MTL - Sweet Finale to a Lifetime of Quick Transmigrations-Chapter 7 007

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Su Nuo went to wash his hands and came to the kitchen to help arrange the chopsticks. Lin Zhi hurriedly stopped and said: "Nuo Nuo just sit and sit, this kind of rough work doesn't need you to come."

Su Nuo Renjun not only said: "It's nothing to do with a few pairs of chopsticks."

Lin Zhi stubbornly took the chopsticks and put her eyes on her hand. Su Nuo gave birth to a pair of delicate ten fingers with small palms and slender fingers. Each fingernail was covered with white powder. Such a hand must not have done any hard work. Too.

Lin Zhi was so emotional that she pulled her hands up. Su Nuo, who did not like being in contact with people, had to avoid it, but she stopped suddenly when she faced the expression.

"Now think about it, it's good that you haven't followed us ..." Lin Zhi smiled bitterly and squeezed her soft hand bones. "At that time, my dad and I were in the entrepreneurial period and didn't have time to look after your brother and sister. You are all carried by your grandma, but she doesn't like girls, and you are not less affected ... "

Su Nuo pursed her lips, wondering what to say.

Lin Zhi slowly rubbed her hands, and suddenly stopped her eyes at her wrists.

Since she was discharged from hospital, she has been wearing a wristband, and she has not taken it off for a moment. Feeling the inquiry in Lin Zhi's eyes, Su Nuo hesitated for a few seconds, and slowly pulled the white wristband to her palm.

——Slender and white wrist bone, a cricket wound meandering three centimeters.

Lin Zhi's heart twitched and her eyes became red.

She didn't follow the news, she didn't know the scandals on the Internet, she just heard that her lost daughter was in the hospital, and she knew nothing else.

After lightly touching the wound, Lin Zhi choked and said, "The body is your own. There is nothing difficult in the world, but it will not be so in the future, ah?"

Su Nuo smiled softly and said in a soft voice: "I see."

"Wife, I'm back!"

Outside the door, Yuan Guohong just came home from work.

Lin Zhi hurriedly cleaned the tears hanging from the corner of her eyes, and carried the food out.

Su Nuo puts on her bra again and helps to organize together.

After the dishes were all served, Nyingchi rushed out to wash the hands of the original country Acer and said, "The refrigerator has frozen two bottles of beer for you. I will bring them to you if you drink them."

Harukuni Hara smiled: "So luxurious today?"

Lin Zhi smiled and said, "Nuo Nuo is back and it's okay for a few extravagances."

Yuan Guohong shook his hands with water stains and entered the room.

The small wooden round table was full of meat and vegetables. Lin Zhi took wine from Yuan Guohong and poured the drink in front of Su Nuo.

Lin Zhi's first-hand cooking made the appetite for Su Nuo, who was used to sleeping in the doomsday meal, and even rice ate half a bowl. Seeing her happy, Lin Zhi and Yuan Guohong also followed.

Today, unlike in the past, they can't afford expensive ingredients. They were afraid that Su Nuo, who had been bred from Xiaojiao, would abandon this side dish. Now it seems that they are relieved.

"Nuo Nuo eats this fat intestine, your mother's specialty is good." Yuan Guohong clipped a chopsticks into her bowl.

Looking at the fried fat intestines wrapped in oil and steaming, Su Nuo was silent, and a picture of the zombies breaking their stomachs appeared in their minds.

Seeing that she hadn't moved for a long time, Yuan Guohong was careful: "These are cleaned up, don't you like glutinous?"

Before waiting for Su Nuo to answer, Yuan Che chuckled aside and said, "I'm a young lady, how can I eat this sloppy belly? You are too particular about it."

"Ache ..." Yuan Cheng kicked him.

Yuan Che Nou mouth, bowed his head and pulled rice.

"Some people are not used to eating water. Glutinous eats that glutinous rice cake. My mother fried it early in the morning. It's very sweet."

Su Nuo said nothing, swallowed his fat gut, swallowed, and smiled upwards: "It's delicious."

When she laughed, her eyes were crooked, and the pear swirled, even the snow that had condensed in December would follow.

Lin Zhi's heart was soft, and she couldn't help but want to cry again.

After dinner, Su Nuo ignored Lin Zhi's objection to washing the dishes. Yuan Guohong wiped the car outside. The two brothers outside the living room watched TV while doing their homework.

After finishing the housework, Su Nuo brought the cleaned fruits in and placed them on the table, ignoring Yuan Che's disgusting eyes and sitting beside them.

A fire variety show is playing now, and Meng Yizheng happens to be a guest of flight in this issue. The woman on the screen has a ponytail, exquisite makeup, and arrogant eyes.

Yuan Che bit his pen and sighed, "Hey, he looks so good."

That's right, these two are Meng Yizheng's little fan brother.

After sighing, Yuan Che glanced at Su Nuo again. "Unlike some people, they apparently debuted in the same period, but they can't even compare their toes."

In addition to family factors, he has a lot of hostility to Su Nuo from Meng Yiluo. I heard that Meng Yiluo and the Grandpa of the Shen Group have a good relationship. The two are extremely good-looking women, even if they have not announced each other, everyone also Mindlessly, some people got involved in it and destroyed it everywhere.

