MTL - Sword God-v46 Chapter 139 Primal Divine Power

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(There are always book friends asking how long it takes to write to the end of the gods. For the six roads, the book can't be bad. Even if there is no way to give it a wonderful ending, at least it must have an unhurried ending. Let it come to an end)

In the secret hall, Chen Zong's mind seemed to flash the old, huge, and wild-like immortal world. The huge birds spread their wings and covered the sky. The majestic beasts ran on the immortal land. , The body moved like a mountain, the earth shook endlessly.

The ancient ancestors with rugged and majestic bodies stood on the immense land, and they stood on the edge of the mighty shore. The nine black hole-like vortices formed a ring behind their heads, slowly turning, containing the terrible Power.

The nine vortexes are exactly the nine points of the Void Tibetan Yuan. They contain endless power, like a small world.

Such a strong person, I don't know what level of arrogance, but Chen Zong feels that he should be a strong person at the demi-level level.

Void Tibetan Yuan is the inheritance of a demigod.

"The development of the first void hole is the easiest, and the difficulty of each development will increase sharply in the future." Chen Zong secretly said, this is known after the inheritance.

Because to open up void pits, you need to bear the load yourself. If you are not strong enough, it will be more difficult or even dangerous to open up void pits, because you ca n’t afford it, and the unaffordable result is self-collapse.

It's just a void void. For Chen Zong, there is no burden, so it can be easily developed.

As for the second void hole, it can also be opened, but it takes some time.

Chen Zong was not in a hurry to open a second void hole, but was going to refine the original divine power first.

Primitive divine power is a very ancient and pure power. It is very magical. The use of primitive divine power is also very direct and can strengthen everything.

For example, enhance divine will, enhance physical fitness, enhance cultivation and so on.

If you can absorb the original divine power indefinitely, it is indeed able to enhance everything in all directions, but obviously, the original divine power you are getting now is limited, perhaps because you have opened up a relationship of void void to store more than twice the original divine power. But still limited.

Strengthening in all directions means that every aspect goes hand in hand and is very limited.

Chen Zong thought about it, and made a decision when he thought of the secret Tibetan Void Yuan.

At the beginning, Chen Zong actually planned to use the original divine power to enhance the universe's immortality and physical strength. In this way, he could open up more void tricks and accommodate more mixed elemental strength.

But after thinking about it, although doing so can extend the combat capability, it is better to directly increase its strength.

As long as the strength is strong enough, there is no need to fight for a long time. What can one sword solve? Why take ten swords or even more?

Of course, it ’s okay to temper God ’s will. The sword powers and mystic swords I have now mastered are closely related to God ’s will, but Chen Zong ruled it out.


For one thing, God's Will can also be tempered and promoted by Youhu quenching jade tricks, but it takes more time.

The second is also very important. The integration of divine will in swordsmanship and secret sword killing moves is not the main thing, but only as a supplement. Otherwise, once the divine will not be inferior to its own powerful enemy, when the divine will fail, the power of the sword and the secret sword will be Will be greatly discounted.

There are currently two methods for the ascension of the universe. One is the ascension of the Mind Heavenly Sword.

It will be greatly strengthened, and the mixed mental strength will be enhanced to a certain extent at that time. The second is the ancient **** sword armor upgrade. When the former was upgraded from the soldier level to the military level, the universe's indestructibility increased by 30%, but Mixed heart strength is not enhanced.

Presumably from the promotion to the king level, the universe's immortal enhancement will be more obvious.

Thinking about it, it is more straightforward to directly train the hybrid Yuanxin, which will directly improve its own strength.

At the beginning of the tempering, Chen Zong first released the original divine power stored in the soul, and worked with one mind, and quickly refined the original divine power. The pure and ancient mysterious power gradually merged into the mind of the mixed yuan. Chen Zong Immediately, I felt that the mental strength of the mixed Yuan became more pure, and the power was more and more powerful.

The refining of the original divine power stored in the soul was doubled, and the mixed mental strength was doubled, which surprised Chen Zong secretly.

Open the Void Talisman, but there are a lot of original divine power stored, and continue to train the mixed Yuanxin power, but after the refining, Chen Zong found that he could not continue to train, and the purity of the mixed Yuanxin power reached another level. limit.

This is inconsistent with Chen Zong's plan. It was originally intended to use all the original divine power to temper the mixed Yuanxin power. Now it seems that it does not work. Even the power such as the original divine power is not almighty.

In this case, how should these remaining primitive divine powers be used?

Is it to temper the mind or improve the body?

Chen Zong made a decision without much thought, improving his physique, and enhancing the universe's immortality. As for God's will, he can still use jade fire quenching method to train and ascend.

After the exhaustion of the original divine power in the Void Trick, Chen Zong ’s indestructible strength of the universe doubled. As the universe's indestructible doubled, Chen Zong was surprised to discover that the total upper limit of the mental strength of the hybrid Yuan was increased by 10% Fine purity has also been improved by 10%.

