MTL - Sword of Daybreaker-Chapter 1527 great means

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At this point, the truth is revealed. Veronica's illusions outlined by the Holy Light are still floating in front of Gawain at this moment. After re-rendering and completing the Ophelia Matrix, these are scanned directly from the floor of the side hall. The traces that came down have been combined into a clearer form at this moment, and it can be seen at a glance that it is the face of Baufar, the **** of commerce. Gawain also deliberately looked back at the icon on the granite platform. After repeated confirmation, it must be the same face.

Of course, there is still a little difference between the face photographed on the ground and the face on the icon. At least the former is not as majestic as the latter. This is understandable. After all, Mr. Bao may have been in a hurry when he left this trace. The situation is relatively tense, and I think I don't have that much spare time to adjust my expression...

"...It seems fortunate that Archbishop Boris was temporarily avoided just now," Gawain sighed. Although he had tried to find countless other explanations for the traces in the side hall, in the end he could only admit Vero Nika's discovery may be the only truth, which also makes him feel fortunate for the fact that Boris was temporarily invited out of the hall just now. "Or he should have been martyred by this time..."

"Definitely, it's worth at least two hours of burning his faith," Amber said sarcastically, and at the same time tossed the sap in his hand. I don't know why this guy is in a good mood at the moment. It seems to have started after she summoned the sap, "So our initial guess is really right, Ms. Ye went to the Ability God Kingdom to beat people..."

"You don't talk yet, I have to stroke it," Gawain couldn't help covering his forehead. The impact of his worldview made him, the old zongzi who rose from the coffin, unable to react for a while. I really don't know how Amber did this. Tai Ran accepted the fact, "It seems that Buffal, the **** of business, has indeed had an accident, but what is Lady Ye doing?"

"Isn't that hard to say? It must be a 'Mitzvah ceremony'," Amber was already overjoyed, "Didn't you have a headache a while ago that once the barrier of the home star is activated, the rite of passage will be triggered? Now it seems that night The lady really helped, and she helped to the end, a 1.8 million-year-old ancient god's combat power is really extraordinary, sweeping the gods is like chopping melons..."

"No, you didn't understand what I meant," Gawain interrupted Amber, who seemed to be a little overexcited, "Ms. Ye did attack the **** of commerce, but it's true that you look around carefully—the icon didn't collapse, The church is not covered with dust. Think about the Archbishop Boris just now. He is not abnormal at all. The other priests in the church are still full of faith. What does this mean? Obviously... You put that stick away first and see I was flustered when you swung it around, I always thought you were going to hit me with blood!"

"Oh," Amber put away the shadow sap obediently, and then heard something wrong from Gawain's previous words, "Wait, I understand what you mean, you mean the **** of business. The authority and the throne are still there!"

"That's right, it's still there." Gawain's expression slowly became serious (it's not easy to recover such a serious expression from the shocking fact just now), he looked back at the sculpture on the platform, although it was only a mortal relying on Imagine the mundane things carved out, but in the field of theocracy, the symbolic meaning behind such things actually exists. The icons in the cathedral can often indicate the state of the corresponding gods. After the fall of the **** of war (1/1) , the icons or holy candles enshrined in all the Ares churches all over the world have ominous signs of cracking or extinguishing, but at this moment Buffal's icon is intact, which shows what is self-evident.

Wright, who was on the side, also reacted at this time: "The God of Commerce is still there, and the chains between the God of Commerce and the mortal believers have not been affected in the slightest. Lady Ye's 'shot' did not affect the operation of this god... He is not Helping us cut off the gods."

Amber blinked his eyes and looked blank: "Ah? Then what is he busy with? Leaving the Shadow Throne, invading the Kingdom of Ability God, and even using the hole cards left by the sailor, just for the sake of it. Beat the **** of business? Is it so unreliable?"

Veronica looked at Amber and then at Gawain. After a lot of computing nodes rumbled for a while, she broke the silence with some uncertainty: "Maybe... He is just helping us weaken the gods in this way. the power to minimize the damage of the divine disaster to the world after the final disobedience?

