MTL - The Age of Giant Ships and Cannons-Chapter 311 A Call from Lord Senra

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  Chapter 311 Call from Lord Senluo

  Unless the size of the Fearless Division is increased several times, then it can attack head-on with hard power.

  The premise is that there is no mobile battle star.

   If there is a mobile battle star, it goes without saying that even if there are 500 seventh-level fearless divisions, they will not be able to defeat a fleet with a mobile battle star.

  Everything is ready, only the east wind is owed.

  But when Li Qing was about to leave, he was stunned by a sudden news.

  Two negative stars from the isolated star field sent a message, Lord Sen Luo woke up.

To be precise, some time ago Lord Senluo showed signs of awakening. At that time, there were strange fluctuations in the mechanical battle star from time to time. Later, as the battle between human beings and Bruvan united civilization began, the strange fluctuations became more and more obvious. , until now, a message suddenly came from inside, asking to see him by name.

  This surprised Li Qing, and after thinking about it for a second, he decided to go back first.

   Let the assembled fleet wait temporarily, and he goes south alone.

The group of star **** ships leaped up to two thousand light-years at a time, and the speed of the single-ship leap was extremely fast. It took only one day to cross the distance of tens of thousands of light-years to the Zutar galaxy. With the help of the negative star as the coordinate, directly Warp to the isolated star field.

  The two negative star bearers sitting here were transformed from many personal guards of Lord Senluo who were captured before, and they are waiting in the sleeping place of Lord Senluo at this time.

  The **** ship was parked in the starry sky, Li Qing stepped out, and came to a huge mechanical battle star.

  Lord Senluo's mechanical battle star is much larger than normal battle stars, with a diameter of about 22,000 kilometers. At this time, the energy shield has long since disappeared, but the surface armor is incomparably intact.

   I don’t know what kind of alloy its texture is. It can be clearly seen that there are some broken meteorites and some wreckage fragments in some gaps in the armor shell, but the armor structure is not damaged at all, not even scratches can be seen.

  He came in front of the two Star Negators, one of the Mechanical Battle Stars.

  One of the negative stars said to him:

   "During the all-out war between human beings and Bruwan, there was a trace of awakening in the mechanical battle star, and the trace behind it became more and more obvious. Two days ago, a signal came suddenly, and he asked to see His Majesty by name."

  Li Qing looked at the huge mechanical battle star floating alone in the starry sky with his hands in his arms, with a thoughtful look on his face.

  If there is no accident, the awakening of Lord Senluo should be related to the all-out war between humans and Bruwan, but the main reason for his direct awakening is the stimulation of the Aisha civilization and Bruvan.

  The all-out war between humans and Bruwan has not never happened. During the thousands of years when Lord Senluo fell asleep, there have been several full-scale wars between humans and Bruwan, and he has not yet woken up.

  But this awakening, there is a high probability that the Aisha civilization joined the war, which made the will of human civilization feel an unprecedented threat, so

   Lord Sen Luo, who had been sleeping all this time, woke up.

  As for why he was looking for him by name, Li Qing guessed that there were two possibilities.

  One may be the only one who is currently researching the mechanical battle star.

  Another possibility is probably his potential.

  The news that he obtained the complete database of the pioneers of advanced civilizations is unknown to other lords and military leaders, but it is impossible for the will of human civilization not to know.

  Complete high-level civilization inheritance, in the eyes of human civilization, his potential surpassed all Star Sea Lords in an instant, and even all Star Sea Lords and military leaders in the entire United Human Empire could not match him.

  After all, when he digests these technologies, he only needs a hundred years of preparation, and his comprehensive strength can crush the entire human civilization.

   But whatever the reason, it was a good thing for him.

  Standing in front of the mechanical battle star, Li Qing adjusted his clothes, cupped his hands in the direction of the forward battle star, and shouted loudly:

   "Jalan Li Qing, meet Senior Sen Luo!"

   It was silent.

  Li Qing was not in a hurry either, and stood there for a long time without moving.

I don’t know how long it took, the surface of the mechanical battle star suddenly glowed with faint light, and quickly outlined a huge fuzzy face made of light. In the center of the face, the closed shell parted, revealing a huge space that could accommodate a Titan Super Banner. In the passage, layers of lights are lit up in the passage, extending to the depths of the passage.

