MTL - The Alternate World Is Too Dangerous: I Hide In Reality And Rule!-Chapter 263 Gift

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  Chapter 263 Gift

  Three hundred and twenty-six wandering spirits, sixteen evil ghosts, and thirteen monsters!

   This number made Qu Hao's hand holding the phone tremble, and the expressions of Mr. Yu and the others became extremely dignified.

  This number has not appeared in the past ten years.

  Besides, since he became the head of the talent appraisal institute, he has only dealt with a hundred ghost incidents in so many years.

   Hang up the phone!

   Before Qu Hao could speak, there was a wind blowing at the entrance of the hall, which made the pots of green plants in the hall rattle, and the next moment even the light strip above the hall began to flicker.


  An old man on the sofa snorted coldly. A copper coin appeared in his hand. With a clap of his right hand, the copper coin flew into the air and spun rapidly. With the rotation of the copper coin, the gloomy wind in the hall dissipated instantly.

  However, just as the wind stopped, the old man had a smile on his face. The next moment, the two doors of the hall began to shake again, and the copper coin in the air suddenly fell, and fell to the ground with a bang.

  Copper coins fell, the wind was strong, the two doors were directly blown over, the decorations in the entire hall were blown by the wind, an old man in black on the sofa, a bell appeared in his hand.

  The bell swayed, and there was a slightly sharp ringing sound in the rushing wind.

   Jingle Bell!



  Three times in a row, the strong wind finally stopped, but the whole hall was already in a mess.

   "Ghosts and ghosts can only test like this, why don't you show up!"

  Yu Mingqing snorted coldly, and there was also a strange laughter coming from outside the door at this moment.

   "Today, I, the Southwest ghost, came to celebrate the birthday of the descendants of the Xiao family, why should you be so hostile!"

  The voice fell, and there were more than a dozen figures at the door, but these people just stood in the yard outside the door and did not come in.

   "The weasel gave the chicken New Year's greetings, what kindness can it be, what is the purpose of you ghosts coming to Xiao's house, the old man and others are very clear, open the skylight and speak clearly."

  Yu Mingqing walked towards the door first, and Xiao Zhenqing and others followed behind. They all knew that in this hall, the strength of the ghosts was not limited, but they would limit themselves.

  However, even though they were prepared in their hearts, Yu Mingqing and the others felt a sinking heart when they saw the heads of ghosts in the courtyard. With so many ghosts, it will be a fierce battle.

  Now, we can only hope that the incense ashes from the laboratory headquarters will be delivered in time. If there are these incense ashes, we can deal with these wandering spirits in pieces.

   "Okay, let's talk about it. The Xiao family has killed countless ghosts in the Southwest. This ghost in the Southwest will definitely avenge me. If you don't intervene, you can leave safely now."

  The leading evil ghost on the opposite side spoke, and at the same time his eyes fell on Qu Hao: "If your laboratory does not participate in this matter, we will guarantee that in the next twenty years, no ghosts will harm the people in the Southwest."

   "Joke, the stability of the people in the southwest is protected by my laboratory and all other people. If you ghosts dare to harm ordinary people, my laboratory will definitely investigate to the end."

  Qu Hao didn't hesitate at all, not to mention that ghosts are cunning and dishonest, even if what the other party said was true, he would not agree.

   "Since this is the case, after tonight, your laboratory will look at it."

The evil ghost smiled sinisterly, and turned his eyes to Xiao Zhenqing: "Give your Xiao family a chance to survive, and let your daughter marry my southwest nobleman. At that time, your Xiao family and our southwest ghost clan will be one family. "

  The evil ghost didn't know why that person put forward such a condition. According to his own thinking, he would directly flatten the Xiao family and kill all the Xiao family, but he didn't dare to refute that person's order.

   "Death to this heart!"

  Xiao Zhenqing directly refused, let his daughter marry the ghost clan, and did something against the laws of nature, unless Xiao Zhenqing died, even if Xiao Zhenqing died!

   "So there is nothing to talk about, so let's see the real chapter in your hand."

  The evil ghost looked at the thirteen monsters, and the leader nodded and said, "Leave these three old men from the Tianfu Appraisal Office to us, and these three old things to us."

