MTL - The Alternate World Is Too Dangerous: I Hide In Reality And Rule!-Chapter 264 witty gut ghost

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  Chapter 264 Witty Gut Ghost

  The jade sword flew out of the window, the front door of the villa!

  Everyone saw a ray of light flying from the side, before they could see clearly what the light was, the light had already flown into the bronze tripod and disappeared.

  The purple-eyed man saw this scene without any expression change on his face.

   This bronze tripod is their Xiling treasure, it can absorb everything in the world, so how can it be so easily destroyed.

   "Let's deal with you first."

  The purple-eyed man's handprints changed, and he looked at the intestine ghost and the others as if he was looking at a dead person. However, after a while, his face showed a look of shock.

  His handprints did not cause any changes in the tripod. On the contrary, although the originally rotating bronze tripod was still rotating at this moment, it wobbled.

  The horrible suction force disappeared, and the invisible energy that suppressed the ghost energy in his body also disappeared.

   " is this possible?"

  The purple-eyed man was at a loss, the intestine ghost stood up directly from the ground, and appeared in front of the purple-eyed man in a flash.

  What might be impossible, he only knew that this guy had been arrogant for so long just now, and he was very unhappy to see it.

   "I can go to your mlgb!"

   With a big bag going down, the purple-eyed man was slapped and staggered back a few steps to the side, but the intestine ghost didn't stop there, this was just the beginning.

   "Weren't you very arrogant just now?"

   "Don't we all want to die?"

   "What the **** is Xiling Chongbao, I think it's a piece of scrap metal!",

  Big one after another, the face of the purple-eyed man was already **** from being beaten, and fortunately he is a monster, if it were a person, he would have been beaten to death long ago.

   "I fight with you!"

   After being beaten several times, the purple-eyed man realized that even if the bronze tripod was out of control, he himself was a powerful monster.

   It's a pity that he met a gut ghost who was stronger than him.

   As soon as the fist was thrown out, the whole arm was broken by the intestine ghost. Before the intestine ghost planned to stop, a set of combined punches came out, and the purple-eyed man fell to the ground.

  However, the purple-eyed man who fell to the ground looked at the intestine ghost with an incredulous look on his face: "You... how come you have the shape of a tiger clan!"

   "What kind of Tiger Clan?"

  The Intestine Ghost stepped on the face of the purple-eyed man, and then muttered that he secretly learned his boxing skills from watching Tong Tong practice boxing skills.

   It’s not considered stealing. Tongtong will practice boxing every day when he wakes up. As a nanny, he will often stand aside and watch when he is bored. After a long time, he will do a few tricks.

  Stomped the purple-eyed man unconscious with one kick. Before the Intestine Ghost could stop, he looked at a dozen other monsters. At this moment, these monsters trembled when the Intestine Ghost's gaze swept over them.

   "Laboratory...We surrender ourselves to the laboratory!"

   "You appraise all the regulations. If we surrender, we cannot attack us personally. Your regulations state that prisoners should be treated preferentially."

   Just kidding, if you don’t turn yourself in, the fate of these people on the ground will be their fate.

   Qu Hao looked at these monsters in panic, and was a little speechless. Where are your monsters?

   "May I ask your Excellency?"

  After being surprised, Yu Mingqing looked at the intestine ghost. Today is really thanks to this person's help, but the most important thing right now is to find out this person's identity.

   "You are old and your ears are hard to use. I won't tell you. My young master is a classmate of Xiao Keke's classmate. I accompanied my young master to attend Xiao Keke's birthday party."

  The Intestine Ghost replied impatiently. Yu Mingqing looked a little embarrassed, and he stepped down from the stage for a while after being bullied.

   "Ahem...Old Yu, this guy is indeed here with my daughter's classmate. His name is Steward Chang, and he's from Raocheng."

  Xiao Zhenqing quickly explained that Shun brought Mr. Yu down the steps, and he was not on guard against the ghost ghost. It was a coincidence that the classmates and parents of the classmates invited by his daughter took the initiative to come to the house for the birthday party.