"After all, according to our current analysis of the trend of thought and the case of Tal Lund, there is a great hidden danger in cutting off the chain by external force. The real rite of passage should be done by mortals. The sailors took action to eliminate the madness on this planet. God has no choice but to take away intelligent creatures, and Lady Night, as the 'custodian' left by the sailor, should be more inclined to ensure that the mortal civilization on this planet can grow up alone to the extent possible."

"It's not impossible, but I always feel that things won't be so simple," Gawain frowned and said while thinking, "Is it weakened by beating the **** of business? We all know how the gods work. , Their existence is based on the trend of thought, and the common 'cognition' of mortals is their constant power, which can even directly 'lock' a god's state.

"As long as the current of thought continues, even if Lady Ye beats a **** to the point of death, it is meaningless, because the latter will recover in a very short period of time. It only needs a prayer in the world, and all living beings need to read the ancient books. Even as long as the believers firmly believe that their gods are safe and sound, the gods can quickly recover as before—recalling the several divine disasters we have experienced, the first thing in the process of every mortal army defeating the gods is to use various methods. To block the ideological mapping between gods and believers, or the premise is that there is no ideological mapping between gods and the world, Ms. Ye should also be very clear about this principle."

Veronica pondered: "So you think Lady Ye is doing useless work, and his attack on the gods can't relieve the pressure we have to face when the final disobedience erupts?"

"No, I don't think Madam Ye will be useless, I think He has a more complicated plan, based on some 'principle' that is still beyond our knowledge," Gawain said seriously, "He The attack on Buffal, the **** of commerce, was just an early part of the process. And... Amber, do you remember the sentence you heard when you pushed open the door to the side hall? I think that sentence is crucial ."

"What did Miss Amber hear?" Veronica had just arrived, of course she didn't know the details, and she suddenly looked curious when she heard the words, "What did she hear?"

"Oh, it should be something that 'flowed' into my mind from Ms. Night. It's similar to the situation of auditory and visual hallucinations a few times before," Amber nodded and explained to Veronica, "I heard a Suspected Buffal's voice was nervously confirming something with Madam Ye, and asked, 'Are you sure this thing really works?', I didn't understand what it meant at the time, but now it seems that the **** of business is in The 'this thing' mentioned in this sentence should be the stick that I am about to suffer..."

"This supports my guess that Ms. Ye's move was to realize a more complicated plan," Gawain analyzed seriously, "and what's even more amazing is that he actually discussed with the victim before he made his move... Although it seems that Victims are not very happy."

Wright hasn't spoken much since just now, and has been standing beside him with a serious expression. At this time, he finally couldn't bear it anymore. He looked left and right at Gawain and the others who were seriously discussing the issue, and then broke the silence: "I always feel that What we're discussing is a little weird."

When Gawain heard this, he had a feeling: the only normal person on the scene (relatively) finally couldn't hold back.

"I'm afraid we can't find any more clues here," he sighed and took his attention away from the surrounding mess, "Now it seems that the traces here are most likely just a time when the God of Commerce himself The release of controlled energy, or a 'mapping' of what happened in the kingdom of God on the earth, although it is not known whether this was intentional by Lady Ye, but it is certain that this is not the message that the **** of business sent us."

"Not necessarily?" Amber thought for a while, and said uncertainly, "What if he wanted to report peace to us in this way?"

Gawain suddenly looked at the shadowy assault goose with a look of astonishment: "God reports peace! Do you dare to write the words you just said on paper again?!"

"Okay, I don't think it's possible, but anyone who wants to face shouldn't be able to do this," Amber shrank his neck immediately, then glanced in the direction of the entrance to the side hall, "Then let's withdraw first? Let's go. Do you want to deal with the scene before? It’s not that I want to destroy the clues, but I’m mainly worried that the archbishop will see something when he turns back to clean the hall. If his associative ability is a little richer, I’m afraid he will be martyred on the spot…”

Amber is usually unreliable, but at this time, things considered are still very comprehensive, and Gawain nodded slightly: "This is indeed a problem - let's do it, Wright, for a while, you will use the provisions of the Theocratic Council's Class I On-site Disposal Regulations. Send a team of discipline monks over here and deal with the traces here. Before that, the priest of the God of Commerce should not be allowed to step into this hall again. Explain this to Archbishop Boris in a side-by-side manner. He is a smart man, and Having been instructed by the Theocratic Council, he will understand."

