MTL - Sweet Finale to a Lifetime of Quick Transmigrations-Chapter 4 004 [catching insects]

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The furniture is old and the decoration is very old. The walls are full of photos of a family, some of which have turned yellow.

Lin Zhi put the chopsticks on the table, and said, "After a while, Yuan Cheng and Yuan Che will leave school, and Nuo Nuo will take his seat first."

As soon as she finished speaking, footsteps came from the outside. Two 16-year-olds and seven-year-olds smashed in and out from the outside. When they saw an extra person in the room, the expression on her face instantly freezes.

Yuan Cheng and Yuan Che are twins, very tall, nearly one meter eight, with black hair, white skin, and Jianmei star eyes are very handsome.

Su Nuo thought about it and offered to greet them, "Hello, my name is Su Nuo."

The two brothers had cold eyes, didn't hold her hand out, took off their bags and went to the water pipe in the yard to wash their hands and wash their hair.

Their attitude did not surprise Su Nuo. The two boys had been favored by their elders since they were young. Now suddenly a sister emerged. It is difficult for anyone to accept it. Especially the original description of them is a pair of jumbles, fights, and bullies. Lively little bully.

Lin Zhiha smiled to mediate the atmosphere: "Yuan Cheng and Yuan Che are somewhat acquainted, Nuo Nuobie cares about them."

Su Nuo whispered and opened the chair to sit.

After a while, the two brothers with drops of water on their heads sat across from Su Nuo. They creaked as they pulled their chairs, pulled their faces together, and expressed their dissatisfaction everywhere.

Lin Zhi ignored the pair of sons and couldn't help but put vegetables in the bowl of Su Nuo: "I don't know what you like to eat, so I just made it and see if it suits your taste."

Su Nuorou smiled softly, "Very good, you worked hard."

It can be seen that she has worked **** this meal, swimming in the water, running on the ground, each doing two, a table full of pawns.

Su Nuo looks elegant, raising her hands is the look of every lady.

Yuan Che's eyes blew a few times, picked up a large piece of fish head and put it in her plate, and said with a smile: "Sister eat more fish and make up for her body."

The carp was not small. Su Nuo put down her chopsticks and said softly, "Thank you, but I'm allergic to fish." What she said was not a lie. Since that high fever in her childhood, she has become allergic to many things, fish, mango, honey No one can touch them.

Lin Zhi was a little bit surprised and annoyed. He took the fish away and asked carefully: "Apart from fish, what can't you eat?"

Su Nuo shook his head: "Mango, some exciting ones are not very tasty."

Lin Zhi's eyes curled up: "Then I will pay attention to it next time. Glutinous eats that plate of fried shrimp, which is delicious."

Yuan Che, who was preparing to sandwich the shrimp, rolled her eyes, and muttered "pretentiousness" in her mouth.

The tableware was cleaned by Yuan Guohong. Lin Zhi took Su Nuo to see her room. This room was cleaned up early, afraid that the twins would come in trouble, and they were usually locked. Today they can finally be opened. Two The brother farted upside down.

This bedroom is facing the sun. Through the open windows, you can see the old green locust trees in the courtyard. The soft single beds are next to the wall. The desk is facing the window, with a few pots of green plants and a White laptop.

Although the room is small, the intention of the decorator can be seen.

"Nuo Nuo, do you like it?" Lin Zhi dragged the corner of his clothes, his expression flashing with anticipation and anxiety.

Su Nuo softened her cautiously and nodded: "I like it very much."

Hearing the sound, Nyingchi Changshu breathed a sigh of relief.

Suddenly, Yuan Che shouted, "What's going on with that computer?" There was anger in his tone.

Lin Zhi was stiff and hurriedly grabbed Yuan Che's sleeve. "Low, don't scare your sister."

Yuan Che not only didn't lower, but instead called higher. "In the beginning, you sold all my hands and Yuan Cheng, sneakers and electronic supplies. We also recognized that the situation is special. What is going on now?"

Lin Zhi tightened his arm, his voice lowered with a bit of entreaty, "Let's go back and talk about this, will you go out first?"

"Why do you say it later?" Yuan Che shakes off her mother's hand, her eyes are stained with red. "You don't need me to give the room to her. I and Yuan Cheng learn to use a computer. What kind of family difficulties let us borrow classmates. It's good now, you are ready before she lives in, what do you mean? "

Lin Zhi tensed her chin, and she did not dare to look at Yuan Che.

Yuan Che looked at Su Nuo again and resisted unabashedly: "I said it directly, I don't welcome you. You also saw that our family is bankrupt, and you ca n’t inherit a penny of property, maybe you have to Help the family to pay off the debts, and let the acquaintances go by themselves, and save the hardships in our little broken house. "

Lin Zhi snapped sharply: "Xiao Che, sister just came back, you can't speak like this."

Yuan Che sneered: "What kind of sister is she? Why should I call her sister?" After a vicious glance at Su Nuo, Yuan Che sneered out of the room.

Harahara stunned and turned away.

