MTL - The 21st Century of the Gangsters Everywhere-~ Seven hundred and fifteen between trance

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Time went back to the time when Li Ping went to sea, after many detection methods including reconnaissance planes, probes, military satellites and other detection methods sent back the detection results in support of Li Ping and his accompanying troops that had engaged with the Deep Sea Fleet. A large number of moles ambushed in the Fortress of Destiny were activated.

"Is that the time..." Distributed all over the Fortress of Destiny, but most of them were only dozens of low-level staff members who received unilateral communications from their superiors.

After a certain point in time, the illegal prefabricated programs or illegal prefabricated equipment previously buried in key facilities such as substation rooms and computer rooms were activated.

The interior of the Fortress of Destiny was instantly plunged into darkness.

A few seconds later, the backup power supply inside the base was activated, but less than five seconds later, the three sets of backup power supplies that backed up each other were also destroyed.

So far, the Fortress of Destiny and the "underground urban space" only have dark red battery-operated emergency lights that are still providing dim lighting.

——The cafeteria near the first central command post of the Fortress of Destiny——

"...It's really good." Naoko Akagi's hands stiffened for a moment, although her tone was still very indifferent, but as a daughter, Ritsuko Akagi heard the taste of gnashing her teeth from her mother's tone.

After all, the electronic control system with the MAGI system as the core of the Fortress of Destiny, as well as the four sets of power supply equipment for positive, auxiliary, preparatory and preparatory preparations, were basically designed by Naoko Akagi, the original designer of the Fortress of Destiny.

Theoretically, the probability of it all going to stop working is lower than the probability of being hit by an asteroid while walking down the road.

- and then it all stopped.

"Is it an accident?" Katsuragi Miri asked casually as she straddled a chair in the cafeteria.

"I'll find out in a while." Naoko Akagi frowned slightly. "Let's go to the command post first and order all the basic independent energy supply systems."

"Let's go." The expressions on the faces of several people were quite relaxed, and they forced the explosion-proof door to be manually opened and headed to the central command post.

"It's been eleven minutes and I haven't recovered yet." Akagi Ritsuko's words made Naoko Akagi's face darken by three points.

"Is there still a loop running?" Arriving at the central command post and climbing to the top of the three-story high-level commander's podium, Misato Katsuragi turned to look at the deputy in the central command post on duty.

"The operating rate is less than 1.9%, and most of it is the initial line before No. 2900 and the E-class independent energy supply line."

"All the energy is used to seal the facility, the final dogma, and the maintenance of MAGI." Misato Katsuragi scratched his head, although the staff on the Fortress of Destiny were all elites, they fell into infinite mutual suspicion and even appeared in this situation. Phenomenon is also possible, and even dare not give a slightly harsher order. "Let the field agents of the Intelligence Department launch armed patrols to look for intruders. The Security Department has set up sentries in key departments and traffic nodes inside the fortress.

Logistics personnel began repairing power lines. "


"Who fired the gun!" The entanglement on Katsuragi Misato's face disappeared instantly, and she entered the state of battle command.

"Unknown, according to passive positioning, it is the direction of the seventy-seventh computer room." The combat staff member of the War Department's combat staff, Hi Xianggeng, replied after finding out.

"I ordered all the staff to stand by at their respective locations and not to move at will. The internal staff of the Ministry of Security wore individual armor and went to investigate. If there is resistance, they are allowed to be killed." Miri Katsuragi hesitated for a while before issuing the kill order.

Soon, gunshots and human screams rang out from all over the base.

"What..." Katsuragi Misato bit the nail of her thumb.

If someone wants to reverse the base structure and confirm the location of important cabins through the order of repairing the power supply system on their own side, they can still understand.

After all, the Fortress of Destiny, as an organization to attack the super-life "apostles" outside the earth, is also a comprehensive armed organization controlled by Li, who is the most powerful human being at present. It has too many secrets and super technology.

Taking advantage of Mr. Li's efforts to carry out armed investigations, he can completely understand the secrets that he and others have sealed up.

But what's the matter with your sudden infighting?

"The 94th Internal Service Squad of the Ministry of Security is insurgent and is attacking the other squads."

"Correction, the 94th Internal Service Squad was...what? Do you say it again?!"

"What's wrong?" Katsuragi Miri frowned and said in her heart that a conventional anti-invasion operation will finally occur, so don't make any more fools.