Just didn't expect that this person became their sister.

Yuan Che took an apple, threw it into the air, and caught it. He smiled in Su Nuo's ears: "Speaking of which you don't like to imitate 苒苒? Why do you dye your hair back now? You also know that Not on the Phoenix? "

He said too much, in order to stir Su Nu's anger.

However, from the beginning to the end Su Nuo didn't even give a look, his expression was indifferent, calmly like a fairy.

"Ache, don't talk about it." Yuan Cheng knew that Su Nuogang had committed suicide. He was afraid that his brother had done too much, and no one could do anything stupid. They could not afford that responsibility.

Yuan Che chuckled and didn't continue.

Soon, Yuan Guohong washed the car and entered the door.

Seeing the picture of "harmony" on the sofa, Yuan Guohong was very relieved, "Yuan Cheng, Yuan Che, I have something for you." When he returned to the room, he came back with a notebook. The computer is the one originally given to Su Nuo.

Yuan Guohong smiled and put the computer on the table. "Dad was really harsh before. I didn't care about your feelings. This is not your sister's. Now I will use it for you and take it to study."

The two brothers' faces changed.

Yuan Che clenched her pen, faintly suppressing the tone: "She doesn't want it anymore, so you give it to us?"

Yuan Guohong didn't hear the dissatisfaction in his voice and said, "Yeah, you can't just throw it there and waste, you don't just want a computer ..."

"Why do we want to take what she has left!" Yuan Che picked up the computer and crashed to the ground with a slamming noise, which shocked Yuan Guohong, and even frightened Lin Ling, who was washing clothes in the bathroom. .

"This, what's wrong?" Lin Zhi looked blank as he looked at the stale father and son.

Yuan Che pointed to Su Nuo; "You gave me what she didn't want, and then bought her tens of thousands of game books, didn't you go bankrupt? Every day, there are big fish and meat, and you have money to buy two computers. Is it interesting to have a swollen face and a fat man! You don't look at others as rare! "

"Yuan Che--!" Yuan Guohong's eyes were red, and he raised his hand to slap his face.

Yuan Cheng felt a little confused, and hurried to stand in front of Yuan Che.

In the end, Yuan Guohong's slap was not willing to fight.

His lips trembled, and he turned to caress his face. The back was full of helplessness and vicissitudes.

The living room was dead.

Su Nuo has finished smashing half an apple. She licked her lips, raised her head, and said slowly: "The computer in my house is provided by the company. Because I received a game endorsement and needed a game book, I brought it back The family was unaware of it. "

Yuan Chebei began: "Who the **** believes."

Su Nuo got up, his eyes fixed, "You have no job, but I do."

He was a little guilty, but still mumbled, "I haven't seen you give your family money after work ..."

Su Nuo took a deep breath, "One: According to Article 23 of the Adoption Law: The rights and obligations between adoptive children and biological parents and other close relatives were eliminated due to the establishment of the adoption relationship, which means that I have no obligation now. Give you money; two: you have not considered me a family member, so your statement is not true; three: you are now an adult, and have always spent the family at home, you should give money, not like You have to apologize to your father for playing with the prince's temper like a giant baby.

"Why should I--"

The voice didn't fall, Yuan Che noticed that Su Nuo had an irresistible momentum hidden under his eyes, he groaned and swallowed his mouth, and his energy disappeared. Recalling Su Nuo's warning to him last night, Yuan Che was persuaded.

After pursing her lips, Yuan Che picked up the computer on the ground and turned to the house.

Su Nuo didn't care about it any more and sat back on the sofa.

The atmosphere in the living room was still silent. She noticed Lin Zhi's expression was lonely, and she saw the embarrassment of Yuan Guohong's face.

Her words hurt them, and Su Nuo knew it well.

She has been a docile and kind person since she was a child. Her half-year experience in an orphanage has made her cautious, not to mention hurting people; but since crossing, Su Nuo feels that she has changed.

At first she would still cry and be afraid, but slowly, she began to converge on tears and temper, like a hedgehog, wrapped herself tightly under the hard shell, whoever harmed her, she would pierce who; Then, her stab was gone, all that remained was calmness and indifference.

She will never be as concerned about the feelings of others as she used to be, and always worry about whether the other party will be hurt by her inappropriate words. Now she is like a robot out of control, full of cold and helpless to the new world.

Su Nuo tightened his fists, and his mood suddenly fell.

In the silence, Su Nuo's cell phone ringing, she turned back, connected, and Shen mother tongue over the microphone was anxious: "Nuo Nuo, your dad fainted. Come back and see!"

Su Nuo jumped in her heart and said quickly, "I'll go back immediately." Hanging up the phone, Su Nuo hurried back to the house to pack things, without looking at his parents' expressions, and went straight out.

It's dark now, and it's remote, so few taxis pass by. When Su Nuo was about to make a call to Da Dawang, Yuan Guohong's Geely car stopped at the side of the road.

The window fell, and he leaned out. "Get in."

Su Nuo didn't move.

Yuan Guohong smiled kindly: "Is your mother calling from me? It sounds like something urgent, come up now, how can I rest assured that you leave alone so late?"

After a few seconds of hesitation, Su Nuo opened the door of the first officer and sat up. 2k novel reading network