MTL - Swallowed Star-v28 Chapter 22 Purple Moon Holy Land

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Luo Feng is very angry. ‘

I am responsible for two areas, close to two small universes, all small and small universes. It stands to reason... that the beast must be right outside the two small universes. Once you are here, you can arrive in a moment and even kill it.

It can be a full eleven years! I have never touched the beasts once!

"Galaxy, your traces are absolutely not passed to the king of Zhenjia, the ancestors of Yanyan! You said that they will be one of the beasts, how can we leak the message?" God's eyes God said.

"We have no leaks, and we know that many true gods know that even the Lord of the universe does not know your traces. As for the two small universes of the ancestors of the ancestors and the kings of Zhenjia, we have long been excluded from us, and we are early. It is ordered that it is forbidden to link any strong man with the two small universes."

Luo Feng, the Lord of the Lord, the God of God, the Lord of the Nine, the Lord of the Bell, the owner of Chaos...

The eight strongest of the universe are talking.

"For a full eleven years, I didn't touch the beast at once." Luo Feng said with anger, "The small universe of other weak and true gods, the beasts are going, the two small universes that I am closest to, but it has been Didn’t come, how can you explain it?”

Swallowed twice or three times, but did not touch it.

Can be eleven years, more than twenty times!

It is important to know that because the strong in the original universe can immediately go to the small universe from the original universe through the 'cosmic channel'! You can reinforce at the fastest speed... So the beast has never started with the small universe of the original cosmic era. It is in the era of the second round and the third round.

The true gods of the second round of the times and the third round of the era have been so much, and they have experienced the screening of the world of Jin, and the number is even rare.

Weakness is even less.

The beasts have swallowed more than twenty times, and even once they have not reached their own two small universes, they naturally have problems.

"Not so smart, the beast must know in advance."

“How does it know our layout?”

"We are the enemy of life and death, and it is impossible for us to tell us about our layout."

Eight super-existing conversations.

"There is only one possibility." Luo Feng whispered, "That is, in our universe, in addition to the three mains of Hao Leixing, Zhenjiawang, and Yanyan ancestors, there are other true gods who have turned to the beasts! Because there are other true gods who rely on the beasts, so the beast will know our layout and know where I am!"

The other seven are quiet.

They actually guessed this possibility, but they did not want to believe it.

"Yes." Jiuyi God said, "Since Zhenjiawang, the three of them will vote for the beasts, they will not be trusted if they do not represent other true gods! It is possible to rely on them very early and very early, maybe even... just in I have just invested in these ten years."

"Just just voted?"

“Is this all over the past ten years?”

The nine lords of God continued: "The threat of the beasts is too great, swallowing them again and again, letting the true gods despair. Some true gods think that we can't deal with the beasts... even if we can deal with them, I am afraid that the weak gods will die. So I am afraid there are The true God secretly succumbed to the beast. For example, although it was declared that the beast was eating his small cosmic origin, in fact, the beast was just doing it, deliberately deceiving us, let us not know who is the spy!"



"Yeah." Luo Feng also agrees with this.

The many means of the beasts really make the cosmic sea strong people have a headache, and this is only a beast, desperate... It is very possible to have a strong learner of the 'King of the Kings, the ancestors of the ancestors, and to vote for the beasts. .

"Since this is the case." Luo Feng said, "From now on, although we have publicly disclosed our layout, but the morning... publicly fake! I will act alone, my whereabouts, no one knows As soon as I came, I didn't believe that the beast could hide."

"Galaxy, just do it."

"Everything follows your thoughts, even the seven of us don't know your true trace, so no one can pass it."

This time, one of their eight conversations was first confirmed. In addition to the Zhenjia King and the Yanyan ancestors, there should be a beast in the universe! Of course, Luo Feng also began a new response.

Luo Feng's secluded sea, the murderer all the way, and the Golden Horn behemoth all the way, both of these have begun to act.

They all left quickly, arrived at the new location target, and waited quietly for the net of the beast!

The cosmic sea, the chaotic airflow in the void.

The lord Morosa is floating in the air.

"I am so smart."

"Every time I only swallow the origin of the small universe, so that they can not form a real siege.

Haha, swallowing so many times, adding up, is almost equivalent to three small universe sources. "The singer Morosa is particularly proud. "My strength is much stronger than when I left the nest." ”

"Well, where are you going this time?"

The beast thinks.

