MTL - Sweet Finale to a Lifetime of Quick Transmigrations-Chapter 11 011

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Su Nuo was shooting a promotional video on Saturday with two days left. Recently, she has been busy with miscellaneous things and hasn't watched the script well. After returning home and greeting Lin Zhi, who was busy in the kitchen, Su Nuo locked himself into the room.

Turn on the computer, enter the game, find an empty place for the characters to dance.

All the attacking skills of Nei Sang are related to dance, beautiful dancing, and flying ribbons, and it is no wonder that many girls like to play this role. After watching it for half an hour, she remembered all the dance steps in her mind, and then she disassembled her posture and turned out of the closet to find two gauze to practice.

This seemingly complicated dance movement is not challenging for Su Nuo. Su Nuo started practicing ballet at an early age. After growing up, she slowly gave up due to physical reasons. Later, she passed through ancient times and became the first card of a green house to avoid becoming a dignitarian. Under the pet, Su Nuo was forced to embark on the geisha road. Later in the war, the targets of the world saw her beautiful and talented, so she took them home to take good care of her.

Su Nuo, who has never enjoyed pampering, always thought that the prince was really good to her, and even innocently wanted to give up the task and stay in that world, until the prince sent her to the enemy's tent camp, she realized that she was just a fine work, for him Compete for the chess pieces of the world.

After that, Su Nuo was awake. No matter how good the subsequent Raiders were, she would not put in the slightest affection, because ... the man didn't have a good thing.

After practicing for an hour, Su Nuo felt a bit out of energy, stopped and panted for a while, and knocked on the door.

"Nuo Nuo, have lunch."

"Come right now!" She dropped the ribbon, changed into clean clothes, and opened the door and went out.

Su Nuo's face was red, and his forehead was covered with thin sweat, and the whole person was vivid and beautiful.

Lin Zhi stared at her like a few, smirked: "Do Nuo Nuo practice yoga in it?"

Su Nuo shook his head: "How about dancing."

Lin Zhi said: "The Nuo Nuo dance must look good, I don't know if my mother has a chance to see ..."

Just now, the twins are back.

As usual, the two teenagers washed their heads and washed their faces at the pool in the yard, screaming into the door with drops of water, and couldn't stop starving.

Lin Zhi didn't dare to delay, and was busy giving the two sons a meal.

Su Nu glanced at them and went to the kitchen to help.

"Mom, the school will charge for the textbooks." Yuan Che leaned on the apple and leaned on the door frame, and Dang Erlang and Lin Zhi reached for money.

Lin Zhi wiped the water stains on his hands and took out a small change from the apron's pocket: "How much?"

Yuan Che's eyes rolled around: "Five hundred per person, Acheng and I have a total of one thousand."

Lin Zhi's hands narrowed, his eyes widened instantly: "So much ?!"

Yuan Che nodded and vomited the peel: "The college entrance examination will take another two years. The mess is definitely expensive."

Lin Zhi sighed, some money could be saved, but some money could not be saved. She opened her apron, took a thousand dollars from her clothes pocket, and handed it to Yuan Che. "Hold on, Mom doesn't expect anything else, I hope you can read well."

"Thank you mom."

"Thank you for thanking your sister for the money. She gave you the money." Yuan Guohong said to Lin Zhi that he had given Su Nu the money that day, and Lin Zhi was moved and embarrassed.

Yuan Che raised his eyes and said, "Thank you." The understated two words were perfunctory.

Su Nuo didn't respond, and served the food in silence.

It may be because he took Su Nuo's money. Yuan Che, who was at the dinner table, did not find Su Nuo anymore. After a meal, the two brothers hurried away from home carrying school bags.

Su Nuo's eyes sank, and he put down the tableware: "I'll go out."

Lin Zhi nodded: "Come back early."

After packing the phone, Su Nuo got up and followed.

The sun at noon was very fierce. The sparrows staying on the wire poles were weak and weak. The two brothers walking in front of them were full of energy, running and jumping, and occasionally flew on the wall to perform a stunt. Su Nuo watched Just tired.

Before it was time to go to school, they were not on their way to school. After seven rounds and eight turns, the two walked into a dilapidated alley and finally disappeared into the corner.

Su Nuo followed.

There is a shop open here, the door is very old, the top is stained with mud, and a plaque is standing next to it. The words on it are no longer clear. Su Nuo directly opened the door.

The smoke in the room was sour, the smell was pungent, the windows were closed, and the dirty curtains could not see the original look. The fan above her head creaked, she frowned, and looked around to see the bald strong man smoking a cigarette counting money. It was exactly two children standing in front of him.

Su Nuo's eyes sank, and he strode forward and took back the stack of red banknotes.

The bald-headed brawny man stunned at the moment, Yuan Cheng and Yuan Che looked at her for a moment.

The bald man spit out his cigarette butt, his toes were crushed, his tone was rough, and he was full of badness: "Who the **** are you?"

Su Nuo ignored the money and ignored him, looked at the twins, and raised his eyebrows: "The cost of teaching materials?"

Yuan Che finally returned to God: "It's your shit!" Zhang Shou just grabbed her money.