"The 94th Internal Service Squad was killed by the cooks and cleaning staff of Unit I." Hyuga Geng's face was puzzled.


"There was a communication from the seventeenth substation, they were fighting with...the auto repair class of the logistics department? Then the auto repair class was surrounded and attacked by the nurses in the psychological consultation room?"

"There is a communication from the twenty-fourth monitoring room. They are fighting with people from the Material Support Section of the Logistics Department."

"Correction, the people from the material support department who were fighting with the twenty-fourth monitoring room were copied by the network administrator of the logistics department, and they are now fighting."


"What's the mess?" Katsuragi Miri was stunned for a few seconds before she could react. "We've been infiltrated like this?"

"Finally, the dogmatic garrison called and was attacked by unidentified armed men. They are now at war, asking for reinforcements."

"Let Asuka go over and knock out the unknown armed men. Shinji and Rei carry non-lethal cold weapons and start a sweeping operation.

When it is impossible to distinguish between the enemy and the enemy, it is allowed to stun both sides. "Katsuragi Misato sent out the final weapon of dimensionality reduction strike in a frenzy.

Before long, three demigods in a certain sense swept most of the Fortress of Destiny and suppressed the attacks by the moles.

"There was a call from the Guardian of the Destiny, and an unknown object was found approaching off the coast of Sagami Bay. It was presumed to be an apostle. Now that the shelling is under way, the conventional shelling is ineffective."

"...Where are Director Ikari Yu and Director Kyoko? The giant gods are ready to attack and call the three pilots back. The two Dr. Akagi, please take over the work of the suppression?" Katsuragi Misato only felt that there were too many things today. Do you want to? all together?

"Understood, let's take over the suppression operation." Two women wearing white gowns, theoretically civilians, walked with their hands in their pockets.

"Director Ikari and Director Kyoko are in the first Gnaku battle with the invaders. Details unknown."

"The intruder? Gnaku? The outer defense line was defeated? Why didn't you report it!" Katsuragi Miri felt a little numb. Although 99% of the equipment in the base could not work because of the power outage, she was beaten all the way to the core of the base. Is it outrageous that the region's Gna Library, and haven't had any reports yet? "A lot of enemies?"

"No, there is only one intruder, and now the battle is deadlocked." Hyuga Geng frowned.

"Stand up? What are they doing... Hyuga-kun, I'll leave it to you, I'll go over there to see the situation." Katsuragi Miri turned her head and left.

Katsuragi Miri ran all the way to the outside of Gnaku, and saw Yui Ikari and Kyoko mingling with a beautiful silver-haired boy.

At the same time as Miri, there were also three pilots of the Giant God Soldier.

——Because there is no contact with Asuka no matter which world line, so seeing Asuka in this world line does not have much feeling. It's nothing more than a sigh that I can't see Asuka's arrogant attitude towards Ikari Shinji's standard.

But when he saw Ayanami Rei and Li Shinji in this world line, Nagisa Kaoru was really shocked.

Not to mention that the pronunciation of "Shinji" of Ikari Shinji of other world lines is a pun with "Son of God" and implies that Li Shinji of this world line is the real second generation of gods, who are demigods and sons of gods.

Ling Li is directly the reincarnation of the first apostle Lilith, and her divinity is still intact, and she is even a brother and sister with Li Shinji.

Then came the coincidences.

When Zhu Xun sighed that this world line is really distracted, Li Ping's soul reaction disappeared.

Ikari Yui was stunned for a moment, and hit Nagisa Kaoru with a right uppercut on his left face.

Only his cheeks trembled slightly, leaving a fist mark on his face.

The uppercut that was supposed to be pressing, but just enough to break the AT position of the humanoid apostle in front of him turned into a dazed and excited all-out punch.

Nagisa Kaoru's subconsciously constructed AT stance didn't even have a layer of candy wrap, and it turned into pieces the moment it touched the fist.

Then, the fist hit Zhu Xun's chest, and Zhu Xun bowed with the strength of the fist, and with the blood spurting from the nose and mouth, Zhu Xun was punched by the uppercut at a high speed of ten times the speed of sound to the stratosphere. .

By the way, it smashed through the armored ceiling close to the fifty-story Fortress of Destiny, and the twenty-fourth floor of the special reinforced armor plate on the ground of the third new Tokyo city.

——For the first time, to the Shinji-kun of this world, your mother is really strong and powerful.

By The fist marks on the front chest and back are clearly visible, and Nagisa Kaoru is still rising.