   At this moment, a mechanical voice sounded:

   "Come in!"

  Li Qing clasped his fists together, waited for the two star bearers here, and flew to the passage alone.

  As soon as it entered the passage, the entrance of the passage closed silently.

  Li Qing took a look, and continued to move forward without any worries.

  The passage is straight and goes straight to the depths. Li Qing observes the surroundings while flying.

   But he gave up after only looking at it for a while. There are only smooth alloy walls around the passage. With his super spiritual power, he can detect the gaps on the walls that are invisible to the naked eye, but he cannot see through the gaps.

  He speeded up without thinking much, and soon came to the end of the passage.

   Cross the passage door and appear in a huge independent space.

  He looked up, and the space was surrounded by moving alloy structures, as if he had come inside a huge mechanical clock.

  In the center of the independent space that is constantly moving and changing shapes, there is a huge invisible distortion, and a constantly changing gear sphere is suspended in the center.

  Consists of countless crystalline gear parts, these gears can change shape, and the external shape is constantly changing as the gear sphere keeps moving.

  Li Qing slowly passed through the empty independent space and flew towards the center. As he approached, the surrounding structures gradually lit up, and the texture of the internal structure also slowly lit up from cold metal, turning into a crystal.

  There is no lighting, but the interior is like daylight, and the light comes from the internal structure itself.

  At the same time, the ever-changing sphere in the center couldn't help turning irregularly as before, but slowly formed a mechanical head.

  When the head was formed, the eyes lit up, emitting a faint distorted light like a white hole, and an inexplicable will slowly awakened.

  Li Qingxuan remained motionless before the distortion, waiting patiently.

   I don't know how long it took, but after the strength of the will that slowly awakened reached its peak, a loud voice suddenly sounded:

   "Welcome to the Senra, young human!"

  Li Qing bowed solemnly, and said in a deep voice:

   "My junior, Li Qing, met His Highness Sen Luo!"

  The voice paused slightly, and replied:

   "I am a failure, no need to call me Your Highness."

   "On the contrary, it is you, the caretaker of the will of civilization, I believe that it will not be long before you should be honored as your majesty!"

   Li Qing felt his heart move when he heard this, but he didn't answer the words, instead he asked:

   "My subordinate told me that His Royal Highness Sen Luo wants to see me, I wonder if it is?"

   A loud voice sounded:

   "I have woken up three times since I fell asleep, but this is the first time I was actively awakened. It seems that the situation of the joint war between humans and Bruwan is not optimistic?"

  Li Qing nodded and replied:

   "Yes, the Aisha civilization that was expelled by His Majesty returned to the Perseus Arm and interfered in the all-out war between humans and Bruvan."

   "Aisha Civilization?"

   "I remembered, haven't these scums gone extinct yet!"

   "Not only are they not extinct, but they are also stronger than before. Humans have been unable to defeat the Bruwan Union, and their development has been limited for thousands of years. Compared with seven thousand years ago, their strength has not improved much."

   "What a bunch of trash!"

"except you."

  Li Qing

  He didn't dare to answer those words.

  As Lord Senluo who once fought against nearly half of human civilization alone, he is indeed qualified to say this.


   Li Qing suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and accidentally discovered a blind spot that he hadn't thought of before.

He remembered that Lord Senluo was only ranked third among human lords at the beginning, and there were two Star Sea Lords who ranked first and second above him. The two lords should be stronger.

   But in fact, the two ancient lords did not seem to show the strength that matched their rankings, as if they had no sense of existence.

  Like before the lords approached him to buy a Tier 6 dreadnought, the projections of the two bosses didn't seem mysterious, and they didn't feel that they matched their status and legends at all.

   "Something is wrong!"

   There happened to be a big boss in front of him. Li Qing was not polite, and immediately asked:

   "I remember that in ancient times, His Majesty was so powerful when he ranked third among the lords, and there were two other lords with higher rankings, but I didn't feel their strength in this all-out war."

   Lord Senluo paused for a moment, and the voice sounded:

   "That's because they are not the first generation lords at all!"

