma and volunteer application to the stage.

"Wang Yin."

"Liu Xialong."

The class cadre shouted a personal name and issued a diploma and a volunteer application.

"Luo Feng!" With this sound, the classroom was quiet, and almost everyone looked down on Luo Feng.

Luo Feng’s college entrance examination fainted, everyone knows.

Luo Feng's college entrance examination results, you must know that the ID number, the test certificate number is not a secret, long ago students have checked, know Luo Feng's results, only four points from the undergraduate line.

"Luo Feng." The squad leader Lin Lin handed the diploma and volunteer application to Luo Feng.

"A Feng, A Feng, go." Wei Wen is standing at the door of the class.

"Wait for me." Luo Feng used his hand, 嗤嗤~~~ The volunteer application was pinched into a paper group, and he was thrown at random, and the volunteer application that was pinched into a paper group was directly thrown into the garbage bin.

The original noisy class is quiet!

The classmates of the class suddenly stopped, this is the application for the college entrance examination to fill in the volunteers. Who dares to throw it away?

Suddenly, a girl with a freckle screamed and shouted: "Luo Feng, how do you lose your volunteer application? You don't fill in your volunteers?"

"How can Luo Feng be willing to go to the specialist, it is estimated that he will repeat it, and he will take another test next year."

Wei Wen, standing at the door of the class, couldn't help but blink of an eye: "Going to the college? Re-reading? You also want to come out, Ah Feng is going to go to the 'Assembler's Appraisal', what kind of **** specialist, and repeat?"

"Let's talk less, let's go."

Luo Feng took Wei Wen and left with Wei Wen.

The students in the original class suddenly picked up, what? Appropriate military assessment?

"Luo Feng, he participated in the assessment of the martial arts? Really fake, it will not be so powerful."

"It is estimated that Wei Wen boasted that Luo Feng became a senior student last year. How could he conduct a quasi-martial examination this year?"

In the subconscious, these students are not willing to believe that Luo Feng meets the physical requirements of the military.


That is the detachment of existence.