MTL - Sword of Daybreaker-Chapter 1522 After ebb

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What’s more embarrassing is that the Alliance of Noy and Loren had to conduct a “stop-time communication” for a period of time after that. The experts and scholars of the Thorin Command Center added a class to explain to the interstellar friends why one There are so many weird races on a planet, and these races can also form an "alliance" harmoniously. During this whole process, Gao Wen watched by the side, and the weird thought in his heart was to turn the river and the sea into the sea.

He really didn’t expect that the first contact after Loren and Noy finally reestablished their communication would eventually be so unfolded. It didn’t feel like a serious official communication between two civilizations across the stars, but more like The two interstellar rookies who finally got on the line were in Lianmai, and they were the kind of people who couldn’t keep the line until twelve o’clock in the night. Before the line was disconnected, one sent a message "I fell asleep", and the other sent a message "See you back." See you," I didn't hold back for half a minute. I sent a selfie from the other side. Here I returned a set of pictures. The two sides will talk about five dollars in total. Later, I will raise my head again at 5:30 in the morning.

Gawain feels this way in his heart now, but what he feels most aggrieved is not the embarrassment, but that it is difficult for him to use easy-to-understand sentences to associate and express this feeling in his heart to others, even if it is someone in front of him. The Shadow Assault Goose that he has cultivated that can understand more than half of the terrestrial stems is not good. After the bunch of things in his mind is said, at least forty pages of manuals are needed. This is what the Loren Alliance sent to the Noyes. The siren information is a bit similar.

But then again, Gao Wen also feels that the emotion in his heart is really not over-expanded. After all, standing on this vast starry sky scale, Noy and Loren may not even be able to carry it. Civilization is really an interstellar rookie...

There is a continual thought in his mind. The communication content between the communication experts led by Bertila and the Noi people is still being transmitted. Experts are explaining to the Noyes the unique structure of the intelligent ethnic group on the planet Loren. They are explaining that the creatures that are terrifying to the Noyes are actually more gentle and harmless than one. He saw Bertila and even posted it himself. The message passed, and the sentence was written on it:

"The Krakens are the friendliest race on our planet. They have powerful strength and advanced technology, but they love peace by nature and act low-key. In addition to their strange recipes and changeable individual forms, they are closely related to those on our planet. There is not much difference between'humans' and'elves' and other regular races..."

Then the Neumann sent a sentence: "The recipe is a bit weird? Why do you say that?"

To be honest, when I saw this conversation, Gawain was in a cold sweat, but fortunately the expert team on Bertila responded quickly and quickly shifted the topic to the knowledgeable generosity of dragons and the love of peace of the Cecils. above…

It has been two hours after the two sides said goodbye to each other again and ended the communication. Gawain’s cold sweat almost never stopped, until it was confirmed that there was no new thing coming from the Noi, and that the superluminal communication array had been transferred. He breathed out subconsciously when he was always on standby, and at the same time he heard that Kohaku also breathed out.

He glanced at the Shadow Assault Goose, who waved his hand: "My blood pressure was up just now. It was all the words in front of you that made trouble. I now hear that the dragon is generous and knowledgeable, Cecil loves peace, and the sea monster is gentle. The description of harmlessness always feels darker and darker, and even a large number of victims and victim gods can simultaneously pop up in my mind. This is so weird."

"Don't talk, let me stroke it first," Gao Wen repeatedly waved his hands, sweating his forehead, "This is not right, I obviously think we love peace, openness and tolerance from top to bottom, and people are also gods. Don’t you all want a bright future with kindness..."

When Humber heard this, she wanted to roll her eyes, and the words in her mind rolled over and broadcasted that the kingdoms of the gods are all in the night, madam, are you still using this light hammer?

But she only dared to turn her mind on her mind. She would never say it. After all, Gao Wen is tolerant and friendly and hates violence. Hearing these words, she must lift the table and slap her on the wall, then take it back. Shao Kuai can't come down...

Gawain didn’t know that Amber was thinking about some silly ideas when he was standing next to him with grunting eyes. He only felt that his head was a bit overloaded at this time, so he changed to a more comfortable position and leaned on the chair with one hand. He supported his chin and wandered out of the world. It took him some time before he heard Bertila's voice sound, and the latter said with a relieved tone: "My work here is temporarily finished, Brother Gao Wen."