"Yes," Wright nodded, "I'll arrange it."

"Thinking about it carefully, it's not easy for the priests of various sects now, especially those who are at the upper level, close to the imperial capital, and often deal with the Theocratic Council," Amber said with some sigh, "I know too much unbelievable. However, they have to maintain their devotion to the gods, and have already understood many deviant 'truths' in their hearts, but they have to perform their duties as priests, and in the process, they must balance the believers, priests, imperial power, theocracy, and secular power. And the relationship between their own beliefs, they are standing at a fork in life, they are standing on the overpass of the times..."

Gao Wen patted Amber's hair and sighed: "It's not just them, now none of us are standing on the overpass of the times - you should be lucky, at least one lady night seems to be trying to help us navigate, although we also watch I don't know what her eyes mean, but at least we don't have to be forced to jump off this bridge."

Half an hour later, after finishing all the finishing touches, Gawain and his party finally left the Cathedral of the God of Commerce. At this time, the "professionals" sent by the Theocratic Council had completed the blockade of all areas inside and outside the church. Near the main entrance of the cathedral, Gawain saw Archbishop Boris who was explaining the situation to the believers with the priests. After a group of people left, they quickly walked to Gawain and saluted, "Your Majesty, are you leaving?"

"Busy business," Gawain nodded, and then his eyes fell on the other's face, "I hope you can understand our arrangement - this is for everyone, including your god."

"Oh, I understand," Boris sighed, even in front of the ruler of this country, he did not hide the tiredness and helplessness on his face, "In this position, I know many things, many truths I know that the path you pointed out is the only path we can go on."

Gawain nodded slightly, just as he was about to say something again, a sudden noise from not far away interrupted his movement.

He and Amber followed the prestige at the same time, but saw that the direction of the noise was at the end of the square, and several priests in Ability God robes were standing in front of the trial monks sent by the Arbitration Tribunal, with anxious expressions on their faces. Se said something quickly, and behind them, more than a dozen clergymen wearing various robes followed, all of them with anxious expressions on their faces.

"Go and ask what's going on." Gawain turned his head and said to Amber. The figure of the latter disappeared in the air in the next second, and after a few shadow steps, he arrived in front of the priests and judges. After a while She ran back with a strange look on her face.

Gawain looked at the other party's expression, and then looked at the costumes of the priests. He had already guessed a few points in his heart.

"Let you guess right," Amber spread out his hands, "it's several gods in the art field and priests of the Church of the Blood God. They also have visions in the 'window area' they set up in the church. Judging from the description …It's similar to the situation on the side of the **** of business."

Wright and Veronica suddenly looked at each other, and after a while, Wright muttered: "Is this a bit too brutal... And how did He shoot at the same time?"

Even though Gawain had expected something in his heart, he couldn't help being sluggish for two seconds at this time, and then the corner of his mouth trembled: "Although the vision appeared in the church at the same time, the process of mapping the vision to the world does not necessarily happen instantly. , maybe it's like a 'memory reenactment' where the victim was hit by Lady Night a few days ago, but only then did the traces emerge."

Veronica gave Gawain a strange look: "I really admire your determination to analyze the situation seriously under such circumstances."

"I admire a certain ancient **** who made an amazing shot," Gawain rubbed his forehead vigorously, feeling his forehead buzzing, "I won't go to check the situation of other churches in person, Wright, Veronica, You two take someone to check the rest of the scene, and I'll go back and wait for your report."

"Yes," Veronica immediately bowed slightly, her voice soft, "Just leave it to us here."

In this way, Gawain left the church area with a tired body and mind and a blue vein on his forehead - he needed to cool down his brain from the boiling state.

Wright and Veronica's report was sent to the Cecil Palace not long after, and the report spanned dozens of pages, and its content and format were similar to the investigation report of a large-scale murder scene...

Everything was as Gawain expected.

Lady Night