   There were a total of six strangers present, Yu Mingqing invited two friends, and all three from the Tianfu Appraisal Institute came. As for Xiao Zhenqing and Qu Hao, they were not strangers.

   "I'm afraid this is a bit difficult!"

  The intestine ghost on the second floor looked at the power balance between the two sides in the yard and felt that the Xiao family was a bit overwhelmed, and the power balance between the two sides was too great.

  These six aliens will deal with two evil spirits each if they are struggling to death. There are sixteen evil spirits alone, plus the number of monsters, even if these six have any magic weapons, it is difficult to change the situation.

In fact, it was exactly as the intestine ghost expected. Yu Mingqing dealt with three evil spirits alone, and the two strangers he invited each dealt with two evil spirits, but barely maintained his undefeated performance. The three advisors who fought against the monsters, but one against two were at a clear disadvantage.

  The reason is that the magical tools they each carry have a restraint effect on ghosts, but not much restraint on monsters.

   There are some differences between demons and ghosts.

   "Xiao Zhenqing, I will give you one last chance to let your daughter go with us. Your Xiao family can continue to exist, otherwise after tonight, the Xiao family will cease to exist!"

  The evil spirit in the lead looked at Xiao Zhenqing with a playful expression. The Xiao family that had suppressed the Southwest for nearly a thousand years would still be here today.


  Xiao Zhenqing still refused, but at this moment Qu Hao's eyes lit up slightly, because he received a message from his subordinates that the incense ashes from the headquarters had been delivered, and several consultants had also arrived.

   "Then the Xiao family will be destroyed."

  The evil ghost waved his hand to signal the ghosts behind him to rush up. He wanted Xiao Zhenqing to be bitten to death by a hundred ghosts. Only in this way could he express his hatred.

  Back then, his father was beaten to death by that old guy from the Xiao family.

  However, the wandering spirit behind did not rush forward, instead there was a commotion, and the ghost standing at the back even screamed.

  Sudden changes made the evil spirits and monsters who had not participated in the battle turn their eyes to the back. Outside the yard, four old men were walking forward step by step, swaying incense ash.

The ash of the incense drifted and landed on the ghosts, and every ghost let out a miserable scream. In just a few breaths, half of the ghosts fell to the ground and howled, and the remaining half crazily moved towards the two sides. flee.

   "Hey, head money is so easy to earn, look... this is the price."

   Intestine Ghost saw that the ghost he had questioned earlier was also lying on the ground covered in incense ash at the moment, rolling and crying, and he also expressed emotion.

   "Consultant Yu, Consultant Peng..."

   Qu Hao looked at the four old people who appeared with joy on his face. These four are all second-level consultants. With these four, the situation on the scene can be controlled.

   "If this is the case, the situation will be open at every turn, and I probably don't need to do anything."

  The Intestine Ghost also had his own judgment, and just breathed a sigh of relief, but the next moment he looked at the bedroom window, rest assured, the figure disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, his right hand grabbed a figure's neck.

   That's an evil ghost!

   "Damn, it's so insidious, with such a big advantage, it's still a sneak attack!"

   The intestine ghost grabbed the evil ghost's neck, and there was a forceful sound of bones breaking, and the evil ghost's neck was directly strangled by the intestine ghost.

   They are also evil spirits, this is the difference in strength.

  Twist off the evil ghost's neck, the intestines ghost's jacket stretched open, a hole appeared in the stomach, a piece of intestines shot out quickly, wrapped around the evil ghost's body like a poisonous snake, and then violently dragged the evil ghost's body into the stomach.

  At the same time, he grasped the head of the hungry ghost with both hands and began to eat it directly. The speed was so fast that within a few breaths, he swallowed the ghost's head cleanly.


   Intestine Ghost burped comfortably, and his stomach returned to normal.

   No wonder the little ancestor of the ghost baby likes to devour other ghosts so much, this taste is really cool, and it is also the fastest way to increase strength.

  Intestine Ghost didn’t devour other ghosts before, not because he was kind. He also did it at the beginning, but he gave up after finding it difficult to digest.

   During this period of time, he took care of the ghost baby. After absorbing the ghost energy from the ghost baby, he found that he saw other ghosts, just like seeing food, and he couldn't help but want to devour them.

