MTL - Sweetest in the Universe-Chapter 52

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Xie Yi took Zhou Zheng to the swimming pool not far from their base, a taxi less than half an hour, this distance in Shanghai as a whole, even called a sentence near the door.

Both men got up early in the team, and they just opened the door. But that's not bad, at least it's quiet now.

Under the introduction of the staff, Zhou Yan quickly decided to set up a season card here.

After getting the card, she remembered and asked Xie Yi, "What package did you buy?"

He pointed to the top column.

"Oh card." She was a little surprised, "Did you come in winter?"

"... No." He explained the privileges of the annual card, "can go to the pool with the fewest people."

Zhou Yan immediately moved his heart: "Can only the annual card go?"

"Yes." The one who answered her this time was the staff member who just registered her information. "If you want, we can upgrade you to the adult card package."

Zhou Zheng was a little tangled.

After all, she is determined to save money to buy a house. At this moment, her salary is not much, and she cannot really spend money. And as an e-sports player, she holds an annual card, how many times can she come a year? At least she was not interested in swimming in the winter!

"Forget it, just Jika." After tangling to the end, rationality still prevailed, she gritted her teeth, "No need to upgrade."

The staff did not persuade me, said with a smile, and immediately said that if they want to swim now, they can go directly.

It ’s coming, and the money has been spent. Is n’t it a waste not to travel, not to mention that it ’s just a holiday today.

Zhou Yan has always used up everything.

However, she did not expect that Xie Yi, who had an annual card, did not have a pool dedicated to the card last year, but joined her.

After changing her clothes and going to the pool, she was taken aback when she saw that he was already in the water.

"You ... why are you here?"

Why else, of course, don't worry about her.

Xie Yi was reluctant to admit that he was more than happy to distract her more. Without a positive answer, she just continued to swim after glancing at her.

Zhou Yan: "?"

Before he could answer, she went into the water.

This pool is quite worthy of her money, not worse than the one used in the hotel in Taiwan before, and the swimming pool just opened at this moment, a large swimming pool, only two of them in total.

Zhou Zheng comforted himself, in fact, this is almost an annual card treatment, nothing bad.

Swimming was very physical. She ate little in the morning, and she couldn't raise her hands after a while. She leaned on the steps in the shallow water to rest and watched Xie Yiyou by the way.

Looking at it, she began to admire their captain again. Obviously, she is an e-sports player who logically stays out of the house or even has no chickens. As a result, she has not even slowed down for so long.

This physical strength is too scary.

When he finally stopped, she asked her doubts like a bean, and he glanced at him.

"I'm not leaving home?"

"Well, you don't count." Thinking of the frequency with which he went out to eat, she changed her mind. "But I haven't seen you in the swimming pool before."

"... it just starts, it's important to run in." He said.

Zhou Yan: "..." According to this statement, did she delay him going swimming?

After all, the shortest others have been running with him for a season!

And remember, throughout June, he did not even miss the holiday time, and has been tacit understanding with her double row.

"Well, I really delayed you." She sighed.

"I don't blame you."

"Hey." Of course she knew that. "We can come together anyway."


Zhou Zhen took a rest for half an hour, and felt that his strength was almost restored, and then he went into the water again.

She claims to be good in water. She rarely moves in shallow water except when she rests, and swims directly to deep water.

According to her swimming level, this is really nothing, but she has been training at the base for almost five days in the past. She did n’t get enough rest. She stayed in the water for a long time and became more fatigued. Within a few minutes, my right foot was cramped.

Everyone who has had cramps knows that it is difficult to control her feet when she has cramps, especially she is still in the water at the moment, and she has no point of strength. As soon as her feet cramp, the person goes into the water.

But for half an effort she couldn't breathe, she smashed into the deep water without even shouting.

High-end swimming pools are equipped with rescuers to watch the situation of the pool all the way. As soon as she sank, the rescuers of this pool immediately jumped into the water.

It's just that the pool is really big, and you have to swim for a while to get to her.

Xie Yi heard the sound of someone entering the water on the other side. When she looked back at the rescuers in the distance and saw her, she jumped into the water and found that she was struggling not far away.

He didn't hesitate anymore and immediately swam over.

Compared to the rescuer, the distance between the two of them was closer, so it was him who eventually brought her out of the water. The rescuer took a step slower and could only watch from the side in case he didn't grasp it Category.

"Wow--!" She sipped the water while cramping, and now she regained fresh air, and immediately started coughing.

Xie Yi also probably guessed what happened to her, so she didn't dare to let go of her now, she could only take her to the shallow water a little bit.

"Ahem ..." She really didn't have much energy, "Thanks ... Thanks ..."

"You take your time." Don't rush.

Zhou Yan coughed red, but fortunately, after sitting ashore, her right foot had recovered a lot, at least she could control the movement.

"Oh!" But she moved a lot and started to ache again. She called subconsciously.