It can't be said that they have a conspiracy against their Xiao family, and specially arranged a little boy to be her daughter's classmate. Visiting at home?

  These are not the most important. The most important thing is that they really helped the Xiao family, and if it wasn’t for this guy who turned the tide at the last moment, I’m afraid their family will be in trouble this time.

   "Are you from Rao City?"

  Qu Hao, who was listening on the sidelines, suddenly became serious, and looked at the Intestine Ghost.

   "Group Leader Qu, isn't this Housekeeper Chang..."

Looking at Qu Hao's expression, Xiao Zhenqing thought that Qu Hao suspected that Steward Chang had malicious intentions, and wanted to question Steward Chang, so he had to open his mouth to make a rescue, but Qu Hao did not reply to him, but continued to ask: "Excuse me What is the relationship with Consultant Lin?"

   "Consultant Lin? Are you talking about my husband?"

   Intestine Ghost has also seen Zhong Shan many times in the villa, that sycophant, he is annoyed to see it, in order to flatter the evil star, that is a bit of morality.

   "Your husband is also surnamed Lin? I don't know what the name is?"

   "Lin Ye!"

   "Sure enough!"

Hearing the answer from the Intestine Ghost, Qu Hao was not surprised at all. As he guessed, Rao City is the site of the legendary Consultant Lin, and if there is such a powerful ghost in Rao City, it is impossible for that Consultant Lin to let him go. processed.

  Thinking about it, there is no one else who can control such a powerful evil spirit except Consultant Lin.

   "Are you the housekeeper of Lin Yelin's consultant?"

Yu Shifeng, who came from the headquarters to support him, was also surprised and looked at the intestine ghost. The name of consultant Lin Yelin was often mentioned in their headquarters recently, and because the headquarters knew more about the situation than the appraisal offices in various regions, they were more concerned about it. Know the strength of Consultant Lin.

   "Why, it doesn't look like it?"

  The intestine ghost glared at this person angrily. With his own talent, he is more than enough to be a housekeeper. No matter what he says, he has a junior high school education, unlike the current Internet, where there are a lot of goofs.

   "No, no, no... This old man didn't mean that. You are naturally qualified to be a housekeeper for Consultant Lin."

  Yu Shifeng was about to explain, but the intestine ghost didn't intend to listen, "The matter is settled, I'm leaving too, you just need to finish the matter here, um, it's okay for me to take this tripod."

   Said it was a question, but when the intestine ghost was talking, he was already walking towards the bronze tripod. At this moment, the bronze tripod fell to the ground and returned to its original size.

  The Intestine Ghost picked it up and looked inside the tripod. The jade sword was stuck in the middle like a fishbone, and the inner wall of the tripod had many complicated patterns.

   "No... no problem."

  Seeing that the Intestine Ghost put the tripod in his pocket very easily, the corner of Yu Shifeng's mouth twitched, everything went into your pocket, can we still say there is a problem?

  Anyway, it will be enough for the headquarters to communicate with Consultant Lin at that time, and they really have more important things to do now. The purple-eyed monster just said that he is from the Xiling Monster Clan.

  Xiling Yaozu, this is a forbidden area of ​​Yaozu registered in the headquarters, the most important thing now is to pry out what the Xiling Yaozu is going to do from this man.



  Back to the hotel, the intestine ghost put the bronze tripod on the table with an excited expression on his face.

   This bronze tripod looked like a magic weapon, and he knew that the magic weapon was used by a different person.

But not long ago, he met an old ghost. The old ghost existed for hundreds of years, but his strength was not very good. According to what the old ghost said, the reason why he stayed in Yangjian was just to travel around. Rivers and mountains, so I don't practice much.

  For hundreds of years, the old ghost has traveled all over the world, and his knowledge is also extensive. He even mentioned magic weapons to the intestine ghost.

