MTL - The Alternate World Is Too Dangerous: I Hide In Reality And Rule!-Chapter 283 Dew timid

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  A city with its own traditional culture.

  If you talk about burning incense and worshiping Buddha and worshiping gods, Chaozhou definitely ranks first.

   Every year, there are many such activities and ceremonies in Chaozhou, such as "welcome the master" and "going out of the gods". Generally, those who can carry the flag and take the lead are the local rich and powerful families.

   "Old Xin, don't even think about it, this year it won't be your turn, next year it will be your turn."

   Chaozhou High-speed Railway Station.

  Zhuang Cheng was comforting his friend, but the young man who was comforted by him shook his head wryly.

"You do not understand."

   "I really don't understand. It stands to reason that you have good grades in school, and now managing the company's business is thriving. Why doesn't your grandfather let you take care of it?"

  Hearing his friend's doubts, Li Xin had an answer in his heart, but he couldn't say it.

  In the eyes of ordinary people, their Li family is just a business family, but in fact their family is just a branch of the family, and the business they do belongs to the main line.

  The main line of the family is the master of the family, and these branches only serve the main line.

  The reason for this is that the people in the main line are not ordinary people, and the main line are all aliens.


   This word was heard by Li Xin from his father. At first, he didn't understand what it meant to be a stranger. It wasn't until he went to the ancestral hall with his father and met several people in the main line that he understood.

  In the Li family, the words of the main branch are the imperial decree, and all disciples of the Li family in the branch cannot violate it.

  The reason why grandpa refused to let him continue to manage the company, and handed over the management of the company to his uncle's cousin, was not because of any mistakes in his management of the company, nor because the company's performance was not good, but because the people in the main line had spoken.

  My cousin has a relationship with someone from the main line.

  A friend of my cousin was attracted by a cousin of the main line. That cousin was not a stranger, but because she came from the main line, she was deprived of the management rights of the company with just one sentence.

For the grandfather, the cousin is also his grandson, it doesn't matter which grandson he manages, and it doesn't matter to the main family, as long as the company continues to develop and there is enough money for the main branch, which child of the branch will manage it It will be all right.

   "Lao Xin, why don't you start your own company and start a business on your own. With your ability, you can definitely make the company bigger. I can invest some money, hehe... Waiting for the company to go public in the future to get rich returns."

   "Don't dream, I will dilute your shares for you before I go public."

  Li Xinbai took a look at his friend who had played with him since he was a child. There are rules in the family, and the disciples of the Li family are not allowed to leave the family to start a business. It is impossible for him to come out and do it alone in his life.

   "I didn't expect you to be such a person, Lao Xin. I'm planning to wait for me to pick up my classmate, and when the time comes to clean up my classmate, I will also show you how to be cool."

  Zhuang Cheng showed an expression of being let down. After the two ridiculed each other a few words, people began to flow at the exit.

   A few minutes later, Zhuang Cheng waved his hand and shouted to a handsome young man, "Lin Ye, this way, this way!"

   "Damn, why do I feel that you seem to be more handsome than when you were in school, obviously your appearance hasn't changed."

   "Temperament, temperament has been improved."

   "Bah, you have a hammer temperament, let me introduce you, this is Li Xin, a good brother who grew up together."


  Lin Ye shook hands with Li Xin. He came to Chaozhou for business. Zhong Shan investigated the information about Tai Sui for him. The final result of the investigation was that there might be Tai Sui in the Li family in Chaozhou.

  Ten years ago, the Li family spent two million yuan to receive a dug Tai Sui from a farmer, and this matter was even reported in the news.

  Of course the newspaper simply replaced Boss Li with Boss Li, but Zhong Shan found out the identity of Boss Li, a member of the Li family in Chaozhou.

   While Zhong Shan was investigating, Lin Ye came across the message that Zhuang Cheng had sent him half a year ago.

Zhuang Cheng and Lin Ye are college classmates. Lin Ye has been working as a part-time student when he was in college, so there are not many classmates who have a good relationship. In addition, boys generally don't like to make friends with boys who are too handsome. After four years of university, there are only two or three students who are okay in the relationship department, and Zhuang Cheng is one of them.

Different from Lin Ye's work-study program, Zhuang Cheng's life in college was very unrestrained, but Zhuang Cheng didn't have the common problem of high-sighted eyes like ordinary rich sons. On the contrary, he had a good temper, but he didn't study very seriously, so At the end of every term, I often have to borrow Lin Ye's study notes to make up for it. Over the past few years, the relationship between the two has been very good.

After graduation, Zhuang Cheng kept in touch with Lin Ye. It was not until three years ago that Lin Ye hung up the phone, and the two of them lost their information. And half a year ago, Zhuang Cheng sent Lin Ye a message because he knew a man in Chaozhou. The girls from Rao City followed other girls back to Rao City to play, and also took the opportunity to invite local students from Rao City to get together, but Lin Ye who hung up the phone did not return.

Lin Ye sent a message back to Zhuang Cheng, who knew that Zhuang Cheng immediately played a video, Lin Ye found a reason why he didn't reply the message, the two chatted for a while, the main reason was that Zhuang Cheng After talking about his emotional trauma with the girl from Rao City, he finally invited Lin Ye to come to Chaozhou to play when he had time.

  Originally, Lin Ye thought it was just a polite way, but he didn't expect Zhong Shan to call back, saying that the Li family in Chaozhou might have Tai Sui.

  When Zhong Shan asked if he wanted to contact the Li family, Lin Ye also smiled a little when he thought of the phone call with Zhuangcheng just now. The things in this world are really a coincidence. It seems that he is really going to Chaozhou.

  So he told Zhong Shan not to contact in a hurry, and then contact the Li family after he arrived in Chaozhou, because the owner of the Li family in Chaozhou is also a consultant of the appraisal office.

  Gather with old classmates first, and then visit Li's house.

   "Come on, get in the car, I'll take you to the hotel to arrange check-in first."

  Zhuangcheng drove a big G. Lin Ye took a look at the tough lines of the body, and saw that a scumbag drove a big G, which fit Zhuangcheng's personality.

   After getting in the car, Lin Ye was sitting in the co-pilot, chatting with Zhuang Cheng, recalling interesting events in college, while Li Xin, who was sitting in the back row, stared at the back of the seat behind Lin Ye, but was thinking.

  Before picking him up at the station, Zhuang Cheng told him that his classmate’s family conditions were not very good, so he asked him to be careful with his words, because he knew what Zhuang Cheng meant.

  For them, getting in and out of a luxury car is normal, but most ordinary people feel a little shy and uncomfortable in the face of a luxury car, just like ordinary people will subconsciously speed up their pace when they pass by a luxury store while shopping.

  Psychologically, this is called dew cowardice.

  But seeing this classmate from Zhuangcheng now, from the other party's words and conversations, including his demeanor, he didn't see any timidity, and he was very comfortable and casual.

   If Zhuang Cheng didn't joke himself, it is that his classmate must have some opportunities after graduation, at least he has seen a lot of the world.