MTL - The Alternate World Is Too Dangerous: I Hide In Reality And Rule!-Chapter 285 i'm confused

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  Chapter 285 I am a little confused

  The sun is rising.


   A small town below Chaozhou.

There are no high-rise buildings, and the tallest building is only a three-story building. The houses are built along a river, surrounded by mountains and rivers. Many elderly uncles and aunts are sitting at the door with chairs, chatting with the river. sky.

  Children are laughing and playing on the bluestone road, and the whole town seems to have returned to the feeling of the 1980s.

Li Xin walked on the stone road in the small town. To be honest, he was afraid of this small town. Ever since he was sensible, his father had told him that this small town was the root of their Li family, and people from the main line of the Li family lived in it. , and their branches do everything to serve the clansmen of the main branch.

  Li Xin parked the car outside the town’s neighborhood plaque. It’s not that the roads in Daci Town can’t drive in, but it’s not allowed to drive.

   Half an hour later, Li Xin arrived at his destination.

   In front of you is an ancient house.

  In the middle of the house, there are four big characters hanging on the plaque: Daci Li Shi!

   Taking a deep breath, Li Xin knocked on the door.

   After a few minutes, the door was opened.

   "The boy is Li Xin, and the grandfather is Li Weihai."

  Seeing the middle-aged man walking out of the door, Li Xin quickly and respectfully reported his identity.

   "Li Weihai's grandson, what are you doing here?"

  Listening to the other party calling his nearly eighty-year-old grandfather by his first name, even without respect in his words, although Li Xin was a little angry, he didn't dare to show it.

   "Someone asked me to send a greeting card to the master."

  As soon as Li Xin said this, the middle-aged man's complexion immediately sank, and he waved his hand and slapped the greeting card that Li Xin handed over with both hands.

   "Presumptuous, as a branch, you should know what you can do and what you can't do. Go back and let Li Weihai teach you the family rules."


  The middle-aged man directly closed the door, and Li Xin stood there with a dazed face. After being dazed, he panicked. Of course he knew the family rules, but he didn't expect that the master's family really didn't give them any face.

  At least, you should finish your speech, or read the greeting post.

   "Hey, this means you were kicked out without even being able to enter the door."

  A familiar voice came from behind, Li Xin turned around and saw Li Xin's mocking expression.

   "To tell you the truth, after the second uncle told the matter to grandpa, grandpa told me that if the master gets angry, let me intercede for you. Guess what I did?"

   Li Xin instantly understood that this was Li Xin playing tricks behind his back.

It is impossible for Li Xin to have any relationship with the master's family, but Yang Lin does. As long as Yang Lin talks to the lady of the master's house, the lady will explain to the guard, that's why the guard is so impatient .

   "Li Xin, you just wait to be a useless person for the rest of your life."

  Their family members can’t break away from the family to start a business independently, and control the company by themselves. When grandpa was still alive, he would give Li Xin living expenses. When grandpa got old, he would start to torture Li Xin.

Li Xin looked at Li Xin, he didn't know why Li Xin was so hostile to him, the management company was arranged by his grandfather, and he thought he was not bad to his uncle's family, the company's dividends were all set by his grandfather given.

  A person like Li Xin can't compete with others in the market. When the company's management is not doing well, he doesn't believe that the owner will support Li Xin.

  The main house also needs money to maintain.

  Thinking of this, Li Xin left without saying anything.

  Li Xin saw that Li Xin didn't say a word, he only thought that Li Xin was afraid of him, with a smug look on his face, and walked towards the gate. When he passed by the greeting card on the ground, he picked it up by accident.

  He knew from his grandfather that Li Xin sent the invitation to the man who slapped him and Yang Lin yesterday, and he picked it up to know the man's name so that he could take revenge with Yang Lin in the future.

   "Raocheng Linye...I remember you."

  After reading the words on the greeting card, Li Xin was about to tear up the greeting card, when the door suddenly opened again.

  A young man walked out of the door. Seeing the face of the other person, Li Xin didn't care about tearing up the invitation, and quickly showed respect, and shouted: "Master Xian."

   This is the youngest grandson of the owner. When Yang Lin got engaged, he met once.

"Who are you?"

   Li Xian looked at Li Xin, but he didn't think of this person in his mind.

   "My name is Li Xin, I... my grandfather is Li Weihai, and Yang Lin and I are good friends."

   "Li Weihai...Yang Lin..."

   Li Xian still has no memory. There are many branches in the Li family. Li Weihai is just one of them, and he is not the most powerful. Naturally, Li Xian will not pay attention.

   "My friend Yang Lin is Miss Li Qian's fiancé."

   "Oh, it's Sister Qian's fiancé, what's the matter with you?"

Li Qian is the daughter of his third uncle. Li Xian remembered that he had attended Sister Qian's engagement banquet back then, but his family was not satisfied with the marriage, otherwise he would not have let himself, a junior, attend the engagement banquet. It's a wedding.


   Li Xin wanted to say that he had nothing to do, but if that was the case, if he asked the guard, he would know what he did to Li Xin. He didn't want to leave a bad impression of bullying his brother in front of him.

