MTL - The Alchemist God-Chapter 1221 Everyone has aspirations

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After Qin Yin left, Toru was unwilling to return to Claude, respectfully said: "Master the adult, who is this powerful woman? Why..."


Claude said: "She is the graceful goddess Qin Yin, and there is another name called 'Xiyin'. It is the sister of Xi Yan, one of the war angels of our Western gods. From the words of Xiyin, Xi Yan, The baby has already begun to rebuild the Western gods. You are the righteous **** under the Western gods. Go... Go for the Mahayana Heaven and do the best for the world. This is what you have to do as Xia Shen. The thing, you are still young, the road to go is still very long, and you can cultivate your strength, and your strength may reach the level of Xiyin."

"Mastering adults, I... can I really?"

"Well, take a rest and fly up tomorrow morning. I think Xi Yan and the baby must be waiting for you to work for this summer god."

"Yes, the villain understands!"

As soon as Toure left, Crowder immediately appeared an old man in a black robe, saying: "Master, do you really give the West Gods to the two traitors of Xi Yan and Dai Wa?"

"How else can it be?"

Claude smiled bitterly: "The era that belongs to me has passed, I will admit my life, and... I hope that the Western gods can once again rise and prosper... Elder Carter, do you remember when I was a child? I also Swearing to be a great six-winged angel, adding a glory to the Western gods... For so many years, it seems that these vows have long been forgotten, until they lose power and lose everything, but I think of the promises I made, I don’t want to ... don't want to get involved in the endless abyss again."

Elder Carter smiled faintly: "Maybe you are right. This is what people are interested in, whether it's worth it or not. Just look at the two little gimmicks, Xi Yan and Dai, who can make a name for themselves!"

"Don't worry, since Xiyin has helped Xiyan to find the original light in the Western gods, this means that Tang Xiaoying, who is almost inseparable from Xiyin, is also in the Western gods. Perhaps the legendary Wu Shen Lin will also play for the Western gods. What Yan will do, she will do everything I want but can't do..."

Elder Carter: "..."

The sky is passing by a meteor, and the blink of an eye is gone in the sky. People are like this. God is also like this. Only the heaven and earth universe is the same. The only difference between man and God is the length of life, but it is like a firefly in the vast river. The beam and the boat are as short as a leaf.


In the land of the Ding Ding, the spirit of all things is gradually recovering on the earth below the sky. In the jungle, an old man sits quietly in the flat rock, surrounded by the deer, the wilderness of the food... a glimpse of the aura In his body, the old man had to be white, but his face was very rosy, and the keel in his hand was faintly fluorescent.


A golden light leaked from the air on him. He almost didn't have to think about what happened. Just at that moment, he had an insight into the law and insight into the true meaning of heaven.

All around, the ridiculous grassland began to recover, and the growth speed of the grass leaves was amazing. In the blink of an eye, the area was already a lush jungle, which was quite different from the early spring scenes of other regions.

This is the power of recovery and the power that Qu Chu is about to gain.


There was a thunder in the air, and the Tianyin scroll slowly spread out. The name of the girl was clearly written in the word, and the body of the female goddess appeared in the volley. The voice was extremely quiet and said: "Qu Chu, you are far from disputes and pity. With the recognition of the Mahayana Tiandao Tianyin Book, now you are the first-class median god, the **** of recovery, and give you the power to recover. I hope that you will follow the heavens and protect the world of heaven and earth!"


A huge golden figure broke into the body of Qu Chu, that is his body. In the blink of an eye, it seems to be a lot younger, and the hair has turned white and white, and his face is more rosy. He said: "Thank you. Giving the body of the law, Qu Chu will do his best to demon the devil!

The girl's figure slowly dissipated, and Qu Chu stood up, watching the animals gathered around, and smiled slightly: "Go, start your new life, I should leave, Heaven needs I have the power of this old bone."

Animals such as deer and rabbit seem to understand the words of Qu, and they spread out, but Qu Chu took a deep breath and went to the sky, disappearing instantly between the heavens and the earth.


Tianzhu City.

Between the pavilions and the water, a handsome man looked up at Tianzhu and said: "It’s another flying upright... It’s Qu Chu, and even the old man is flying, and we young people are still eating here. Waiting to die..."

"Where is the book of His Royal Highness!" Lin Xun said with a smile: "The name of Qu Laowei has spread all over the world, and it is a matter of time before he gets the body, and we are not eating here and waiting to die!"

The wind nodded and smiled and said: "What is the military situation in the eastern battlefield?"

Zhang Yuqiquan said: "There is not much resistance at all. After Chen Yu’s party feathers were wiped out, the governors of the major empire of the empire were all looking down on the wind, and they simply could not resist the iron ride of our ban."


The wind continued to raise his mouth and said: "The whole world must be settled within one month. Do you understand?"

