MTL - Sword of Daybreaker-Chapter 1548 Under the Chapterel Tower

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The Sword of Dawn Text Chapter 1548 The high clear sky and the calm mirror-like sea under the Tower of Babel, and the giant tower of Babel standing in the center of this mirror-like calm ocean, no matter how many times you see it with your own eyes, Byron Can't help but be deeply shocked by the amazing creation left by this voyager.

Even though he was driving a powerful war machine like Bitter Winter, even if he had a whole fleet under him, when he came to the foot of this towering tower, he couldn't help feeling awe.

But while this reverence came to his mind, he couldn't help but think of what Gawain once said to him: One day, the civilization on this planet will also develop to the height of a sailor, and mortals will also A giant tower leading to space will be built, and a giant steel city will be built outside the atmosphere. The next generation of ships will fly across the stars like light. What the navigators have done, all beings on this planet can still do.

The Bitter Winter has docked, and Byron took the landing craft to the landing site on the southeast side of the giant steel island. He looked back at the edge of the landing site and saw that some large machinery extending from the engineering ship was undergoing tense and orderly loading and unloading operations. There is a tall lifting device like the main castle building extending from the side of the engineering ship to the coast, the anti-gravity rune at the bottom of the transfer tray gleams in the sun, and the heavy and bulky components are lightly carried ashore and quickly become part of the new dock, Or sent into that tower after being initially reorganized.

On the other side of the landing site, you can see a large number of barracks and other base facilities built with prefabricated parts. The towering magic obelisk is slowly rotating on a platform in the center of the base, and the surging energy it releases maintains the base's strength. At the same time, it also provides additional energy supply for the equipment that has just been transported on the dock. Several officers stationed in the base came out and handed over to the imperial fleet, and new supplies were moved into the warehouse behind them. .

That base was set up when the "Sky Maintenance Engineering Team" set off, and it has been running for half a year. It serves as the ground command center and logistical support point for the engineering team in space, as well as the engineers returning from space. The "ground rest station" where they temporarily rest and adjust their status. The most loyal and outstanding soldiers of the Empire are stationed at the base, and there are a considerable proportion of technical soldiers and mechanical non-commissioned officers. They went to the sky to perform a mission, but even when they stayed on the ground, they completed a lot of research and sampling work on the remains of the sailors while maintaining the operation of the base.

In Byron's mind, this imperial research unit stationed in the depths of the vast ocean is an admirable soldier. The barracks under their feet is the most distant frontier of the empire, and it can even be called the most distant frontier of the civilized world.

On the east side of the landing site, adjacent to the other coastline of the human dock, is another coastal facility constructed separately. The buildings and mechanical facilities there are completely different from the "painting style" familiar to land races. Now, a large number of architectural structures shaped like shells or corals, as well as water storage tanks and suspended pure water spheres that can be seen everywhere, people can't help but think of the deep sea, and the beautiful figures that are busy between those wonderful buildings and facilities make people think. One can tell at a glance who owns this port...

That is the seaport built by the sea monsters, and its name is "Siren". Because of the time difference, Byron could not see how this huge seaport was built, but according to stationed in the "Imperial Port" "The soldiers described that the "Siren Port" "raised up from the bottom of the sea almost overnight." It was "pulled" off the seabed, and then put on a giant thruster and drove it directly to the sea southwest of Loren, and "installed" it on the base of the orbital elevator within a few hours. The scene is said to be quite spectacular.

Byron regretted that he couldn't see the construction of "Siren Harbor" with his own eyes. His Kraken friends were very generous. These deep-water creatures with deep brains said that they could tear down the Siren Harbor and then re-create it. Going to the Iron Island once was like a show for the friendly troops. Anyway, they were idle... Byron thought about it for three days, but he was too embarrassed to accept it in the end.

As for now, the "Siren Port" side is also in a very busy state like the imperial port side. "Dinghai Pingbian Mighty General" has docked at this moment, and that amazing submarine cargo ship is bursting with momentum. The water mist and slowly opened the door of the warehouse, a large number of strange-shaped sea monsters fell into the giant pool next to the dock, just like the seafood unloaded from the cabin, and there was another group of sea monsters beside the pool. While unloading, they use various fishing equipment to fish up their sisters...