Just when Li Xin was thinking about what excuses he should find to get around, Li Xian frowned when he saw the greeting card in Li Xin's hand, but thought that this person was a branch of their Li family, and he was friends with Sister Qian's fiancé, He said: "Give me the greeting card, I will see who you sent the greeting card to."


   Li Xin wanted to explain, but Li Xian stared at him, which brought him a lot of pressure, so he subconsciously passed the greeting card to him.

   "Master Xian, this is actually not me..."

   "Rao Cheng Lin Ye... what the hell, it's him!"

  However, as soon as Li Xin opened his mouth, he was taken aback by Li Xian's sudden outburst.

   " know Lin Ye?"

   Li Xian was very excited and grabbed Li Xin's hand. For some reason, Li Xin saw the expression and eyes of this person, just like those people who chased stars he had seen before.


  He saw fanaticism in Li Xian's eyes.

   It's broken, does Lin Ye really have a big background?

  At this time, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and answer: "Yes...I know."

   "Great, where is Lin Yeren? ... Forget it, come in with me, and I'll take you to see grandpa."

Li Xian directly took Li Xin's hand and walked towards the door. This was also the first time Li Xin stepped into the door of the Lord's house. He would be very excited to be able to come in at other times, but at this moment he was not only not excited, Instead, with fear.

   "Grandpa, Dad, hurry up, there is good news!"

As soon as Li Xian entered the door, he began to shout. When he shouted, many people from the head of the Li family came out. One of the middle-aged men saw Li Xian holding Li Xin's hand, his face turned cold, and he said in a deep voice: "Xian'er!"

   "Dad, good news, Lin Ye is going to visit our house."

   "Lin Ye? Which Lin... the one from Raocheng?"

   Li Wei's voice was also a little unbelievable. When he saw his son nodding heavily, his expression became agitated: "I'll tell your grandfather the news immediately. Where is that person now?"

   "I don't know either, but he does. He sent the invitation. He is from a branch of our family, named Li Xin." Li Xian pointed to Li Xin.

   "Li Xin, right? How do you know Mr. Lin? Where is Mr. Lin now?"

   Li Wei's eyes were very kind, and he even smiled, but Li Xin was sweating all over his back, and he hesitated a bit: "He...he..."

   "My lord, it's the villain's fault."

Just when Li Xin was hesitating and unable to answer, the guard knelt down with a "slap". Li Wei and his son didn't know what happened to the greeting card in Li Xin's hand, but he knew it better. But that's all.

"what happened?"

   Seeing Li Xin hesitating, and then seeing his guard kneeling down suddenly, Li Wei knew in his heart that there was something that Xianer didn't know about it, and it was very likely that Xianer made a mistake.

"Early this morning, Ms. Qian called me and said that if someone with a branch sent a greeting card, they would be driven away. Just now, Li Weihai's grandson Li Xin knocked on the door to send this greeting card. I followed Miss Qian's instructions and sent Li Xin Chased away."

   "No, he is Li Weihai's grandson, isn't he called Li Xin?" Li Xian was a little confused.

   "Master Xian, you don't know that Li Weihai has three sons. This is the eldest son named Li Xin, and the previous one was born to the second son named Li Xin."

The guard didn't dare to raise his head and explain in a low voice. As a guard, he was incomparable to the main family, but in the eyes of those branches of the Li family, he was like a third-rank official in the prime minister's concierge. Many branches would flatter him, so he knew the situation of each branch. Also more.


Li Wei's complexion turned ashen. It would be fine if he was an ordinary person, but what is the status of that person in the circle of strangers? It is an honor for the Li family to come to visit the Li family. A bit of a misunderstanding, thinking that their Li family had something in mind.

   "Xian'er, you must contact that Li Xin quickly. Don't ask Li Xin to call Mr. Lin. Then there will be a big misunderstanding. I will tell your grandfather."

   After Li Wei gave his son instructions, he turned around and walked towards the main hall. As for Li Xin and the guard, he didn't even look at them again.

   Li Xin looked at the guard kneeling on the ground, his face became pale, and the next moment his feet went limp, and he sat down on the ground, he knew he was done.

   On Qingshiban Road in a small town, Li Xin looked lonely. Looking at his father's caller ID, he didn't dare to answer it for a while. He lost the bet and didn't know how to face his father.

   Until the ringing was about to end, Li Xin gritted his teeth and finally pressed the answer button: "Dad, I..."

   "Li Xin, is it Li Xin, cousin Li Xin, wait a minute!"

   There was a shout behind him, Li Xin turned his head, and when he saw the person who called him clearly, his pupils shrank sharply, with an expression of disbelief.

  Lee Hyun!

  He knows it.

  When Yang Lin got engaged, the Yang family invited their family, and grandpa was also willing to have a good relationship with the Yang family. He met the grandson of the main family at the engagement banquet.

  The grandson of the main family called him cousin?

   "Xiaoxin, it's okay to lose, people always have to experience some setbacks in this life..."

  On the other end of the phone, when his son took so long to answer the phone, Father Li had an answer in his heart and spoke words of comfort.

   "Dad, I... I don't know if I lost or not, I... I'm a little confused."

   Beep beep!

  On the other end of the phone, Father Li looked at the hung up phone, confused.

   If you win the bet, you win the bet, and if you lose the bet, you lose the bet. What happens if you get confused?

  (end of this chapter)