Xie Yi thought about it, got up and crouched in front of her, holding her knees, sliding her hands all the way down, helping her straighten her calf.

Of course this process is very painful, but only in this way can he get better quickly, so even if she coughs and yells, don't let him go.

The rescuer who followed came to him and said, "You can bear it for a while, it will be fine in a while."

Zhou Yan was so painful that she just wanted to swear, but she could return to the shore alive thanks to Xie Yi, who couldn't even swear.

Such an accident happened, and the two did not have the mood to continue swimming.

After Zhou Zheng's right leg completely recovered, Xie Yi directly asked her if she was leaving.

"... Let's go." She shouldn't swim today, she recognized.

"Be careful." He thought about it, still reaching for her hand when she stood up.

Zhou Min felt that he had troubled him enough, and said busyly: "I'm fine."

He immediately let go, "OK."

In fact, when he stepped back, she was a little lost.

The men's and women's bathrooms and dressing rooms are not in the same direction. After walking to the place where they walked separately, the two had an appointment and met directly in the lobby.

Zhou Xun was sorry to let him wait for too long, then wiped his hair after the shower and went to the locker room to change clothes.

The clothes changed to half, and a new guest entered the locker room. The locker was next to her. She seemed to know her. She looked at her at least three or four times during the process of opening the cabinet.

But Zhou Yan didn't say anything. She's not in the circle now as much black, in case this girl hates her?

Thinking of this, she quickly put on her coat and closed the door, then left without squinting.

... and then Xie Yi was dismissed as soon as he went out.

He suspected that she did not blow dry her hair and asked her if she had forgotten how she had entered the hospital with a fever.

Zhou Yan: "... It's blowing on the air conditioner. Today is a big sun outside."

He was unmoved: "Blow and go."

Zhou Zheng had no choice but to go back to the locker room to blow his hair.

Then she met the girl who had been watching her before. The other party had changed her bathing suit, was locking the locker, and saw her come in again, and she stunned.

"Are you Yuzhou of YYg?" When she picked up the hairdryer, the girl finally dared to open her mouth.

Zhou Zheng nodded, she thought the other party's tone was quite polite and should not hate her team fan.

Sure enough, watching her admit, the girl immediately laughed and said that she was an audience of LpL.

This statement is very interesting. Zhou Yan thought that he must not be a shabu-shabu fan, otherwise he would not be introduced in such a way.

"But I watched the YYg game a little less, so I just didn't recognize it." She paused. "I'm a fan of tSD."

Zhou Yanran: "It turns out that, then we both share the burden."

"Ha ha ha yes. By the way, can I take a picture with you?"

"Uh ..." Zhou Yan hesitated, "I haven't blown my hair yet."

"It's okay, I can wait for you to finish!"

She said this, Zhou Yan was not too embarrassed to refuse. Fortunately, short hair did not take too long to blow up. About five minutes later, she felt that her hair was almost dry.

The LpL viewers who asked for a photo also put on a coat, took out their mobile phones and leaned over.

Zhou Xun had a pair of scissors, and she had completed this task.

Xie Yi was still waiting for her in the outside hall. She was embarrassed to stay in the locker room for a long time. After taking this one, she said goodbye and went out.

She didn't take it too seriously. E-sports players are not entertainment stars. It is common for fans to recognize photos outside, in other words, they are not that particular.

Therefore, she didn't even mention it to Xie Yi after going out.

On the way back to the base, the two chatted at night.

Zhou Zheng asked him if he had signed the 20 photos and got him a cold eye.

"The fans will be very happy." She didn't really fear him now. "Really."

Xie Yi reluctantly said, "It's finished." I gave it to the propaganda team last night.

"Then I'll wait at 7:30 tonight, and I will try my luck at that time."

"What fun are you doing?" You want my autographed photo, can I not give it to you?

Anyway, Zhou Yan just said a word, try your luck, just in case luck.

When she said that, neither she nor Xie Yi expected that her luck had been verified before the opening time of the night had arrived.

It's just reverse verification.

At seven o'clock in the evening, when the YYg team was preparing for the broadcast, Lin Lin suddenly rushed in to look for her and asked if she had taken photos with others recently.

In view of Lin Lin's serious tone, she immediately sank: "What's wrong?"

"Really did you shoot it yourself?" Lin Lin was shocked.

"Wait, what's wrong?" She had a bad hunch.

Lin Lin took a deep breath and said, "Someone sent a picture of you in the team's superword. It's not elegant. Although it was deleted soon, it has spread."

Zhou Zheng was frightened by the words that were not so elegant: "Ah? Why not so elegant ?!"

The others were stunned by her, and quickly gathered around and asked what had happened.

Ying Yuanxia simply took out the Weibo on his mobile phone and looked up, but as soon as he clicked into the search bar and typed her ID, he couldn't help breathing.

Zhou Zheng no longer considered anything else, grabbed Ying Yuanxia's phone and looked down.