The small universe of the strong in the original universe? The primitive cosmic era is the strongest era. The number of true gods is the highest, and it can quickly reach the ‘small universe through the universe. And those small universes float away from the “primitive universe”. Once in the past, I am afraid that I will soon be besieged by a large number of true gods.

The second round of the era, the first round of the era?

I have been to have been there.

Others are ethnic groups, such as the gods of the gods, the natural universe is naturally close together. Or it is super strength, such as the sense of true God. Or it is controlled by Luo Feng.

"My strength has increased a lot, but last time, my strength is obviously not as good as the nine heads of the Lord. Now it is at most equal to it. And the Galaxy lord Luo Feng is the first strongest person in the universe." The beast secretly thinks, " It is not time to fight with him now."

"This time... go to the Holy Land universe!" The beast suddenly made a decision. "The Holy Land universe, but higher. Even though the resistance is stronger, it is slower to swallow. You can taste it and taste it. The origin of this holy earth universe is much better than the origin of the small universe."


The beast quickly rushed to the small universe of the Purple Moon Holy Land. In less than two days, the beasts came to the void outside the small universe of the Purple Moon Holy Land.

"Ziyue Holy Land."

The beasts are far away, and they can see huge outlines. "Relatively, it is smaller than the East Emperor! It is easier to deal with!"

Then it was filled with black mist, and at the same time, the twisted light was used as the source. It instantly extended infinitely to the distant Ziyue Holy Land, extending for hundreds of millions of light years and directly infiltrating into the void. Soon, a ray of light passed through the tortuous light and entered its body.

"Wow!" The world's beast Moro couldn't help but tremble, his eyes closed and his face enjoyed.

"Really, really..." "Beautiful, beautiful enjoyment." "The singer Moro snarled, his voice trembled slightly. "Beyond, it is much more comfortable than the origin of the small universe!" And the speed of swallowing the small universe of this purple moon holy land is no slower than swallowing other small universe sources. ”

Just a moment

The realm Morosa suddenly felt that the resistance of the origin of the universe of the Purple Moon has increased greatly, and its swallowing speed has slowed down noticeably. The speed is equivalent to about one percent of the speed of other small universes.

The purple moon is in the universe.

"Come on!"

A magnificent voice, the voice of the Lord of the universe throughout the Holy Land, and the heart of the true God.

A group of strong men at the top of the Purple Moon Holy Land immediately rushed.

Above the main hall.

The purple ancestor stood there, no longer the slightest calmness in the past, his face was blue, and some were just anxious and angry. Even if the killing of Luo Feng failed, even the most elite of the universe in the Purple Moon Holy Land, the Lord of the universe is all degenerate, he is not so angry, not so anxious and flustered.

Hey, he is the ancestor of Ziyue, really panicked! Anxious!

"How come the door..."

"What should I do next?" Ziyue's first ancestors were anxious. "It came, it finally came. Since the source will convey the message, I know that the beast will come out one day. This time it has been swallowed." Those small gods of true God, and now, it’s finally my turn, and although I try my best, I can only slow down the beasts to one percent. But this is not enough! Slow again... just give it enough Time, it will still swallow my small universe, my universe will collapse and collapse, then I will be finished!"

The beginning of the purple moon is anxious.

"The ancestor.

The following figure flew from the outside, and soon passed through the hundred masters of the universe, two true gods appeared, each one was respectful.

The purple ancestor ancestors overlooked the bottom, and Tie Qing angered: "At this moment, the beast has already arrived outside the universe of my purple moon."

"The beast is coming!"

"Beyond our holy land?"

"The beast has finally arrived."

Every one of them is flustered. Although they have hundreds of cosmic masters and two true gods, no one has the confidence to deal with the beasts.

"You wait for the departure immediately." Ziyue's first ancestors drank the road, "There are all the souls of the strongest treasures, starting in a palace to the strongest treasure, starting to leave my purple moon holy universe. To deal with the beast!"

"The ancestor, I wait, I will not wait for the beast opponent."

"We can't handle it."

Immediately below, one by one.

Purple Moon began to anger and said: "Of course I know that you are not its opponent. So I let you hide in the palace to the strongest treasure. I just let you go ... let you affect it! slow down the speed of its engulfing the universe And, immediately pass the message to the entire universe, let them know that the beasts are here! Let them come to the beast!"

"The first ancestor." Underneath a double-sided four-armed red armor cosmic master worried, "We have a very poor relationship with human beings. Human beings are now the first force in the universe. The Galaxy Lord Luo Feng is the first in the universe. Strong. We spread the news... Will the Galaxy Lord Luo Feng come?"