MTL - Take a Door with You-Chapter 117 Shenhou Mansion: The Four Famous Arrests Shake Xijing! 【Ask monthly ticket

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  Chapter 117 Shenhou Mansion: The Four Famous Arrests Shake Xijing! [Ask for a monthly pass! 】

  Long time.

   The chaos subsides, and the dust falls.

   Xuanwu Grotto is already scorched black.

  When Xiao Lin came, he saw such a bleak scene. He could no longer care about the shock and anger. He pointed at Hao Chuang, the head of Xuanwu Grottoes today, and asked with a frown, "What's going on?"

  Hao Chuang's body was scorched black, his face was ugly, and his voice was a little hoarse, and he replied: "Brother, it's fierce kerosene, gunpowder arrows, and gunpowder."

  He sent for an arrow in good condition, which was unusual, with powder cartridges and fuses at the ends. Cao Xin was in the lime powder at that time, shooting arrows forward in a fan shape. Who knows where this arrow went, but it turned off and did not burn completely.

  Xiao Lin looked at the arrow, then took the burnt wood that Hao Chuang handed over, looked at it, touched it, and smelled it, his face suddenly became ugly: "Fire oil!"

  He could see that this was the trace of burning oil.

  Fire oil!

   This is a kind of incendiary that used fire as a weapon in the war.

It is generally used for defense, especially in the battle of defending the city. "Hou Rong Shu" records: "Building oars, hanging felt curtains, installing cannon seats, setting up crossbow beds, transporting bricks and stones, setting torches, weeping wood, preparing fire oil, all Defensively equipped."

According to "Yesterday's Dream Records" written by Kang Yuzhi, one of the four sages in the early days of the country, at the beginning of the founding of the Liang Dynasty, the northwest frontier 'digged the ground to build a large pond, which was more than ten feet long, to store fierce fire oil' to defend against foreign invasion. .

  This thing burns extremely brightly, cannot be extinguished by water, is violent in nature, and fires rapidly.

  The fire is very difficult to put out.

   Just like the Xuanwu Cave at this time, it was burned to pieces and could not be used anymore.

   But this is secondary. What really makes Xiao Lin a headache and dreads is: "Iron Brave God?!"

   "It must be this guy!"

  Hao Chuang nodded, he had guessed the identity of the arsonist earlier.

no way.

  The name of 'Iron Brave God' is too resounding.

   Rao is the murderer in the 'Worriless Cave', and when he talked about the recently famous 'Iron Brave God' in Xijing Prefecture, he felt ashamed of himself.

  In terms of ability to make trouble, Tie Dan Shenhou throws them a thousand miles away.

In March and April, "Wuyoudong" suffered a lot of blows from the Xijing City government. This was a scapegoat for the "Tiedan Shenhou". ,shelter.

   A puddle of muddy water, very chaotic.



  The "Iron Brave God" came to the Wuyou Cave to harm the Xuanwu Cave with fierce weapons such as fierce kerosene stolen from the "Xijing Military Station"? !


   Who did they provoke?

  Xiao Lin was a little aggrieved. He couldn't figure it out, so he asked Hao Chuang: "Who has offended anyone in Xuanwu Cave recently? What outrageous things have you done?"

   "Brother, you know that we have always made money through harmony. In the past one or two months, we haven't even had a decent conflict. How can we offend people, let alone God Tiedan?"

Hao Chuang shook his head, and then smiled wryly: "Who doesn't know the temperament of the 'Tiedan God'? Whoever hooks up with him is here for revenge."

   God of iron courage!

   This person is a dog!

   Look at all the things he's doing out there—

   Burn the gambling house!

   Burn the city gates!

   Burn the granary!

   Burn the yamen!

   Burn the mansion!

   Burn what you see.

   Let’s just talk about gambling houses, people lend money, one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer, what does it matter to you?

  But this brave **** has to meddle in his own business, he just refuses to lend money, and he can't find trouble with lending one by one, so he goes to the gambling house in the city of misfortune.

   Right now.

  Hao Chuang felt the aggrievedness of those gambling houses firsthand.

   For a person like Tie Dan Shen Hou, you will never guess what he will do next moment.

   Being targeted by him, unable to catch him, unable to guard him, he can only consider himself unlucky.

   "What else can I do if I don't think I'm unlucky?"

   "But today it's not that simple."

"So much kerosene, gunpowder, lime powder, and more than 20 arrows cannot be made by one person. There must be a lot of gangsters in the Xuanwu Cave today. There must be ghosts among us! "


"find out!"