At the same time, in some kind of "elemental field" constructed near the submarine cargo ship, you can also see that many hazy and large-scale things are gradually taking shape, which are being transmitted from Antavien. certain large equipment.

The sirens have a wonderful "elemental transition" technology, which allows them to drop themselves or some physical substances that have undergone special elemental conversion processing to any place on the planet, but this first requires building some kind of "beacon anchor" point”, and secondly, it also requires huge energy and a suitable elemental environment. In the years when Antavien was in poor condition, the cost of opening such a teleportation was so amazing that the Krakens almost sealed the technology, but now it is said that Antavien's core fusion tower has recovered half of it With the above functions, the Krakens are finally willing to restart their teleportation field. The huge "submarine cargo ship" is equipped with a powerful teleportation enhancement array. This is the first time Byron has seen it running.

The deep-sea stuff is amazing.jpg.

Standing on the shore of the Iron Island, blowing the sea breeze, looking at the mirror-like calm sea forcibly suppressed by some mysterious force from time to time, Byron waited for an unknown amount of time before he suddenly heard footsteps. It came from behind him, along with the footsteps, and a familiar aura.

Before he could turn around, Asarena's voice with a smile came into his ears: "How long have you been in this pose here? Just put on a pose that looks like the world and wait for me to come, right? "

Byron then turned around and saw the "Dragon Seal Witch" with striking red hair looking at him with a smile, he grinned and waved his hand: "What do you mean by posing, I That is, I have the world in mind. I am now the commander of the Imperial Navy, and my vision is different from before..."

"It's alright, alright, I know you're not what you used to be, you don't need to emphasize it to me," Asha Reina waved her hand, then took a deep breath, and then slowly spit it out as if she was seriously savoring it, repeating this two or three times After that, she shook her head slightly with a sigh, "As expected, the air on the surface is more comfortable... Although the 'upper' has the atmosphere and gravity created by the life support system, it always feels awkward."

Byron frowned when he heard this: "The living environment at Cangqiong Station is very bad?"

"That's not true," Asharena shook her head. "It's basically a psychological effect. When she thinks that she is in a steel shell that is far away from the earth and the sea, located in the cold space, and this steel shell has been quiet in space. It has been running quietly for more than a million years. Even if there is a pure atmosphere and a normal gravity environment around you, you will feel pressure in your heart, not to mention that there are many strange cabins on the sky station, tension and pressure are inevitable. … luckily we have a handy orbital lift, and teams can alternate back to the surface for finishing.”

"I didn't see you last time I came here," Byron shrugged. "I didn't come here last time either. You were either exploring in an unknown cabin or on duty at a transfer station."

"After all, the task is heavy and there are few manpower. There are more and more activated areas on the 'above', and the engineers we brought in at first are less and less... But it is much better now. In addition, the mother star barrier project has officially started, and the sky station is gradually becoming lively, and the first batch of engineering teams including me also have the opportunity to change the guard and rest frequently."

Asarena said, she raised her eyebrows suddenly and looked at Byron with a half-smiling smile: "What about you? The dignified Imperial Admiral is now like a transport captain, escorting cargo ships and projects one after another. Ships transporting cargo between Loren mainland and orbital lifts are not the same as the scene you described to me with your ambitions, right?"

Facing the ridicule in Asarena's tone, Byron rarely did not hold back the scene for the first time, but sighed infrequently: "Seriously, it is better to be a transportation captain than to keep fighting, In His Majesty's words, there have been enough demons, ghosts, and monsters that have smashed on human heads in the past few years, at least before the tide of magic arrives, it's better to stop a little."

Asarena looked at the "captain" in front of her who was no longer young, as if she could no longer associate him with the young, reckless, and hot-blooded mercenary chief in her memory, but soon , the surprise on her face turned into a smile: "You don't think this sentence should be said by the commander of the army. Your soldiers don't know what to think when they hear it, but I'm very happy to see you. I've finally become a calm person."

"There is no contradiction between not being wary and not being afraid of war," Byron said casually, and then he patted his head as if he suddenly remembered something, stretched out his hand and touched it in his arms. Serena took out a small box in her increasingly curious eyes, and handed it to the Dragon Seal Witch in front of her, "By the way, this is for you."

