MTL - Tathagata Must Be Defeated-v2 Chapter 139 : It's not my way

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The gold hoops emit hot light, which is like a scorching sun.

This is a great thing that no one can fight. The power is vast and the momentum is amazing. On the way of the golden hoop, all the heavens are broken.

"This is impossible!"

After an unwilling snoring, Emperor Sui was drowned by the flames of the sky.

This is a terrible collision, the heavens mourn, the thunder is turned into thousands of pieces, and the sputtering is in all directions.

"I can't lose!"

In the flame, Emperor Sang roared, and the figure flashed.

The blood on his body screamed, bursting with cracks and tremble under the golden hoop.

The gold hoop is more and more excited and humming.

Sun Wukong’s strength is getting stronger and stronger. He wants to win or lose in one game, and the battlefield is shrouded in horrible Tianwei.

"Put it!"

He sipped, and the flames screamed and his eyebrows marked the mark of God of War.

The blood was cracked under his stick, and there was a blood in the head of Emperor Sui. Because he could not bear the power of Sun Wukong, the space shattered and twisted, and the huge wind pressure hurt him.

In the blood, there is a sorrowful voice, and the voice is fierce, like asking for mercy, making people feel sad.

"Why should you protect him!"

Sun Wukong sipped and took a rage, and the golden hoop sticked hard.

A loud bang of "Boom", a figure fluttering in the sea of ​​fire, wrapped in the flames of the sky, bloody, shot into the depths of chaos.

It is the Emperor.

Everyone is shocked.

Emperor Sui was defeated!

His sword was cut off, bruises and bruises, and the heavens were dissipating.

"His Majesty……"

"We can't protect you anymore."

The blood is turned into fragments and dissipated. There is a sad voice that sounds in the ears of Emperor.

At this moment, there is something in the eyes of Emperor Sui.

"how is this possible!"

He reached out and tried to catch the blood.

That is the voice of his people.

But his people are clearly dead!

Emperor Sui wrapped in flames and flew into chaos.

"Sui Emperor!"

When the White Lord saw it, he immediately got up and turned it into a light.

Chaos, Sun Wukong also chased the past.

On his fallen road, thousands of heavens shattered, heaven and earth cried, and chaos changed.

Sun Wukong suddenly stopped, and around him, the blood of the air showed an endless battle.

He seems to have entered another star field, the vast expanse of the star field, but was shrouded in war, the earth is black, and the body is everywhere.

The fairy group and the herd violently collided in chaos, screaming and screaming into pieces, and Sun Wukong looked around and looked at it. It was full of fire everywhere.

A few hot suns burst in the distance, and the fire broke out. The mountains and rivers turned into a scorched earth, and the immortals fell into pieces.

That is the Buddha beads.

Sun Wukong suddenly understood.

This is the war between the Bezhu and the Emperor.

"Come and let them go!"

He heard a voice in the flames of war.

Sun Wukong turned and saw two rays of light flying from the Star Palace and rushing out of chaos.

In the light, two girls can be seen faintly.

Sun Wukong flashed a fine light in his eyes and then looked at the Star Palace.

In the Star Palace, the mortal has long since become extinct, and a shining fairy light rises out and rushes out of the sea of ​​fire.


The leader is roaring loudly: "I want to let your blood bond pay!"

Sun Wukong saw it clearly, and that was the Emperor.

Emperor Sui took a group of immortals out of the sea of ​​fire and rushed to the end of the chaos.

There was a black shadow there, sitting quietly and unable to see.

He has not shot, until the immortals rushed out of the battlefield, and finally reached out, such as the comet.

That palm, the ancients did not see, as if the whole chaos was enveloped, not yet close, the emperor's beside the emperor under the pressure into a blood fog, disappeared into chaos.

"Sir, ah!"

The Emperor of the Sui Dynasty rushed past.

The giant palms are brought with great fluctuations. Wherever they pass, the Star Palace bursts one by one and turns into powder.

Then, the star palace where Sun Wukong was located was also destroyed.

The blood is gone.

"To challenge the Sayādaw, it is difficult... difficult... difficult..."

A voice appears in front.

Sun Wukong looked up and saw the white man in the sky floating in the void.

Behind him is a golden lotus bloom with a **** and fuzzy Emperor.

"You have seen it."

The white sage looked at Sun Wukong and calmed like a sea: "That is the sage."

The sages waved their hands, countless stars and palaces were destroyed, and immortals were like grass.

That unrivaled power, no one can challenge.

As the Emperor of Heaven, Sun Wukong can feel the horrible gap.

"Why is Sui Emperor still alive?"

Asked by Sun Wukong.

The giant palm is too horrible. Sui Emperor, like other immortals, should not survive.

"The Emperor of the Sui in front of the Supreme is like a mustard."

The White Sayādaw replied: "He is alive because of the sage of the Sayādaw."

The one who is in the mind is the one standing in front of Sun Wukong.

The sages are in charge of chaos for hundreds of millions of years, destroying the star palace, but they have failed to do so, gradually splitting and turning into a white sage.

"No one can change his will except me."

Sayādaw in white said.

"So, have you established a pure land?"

Sun Wukong asked: "This will allow the heavens to escape the demise?"

"The heavens are the land of bliss. If all the living beings can sink here, the sages will no longer be in control."

Sayādaw in white said: "This is my contract with him."

As a condition, he left the Sayādaw and made the Sayādaw no longer kind.

Without a good-hearted sage, there is no weakness.

"The sage is ruthless and can't destroy all creatures."

The White Sayādaw said: "Only the pure land that I have established can make them survive."

"What you see is only the corner of the power of the Sayādaw. He is far stronger than you think."

The White Lord continued to say: "We can't beat him. I and the Emperor and I can only compromise to save more people."

"I understand."

Sun Wukong nodded.

The White Lord looked at him: "If that's the case, then I will ask you again, can you let go of your obsession?"

"Can't do it..."

Sun Wukong shook his head.

He felt the power of the sage, but his intentions were not reduced, and his body and mind understood his choice.

Sun Wukong took a deep breath: "Maybe you are right!"

He clenched the golden hoop, and the flame on his body swept through the sky. He said: "Maybe I will fail, but my way, only failure, no give up!"

How can he admit defeat?

To admit bliss, is to admit that it is stagnant.

But how can this chaotic sentient being stagnant?

"The original intention of your bliss world is good."

Sun Wukong raised the golden hoop on the white robes: "But unfortunately, it is not my way."

The white sorcerer’s eyes are dark and the heart sighs.

The world is arrogant, but there is no real horror.

But how many people can keep their initial heart after seeing it?

"Sun Wukong, I admit, your will is stronger than anyone."

Sayādaw in white said, admiration in the voice.

"Because of this, your strength should be used in the right place."

He flickered in the light of the Buddha, and the war rose.

Sui Emperor has already lost, and the next battle will have to be taken by him personally.

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