The line of auto-associative search that caught her eyebrows really caught her on the spot—Yuzhou bed photos.

"What ?!" She was really surprised. "This ..."

"The photo is p." This Lin Lin has already checked out, "But the face above and the photo you can find are not at an angle, so I asked you if you took a photo with someone."


"You might have been designed."

Zhou Zhen really couldn't believe that such a thing would happen.

She frowned and nodded to the search. Then she saw the photo, which was really very, very indecent.

The face in the photo, as Lin Lin said, is that she is right.

"I took a photo with a woman in the swimming pool." She said, "She said that she was an LpL viewer, a fan of tSD, and asked if I could take a photo. It looked polite, and I agreed.


"Can't blame Xiao Zhou, she didn't expect such a person."

"Yes. The most important thing now is to solve this problem. Don't blame Xiao Zhou, she is also a victim."

Wang Blade and Ying Yuanxia immediately spoke to her.

Han Ziliang patted her on the shoulder and whispered, "Don't be too angry, it's not worth being angry with such a fool."

Zhou Ye wasn't angry, she just felt ridiculous: "No, why? Do I have any deep hatred with her?"

No one can answer this question, because the answer is yes, no.

It is precisely because there is no deep hatred at all that this incident is so shocking.

"I ..." After the absurd, she felt sad again. "I really thought she was a tSD powder, and I told her that we should be the same."

In the end, she choked a little.

The big man in the room looked at her like this and panicked even more. "Hey don't cry ..."

"Don't cry, don't cry, it's not your fault."


"Lin Brother, can we post a rumor with the official blog, or a letter from a lawyer?"

Lin Lin said that this is actually very simple, and he was actually doing it before he came.

However, the effect may not be very good. After all, the photos have been transmitted. Now all major marketing accounts are available there, and after the rumors are dispelled, there is no guarantee that no one will mention it later.

This is the most important point. The other party is directed at the disgusting person. What can you do? You have to be disgusted with everything.

Zhou Yan didn't want to cry in front of so many people, but she was really sad.

"Lin, Brother Lin, look at it ..." She rubbed her eyes and turned to run out of the training room. "I'll calm down."

Several people in the room looked at each other for a while.

Finally Xie Yi said the first: "I'll see her."

Lin Lin: "Okay, it's better to persuade, and live broadcast a while ... we signed the contract."

Everyone heard the words fell into silence. It wasn't that they were dissatisfied with him. They all knew that he was right. The matter of signing the contract could not be changed casually.

But Zhou Yan is too miserable. What kind of evil did this make?

Xie Yi said nothing and turned to find out.

She didn't run far, squatting on the balcony on the second floor of the base, and she crouched on her knees alone.

"Woohoo ... why ..."

Xie Yi couldn't answer this question, and couldn't blame her for being unguarded.

"I'm sorry." He could only say, "I shouldn't take you there."

If it hadn't been for the fact that he had promised her, he would have taken her as soon as he had a holiday, and there would be no such thing as tonight.

Why is the photo circulating so fast, and so many passers-by believe it, not because it is not a look with the photos she can find online.

So he did find it difficult to blame him.

"No, don't blame you ..." She still didn't look up and said intermittently with a cry, "Don't say that ..."

He was very soft-hearted, but couldn't find any more words to comfort her, and only tried to reach out and rub her head.

As for not crying, he couldn't even speak.

Cry for a while. When encountering such a thing, it is also good to be able to vent with a cry. It is better than pretending to be happy in the heart.

Zhou Zheng cried for ten minutes before finally restraining herself to stop.

"I'm fine." She buried her head in her knees, and her voice was low. "You don't need to worry about me. I'll go back to the room to wash my face and go downstairs, and live broadcast."

Xie Yi thought about it and said I'll wait for you to go down.

He insisted, and she had no choice but to let him follow the door of his room.

"It's a shame," she said, sniffing her nose before going in to wash her face.

"It's not you who shame," he said solemnly, pressing on her shoulder.

"I know, but I ... I don't really understand." After straightening up to face his eyes, the grievances in his heart were harder to restrain.

"Don't understand." He still said, "You did nothing wrong."

"I'm going to wash my face." She turned away and ran into the room.

Xie Yi didn't say anything, she waited silently at the door, listening to the sound of water in the room.

He had a good hearing, so he didn't miss the sobbing sound mixed with the sound of water, which sounded pitiful and helpless, making his entire chest suffocate, and he was so painful that he even breathed.

After the sound of water stopped, the sobbing sound was silent.

She came out with red eyes, and her eyes were dry, as if she had made a decision, took a deep breath and bit her lip, "Let's go, it's almost half past seven."


"Let ’s go, it ’s not good to miss the broadcast."


"Don't blame yourself," she added, "this matter has nothing to do with you."

Xie Yi sighed, touched her head sideways, and said nothing.