MTL - Sword Among Us-Chapter 1202 Eastern unbeaten suffering

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Chapter 1202, East Unbeaten and Suffering

Chapter 1202

"Unless the lord also has the courage to give up everything, otherwise, I want to be unaffected against the tiger, I am afraid that it can't, but the biggest problem now is that you want to control the two things of the tiger... all in my hands!" Undefeated in the East This sentence is extremely confident and proud, and the condescending posture is very obvious, and the ally of the Allied Alliance cannot win the battle of the tiger.

On the other hand, the Lord of Heaven and Earth, the face of the United States, calm, do not know whether it is thinking about the plan, or has decided to give up the tiger cub, motionless.

It lasted for half a minute!

The change is sudden! ! !

Without any hints, a long, sharp knife suddenly stabbed from the sand below the unbeaten in the East.

The undefeated face of the East has changed greatly, and the foot is a little bit, and the flying body is retreating!

boom! ! !

Almost at the same time, the sand exploded, and a black shadow flew out of the ground, chasing the undefeated figure of the East, like the skeleton of the skeleton, and chasing after it.

Howejo! !

The snowy knives bloomed in the face of undefeated in the East, like a huge winch, which produced a strong suction at the same time as the unbreakable red robes of the East, reducing the speed of the undefeated and retreating of the East. a lot of.

The master of heaven and earth has been suppressed by this sudden attack in the desert, and it is still unbeaten in the East. The East is unbeaten in the hands of the tigers and the other soldiers will not believe it.


But obviously there are more than one person ambushing in the sand...

The horn of the first wave of murder has just played, and in the rear of the undefeated retreat in the East, there are two whispers!


boom! !

The sand broke open and two black shadows flew out at the same time.

Hey! !

The bright swords, dazzling knives, suddenly intertwined from the unbeaten in the East, a piece of death knife and sword.

"Zhou Huai'an!"

"Hey, you are still the hero of the rivers and lakes!" The East is unbeaten and greets Zhou Huai'an and Mo Yan's fierce attack. He recognizes the latter's swordsmanship and is furious.

boom! !

The blade was shocked.

The attack of the two mythical peaks was easily broken by the **** tiger-shaped knife...


Zhou Huai’an and Mo Yan’s face were hit by a knife, the chest collapsed, and they were directly injured. Both of them fell back dozens of feet away;

At the same time, the palm of the hand shook, and the sneak attacker in front of him slammed into the sand, and the horrible pieces and blood on the floor were obviously not good.

Three sudden sneak attackers were killed and killed by the East!

However, the East is not defeated and can not take advantage of it.

The first mysterious master who flew out of the sand was the number one buddy of the gold inlaid jade. Although the mind was stupid, the knife of the "King Ding Jie Niu" was superb.

The treatment that Cao Shaoqin had not been able to enjoy before was now completely defeated by the East!

One face, the whole piece of meat on the thigh was cut a little, and the moment of landing, the unbeaten mouth of the East made a sharp and fierce roar:

"my leg!!!"

what! ! ! ! !

The screaming screams came from the unbeaten mouth of the maddening East.

boom! ! ! ! !

The first layer has a real shock wave, centered on the undefeated in the East, and swept out with a devastating momentum! !

Roar! ! ! !

After the roar, the tiger cub played.

The tiger cub, which had been trembled in the hands of the undefeated in the East, suddenly stopped shaking, and the glamorous red light flashed through and conveyed the whole body!

Eyes are congested, and the unbeaten eyes of the East are instantly swallowed up by hysterical blood red and violent, cruel colors! ! !

Enchanted! ! !

This time, the undefeated in the East was really invaded by the tigers. In the face of unacceptable facts, it was completely eroded by the evil spirits of the White Tiger and once again controlled the whole body.

Hey! ! !

The blade is wrong, a trip...

The tiger-shaped knives with a strong **** and violent momentum come out...

Not far away, the body of the young man was passed by the knife.


The body of the buddy Xiaowu is turned into a finely divided powder, which is integrated with the desert.

Wherever he went, he took out a deep gully that was more than ten meters wide and went straight to Baizhang!

A knife!

The domineering of the tiger cub is unmistakable.

The undefeated East of the lost one is completely defeated, and there is a horrible atmosphere that allows the world to change and let the winds surging. The whole world seems to have been dyed into blood red, which is clearly visible within a hundred miles.

From beginning to end, the Heaven and Earth Alliance leader is just standing still and watching!

From the buddy's small five raid, the latter did not even jump on the eyelids, as if everything was expected;

Zhou Huai'an and Mo Yan's swords and swords;

Until the success of the buddy Xiaowu quickly took away a piece of flesh and blood from the undefeated in the East, and the East was unbeaten and seriously injured, and the eyes of the Lord of Heaven and Earth all flashed a surprise.



In fact, when the "Supreme Masters of the World" was used before, the Lord of Heaven and Earth Alliance was keenly aware that there were three people under the sand who were not weak.

Buddy Xiaowu, Zhou Huai'an, Mo Yan!