   "It doesn't matter if you can't catch the iron man, but you can't let him eat dog food!"

  Xiao Lin and Hao Chuang talked about the **** things that Lord Tiedan did, and then looked at the Xuanwu Grottoes, and he was not so angry. But for the inner ghost hiding in his own house, he is determined to dig it out.

  A storm is brewing.


   "Dig it!"

   "It is my contribution to you that I can dig out a few insiders."

  Cao Xin was in the original fairyland, and he couldn't help laughing when he heard the conversation between Xiao Lin and Hao Chuang.

  He has returned to his original appearance at this time, and is comfortably soaking in a hot bath. Various flower petals and medicinal materials are put into the bathtub to wash away all the smells on his body.

  While washing, pay attention to the follow-up of the chaos in Xuanwu Grottoes.

   Fierce fire can not be extinguished by splashing oil and water.

  By the time the fire subsided, it was already a mess.

  That Hao Chuang came first, and after repeated investigations and questioning one by one, it was easy to pin the culprit on the 'Iron Brave God'.

   It's not difficult.

  At the beginning of March, the vote of Tie Dan Shenhou in Xijing Military Weapons caused a sensation in the whole Xijing City. Seeing those fierce kerosene, gunpowder and so on, any fool would guess that it was Tie Dan Shenhou's handwriting.

  However, after further discussion between Hao Chuang and Xiao Lin, there was only one other conclusion that could be drawn——

   There is a ghost inside!

"is not it!"

   "If there is no ghost inside, how do you bring in such a big mess of lime powder, kerosene, bows and gunpowder?"

   "Could it be that I have a lot of money in my sleeves?!"

   Cao Xin laughed when he heard the reasoning of the two.

Excuse me.

  He really does.

what a pity!

   These Xiao Lin and Hao Chuang are smart people, they don't ask the heavens or believe in ghosts and gods, and they don't think about gods and ghosts.


  Smart people are like this—

For example, Bao Zheng and Gongsun Ce in "Youth Bao Qingtian", even if they encounter the weirdest cases, such as murder in a secret room, pretending to be a ghost, etc., they will often think about man-made, pretending to be a ghost, and break the situation. Instead of thinking about "portable space" and "anchor point back to the city" and other coquettish things.

  The smarter a person is, the less he believes in ghosts and gods.

  Specifically, when it comes to the 'Iron Brave God', those in power and smart people will only tend to have a very secretive and powerful gang behind the 'Iron Brave God'.

   Well organized.

  There are so many eyeliners and spies!


   "The name of the organization 'Tiedan Mountain Villa' is not pleasant, and it is not considered domineering."

   "It's better to change."

   Cao Xin pondered.


"It is now confirmed that there is indeed a strict organization behind the 'Iron Dan Shenhou'. They call themselves the 'Shenhou Mansion'. It is currently known that the leader of the 'Shenhou Mansion' is the 'Iron Dan Shenhou', and there is a 'ruthless' under its command. , 'Iron Hand', 'Fate Chaser', and 'Cold-Blooded' four generals."

   "This is the first time that the 'Shenhou Mansion' has been published, and it is also the first time that other than the 'Tiedan Shenhou', other characters in this organization have signed their names."

  In the Embroidery Department, a group of high-level officials are discussing the case.

   It is still the case of the 'Iron Brave God'.

   But this time, this case finally had a qualitative breakthrough. Although it is said that the breakthrough was left by the 'Iron Dan Shenhou' and the 'Shenhou Mansion' on their own initiative, but no matter what, there is one more clue.


  In the past, everyone guessed, or in other words, believed that Lord Tiedan was definitely not alone.

  But until this time, after the "Iron Brave God" personally admits, the final conclusion can be truly made.


It does not matter.

  After all, anyone with a discerning eye knows that God of Tiedan can kill one person or ten people overnight, but how could he evacuate nine military warehouses overnight, and move four granaries for three to four thousand shi of grain in one night.

and also.

  More than ten days ago, the "Tiedan Shenhou" set fire to the "Worriless Cave" and set fire to several large and medium-sized caves. Without the help of the ghost inside the "Xuanwu Cave", how could he set fire?

  Lei Meng was the first to take over the case of 'Iron Brave God'. He has sorted out the information and has a more comprehensive understanding. Now I will sort out the timeline for everyone—

   "In August of the third year of Qianyou, Tiedan Shenhou committed the first crime and left his name. After that, in the six months since then, many major and minor crimes have been committed."