"Yes, it doesn't take a month, half a month."

On the side, stargazing and clenching: "There is one thing to say to His Royal Highness."

"Sir, please."

"After deliberation and discussion, the Congress decided to establish two major congresses two days ago. After the voting resolution, Guo Huaili was the chief of the Lanyancheng Emperor's Congress, and all of them were divided into the world, and the deputy chief Jiang Yi will rush to the celestial continent as soon as possible. The chief deacon of the celestial congress, he is in charge of all government affairs in the celestial continent."

The wind frowned and continued to sit on the railing, silent.

Zhang Yidao said: "This is what the Laishe Congress is a mess. Before Yin Dian’s departure, he clearly stated that all the military and political affairs of the celestial continent are all under the control of the next king. What is this Chiang Kai-shek doing?"

The wind continued to be the first to say: "The fourth constitution of the Imperial Constitution, all government affairs are under the control of the Congress. It is also expected that they will send Chiang Kai-shek to take charge of government affairs. It seems that as Ah Yu said, the old fox of Guo Huaili is already in charge of the whole The government of the world is over."

Lin Xun’s eyes were murdered: “Would you like to send someone to break the world and kill Guo Huaili?”

"Do not."

The wind continued to wave his hand and said: "If today is a big decision, the people need a stable life. Guo Huai Li has a good speech. He has long been regarded by the civilians as the world's first capable minister. When we kill Guo Huaili at this time, it is an enemy of the world. As a sinful warlord in the mouth of Ayu, you can bear it. As long as Guo Huaili is not too much, as for Jiang Yan, he has to master the government of the celestial continent and let him master it. I am happy!"

"But..." Zhang said: "Let these villains let us pee on our heads?"

The wind smiled and smiled: "If he really dares to pull, I will help him... Zhang Hao, you a little boy remembered me, don't be bad, killing Guo Huaili is easy, but you killed a Guo Huaili, very There will be a second Guo Huaili appearing from the emperor to the present, Yan Yifan, Tang Yan, Su Muyun, Zhuang Yu, etc., one by one, which one is not a hot person? But now, where are they? There is always someone in the political affairs to control. We can’t finish it. What I can do now is that I respect him. He also wants to respect me."

"The subordinates understand."

"Right, is there any news on Lanyan City? Are Chu Yao and Wei Qiu all okay?"

"They have all arrived safely in Lanyan City." Stargazing laughed: "This can be assured that the Chuyao deacon is the master of the Lingyao Division, and has the master protection of Longmeng, and the vengeful adult is the gentian The commander of the battalion, known as the most powerful commander of the army, gave Guo Huaili a daring 10,000 and he did not dare to touch the gentian camp."

"Well, yeah..." The wind nodded.

For a moment, when Zhuang Zhai took 700,000 congressional troops and internal and external troubles, they dared to make a fortune, but now it is different. The world is a big one. The gallbladder camp is the world’s first strong soldier, and the 200,000 troops are perennial. The town guards Lanyan City and acts as a Guardian Army and a banned army. It can be said that Wei Qiu has manipulated the entire military affairs of the Ding Ding world, and Ding Wei and Tang Zhen have echoed the name. Guo Huaili has done the most of the government affairs, but But absolutely can not do the Lord of military affairs.

Lin Xun suddenly coughed and said: "The wind commander, Miss Si Kong Yao told you about the media, did you agree?"

"Hey, you said oh..." The wind continued to face.

Lin Xundao: "That... is the Shangqian of the Imperial Business League. Miss Sikao said, as long as you nod, she will go to lobby. Shangqian is now single, and people are beautiful and rich. I will be embarrassed if you are."

"Hey, your grandmother's legs..." The wind continued: "I am not happy with what I am doing. Why do you want a wife to come back to me? You are still too young... What's more, Shangqian is not me. What type do you like?"

"So... what kind of type does King of the King like?"

"The temperament is good, the face is beautiful, the chest is big, the body is very good, the temper is good, the understanding is good, the non-sticky, the non-noisy kind, what do you have a good introduction?"

Zhang grinned: "The little pity of the drunk cloud building..."

"Yes." The wind hurriedly smiled and said: "Give me all the military affairs before dinner, and then go."

"Yes, Your Royal Highness!"

Stars at the end of a black line, whispered: "How can this virtue fly soaring?"


At this time, the eternal sword field is another late night.

This time I didn't live in the mountains. After all, it was too dangerous. Lin Muyu, Lia and Changwei were staying in a pub. The pub was covered with a strong stone wall, like an old castle. It is enough to resist the invasion of the devil. It is a place where travelers often stay, but the charge is very expensive. They do not need money for one night, but they have to pay 30 pounds of food.

In the Eternal Sword Field, food is money, even better than gold coins. Lin Muyu paid the price of two bear legs to stay, and it was a blessing for the good night.