The reason why there has never been a shot, the Lord of Heaven and Earth has this concern, but also has the concern of the tiger squad and the undefeated in the East - the people below the sand must wait for their own loss; in addition, the East The undefeated "Sunflower Collection" is a smattering of the tiger squad, so that the East is unbeaten and has the ability to compete with the front and even to force itself.

Unsure, the Heaven and Earth Alliance will naturally not do it!

The undefeated East of the Tigers and the soldiers have not been flawed - but the Lord of Heaven and Earth has found a breakthrough from the three people under the sand.

While procrastinating time to spy on the information from the undefeated mouth of the East, the Lord of Heaven and Earth Alliance quietly voiced to the three people under the sand to ask for cooperation.

Zhou Huai'an itself is the chivalrous man of the chivalrous world. He is extremely disgusted with the killing of the tigers and the undefeated in the East, and a group of companions are killed in the hands of the East. The two sides hit it off!

Unbeaten in the East is also unfortunate...

Because the majority of the power was given to suppress the sword spirit of the tigers and the gods, and to guard against the great enemy of the heavens and the earth, the enemy did not care about the underground.

Zhou Huai'an three hits! Successfully abolished an unbeaten thigh in the East!


The tiger shook, and a violent blood tiger suddenly took shape and grabbed the ground to kill him.


Although it has been enchanted, the bursts of pain that have come from below constantly stimulate the undefeated temperament of the East. At this moment, any person who appears in front of him is a deadly enemy who does not share the sky. The murderer is the first to bear the brunt. The nature is the man who brings him the most intuitive and threatening bones.

“Is this the real enchantment?”

Faced with a blade like a flaming yang, the face of the Heaven and Earth Alliance has changed slightly, and it is keenly aware that the unbeaten momentum of the East is stronger than the peak of the previous peak.

In the mind, I took a little bit of attention and reduced my contempt and scorn!

"The Lord of the Tigers, even if you lose a leg, it is also so difficult to deal with, it is hard to be ruthless, it is worthy of being the first weapon of the ancients!"

Between the self-speaking, the body of the heavens and the earth's allies stalked away, and their hands were staggered...

call! !

The power of Tiandao suddenly broke out, and the sand on both sides exploded again from the inside. The two groups of amazing sandstorms formed faces, opened their mouths and greeted the blood tiger.

puff! !

The face seems horrible, but it collapses instantly under the impact of the blood tiger, as fragile as a sand castle.

Hit the sand face, the blood tiger will not lose momentum!

However, the means of the world’s allies can be more than this...

Both hands waved again and again.

With the shape of the retreating, there are more and more sand faces on both sides, and the sand face behind it swallows the sand dunes that collapsed in front and becomes more solid.

boom! ! !

In the face of a more and more hard sand face, the blood tiger's castration has finally been slowed down. With repeated impacts, the substantial knife is finally weakened.



A fascinating red shadow bypassed the sand face, and the ghostly appearance appeared on the side of the world.

Yu Guang locked into this figure, the latter's eyelid jumped:

So fast!

The undefeated in the East wiped the body of the Allied Lords at an unimaginable speed...

The rows of sand face suddenly seemed to have lost the main bone, collapsed in rows, and were blown into a group of sand dunes by the wind.

Avoiding the unbeaten and deadly knife of the East, the face of the Heaven and Earth Alliance is also a layer of fine cold sweat - this feeling has not been encountered for a long time.


break out!

If it is not the killer in "The Supreme Master of the World", he may have just stepped into the footsteps of Cao Shaoqin...

Mindful flashes.

The Lord of Heaven and Earth has already known that the situation is not good.

Obviously, the East is unbeaten at this moment, and the strength is so inconceivable. He planned to slowly kill the last bit of vitality until the last thought has become unenforceable.

In the face of incomparably strong and violent East unbeaten, the leader of the Heaven and Earth Alliance is a magnificent sword of the sky!


A sword forced the East to be unbeaten, and the Lord of the World and the Alliance did not want to stop doing more, and then ran away, and at the same time, the mind turned sharply, looking for a way to get away...

"Give me death!!"

The East was unbeaten and lost, and turned back to face the swordsmanship of the Heaven and Earth Allies, and even the block was not blocked, and the pickpocket was a knife.

boom! !

Sword, knife mans!

Both crashed into the air, bursting with an earth-shattering loud noise;

The violent desert was suddenly stirred up by a huge wave of shocks. The swirling sandstorms rushed to the height of a hundred meters, and it looked like a tornado that would carry the world.

Affected by the tornado storm, the East is unbeaten and slightly behind the Tiandi League.

Chasing behind, a tiger-shaped knife is like a fierce beast chasing prey, rushing to chase, tearing a gully from behind and behind the heavens and the earth.

Under the protection of distance, the situation of the world is not too embarrassing, but the speed of the unbeaten in the East is too fast, and it is getting closer!

As the distance gradually approached, the difficulty of each dodge of the Heaven and Earth Allies was increased, and several times forced to return to attack.

Every time the hard hit is hard, the heavens and the earth allies have a feeling of uncomfortable feeling of tremble in the chest. In this desert, there is no way to get rid of this guy.

at this time……

The voice of the heavens and the earth's allies moved, and the sound of a fierce fight loomed into the ear from a distance.