Only Su Nuo and Lin Zhi were left in the room. Lin Zhi, who was standing in front of her, was pulling on the corner of her dress, and she looked embarrassed and smiled.

Su Nuo took a few steps forward, stroking the brand-new laptop with her slender white and tender fingers. She didn't do much research on the brand of the computer, but also recognized at first glance that it was an Apple laptop, less than five or six thousand. Su Nuo couldn't figure out that the family was going bankrupt, so why give her such a daughter she never met.

"How did those two boys run out?" Yuan Guohong, who finished the bowl, stared at the door, puzzled.

Lin Zhi bit her lip and yelled, "They saw the computer ..."

The original country Acer down.

Busy explain; "Don't you mind Nuo Nuo, they ..."

"I don't need a computer." Su Nuo interrupted him and put the notebook in the arms of Yuan Guohong. I don't need it when studying books. "

Yuan Guohong tightened his computer and said dryly: "Look, do you have any needs? I'll get ready right away."

Su Nuo said: "It's all good, you don't have to spend money on me." Some are indifferent and some are alienated.

Lin Zhi and Yuan Guohong were somewhat injured, but they were also expected.

They did not dare to bother Su Nuo and took the door out of the room.

After leaving, Su Nuo sat on the bed and looked at the small wildflowers blooming in the sun outside the window, six lemon-yellow petals, pink flowers, charming and charming, the color of life.

The last task of fast-wearing is Doomsday Paradise. Even though it has experienced the first nine different worlds, it is still scared by the broken gray scenery. At that moment, Su Nuo realized that human beings were so insignificant in the face of disaster.

It's great to be healthy and come back.

She took out her mobile phone from her bag and did not reply to her parents for so long. They must be worried that it was broken. As soon as they unlocked, she saw a few messages from WeChat, which were sent by Shen's mother.

[Ms. Shen: Is Nuo Nuo here? I told you that my dad wiped tears in the study for half an hour after you left, but it broke my heart. By the way, don't tell your dad about this matter, it's my fault to save me. ]

Su Nuo smiled lightly and typed slowly: [I'm here, they are all good. Mom, you can rest assured and tell your dad not to worry about me. ]

Shen's mother is estimated to have been holding her cell phone. Her information port immediately responded: [I heard that they still have a pair of twins in their house, isn't it difficult for you? ]

Su Nuo: [No, no one will embarrass me, you can rest assured. ]

After replying, when Shen's mother was about to put down her mobile phone, she saw the deliberate avatar under the message bar. The remark she gave was her favorite delusion. Su Nuo stared for three seconds and did not hesitate to add the person to the blacklist.

After dark, the two brothers Haru Cheng came back from the outside.

Su Nuo had just taken a bath, and was half-wet in the yard to cool in the yard. She was wearing shorts, her exposed legs were straight, her skin was dazzling under the light, Yuan Che stared at her for a while, and she gave an unknown snort. Going away from Su Nuo, he entered the back room and walked out again shortly afterwards, bowing his head and wondering what other bad ideas he was plotting.

The mosquito stung, and Su Nuo scratched his arm and got up to go back to the bedroom. Then, the twins sneaked out behind the windowsill and looked inward.

Su Nuo was not a fool, naturally noticed them, pretended to pull up the curtains, covered the eyes of the two, opened the quilt and climbed to the bed. At this time, Su Nuo noticed that there was a soft wax in the palm of his hand. He wriggled, frowned, and reached out to grab the thing.

——A plump green flesh worm.

If before, Su Nuo could not be frightened, but since seeing the apocalyptic mutant mice, they have already been immune to these bugs, and also feel that the insects are green and cute.

Su Nuo touched the caterpillar that was twisting her body at the palm of her hand, blinked, went barefoot to the ground, opened the window, and threw the bug out.


This thing happened to happen to the tip of Yuan Che's nose, he was shocked and shook the worm to the ground.

"Fuck." The anger was rushing inside.

Yuan Cheng grabbed him and smiled, "Forget it."

Yuan Che whispered, "Fuck, that girl throws bugs on my face!"

Harahara comforted and said, "Did you ever eat bugs when you were young? How about something?"

Yuan Che didn't speak again, and returned to the room in a sullen mood.

As night fell, Su Nuo secretly got up and came to the kitchen. This kind of old house was in disrepair for many years, the pipes were wet, and there were countless cockroaches at night.

Without turning on the light, she found an empty mineral water bottle and sprinkled white sugar into it. After a few moments, several large, smooth cockroaches were willing to enter the trap. Su Nuo buckled the bottle of mineral water and walked lightly to the second floor.

They did not lock the door, the table lamp was on, and the two brothers fell asleep on the bunk, one of whom had legs almost to the ground.

Su Nuo squatted on the bunk. The twins looked exactly the same. She couldn't tell whether it was Yuan Cheng or Yuan Che who slept underneath, but regardless of him, the two brothers were not much different.

Su Nuo raised the bottle in front of his eyes, his hands shook, and the cockroaches roared around in the bottle, making the scalp numb. 2k novel reading network