"Well," Gao Wen just woke up from Shenyoutianwai. He raised his head and glanced at the holographic projection on the edge of the desk. "You have worked hard too."

"The deeper the communication with the Noi people, the more you will feel the huge difference between the two civilizations," Bertila did not hide his sigh. "Many things that we feel accustomed to are placed in an alien civilization. It is very likely that it is weird and absurd, and even worthy of fear and vigilance... I think we should accumulate experience in this aspect, whether it is to continue to communicate with the Noy people in the future, or to meet other intelligent creatures in the more distant future. , We must always consider this deviation in the world view."

Gao Wen nodded slightly, which is exactly what he wanted to say, but now it seems that there is no need for him to remind, Bertila and the expert team on the Thorin command center have already actively realized this.

There is a huge difference between Noy and Loren, which is reflected in the culture, history, living environment and the physiological structure of their respective ethnic groups at the same time, and even if this difference exists for both sides, it now seems to be Loren. The situation of the alliance will make the Noyite even more shocked. Fortunately, the communication experts responded in a timely manner in the later period of this communication. When sending the information to the opposite party, they prepared supporting instructions and explanations, and there are many more sensitive details. I didn’t reveal the past, otherwise the interstellar friends will be shocked to become a vibration mode...

"Are you okay?" Gao Wen rubbed his eyebrows. After a short break, he felt that his mind had gradually cooled down. This also gave him the energy to care about other things. "Now we and the Noyes In the communication process between you, all the parts that involve data processing, auxiliary translation, and scenario deduction are your servo brain arrays. Is the long-term communication like today's heavy load for you?"

"Most of the work can be done by Synthetic Brain, or shared by the Thorin Computing Center. The nervous system of the Thorin Giant Tree itself basically only undertakes the transmission work, and the load is not large," Bertila shook his head. "This time the communication is the greatest. The pressure of "I" is on the psychological level. The difference between the two civilizations makes people nervous. The impression of the Noyes on the League of Loren is slightly shifting. Although I will not have the blood pressure rise like ordinary people, but this time it seems to fall. After a lot of leaves, I have to grow back as soon as possible...other than that, there is nothing to worry about."

The expression on Bertila's face was still blank when she said this, but Gawain still heard subtle helplessness and self-deprecating in her tone.

The miracle incarnation on the Plain of the Holy Spirit, the tree of merit in the Battle of the Wasteland, and Ms. Bertila, who is awe-inspiring among the druids, has her own little secret behind her splendid identity, she will lose her leaves under pressure. The greater the pressure, the more it will fall. Sometimes dozens of tons and dozens of tons will fall down. When anxious, half of the Sorin Plain is all on the air defense alarm...

Bertila himself was quite distressed about this, and tried various methods, but it was almost to no avail.

"Your problem with falling leaves when you are nervous is not good..." Amber was listening to the excitement, and couldn't help but cut his mouth at this moment. "Your leaves falling is not a joke, I have seen it. The large one can stun the cow..."

Bertila was still expressionless in the face of Amber’s run, and responded calmly: “Don’t worry, the Solin region has already had a mature response process in this regard. The branches above the residential area have been adjusted so that only the smaller leaves will fall to the ground, and the large leaves will be captured and absorbed by the recycling vines attached to the branches at the moment of falling..."

"Are you sure?" Amber looked up and down Bertila suspiciously. "How did I hear that the air defense sirens in Solinburg went off last month?"

Bertila simply ignored her.

Gao Wen didn't care about Amber and Bertila's unnutritious and overly ruinous three-view exchange. He just thought silently, and then suddenly said, "Bertila, the last time I told you about the progress. how?"

Hearing Gawain's mention of business, Bertila's tone immediately became serious: "According to your instructions, I have found twelve rock formations that meet the requirements in the eastern part of the Holy Spirit Plain and the northern part of the Talash Plain, and I am currently in the vicinity of these rock formations. Build a root system.

"According to the plan, I will first wrap the entire area with a strong root network to form the basic shell of the underground bunker, and then gradually swallow it inward to create a dungeon cavity, and convert the minerals swallowed in the process into the inside and outside of the basic shell. Two-layer anti-impact barriers. My roots are very efficient at doing these things. It is estimated that within half a year, I can complete the "rough engineering" of twelve dungeon cavities, and complete the pipeline and passage reservations around the bunker.