In this way, the strength has been further improved.

However, the mixed mentality is more than twice as pure, and the strength of the universe is doubled. Although it has strengthened Chen Zong's strength, it is not much, only a few percent. However, after all, the strength reaches Chen Zong. To the point, 10% improvement is also very difficult, not to mention 30% or 40%.

30% to 40% is enough to increase the strength of Chen Zong obviously. If the ancient sword armor is armed, the multiple increase is even more amazing.

Perceiving his own enhancement, the corners of Chen Zong's mouth could not help rising, revealing a cheerful smile.

"Next, open up the Void Tricks, and see how many Void Tricks I can bear now." Chen Zong secretly said, immediately running the Void Tibetan Yuan secrets to open a second Void Trick.

An overwhelming force was gathered and turned into a fierce chop like an invisible giant axe in the void, and between the vaguely, Chen Zong seemed to hear a roar, like a giant axe chopping mountains, constantly Development.

There is a groundbreaking feeling.

Chen Zong suddenly froze, thinking.

When the idea is moved, the invisible giant axe turns into a sharp sword, and the sword technique of one mind is developed to open up. Such a change makes the development speed faster.

A quarter of an hour later, a second void hole opened up.

After recovering one's strength first, and then filling the two Void Tricks with mixed strength, Chen Zong set out to open a third Void Trick, which was much more difficult, and it took an hour to complete the development.

Then, open a fourth void hole, and then open a fifth void hole.

After opening five acupoints, Chen Zong began to feel the load, which was an invisible load, as if the force of an invisible mountain was pressing on him.


This load is not very strong and can continue to be developed.

It took several days this time to successfully open the sixth void.

After the sixth hole was opened, Chen Zong's body trembled unconsciously, as if an invisible mountain was suddenly suppressed, and Chen Zong was suppressed. He carried the invisible pressure and adapted a little.

"The limit is reached," Chen Zong secretly said.

The six void holes are their own limits. If there is no original divine power to double the universe's immortality, it is estimated that only five void holes can be opened.

The difference between the five void holes and the six void holes is still obvious.

If you want to continue to open up the void void, you must continue to increase the strength of the universe's immortal body. Even if all the original primitive powers were used on the universe's immortal body, whether to open up the seventh void void is still unknown.

"The universe is twice as strong as before, and the mixed mental strength is more than doubled. The six void tricks have increased my amount of mixed mental strength by six times." Chen Zong straightened out and immediately felt that he was extremely powerful.

With the full strength now, even if you are facing the ultimate monster Emperor, you can fully compete with yourself.

"It's time for the next step." Chen Zong secretly said: "But before you start, go and try a thousand kill towers."

Once again, there are two purposes to break through the Thousand Kill Towers. One is to verify your current strength, and the other is to see if you can get another ancient domain order and enter the ancestral land again. The benefits of entering the ancestral land are quite obvious. of.

Regardless of the original divine power or the secret Tibetan Yuanyuan secret, Chen Zong's strength has been significantly improved.

The first wave of the Enemy on the tenth floor of the Thousand Kill Tower barely had the power of the Demon Emperor and was defeated neatly by Chen Zong, because even now Chen Zong is not armed with the ancient **** sword armor, and his strength is enough to counter ordinary monsters. Emperor-level strong.

The second wave of opponents was still the snow-white cheetah, barely having the top-level magic emperor-level strength, armed with the ancient swords of the first-class gods, all-round suppression, and a clean defeat, demonstrating extreme power.

Like Chen Zong, swordsmanship is superb. As long as the strength reaches a certain level, it will be a disaster for opponents who are inferior in combat skills.

Unfortunately, when Chen Zong defeated the cheetah, no bronze portal appeared.

In other words, Chen Zong can only stop here, because he has already broken through and got rewards and cannot enter for the second time?

Or did you get the reward because you broke through the Thousand Kill Tower?

No matter which one is ~ ~ In short, it is a pity that it is no longer possible to obtain the ancient domain order from here.

Then, Chen Zong released the news that he had a top-level demon blood in his hands to sell, at the cost of two heavenly souls.

Yes, because one soul cannot satisfy Chen Zong, one is for his own use, to upgrade the ancient sword armor, and one is to be handed over to Demigod Emperor Jiu to complete the transaction.


Some time ago, it was only shaken by the blood of the elite-level devil. It just calmed down, but now it boils because of the blood of a top-level devil.

Top-level Demon blood, so far, no one has obtained it. Although it is tentatively set as the value of one hundred gods, and the value of the demon and the soul is also one hundred gods, but the demon and the heaven After all, souls have been obtained, but no one at the top has been able to obtain them.

According to the ancient gods, the major forces have acted, and even alarmed the Tianxin gods and Wankong gods.

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