MTL - The 21st Century of the Gangsters Everywhere-~ Seven hundred and sixty-eight statues of the old and the young

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"Wuhu, say it, okay, this little girl did you teach?" Natal wiped away the tears from laughter in a certain lounge in the Babel Tower, the emperor's palace, in the Holy Brittany Empire.

"I really didn't do this, I didn't even guide." Lux tilted her head cutely.

"Just tell him objectively, right, I understand, I understand." Natal waved his hand indifferently.

"I have the same impression of Kagalli as Li, both of which are the mentality of an old father. I'm afraid Li didn't think of Kagalli as a woman who can be attacked." Lux lay there lazily, looking at the large screen live on.

"Mr. Aslan is really a bit miserable..." Meiling ate the melon happily. "According to the original historical trend, it should be that Miss Lux is his fiancée, and Miss Kagalli is his girlfriend. My sister and I have a good impression of him one after another... Li and he are swept away."

"And the emperor's majesty can say that all the starting points of his fortune started from the wool of this Comrade Aslan. He grabbed his body, pryed his fiancée, brushed his teammates, and even his own father's words to Li. The attitude is better than this Comrade Aslan..." Lunamaria wanted to laugh more and more.

"Even, he himself is almost a super-strengthened version of Aslan. It's not normal for Aslan to deflate in front of him." Frey stretched. "Also said that Aslan is in trouble in finding his own justice, isn't he himself?"

"Who said no, and he refuses to intensify his efforts to collect people like us. He won't refuse much in front of the girls who posted it, and he won't restrain his behavior." Natal also lay down and pillowed Frey's lap. "After a lot of beautiful words, in the end, this strange state of being stubborn and standing came out."

"...But Sister Natal, you all came together with him at first because you liked him, right?" Meiling looked at Lux who vaguely led the matter today with some doubts. "Why do you want to point out Li's state? His attitude of standing still should be able to restrain his behavior to a great extent and slow down the growth of his harem group members, right?"

Visible to the naked eye, Natal and Lux's moods sank.

"If there was a choice, who wouldn't want to monopolize him?" Lux said softly. "He gave us happiness and new choices in life, and in return, we pulled him back from the one-way street called death in battle... probably that's the intention.

Compared to him who died on the final battlefield due to lack of support, he can already live almost forever as long as he doesn't die. As long as he is still alive, we still have a chance. "

"...Chance?" Lunamaria felt a chill.

"His harem group is not a queen who sits on the throne, or a hero who rides a thousand horses. At the very least, they are also politicians who play with thousands of people's hearts. At that time, how can we coexist peacefully?"

"However, if we fight each other until there is only one person left... Li He..." Mei Ling was also like falling into an ice cellar.

"...Why are you more ruthless than me?" Lux was startled by Meiling's words. "I just want to say that when that time comes, a large number of teams will be formed to grab people... and we can't kill each other. At most, it will start a world war."

"If he can show the momentum of suppressing the world and suppress us all, I will obey him." Frey interrupted suddenly.

"...Huh?" ×4

"The strong take all, in order for him to survive in the future, we can temporarily tolerate the constant introduction of new women into our all-female armed group.

But when he won the final victory, it was when our armed group fell apart. Frey said sternly. "However, Miss Lux, will he really tolerate you guys fighting?" "


"Although sometimes it's a little bit tangled, but he's also an emperor. No matter where we throw it, it's impossible for a woman like us, who is admired by hundreds of millions of people and is not at the peak, to accept being a one-person harem. He should also be clear about things.

So what do you think he will do then? Is it just watching? ' Frey said lazily.

"It was a war between us women at that time, it had nothing to do with him, it was for ourselves..."

"You... are you a little bit down on your own eyes?" Frey played with Natal's hair. "Or, what kind of misunderstanding about the nature of that person has been caused by the long-term indulgence and the conventional education we have received?"


"He's the Emperor." Frey stroked Natal's cheek. "His strength comes from guarding, stronger than plundering and conquering, and mature in governing. Therefore, he is happy to guard us, not to treat us as trophies. He is also willing to work hard for his country and its citizens.

But don't forget that he doesn't want to crush our dignity, not that he can't.

Except for the first few years, in the future he destroys the things we value, crushes our pride, reshapes our personality, keeps us in the harem like canaries, and pulls us out when we are used. Use it, and for him, it doesn't make any difference.

Even, as long as he actively ignores it, we can behave exactly the same as before. No, it should be said that we, who just look exactly the same as before, will only bring him a better experience. "

"Frey, why do you think so? If what we are guarding is trampled by him, our..."

"This is what is called being arrogant, Lux. Like ordinary people, our lives are full of choices, and every choice will change our future. In this way, surrender is actually a kind of choice." Frey turned her head and looked at the shocked Lux. "The so-called emperor is the person with the strongest desire and the most wonderful life in this country. He shows us the limits of being a human being, so he can stimulate the desire of the people to move forward. "The emperor is like this, I also want to be like Like an emperor", with this desire, the country will move forward.

I once took the seat of the Atlantic Federation President, although it was only a month, but this is the result of my seven years of hard work. It is not the position given to me by others, but the position I have fought for myself, with the responsibilities and powers given to me by the citizens of this country.

Therefore, I can know, where is your problem. "

"I used to..."

"You also used to govern the predecessor of the Tyranid Empire, but that was the result of the uncrowned Emperor Li Ping's joint efforts to give you the result. That is a job, not a throne that you seized yourself.