  But he didn't dare to do this, he was afraid that being discovered by the evil star would destroy him, so between life and desire, he still chose life.

  However, he believes that the evil star will not blame him for devouring the ghost at this moment, after all, he is protecting the little girl.

   "I'll just sit here and wait for some more food."

  The Gut Ghost licked his lips, and led his body into the wall, hoping to send more ghosts to die.

But a few seconds later, a head with horns came in from the window, and the intestine ghost was a little helpless, and a big bidou slammed it down, directly snapping off the horns on the monster's head, and knocking the monster unconscious .

  Front yard!

The battle was very fierce at the moment, the four consultants from the laboratory headquarters joined the battle, even Qu Hao and Xiao Zhenqing joined the battle, although they were not aliens, they each held a mahogany sword, and they were fighting with a monster Against the evil spirits, of course, both of them were at a disadvantage.

   "Something's wrong, Sanyang, go and see Coco!"

  Yu Mingqing, who was not weak against three evil spirits by himself, suddenly thought of something, his expression changed, and he shouted at his grandson who was standing at the door.

   "It's too late to think of this now."

  The evil spirit leader who fought Yu Mingqing showed a smug smile on his face. Their goal this time is to destroy the Xiao family is only the second goal. The first goal is to take away the little girl of the Xiao family.

  He had already arranged for a ghost and a monster to sneak in from the back of the villa, and it was time to take the little girl away.

   However, after only a minute, he lost his complacency.

   "Grandpa, Keke is fine, Aunt Xu just woke up Keke and dressed her!" Yu Sanyang ran out to inform the situation not long after he ran in.

   "Impossible, you kid is lying!"

  The leader of the evil spirits didn't believe it. All the aliens were held back by them. Who in this villa can stop... Could it be that there are aliens in this villa?

  Thinking of this, the evil ghost looked at the villa and roared angrily, "Who is hiding inside!"

  The angry roar of the evil ghost leader made Yu Mingqing and others stunned for a moment. From this roar, they knew that they had been tricked, and these ghosts still kept a hand, trying to sneak away Keke.

   "Brother Yu really has a clever plan. He figured out that the target of these ghosts is the little girl from the Xiao family."

   Yu Shifeng, who came from the headquarters, had just repelled a monster with one blow, and praised Yu Mingqing beside him.

   "Brother Yu, I..."

  Yu Mingqing smiled wryly. He didn't arrange any backup at all, and he didn't have enough front manpower. How could he arrange people to guard Ke Ke's side? He didn't know that the real target of these ghosts was Ke Ke.

  Yu Shifeng saw the clue from Yu Mingqing's expression, the stranger in this villa was not arranged by Yu Mingqing, who could it be?

  The three consultants from Tianfu Appraisal Institute are also here?

   Just when they were confused, a voice of dissatisfaction came from the villa.

   "What the **** I don't like the most is someone yelling at me!"

The figure of the intestine ghost appeared in the center of the courtyard. Seeing the appearance of the intestine ghost, several consultants from Yu Shifeng's headquarters showed signs of alertness on their faces. All must be strong.

"this is not…"

  Old Yu looked at Xiao Zhenqing, and Xiao Zhenqing was in a daze at the moment. The butler of his daughter's classmate was a ghost?

   "Your Excellency is also a ghost, why..." The evil ghost leader looked at the intestine ghost with a puzzled expression.

   "Get out, I am different from you."

The intestine ghost glared at the leader of the evil ghost: "The little girl from the Xiao family is my young master's classmate. You have become so ambitious that you dare to attack my young master's classmate. For the sake of ghosts, I will give you a chance." Get the **** out of here, or I'll swallow you all up."

  The intestine ghost’s expression is full of contempt and disdain, these guys in front of them are just lucky, it’s me who came, if it was the evil star who came, you would all be gone long ago.

  The appearance and words of the intestine ghost made both sides in the fight stop, because both sides were a little unresponsive.

  An evil ghost, but he stood by the Xiao family who specialized in exterminating ghosts...

   "You evil ghost, you actually think of humans as young masters, you are simply a disgrace to our ghost clan!"

  After half a ring, the leader of the evil ghosts roughly understood what was going on, but what he said made the intestine ghost instantly unhappy. What is shame?