At this moment, Asarena was really startled. Her eyes widened and she stared at Byron for a long time as if she were watching an alien creature. After half a minute, she reached out and took the box, but her face was weird. The expression on his face did not fade at all: "You still know how to prepare gifts? Have you been with the Kraken for a long time and your brain has been affected by something?"

As she spoke, she looked at the box in her hand, and found that it was just an ordinary rough wooden box with poorly crafted patterns on the surface, giving the impression that it could be bought for three copper plates at the market. Anything that is priced over four copper plates will be smashed by passers-by, but after opening the box, she saw a beautifully crafted and shaped piece lying quietly in the dark flannel lining. Chic brooch.

It was a blade carefully wound with metal wire. The edge of the blade was serrated and undulating, like a delicate dragon wing. The edge was also inlaid with small crystals. It looked inexpensive, but it was indeed exquisite.

Byron scratched his hair, his face seemed a little embarrassed: "This brooch is made of peas. She said she would give it to you, so I'll just pass it on..."

Asha Lena blinked, and she didn't know whether to cry or laugh for a moment, and finally she could only sigh helplessly, and shook her head with "as expected of you" eyes: "Okay, thank Pea for me, This is really beautiful, I didn't expect her to learn this..."

There was hesitation on Byron's face, and after holding it for a long time, he finally said, "Actually, I also prepared a gift for you..."

Asarena was stunned for a moment, and looked at Byron curiously: "Ah... what about the gift?"

"That box in your hand is," Byron pointed to the wooden box in the hands of the Dragon Seal witch, "I changed it from Pea's writing box when I was a child..."

Asarena: "...?"

"Actually, I wanted to buy a more refined box, but for some reason Pea asked me to make one myself, but I couldn't, so I had to do it like this," Byron spread his hands, with a helpless expression on his face, "You want I don't think the craftsmanship is..."

"The craftsmanship is really not good, but at least you did it yourself, so I will bear with it," Asharena interrupted the other party with tears in her eyes, then shook her head, "Although I don't know why you insist on giving a box... Forget it, I'll take it."

After speaking, the Dragon Seal Witch paused, and then showed a somewhat distressed look on her face: "I accept it, but I have to think about how to return the gift to you and Pea. The Pea is okay, and then returns to the land. I'll pick a gift for her when she's not, but you guy... what hobbies do you usually have? I remember you like to drink, but you'd better quit drinking at your age..."

Byron waved his hand: "Age is not a problem, I can insist on drinking!"

"Hold on, sir!" Asha Lena was about to fly, but at the last minute, the strength of the dragonborn's feet stopped abruptly, and then she seemed to suddenly remember something, and quickly turned and ran towards the camp. Go aside and say, "You wait here! I have something for you!"

Byron just watched the woman called "Witch" with such a stunned look as she walked away from the dust, running faster than the knight who had opened the charge, and after a while, he watched the other party rush back from the direction of the camp, behind him. The smoke was billowing, and he seemed to be carrying something on his shoulders before he could see what it was until the other party ran close.

Asarena carried a dark red scale the size of a full-body shield.

With a "boom", Asarena shoved the almost one-person-high scale in front of Byron, she held the upper part of the scale and smiled at Byron: "This is for you, I just had a while ago. replaced..."

Byron: "...?"

After being stunned for a while, he finally came to his senses: "Are all your dragons giving things in this style? Can the sloughed scales be used as gifts?"

"You're not happy, are you?" Asarena stared, "If you go back a few years in time, do you know how much a piece of dragon scales can be worth in the human world? Not to mention the ones circulating on the mainland at that time. More than 90% of the dragon scales are dyed after being filled with gum... I'm 100% true!"

"This... well," Byron was sweating coldly on his forehead, it seemed that it would be difficult to end today without accepting this thing, but he was still a little overwhelmed by this special gift, "but I will take it back. What are you doing..."

"Then I don't care," Asarena waved her hand, "you can use it to sharpen a knife, and you can use it as a table with four legs, but if you really can't, you can use it as a shield. I heard that your majesty used to be. I've lived almost the whole life..."

Byron: "…"