  Magic artifacts can only be used by aliens, but it is not absolute. There are some special magical artifacts that can be used by ghosts or demons.

  This kind of special magic weapon has a characteristic, that is, the material is very special, such as the magic weapon made of demon bone or demon pill, or the ghost energy...

   Obviously, this bronze tripod is such a special magic weapon.

  But what the Intestine Ghost didn't expect was, how could this bronze be related to monsters and their ghosts?

   But if he can't figure it out, he can't figure it out. This is the magic weapon he can use at the beginning. If he can refine this magic weapon, his strength will definitely increase greatly.

  Now all he has to do is to study how to use the bronze tripod.

   However, just as he was about to study it carefully, the phone rang.

   "Who the **** is calling me in the middle of the night?"

The intestinal ghost cursed, and picked up the mobile phone that was put aside very unhappy, but after looking at the calling number, his whole expression changed, he quickly picked up the mobile phone, and pressed the answer button at the first time, fearing that the other party would be delayed by a second just hang up.

  At the same time, his back unknowingly hunched up. If there was a mirror in front of the intestine ghost, he would find that his posture at the moment was exactly the same as that of Comrade Zhong Shan whom he looked down upon.

   "Hey, my lord, are you still up so late?"

   "Ah, my lord is really clever. Something happened in Tianfu, but it has been resolved. Let me report to you..."

After talking about the matter quickly, he was relieved to hear that the person was about to hang up the phone, but when he glanced at the bronze tripod on the table, he immediately said: "My lord, there is one more thing I just forgot to tell you. Reported..."

   After hanging up the phone, the Intestine Ghost reached out and wiped the sweat that didn't exist on his forehead.

"It's dangerous. I was almost caught by this evil star. When the evil star called at this time, those old men must have told him. Then I can't hide the matter of the bronze tripod. If I If you don't take the initiative to report, the evil star will definitely not give you good fruit to eat, but fortunately, you reacted at the last moment."

  Chang Zigui was moved and thankful for his wit, but what he didn't know was that Yu Shifeng and the others had never contacted Lin Ye.

  Because in the eyes of those few, since the intestine ghost is the housekeeper of Consultant Lin, he will definitely report the situation to Consultant Lin. It would be a bit overwhelming for them to call Consultant Lin.

  Maybe Consultant Lin will think that they have some idea about the bronze tripod.



  Magic City!

  Lin Ye hung up his phone and looked at the few stars through the window of the manor.

  Of course he didn't have a clever plan, but because the jade sword was used, he just had a feeling in his heart.

He forged that jade sword in a different world, and when he was refining it, he remembered what he saw in previous novels, those second-generation villains often carry a life-saving magic weapon with them, and the most powerful thing is to use this magic weapon Afterwards, their grandpa could sense it.

   At that time, he wondered whether he could also refine such a magic weapon. Finally, after searching some books in Qingfengguan, he really found it.

  In fact, this is not too difficult a thing. Every practitioner who has practiced to a certain level will sometimes have a premonition.

  Lin Ye is already a strong man in the Hidden God Realm. As long as the primordial spirit distributes a ray of vitality on the magic weapon during refining, once the magic weapon is used, it can be sensed.

  Of course such a magic weapon can only be used once, and Lin Ye prepared a one-time magic weapon for the little girl Xiao Keke, which is used to save lives in case of danger.

  After all, this little girl is likely to become his apprentice daughter-in-law in the future, so it is necessary to give some life-saving things, but I didn't expect to use them so soon.

   "Xiao Family in Southwest China, Xiling Monster Clan?"

  Lin Ye turned on his mobile phone, logged into the special APP of the identification office, and directly retrieved the information about Xiao Family and Xiling Yaozu with his authority.

   After reading these materials, Lin Ye made a decision after reading these materials. After the matter in the Devil's Capital is resolved tomorrow, it is necessary for him to go to Tianfu, or even to Xiling.

   Bullying his future apprentice daughter-in-law, no matter what, he has to give himself an explanation.

  (end of this chapter)