Su Nuo swiftly avoided, raising her feet slightly, Yuan Che was caught off guard, and she stumbled to the ground, her back of her head slumped on the side stool.

"Ah, hey!" Yuan Che exclaimed painfully, a handsome face twisted together.

Yuan Cheng hurried to help his brother and stared at Su Nuo: "What are you doing?"

"What am I doing?" Su Nuo put his money in his pocket. "I want to ask you why."

This place is small and broken, there is no clean place on the ground, and there is a door in front, covered by curtains. Even if you can't see the inside, you know that this is not a serious place. The two brothers cheated a thousand yuan secretly here, thinking with their toes that they were bothersome.

"Does what we do have anything to do with you?" Yuan Che slowed down and broke away with Yuan Cheng's hand standing up. "Let's talk nonsense and give us the money back."

"Also? This seems to be my money."

Yuan Che's breath suffocated: "Fuck." After angrily, he ran out in a hurry, and Yuan Cheng saw this quickly and followed.

"You still have to do it?" The bald man hurriedly asked when he saw someone left.

Yuan Cheng's voice came from the door: "A few days!"

"Lost in time ..." The bald man stroked his bald head and turned into the room.

Su Nuo's eyelashes trembled and reached out to stop him: "Excuse me, what are they doing here for you?"

The bald man looked at Su Nuo back and forth. She was petite, fair-skinned, and looked like a soft and soft high school student.

He smiled all of a sudden, a bit wretched: "Skin-cutting, skin-curing, healing."

Su Nuo's eyes widened and narrowed.

Out of the black clinic, she couldn't open her eyes scorched by the sun, and the hot air dispelled the smoke from the house. She walked forward slowly with her hands in her hands, and saw the original squatting squatting in front of the trash can. In the middle, he banged against the wall and vented his anger, and Yuan Cheng supported his chin next to him, scolding and scolding him.

It looks like a child who hasn't grown up.

Su Nuo shook his head helplessly and stood in front of the two brothers.

Looking at her, Yuan Che's eyes were red: "Is something wrong?"

Su Nuo said, "You two are circumcised. Skin or curative."

Visible to the naked eye, both children blushed.

"Off, off your fart-!" Yuan Che stuttered.

Yuan Cheng, who was next to him, wasn't too calm: "Yes, it's your offense!"

Su Nuo was a bit funny and took out his money and waved: "It really doesn't matter to me. I don't have a long bag. The skin is not sexually ill."

Every time she said a word, the temperature on their faces rose by one point.

Harahara stood in front of her brother and looked at her with a blushing face. "We are going to cut ... What, are you satisfied? You can leave now?"

Looking at a serious Yuan Cheng, Su Nuo did not burst out, and laughed loudly.

When she smiled, Yuan Che was annoyed again: "Smily, don't laugh! What's funny! Which man doesn't have this thing, what laughs!"

Su Nuo's eyes were innocent: "I didn't laugh." He didn't smile, his voice laughed again.

Yuan Che could not ignite the fire, and squatted alone on the ground with sulking.

Su Nuo's cough concealed his smile and looked at the mature Yuan Cheng. "So you went to that small clinic?"

Yuan Cheng scratched his head and avoided Su Nuo's sight: "We went to ... to the big hospital, but the operation cost is very expensive, and we have to be accompanied by a parent to sign ..." Parents know that the two of them are really embarrassed to tell their parents that it is too shameful.

Su Nuo understood and laughed again, "You have to wrap your skins together?"

Yuan Che stalked his neck: "Brothers are born together, and the foreskin is cut together! What's wrong?"

"No problem, no problem." Take a deep breath and suppress the smile, and seriously popularize with them, "But do you know how unsafe that kind of black outpatient clinic is? I do n’t talk about whether he has a medical license, just say the environment there It ’s not suitable for surgery, or ... ”I glanced at them.“ It's still about the safety of life. ”

Yuan Cheng bit his lip: "We asked, he said it was okay ..."

"You believe what he says?"

Yuan Cheng didn't speak, and bowed his head in guilty conscience.

Su Nuo was not surprised by their behavior. The two children were originally born in Jinyiyushi. They have not experienced any human suffering for more than ten years. They are full of innocence and publicity, and do not know the darkness of society at all. .

"You are afraid to lose face and not dare to explain to your parents, but have you ever thought about how shameful you would be if you went to the newspaper because of an accident in the black clinic?

They covered their faces, and in that case they chose to die again.

Su Nuo looked down at Yuan Che, "You'd better tell your parents about this. After all, you have to consider your studies and costs."

The two looked at each other without a word of silence.

Su Nuo handed the money over: "Go back to your mother and tell her that the school does not need materials." After stuffing in the other's pocket, Su Nuo turned and left the alley.

After she left, Yuan Che slowly and slowly stood up from the ground, rubbing her sore legs and whispering, "This is definitely not something parents can know." Parents know that their friends will know, friends know Then, the friends' children will know, and the whole school will know by then!

Yuan Che became more and more panicked: "No, we have to find a way to plug Su Nuo's mouth!" 2k novel reading network