MTL - Sword Slaying The Heavens-Chapter 815 Fairyland and Demon Realm

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  Chapter 815 Immortal Court and Demon Realm


  Chen Fan was stunned for a moment, then reacted suddenly, his pupils shrank slightly.

Mo Long chuckled and said, "That's right, it's the tombstone. It's the tombstone of the immortals who died in the sky. The battlefield of immortals and demons back then may now become a veritable tomb of immortals and demons. Just now I asked you to keep silent outside." , Naturally, it is for your own good, the resentment in this place is too heavy, all gathered on the tombstone, if you open your mouth, the resentment may directly invade your body."

   "So that's how it is." Chen Fan nodded after hearing the words, his face gradually became serious. Just now when he looked at the fairy wall, he didn't feel any danger, but often the most terrible danger lies in taking precautions.

   "Let's go, this place can't stay for long." At this time, the fat Taoist priest opened his mouth, and at the same time sacrificed a teleportation array again, which can carry out a long-distance teleportation.

  As strong as he is, he doesn't want to stay in this place long after recovering his soul, let alone fly away from here on foot, because the danger of this place is far beyond imagination.

  The moment the formation was activated, Chen Fan also stepped into it.

  They hurried on their way again, and a whole day had passed since they landed. When they walked out of the teleportation array again, they came to a platform surrounded by clouds and mist and made of snow-white jade stones on all sides.

  Jade looks very bright in the clouds and mist, very eye-catching, this place shocked Chen Fan.

In terms of its scale, this place is at least comparable to the entire Eastern Desolation Continent, and there are palaces standing one after another. It is the fairy courts he has seen many times, but what he has seen in the past are all incomplete parts. Seats, indeed, the real Fairy Court.

   "This... is the fairyland?" Chen Fan was a little surprised.

  The fat Taoist priest nodded, and said in a deep voice: "All above the clouds are fairy gardens, but most of them were shattered in the First World War and scattered in all walks of life. What remains now is only the largest fragment."

   "Then below the clouds is the Demon Realm?" Chen Fan asked.

  The fat Taoist nodded again, but didn't say anything more, as if he didn't want to mention more about the Demon World.

  On the contrary, Mo Long said with a cheerful smile: "Back then, this king could come and go freely no matter the demon world or the fairy court. In fact, we could have lived in peace. The fairy world was naturally prosperous, but it's a pity..."

   "Ambition is the scariest thing after all, and desire is endless after all." The fat Taoist shook his head and sighed softly.

  Chen Fan understands his emotion. When he stepped into the fairyland from a young monk, people think that he can sit back and relax and live forever after becoming a fairy, but everyone knows that the competition in the fairyland will be more terrifying than that of cultivating immortals.

  Even the Heavenly Emperor, the lord of the Immortal Court, was originally the pinnacle of the world, but he was unwilling to be controlled by the Dao of Heaven, which eventually triggered a war between immortals and demons, and tried to seize the position of Dao of Heaven, and wanted to replace it by himself.

   Once the success is complete, the Emperor of Heaven has made the world free of immortals and demons before he succeeds. If he wants to achieve the way of heaven, he may have to kill all the creatures in the world, and then create creatures by himself, creating a group of creatures derived from the supreme prohibition.

"When we get here, there is no need to hide. This king can finally breathe the air with peace of mind." Mo Long let out a long roar, and the dragon's body suddenly swept out from the Soul Gathering Tower, stretched high in the sky, and the huge figure immediately formed a mass. Shadows come down.

  The fat Taoist also gradually receded the seal in his body at this time, allowing his cultivation to recover slowly.

  He said: "This world is still owned by the original Heavenly Dao, but after Tiandao's death, this world is equivalent to being banned, and the Emperor of Heaven can't get close to it, nor can he understand everything here, so he wants to start with the world of cultivating immortals."

  Chen Fan nodded his head, no matter what, at this moment in the Immortal Realm, he has truly stepped on the road to becoming an Immortal, but in this realm, it is probably not a big deal.

  There is still a period of crossing the catastrophe above the combined body state, and another great catastrophe must be experienced before he can completely ascend to immortality and create a fairyland. He is still very far away from that step.

"who are you?"

  At this time, a few figures suddenly appeared in the distance. They were young men in silver armor and holding halberds.

  The faces of several people were gloomy, and they directly fixed their eyes on Mo Long.

  Mo Long didn't care, he sneered and said, "Yo, I don't think there are people in charge of the Immortal Court, a few little ones can become Heavenly Soldiers?"

   "Are you from the devil world?" Several people asked coldly.

   "This king is an ancient man, neither belongs to the Demon Realm nor to the Immortal Court, let your current Immortal Court Lord come out and have a look." Mo Long shook his head, squinted his eyes and said in a deep voice.

Fat Taoist priest and Chen Fan remained silent, not trying to cause trouble, but in this world, if you have a humble attitude, it will make people think that you are not strong enough, because it is impossible for a powerful person to speak humbly here, the strong are respected , especially in the fairy world.

   Sure enough, seeing Mo Long's tone of voice, and the fat Taoist priest giving them a vague sense of danger, those heavenly soldiers couldn't help but hesitate, and their attitude eased a little, and they were no longer aggressive.

   "Can you name some of them?" One of them looked at Fat Taoist Priest and Mo Long. Naturally, they were the only two they were afraid of.

   "Can't you recognize which clan this king is from? Let's go and report that the descendants of the Molong clan are here." Molong said indifferently, with a kind of calm charm, unlike his usual style.

   But Chen Fan has seen it like this before, that is, when he saw the Soul Gathering Tower for the first time in Mohai, Mo Long had threatened him like this.

   "The Black Dragon Clan!"

After several young people heard Mo Long's words, their expressions changed immediately, and they looked at Mo Long again, as if they remembered something, and then hurriedly said "wait a moment, everyone", and then one of them went to the fairy court. everywhere.

  Mo Long looked at it lightly, shook his head and said with a smile: "I didn't expect that after the battle that year, the descendants of those people survived in this place. It's a pity that there are no more immortals and demons."

  Suddenly, the fat Taoist spoke, and said with a blank face: "No, there are a few who are still alive, I feel it."

   "What?" Mo Long was startled.

   "They're all in the fairy garden, and one of them was saved by me back then, little friend Chen should know him." The fat Taoist said indifferently, and glanced at Chen Fan.

   Chen Fan instantly realized, Yang Xiao.

  The descendants of the Yang family were once resurrected in the ancient fairy road, and then they barely recovered to the combined state, so they tore the void and came to this world. Didn't expect that after many years, he has recovered to the peak strength?

   "Well, there are still a few old guys still alive. I'm afraid they all had someone behind them back then, but it's a bit strange that that person didn't show up here." After the fat Taoist finished speaking, he suddenly frowned slightly.

  Mo Long asked: "Who?"

  The fat Taoist glanced down lightly, whether he was thinking or gaining insight into the demon world below the clouds, he raised his head slightly after a long time, and said in a deep voice, "Wu Zhan Monkey—Qi Tian!"

  (end of this chapter)