"I have synchronized the plan with the person in charge of the Solin Computing Center, and followed your instructions to communicate with the construction corps in the Solin Fort and the Talash Plain. As the underground bunkers are gradually taking shape, they will start construction simultaneously. , The construction of residential facilities and the core computing center in the dungeon cavity will complete the entire project within one year. Of course, with such a tight schedule, the comfort of these facilities is definitely not better than that of surface cities. What is guaranteed is that under the'care' of the'root network', the residents in the bunker will not have survival and medical pressure.

"In addition, while planning the cavities of the twelve underground cities, I also planned the underground tunnels between them. Because of the tunnels dug by the backbone roots as the foundation, these underground tunnels can be completed quickly. I plan to use similar cables. Lin Jushu’s internal traffic pipelines are used to construct these tunnels, and a large number of pressurized biological lumens are used to ensure rapid traffic between the tunnels. In this way, if there is a problem with one of the dungeons, the residents inside will have the opportunity to pass through the tunnels. Quickly move to a nearby surviving city, and if a large-scale divine pollution occurs in a certain city... I can also directly close these passages with the highest authority to prevent pollution from leaking..."

Bertila reported one by one her work during this period and future plans, and what she reported was exactly what Gawain told her in the encrypted space last time.

A large number of underground bunkers are constructed underground in the Holy Spirit Plain and the Talash Plain, and computing centers and residential facilities are built in the bunkers to serve as the "reserve computing power" of the mother planet barrier.

Once things develop to the worst scenario in the future, the gods are out of control, the satellites fall, and the nations are destroyed, the backup nodes in these underground bunkers will also maintain the minimum operation of the mother star barrier.

Amber also knew about this, so she didn't have any surprises on her face after hearing Berthila's report, and she kept quiet in cooperation. It was not until Berthila finished the report that she saw the opportunity to speak: " Recently, foreign intelligence personnel reported some things. First, there was news from the 25th that Typhon was stepping up to collect and compile historical, cultural, and technical classics, and it seemed that there were no people in the east. The district sent a number of teams, including a large number of engineers; followed by news from the south, the Elf Royal Family is also doing similar compilation and collection work, and a large number of experts in the field of machinery and magic have been called into the royal court... "

Hearing what Amber reported, Gao Wen just nodded slightly.

Some anticipated things are happening, have already happened, or have already happened.

"How is the situation on the Demon Tide Observation Device?" After a moment of indulgence, he broke the silence and looked at Kohaku. "Is there any news from the Observer's Secret Chamber?"

"The construction of the Demon Tide Observation Device is proceeding as scheduled. The transformation of the ancestor’s peak has already begun. The sensor array in the plain area has also started. The technical details have to be referred to Rebecca. The message from the Secret Chamber said everything went well," Kohaku replied immediately, "Of course I guess what you want to ask is outside the technical field...that can only be said that the Ogure people have already done something for the alliance. Great dedication and sacrifice, and will continue to make even greater dedication and sacrifice in the future."

Gao Wen's expression was calm and did not speak, Humber continued to speak.

"At present, hundreds of thousands of engineering teams from all countries of the alliance have entered the Ancestral Peak Plain. The commanders of the engineering teams, the rear logistics forces of the various countries, and the local officials of Ogure have miraculously maintained the huge construction site. Order, but even so, the existence of this large construction site itself has caused a lot of pressure and troubles to the locals in the Ancestral Peak Plain, and more important than these pressures and troubles is that the Ancestral Peak has been transformed into one. The long-term impact of the huge machine on the local people.

"We all know that this degree of transformation is impossible to reverse. The'Holy Mountain' has been destined to become a historical symbol. It is now in the early stage of the project, with the overwhelming propaganda, the inspiration after the victory of the Wasteland War, and the Ogure Five Wang’s extremely high personal prestige in the country is playing a leading role. The great sense of pride and mission can make the Ogure people temporarily ignore the negative emotions of losing the sacred mountain and impacting their lives, but as you often say...spirit is only It can be a short-term buff, people always pay attention to the immediate necessities of life.

"As one of the top leaders in the league, I think you have to have a headache on this matter."