MTL - Tathagata Must Be Defeated-v2 Chapter 138 : It’s my turn.

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The Monkey King who is fighting suddenly turned back.

He found that the Buddha's breath was gone.

"what happened?"

Sun Wukong swept over and found that they were all confused.


Sun Wukong understands that time must be the shot of the White Emperor.

There was a flash of fire in his eyes: "If you want to deal with me, take the initiative, why bother to the Buddha?"

His voice rang in the heavens, but it has not been scattered for a long time, but no one came out to answer.

"Sun Wukong, let's die!"

There was a shout in the distance, and there was a Bodhisattva with a flame of the sky.

"Don't interrupt me!"

Sun Wukong slammed back.


The bodhisattva resisted with the tin rod, but was broken by the golden hoop, and flesh and blood flew out.

At this time, other Bodhisattvas also joined in, surrounded by Sun Wukong, each show their magical powers, and went to Sun Wukong.

"Sun Wukong, your opponent is us."

The bodhisans shouted.

Sun Wukong’s voice is cold: “Then deal with you first!”

He raised his hand, and the golden hoop wrapped up in flames, turned into a red pillar of the sky, rolling and boiling, drowning the entire battlefield.

Every time the heat wave passes, there are Bodhisattva's body cracked and flew out, showing the color of shock.

"How can it be!"

They looked at Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong is burning and the breath becomes even more terrifying.

He is still getting stronger!

"Everyone takes out the deity."

A bodhisattva shouted: "I don't believe he can beat us!"

His body was wrapped in Buddha's light, and a huge dragon-shaped behemoth appeared on the battlefield.

At the same time, all the Bodhisattvas unfolded their visions, and the fierce birds and giant lions appeared together. They seemed to be demon and non-demon, and they all had Buddha light.

Sun Wukong issued a surprise.

These bodhisattvas are really weird and different from those of the Buddha.

Those Buddhas said that they were Buddhas, but they were semi-finished products made by bliss. The flesh could not stop his blow.

But these bodhisattvas have real flesh and tyrannical, and Sun Wukong has long felt that they are not like human beings.

Looking at it now, it really is not human.

"What are you?"

Asked by Sun Wukong.

"It’s not up to you!"

The gods and the beasts yelled, and they fell to the Monkey King with a vast fire.

"It’s right."

Sun Wukong’s eyes burn like a torch.

He put the golden hoop on one side, punched his fists, and the fists burned and shattered.

"No gold bars are used anymore."

I was surprised by what I saw: "The king is getting stronger!"

A group of fires broke out in chaos, the fiery flames, the shining light, swallowed everything.

The gods and the beasts showed their deities, but they still lost to Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong regards their attacks as a baptism of the flesh, sweeping their legs and throwing their fists, seeking the ultimate in the body, and conducting a higher level of exploration.

He was passionate, and a singer and a beast was bathed with blood and struggling under his offensive, and then filled with unwillingness.

"Not enough, not enough!"

Sun Wukong chased a stronger battle, shot down the birds and animals, and picked up the golden hoop, and battled with the Emperor.

"Does he have no limits?"

When Emperor Sui saw so many Bodhisattvas being killed, he was shocked and heartbroken.

After a long battle, his body could not hold back, and his spirit was empty, and the light of Tianjian disappeared.

Although the Blood Soul still guards him on him, it is much smaller than the original.

"Can I be defeated here?"

Sui Emperor flashed his thoughts in his heart.

He traveled to chaos for millions of years, and he was never defeated except the one.


Emperor Qiang clenched his teeth. He used to be higher than the sky, and he was the one who respected the world. He wanted to change chaos. Now, he has to be defeated in the hands of a monkey!

"How can I lose to you!"

Emperor Sui urged Tianjian and attacked Sun Wukong wildly.

"You have to stay a little longer!"

When Sun Wukong hits, he cried: "The blood of your body is being attacked by me every time."

He saw that the blood of Sui Emperor was not much.

Sun Wukong wants to see what the expression of Emperor Sui will be after the blood is broken.

"I don't know what you have experienced."

The **** of war in Sun Wukong's body is brilliant and crystal clear: "But you don't hesitate to sacrifice it, but also vent your anger on me, which is ridiculous."

"What do you know!"

Emperor Sui was furious: "If you don't stop you, your three realms must have lost their souls?"

The expression of Sun Wukong was cold: "My three realms cannot be like that."

"Ha, hahaha..."

The Emperor Sui bloomed with immortal brilliance and made a little sad laughter: "You are the same as I was in the past!"

He used to be as innocent as Sun Wukong, and he did not try hard.

However, he has nothing left, and there is no way to recover it.

"I must stop you!"

The sound of shattering was heard in the body of Emperor Sui, and the Taoist martyrdom broke through the body and became a glaring ray.

These thunderstorms erupted in the vastness of the gods, exploding Sun Wukong and drowning the entire Emperor.

In a twinkling of an eye, he stood like a sun god, and the sun, the moon and the stars were shuddering.

"You actually ignited your own way!"

Sun Wukong’s expression was dignified.

"Heavenly, it is used at this time."

Emperor Sui said that his people are dead, and Heaven is no longer meaningful.

Now, he ignited the heavens and turned himself into a furnace, and he would die with Sun Wukong.


Emperor Sui yelled and rushed to Sun Wukong.

The two collided together, and thousands of heavens collided and turned into the most beautiful sea of ​​light, eclipsing the heavens and the earth, and the sun and the moon were dull.

This is the competition of heaven and the victory of the will!

The vast fluctuations swept the chaos, and countless star palaces rolled.

Fanjingshan also collapsed in this wave of volatility and turned into a gravel.

But the white sages don't care at all.


He stood under the colorful Bodhi tree and looked at the battlefield that turned into a sea of ​​light.

The Buddhas on the edge of the battlefield are escaping wildly. If they are slow, they will turn into fly ash.

This is a terrible battlefield and the most beautiful battlefield.

The countless avenues of light are broken in the battlefield, the old order is ruined, and the new heaven is born.

The **** red mark shines in the center of the battlefield, and the war is amazing.

"It’s almost going to sublimate."

The white sage knows that the arms of Sun Wukong have reached the limit.

In the center of the battlefield, Emperor Sui’s sword pierced Sun Wukong.


Sun Wukong's sternum is broken, his body is sore, and he can't stop the thunder from ravaging the wound.

"This is the first time that someone has hurt me like this."

He said.

Sui Emperor's eyes are red and red: "Why don't you die?"

He ignited the heavens and sacrificed himself to go out. Isn’t it enough to defeat Sun Wukong?

Sun Wukong clenched his hilt and pulled it out of his chest.

One after another, the flame ignited in his wounds, and the flesh and blood seemed to burn.

"I am not dead."

Said Sun Wukong.

He raised the golden hoop.

"It's my turn now."