   "It wasn't until February of the fourth year of Qianyou, after the establishment of the Xijing Department, that he restrained himself a little."

   "But at the end of the fourth year of Qianyou, this person was dispatched again. During the four months from December of the fourth year of Qianyou to early March of this year, he set fire to forty-four casinos."

   "Then came the big case on the third day of March. The Xijing Arms Station was stolen, and the ordnance materials in nine warehouses disappeared overnight."

  Since then, the world has been shocked, and the officialdom in Xijing has been shaken.

It was also at this time that the Embroidery Department was able to confirm that the God of Tie Dan was not fighting alone, but had a tight organization as the backing, which could not only cover his whereabouts for him to avoid being hunted down, but also have the ability to hide from others. The ordnance and supplies in the nine warehouses, as well as the three or four thousand shi of grain in the four granaries, were removed without leaving a trace.

  This organization is likely to spread both black and white, covering the entire Xijing City.

  After the incident.

  The Embroidery Department, together with the yamen at all levels in Xijing, conducted a thorough investigation in various systems, but they failed to find any clues, and even received no definite news.


   As a last resort.

  I can only focus on the 'Worriless Cave', and want to use this as a breakthrough.

   Nearly two months of investigation and layout, before they can find out the name, this iron and brave **** actually took the first step in attacking Wuyoudong.

  One trick, you can eat it all over the world.

   It is still a simple and crude burning burning!

   Once gone without a trace, it is a headache!

   "I'm more inclined to think that 'Iron Brave God' did it this time. He is deliberately covering up something."

   "Maybe we're getting closer to the truth!"

   "Ma Ruyi", the envoy of the Nine-Rank Bronze Talisman of the Embroidery Division, the Embroidery Inspection Department, and the director of the Supervision and Arrest Station, has a wise face at this time, and he is very confident in his intuition in handling cases.

   Judging from the actions of 'Iron Brave God' this time, it is not difficult to deduce this conclusion.

Ma Ruyi talked eloquently: "'Tiedan Shenhou' first started in Wuyou Cave, set fire to the cave, and burned many powerful children by the way. Then, not long after, the crime site was transferred to Xijing City. East and West The north and the south are taking people captive, which is completely different from the previous style of only killing but not arresting, which shows that he has probably messed up his own position. No matter how bad it is, there may be internal problems. This makes it look messy."

  East one hammer, west one stick.

   This is the characteristic of the **** of iron gall.

  However, taking a living person into captivity has never been done before.

  Changes in the modus operandi can often reflect changes in the motivation and logic behind the crime, which is very helpful for the Embroidery Division to solve the case.

Wu Guodong, the envoy of the Nine-Rank Bronze Talisman of the Embroidery Division, Embroidery Zhaomo, and the head of the General Affairs Office, felt that it made sense, but he almost didn't make sense. "What do you think of the 'Shenhou Mansion' deliberately mentioned in the crimes left after the captivity, and the four new characters 'Ruthless', 'Iron Hand', 'Desire', and 'Cold-Blooded'?"

  It has never been done like this before.

   "When Mr. Wu asked this question, I suddenly thought of something."

Ma Ruyi's expression moved, and the spiritual light suddenly opened, "'Tie Dan Shenhou' may not be a specific person. He and the 'Shenhou Mansion' may be one. In the past, it seemed that he committed crimes alone, leaving behind 'Tie Dan Shenhou' The name of "Shenhou", but it is not necessarily all done by one person, maybe a group of people, a group of people in the "Shenhou Mansion", sharing the name of "Iron Dan Shenhou"."

   Embroidery Division Zheng Eighth Grade Silver Amulet Envoy, Embroidery Dushi, Department of Xijing 'Yang Huaigu' heard this, and he also came to the spirit: "Continue to talk."

Ma Ruyi also seemed to be shocked by her own statement, and she secretly admired herself, and then said more and more smoothly: "As the reputation of 'Iron Dan Shenhou' is getting bigger and bigger, some people in the 'Shenhou Mansion' I also want to be famous, or have other demands, so there is this change. Who said that names such as "ruthless" must be individuals? Maybe the "Shenhou Mansion" split into four organizations, each doing its own thing. ?”

in conclusion.

  Ma Ruyi’s guess is—

  'Iron Brave God' is not alone.

   Names such as 'ruthless' may not represent a specific person.

   Instead, the organization name.


  Lei Meng was also inspired.


  (end of this chapter)