So no matter how hard you try, how hard you study, in the end you'll always fall short, Lux.

No matter how much power you've wielded, there's always an invisible rein around your neck. This, it is good to hear, there is always someone who will give you an unparalleled sense of security. It's ugly, you're just his tool, and if you screw it up, it's just troublesome.

I'm afraid this is also where you feel awkward. As one person, above ten million people, you who once ruled a planet, and you who are respected as Her Majesty Queen Lacus Klein, have never seen clearly. . Frey looked down at Natal, who was also in deep thought, and slid his fingers lightly on Natal's neck. "You never reach the top, you will never understand. When you reach the top, when no one can restrain you, In that instant, how far will your desire swell. "

"I have struggled, when I played with him "Women's President's No Misery", he had seen several times, I woke up from a nightmare, and I had also seen him with a sharp weapon and hiding in the shadows to watch him silhouette of heart.

As long as he is killed, my power will continue, just like my country. At the moment of his death, the empire built with him as a bond will fall apart. You women who are confused by his fairy-tale behavior and can't see reality clearly won't bother me at all, you will fight first. " Frey grabbed Natal's chest. "As long as the knife goes in." "

"Frey, you..." Natal was taken aback when Frey said the harshest words in the gentlest tone.

"So, don't underestimate the heart of an emperor whose first choice is to establish a dictatorial empire with absolute centralization." Frey let go of her hand and just held Natal's shoulder. "Speaking of which, you should have discovered that the one who is most in tune with him right now is not your group of first-comers."

"...It should be, Rukia and Unoka... right?" Lux carefully recalled Li Ping's short life at home, and was surprised to find that there was a vague estrangement between herself and him?

"Rukia and Unohana... Ah, the young Shinigami who gave the power of death to the spiky-headed boy without authorization, and the great villain who was unprecedented in history, the evil spirit born to fight, but he can restrain his heart and hold a sharp blade in his hand. Mama Unoka, the merciful owner of the power of mother, no wonder." Frey was stunned for a moment, recalling the relevant information about the two people.

"In the original work, Rukia once blamed herself for giving Ichigo power, which changed his life and forced him to go down the path of battle." Frey lowered her head and stared at Natal, who had an expression almost as serious as her own. "How similar is it to us now? But..."

"If it wasn't for him, we would have died in the last war." Natal took Frey's words. "Unlike a certain eldest lady who can appear in my memories from time to time in the second season, I only appeared once in the water-length episode."

"..." Frey's serious expression instantly collapsed, and a head that didn't know whether to laugh or cry collapsed on Natal's forehead. "To use his unspoken self-blame for dragging us into a future where we can't live without fighting is actually a denial of those of us who should have died.

So Lux, you have to understand that as long as he's alive, you're his princess, not his queen. For us, he is our love, but above that, he is our emperor and we are his concubine.

What he gives you is yours, what he doesn't give you, you can fight, but you can't rob.

Although it is contrary to the modern education we receive, for us, this kind of feudal-like situation is the reality. "

"That means……"

"Isn't it bad to keep it as it is? Why does it have to be made him realize it?" Frey sighed. "Just like Sister Hawke and me, the old lady just likes you, the old lady just adore you, even if you defy our common sense of monogamy, even if you abandon my country, you must cooperate with your plan, even if you have a body transformation, you must catch up Your steps will be posted as you lick your face, seeing as we are like this, why don't you spoil us more?"

"Although I also like the domineering that he occasionally shows that belongs to the emperor... but you don't think that when he turns domineering from conquering the world to conquering women, he will also find that this move can further help him conquer the world and gain more Strong power to accomplish his ultimate goal... You don't think the tops of our heads are green enough, right?" Frey sighed again, then turned off the screen and did not watch the transition from live broadcast to "live broadcast". Image of Prime Minister Aube's office.

"He himself said that in fact, someone in the world of machine warfare has developed technology to transform humans into demigods with similar strength to him. After we are here, we will go to that world to undergo the final upgrade operation and become similar to him. The demigod, so that he can truly stand by his side and face the enemy, instead of doing some auxiliary work because of lack of strength.

Because there are too many enemies to face, the more people like us who will never betray, the better.


"If Cagalli didn't wake him up, then the expansion of our team would maintain the previous speed, but he has been woken up now..."

"We should be glad that all the powerful women here are already here?" Frey smiled bitterly.

"Most of the rest are married or hard to reach here."

"Wait." Frey suddenly remembered. "Unoka, she took a total of five female Bromian as her subordinates in the place called the virtual circle, right?"

"You mean... let us expand the secondary team with our current team as the core?"

"Even if it's the last step, when it comes to that contingency If we really fight, there will be no subordinates, but we will fight this battle by ourselves, and it will be ugly.

Compared to us being thrown into a bed to play with by collective repression, I think the tearing between us will probably be more ugly. So..." Frey's expression was very subtle.

"...I didn't know for a while whether this was good or bad." Lux rubbed her temples with a headache.

"If he doesn't give it, we can't rob it, but if we put the meat to his mouth, he won't want it, right? As for ethics..." Frey chuckled.

"I think it's ridiculous that you talk about ethics to that guy Li Ping." Lux also laughed.

——The age span of Li Ping's harem group has reached thousands of years, and the minimum age of the woman at the time of the raid was even Misaka Mikoto's 14-year-old junior high school student.

At this time, should we praise him for respecting the old and loving the young?
