MTL - The Alternate World Is Too Dangerous: I Hide In Reality And Rule!-Chapter 282 find a way

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  Chapter 282 Find a way

"Must have!"

   "Don't you kid want to share with someone?"

   "Don't worry, I, Old Shi, will never pass it on to you. My mouth is as hard as a rock."

  Lin Ye walked from the basement to the living room, and the sound of the stone plate kept ringing in his ears. In order to know the secret, he even started calling himself "Old Stone".

   To know that I originally named him this, the old guy was furious and argued with himself for a long time.

   "If you talk nonsense, I will continue to seal you."

  As soon as Lin Ye said this, Shi Pan stopped talking.

   "Old Shi, I want to ask you something, do you know Tai Sui?"



   "If you don't tell me, I will seal you up."

   "Didn't you kid not let me talk nonsense?"

  Lin Ye rolled his eyes. This old man must have done it on purpose, but from the old man's tone, Lin Ye was sure that this guy really knew something.

   Just when Lin Ye was about to continue to ask questions, his momentum suddenly changed, and the air machine locked a corner of the hall.

  In the left corner of the hall, a little tiger was posing for a sneak attack, but his whole body was trembling, obviously frightened by Lin Ye's aura.

   "Play by yourself!"

   Seeing that it was the young tiger, Lin Ye withdrew his breath, and the young tiger stopped trembling. He ran out of the gate immediately, ran back to the rockery that belonged to him and hid in it.

  Lin Ye sat on the sofa, waited for a while, and found that Lao Shi didn't intend to speak, so he silently took out the talisman.

   "I can tell you about Tai Sui, but you should always tell me, you must know... Fuck, I know, you swallowed Tai Sui."

  Shipan's voice became very excited: "No wonder, no wonder, only Tai Sui can make your strength improve by leaps and bounds, but you can swallow Tai Sui as soon as you swallow it, and this thing has no side effects. What else do you need to know?"

  The corner of Lin Ye's mouth twitched, acquiescing to Shi Pan's guess: "I need to know more about Tai Sui."

   "Forget it, for the sake of your sincere pursuit of knowledge, I will tell you that I am afraid that in today's world, I am the only one who has a complete understanding of Tai Sui."

  Shi Pan first praised himself as usual, and then said: "Tai Sui has no father and no mother, it is completely natural, and it was conceived by the mother spirit of the earth..."

  Ten minutes later, ignoring some modified words in Shipan and the self-praise words inserted during the narration, Lin Ye had a general understanding of Tai Sui.

  Tai Sui is conceived by the mother spirit of the earth. From birth, it will take hundreds or hundreds of years to open up the spiritual wisdom, and then it will continue to absorb the spirit of the earth until one day the body becomes a fairy.

  Tai Sui, as long as he has not become a fairy, he has no attack ability, and some are just means of hiding. This is the biggest weakness of Tai Sui.

  But the way of heaven is fair, Tai Sui has a fatal weakness, and also has advantages that others envy.

  Tai Sui does not need to practice, as long as he finds a place to inhale the energy of the earth, he can become a fairy, there is no bottleneck, and there is no need to cross the calamity.

  As for swallowing Tai Sui, it can indeed increase lifespan. In addition to increasing lifespan, warriors can increase blood energy, and practitioners can increase cultivation.

   In a word, Tai Sui is a treasure, no matter what you eat, it is a great tonic, and it is safe and has no side effects.

  However, this refers to Tai Sui who has developed spiritual wisdom. If Tai Sui has not developed spiritual wisdom, it cannot be eaten lightly, and it will die if it is a little careless.

  According to what the stone plate said, this is the vitality left by the way of heaven for Tai Sui, otherwise everyone would search for Tai Sui underground in various deep mountain caves, and Tai Sui would be eaten and wiped out.

  The colorful air mass released by Tai Sui is also the Mother Earth Qi. In fact, Tai Sui is composed of the Mother Earth Qi. After releasing the Mother Earth Qi, the figure will shrink accordingly.

  Once it shrinks to the size before the birth of the wisdom, the wisdom will fall into a deep sleep state, which is equivalent to a vegetable.