"The first lord of the first generation has long been missing. At the beginning, he was resident in the guardian of Servanti. A long time ago, he received a special mission from the guardian of Servanti to reward a chip of the sixth-generation **** ship. Leading the main fleet to disappear during the mission, what you see now is the second generation, without the skills and abilities of the first generation, plus the disappearance of the main fleet, the weakening of strength is inevitable."

"The second-ranked Si Kou found an ancient star gate connected to another river system in his own territory. An accident occurred during the development, and the star gate was destroyed. Si Kou was also trapped on the other side of the star gate and could not return. Now he is the second In modern times, the strength has long since lost its former glory."


   In addition to being speechless, I can only be speechless.

  The original two strongest Star Sea Lords have fallen, no wonder the current strength of the United Human Empire is not as strong as imagined.

   If so, a lot of things would make sense.

   But this is all history, now the point is

  Li Qing looked up at the crystalline mechanical sphere, pondered for a while, and asked:

   "I don't know why Your Majesty called me here?"

  The mechanical sphere was also silent for a while, and a loud voice sounded:

   "I have a doubt, why the will of civilization chooses you as a military lord instead of other lords, can you explain it to me?"

   "Perhaps, it's because I obtained a complete Pioneer database and a complete dark matter technology!"

  In an instant, an extremely strong wave of will emerged, and at this moment Li Qing felt himself shaking involuntarily like a small boat in a stormy and rough sea.

   "What a strong will, close to the immortal level."

  The storm comes and goes quickly, and quickly calms down.

   "Have you obtained the complete pioneer database?"


   "Have you obtained complete dark matter technology?"


"When did this happen?"

   "Three or four years ago."

   "No wonder!"

  Lord Senluo sighed, but did not respond again.

  But Li Qing could clearly feel a gaze falling on him.

  He remained motionless, allowing him to observe.

   After a while, the loud voice sounded again:

   "If this is the case, you are indeed qualified to inherit my inheritance, and you are also the most suitable successor."

   Li Qing showed joy when he heard this, and bowed with his arms folded:

   "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your fulfillment!"

   "You got it by your own hard work and ability."

  Lord Sen Luo's voice suddenly became a little sad, and then he was silent for a while before speaking:

   "You have two ways to inherit my inheritance, and you can choose one of them."

   "Please speak, Your Majesty."

"The first way, you switch to the mechanical ascension route, and then devour the core of this mechanical battle star, and when you completely disassemble and master it, you will completely inherit everything from me, including this powerful mechanical battle star and the near-immortal level will."

   "The second way is to give up the mechanical ascension route, but it means that you will not be able to inherit it perfectly, including this mechanical battle star is bound to my will. If you don't take the mechanical ascension route, you will not be able to control this mechanical battle star."

   "Of course, if you have enough time and a strong fortress designer, you can spend hundreds of years redesigning and modifying it."

   "But under the current situation, you probably don't have that time."

  Li Qing nodded:

   "There really isn't that time."

This mechanical battle star can't be put into the palm of the universe, and it will take nearly a hundred years to accelerate in a few hundred years. At this time, he has built all the thirteen mobile battle stars, and the star fortress has come out. The role of a mechanical battle star is not so great.

   "Skull hurts!"

  Li Qing rubbed his forehead and asked:

   "If I choose the second option, what can I inherit?"

   "My former treasure, and a mechanical battle star that belongs to you."

   "Isn't it impossible to master this mechanical battle star?"


  Some question marks appeared in Li Qing's head, but he didn't react for a while.

  Until Lord Sen Luo’s voice sounded to explain to him:

"You can't master this mechanical battle star, but I can degenerate this battle star to its original state. You invest resources to re-evolve and upgrade. As long as you have enough resources, you can quickly re-promote to the current level, or even a higher level. .”

  Li Qing was still a little confused, not quite understanding.

   "What evolutionary upgrade, this mechanical battle star is not"

   Li Qing's expression suddenly froze, and an unbelievable thought that he had never thought of suddenly appeared in his mind.

  With an incredible expression on his face, he asked in a low voice:

   "Your Majesty Sen Luo, your mechanical battle star, is it that kind?"

"As you guessed, this is an initial base that came from 10,000 years ago when humans first entered this new universe. grade."

   "My mechanical battle star has been promoted seven times after years of fighting."

  (end of this chapter)