   "If you can't speak, don't speak!"

  The Intestine Ghost directly slapped him down with a big bag. Although the leader of the evil ghost hid, he couldn't dodge. The whole figure was slapped and flew more than ten meters away.

  At this scene, the hearts of the other evil spirits and monsters present felt chills, this... this is still an evil spirit, maybe it is already close to the realm of the ghost king.

  Similarly, several people on Yu Mingqing's side were a little dumbfounded.

  Such a fierce ghost?

  The evil ghost leader who was blown away showed no panic on his face, instead he looked behind him, because behind him, there were footsteps in the darkness.

   "Even ghosts are used, it seems that the Xiao family really has no backup!"

  In the darkness, a man's figure appeared, and those purple eyes shone with a coquettish luster.

   "You are very strong, but you can't protect the Xiao family!"

  The man stared at the intestine ghost, and the next moment he took out a small bronze tripod from his arms.


  The small bronze tripod was thrown into the sky by the man, and it soon grew in size. With the change of the man's handprint, a terrifying suction force emerged from the tripod.

   It was not Yu Mingqing and the others who were pulled by this suction first, but the ghosts at the scene. These evil ghosts were pulled towards the tripod and flew towards the tripod, each with a look of panic on their faces.

"grown ups!"

  The leader of the evil spirits looked at the purple-eyed man with a look of panic and bewilderment.

   "There is no way, if you want to activate this tripod, you can only sacrifice you, but don't worry, these people will come to accompany you immediately."

  The purple-eyed man's words made these evil spirits look angry, but soon their bodies were pulled and twisted, and they were sucked into the cauldron in just a few breaths.

As these evil spirits were sucked in, the entire bronze cauldron was covered with a layer of scarlet light, and the intestine ghost was also resisting the suction force from the bronze cauldron at this moment, and his intuition told him that if he was sucked into the cauldron, it would be Dead.

   "Everyone, do it, don't let him complete the sacrifice!"

  Although Yu Mingqing didn't know what this cauldron was, this evil spirit was on their side, so naturally he couldn't do nothing at this moment.

  However, the handprint of the purple-eyed man changed, and the bronze tripod began to rotate. The next moment, the mouth of the tripod turned upside down, and a terrifying energy emanated from the tripod, rushing towards the surroundings like water waves.

   Silent and silent!

  However, Yu Mingqing and others were all blown away by this energy, including the intestinal ghost.

   "How can you resist the treasure of my Xiling monster clan?"

The purple-eyed man showed disdain, this cauldron was brought out by the clan, once it is confirmed that the Xiao family really has no backers, then use this cauldron to completely eliminate everyone, and then bring the little girl of the Xiao family Within the Hui nationality.

   "It's over, sir, am I going to die here this time?"

  The intestine ghost who fell to the ground clearly felt that his ghost energy was sealed by an invisible force, and he could see that those old men were the same as him.

   "If I had known, I wouldn't have come to Tianfu. This time, I really lost my life if I didn't get married."

   Gut Ghost is a regret. If he could have foreseen this scene, he would rather stay in the evil star...

   "The evil star..."

  Guzi suddenly thought of the gift box and the conversation that Xie Xing gave him before departure.

   "This is a gift I prepared for that little girl, pass it on to that little girl for me."

   "My lord, prepare a gift for me too."

   "Well, I hope this gift won't be needed."

  At that time, I was still a little confused about what the evil star said, and I gave gifts to people in the hope that they would not be able to use them, so what is the significance of giving gifts?

   Could it be that the evil star predicted the current situation?

  Thinking of this, the intestine ghost immediately shouted towards the door: "Ms. Xu, quickly take out the gift box my husband gave Coco."

Xu Yun on the second floor heard the roar of the intestinal ghost, and recognized that it was the voice of the housekeeper Chang. Although he didn't know why the housekeeper Chang appeared in his home because he had gone to the hotel, he picked it up in a hurry. One of the two gift boxes that my daughter put on the table.

  The gift box was opened, and inside was a jade pendant, a sword-shaped pendant.

  Before Xu Yun picked up the pendant, the less than an inch long jade sword floated out of the box, and then it seemed to sense something, and it turned into a ray of light and flew out of the window.

  (end of this chapter)