   To make Tai Sui's spiritual wisdom reappear, the only way is for Tai Sui to absorb enough Mother Earth Qi, but that is a long process, and Shi Pan told Lin Ye a shortcut.

   Devour other Tai Sui who have not developed their wisdom.

   This is the fastest method.

   Knowing how to save Tai Sui, Lin Ye had an idea in his mind, picked up his mobile phone and called Zhong Shan.

  Raocheng Appraisal Institute.

Zhong Shan was leisurely scanning the beauties on his mobile phone in the office, and suddenly a call reminder popped up, interrupting his dancing posture of watching the Ace of Spades, his face was just showing displeasure, and the next moment he saw the name of the caller, his whole body was shocked. Cleverly, he pressed the answer button immediately.

   "Hello, Consultant Lin, have you left the customs?"

For three years, the messages he sent to Consultant Lin fell silent. Even the headquarters asked him about Consultant Lin's situation several times, but Consultant Lin was in retreat, so he didn't dare to make a phone call. , Isn't that asking for trouble for yourself?

   "Consultant Lin's departure must be very rewarding. If you have any instructions, just let me know."

   "Tai Sui... I'll go and find out, and I'll get back to Consultant Lin soon."

   After hanging up the phone, Zhong Shan had a puzzled look on his face. Consultant Lin called and asked if there was any news about Tai Sui in China.

  In the early years, there was indeed a lot of news about Tai Sui in China, and because of the magical legend of Tai Sui, the laboratory also conducted research on Tai Sui, but found nothing special about Tai Sui.

  But since it was ordered by Consultant Lin, he had to do it carefully.

  At the moment, Zhong Shan turned on his computer and logged into the website to check the records about Tai Sui, and at the same time called the headquarters.



   "Yibaoguan Wang Enshi, Prime Minister Yanling".

   "Second Baoguan Nanqing Palace Eight Lords and Worthy Kings".

  At the entrance of the villa, the Intestine Ghost's pleasant sucking sound came, but when the Intestine Ghost saw Lin Ye sitting on the sofa, the sound stopped abruptly.

   "Master... Your Excellency, you are out of customs!"

   "Congratulations, sir, congratulations, sir, your strength has improved by leaps and bounds!"

   After a few seconds of delay, Guzi Gui immediately flattered him, but he was still muttering in his heart.

  He found that he could no longer see the depth of the evil star.

  The evil star stood there like an ordinary person, without any momentum.

   But he knew very clearly in his heart that Xie Xing is definitely not an ordinary person, which shows that Xie Xing has returned to basics.

   "The evil star is really cheating, this is how other aliens live."

  Lin Ye glanced at the intestine ghost, the ghost energy on the intestine ghost was extremely solid, as a ghost, this guy's strength improved very quickly.

   "How is Tongtong doing?"

   "Okay, very good, although the young master lives on campus, no one dares to bully him."

   Facing Intestine Ghost's irrelevant answers, Lin Ye stopped asking. Of course he knew that Tongtong would not be bullied. As early as last year, Tongtong had been promoted to junior high school, and he studied in Raocheng No. 1 Middle School.

  Raocheng No. 1 Middle School has accommodation and day students, but Lin Ye has provided accommodation for Tongtong. The reason is very simple. I hope that Tongtong and his classmates will get closer.

  In addition, Tongtong is a martial artist, and the villa has a spirit gathering array, so it is not a good thing for Tongtong to absorb too much spiritual energy.

   "Let's go cook."

  Lin Ye waved his hand, and the intestine ghost heaved a sigh of relief, and hurried to the kitchen to put on an apron for himself.

   "My lord, I have learned a lot of dishes in the past three years, why don't I make you a Shandong dish today?"

   "Okay, but you are a ghost, why do you study cooking!"

   “Love… hobby.”

  The intestine ghost replied shyly, but he was scolding his mother in his heart. You think I am willing, because I am afraid that you, the evil star, will beat me if one day you are unhappy with your food.

  The ghost born under the fence, there is nowhere to tell the sadness.

  (end of this chapter)