MTL - The Alternate World Is Too Dangerous: I Hide In Reality And Rule!-Chapter 291 I don't even dare to think...

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  Chapter 291 Thinking... I dare not even think about it

   Rao City!

  The sky is fine, it is advisable to…

   "Lin Ye, have you been in prison for the past few years?"

  Chen Xi just got up, feeling the pain in his body, his brows were clustered, and he looked at Lin Ye who was lying on the bed with some shame.

one day one Night!

  From the time she came home yesterday to the time when Lin Ye came over, she didn't know how she agreed to Lin Ye's ridiculous requests.

"Roughly the same."

  Lin Ye smiled, got up and walked to the bathroom: "Let's go out for a stroll later."

   "I don't go shopping."

  Chen Xi rolled his eyes, who is this, don’t you know what he did, and he still has to go shopping

   Half an hour later, Chen Xi, who was well dressed in a strapless dress, came out of the bathroom.

Lin Ye, who was sitting on the sofa waiting, was very satisfied with Chen Xi's attire. Chen Xi's figure was very well-proportioned, and with his delicate face, he would be recognized at a glance even if he walked on the street without makeup. , let alone well-dressed.

   "Let's go, what do you mean by laughing?"


  Lin Ye stood up and asked Chen Xi to hold his arm. He smiled because he remembered that half an hour ago, Chen Xi complained that he didn't want to go shopping, but he still put on makeup in the end.

  Women, as long as you mention shopping, you will always be full of blood.

  Lin Ye and Chen Xi walked on the street, and they turned their heads very often, but they were both used to it, and went shopping on their own.

  Chen Xi had no intention of going into the shop, she just simply enjoyed the leisurely life of the two of them chatting while shopping.

   "It seems that you are also a strong woman now."

   "How strong is it? I'm just eating for a living. If Master Lin hates me one day, I won't live on the street and starve to death."

   "Are you worried about this?"

"Of course, look... I have crow's feet, but you haven't changed from three years ago. In a few years, when I'm old, who knows what Mr. Lin is thinking? Aren't you men very specific? ?"


   "I will always like a beautiful eighteen-year-old girl exclusively."

  Lin Ye smiled, he could probably guess what Chen Xi was thinking.

  Crow's feet are fake, it's just because his appearance has hardly changed, which makes Chen Xi feel a sense of crisis.

   "Don't worry, you won't starve to death. Even if you really hate it, I will give you enough money for the rest of your life." Lin Yeban jokingly promised Chen Xi.

   "Really? That's really a big thank you, Mr. Lin."

  Chen Xi put both hands on Lin Ye's arm, moved his head closer, gave Lin Ye a sweet kiss with a "snap", then immediately let go of his arm, and ran forward in small steps, with his skirt flying and a smirk on his face.

  Chen Xi, who had a smug expression after a successful sneak attack, had no idea that her mischievous behavior had attracted the attention of many boys on the side of the road.

  The good thing is that no one who doesn't have good eyesight stepped forward, and there was any scene where they pretended to be aggressive and were slapped in the face by Lin Ye.

  Crystal Palace!

  The landmark building of Raocheng Commercial Pedestrian Street, which sells women's products, mainly clothing.

   "Master Lin, would you like to visit my dance club?"

   "Okay, let's see how your strong woman career is doing?"

Lin Ye nodded. In the past three years, Chen Xi opened a dance club by himself. From the beginning, there was only one folk dance class, and now there are folk dance, ballet and street dance, and there are already more than 300 students. An average of more than 100 new students per year.

   In terms of tuition fees, the general interest class is 5,000 yuan for three months, the advanced course is 3,000 yuan a month, and the art test training is 8,000 yuan a month.

After deducting the rent and teacher's salary, and deducting the water, electricity and property fees, Chen Xi's annual profit is between 300,000 and 500,000. In a city like Raocheng, a girl who can earn such an income is already considered a successful career. up.

   "This is the stage, this is the classroom... This is the teacher's lounge, and this is my office."

   Entering the dance club, Chen Xi introduced the layout of the dance club to Lin Ye. There were teachers in several classrooms teaching students how to dance.

   "Master Lin, what do you want to drink?"

  Chen Xi's office is very simple, with a desk, a sofa and a coffee table.


  Lin Ye sat down on the sofa, and Chen Xi went to pour water for Lin Ye. As soon as the water was poured, the door of the office was pushed open.

   "Xixi, let me tell you, Wang Yang is so disgusting, he stole us... Ah, Mr. Lin, you... you are here."

   A fat girl came in through the door. Lin Ye looked at her and said with a smile, "Well, let me take a look."

   "Then...then I won't bother you and Xixi anymore."

  After leaving these words, the girl hurriedly turned around and left. After walking out of the office, she closed the door thoughtfully.

"You know Tiantian. I haven't seen you in the past few years. She kept asking me about my situation. I said that I was dumped by Mr. Lin. In order to continue living, I had to start my own business. Tiantian believed it, and then Follow me to manage this dance club."

  My best friend closed the door intimately. Seeing Lin Ye's half-smile expression, Chen Xi quickly explained.

   "A very nice girl."

   "Yeah, this dance club is able to have today. In fact, Tiantian owes the most credit. Things like venue rental and enrollment are all responsible for Tiantian."

   "You can't say that, after all, you paid for it." Thinking of what Tiantian said just now, Lin Ye continued to ask, "Is your dance club in trouble?"

"It's not troublesome. There is also a dance club in the commercial building opposite the Crystal Palace. This colleague is an enemy. They are so close and there are only so many students nearby. The other party will naturally try to compete for students." Chen Xi looked at it. We are very open, and this kind of competition is inevitable.

   "If there was a fair competition, Tiantian wouldn't say that."

  Although Chen Xi said it lightly, Lin Ye believed that the other party must have used some unfair or disgusting methods.

   "What else can it be? A woman has a lot to start a business, let alone a beauty like me who is as beautiful as a fairy... can only pour dirty water on me."

  When boasting about himself, Chen Xi couldn't help laughing.

Chen Xi briefly explained the situation, because the two dance clubs are separated by a street, those adult students are fine, parents who bring their children to sign up will come to the two for comparison, and the one opposite is the parent When they came to the door, throwing dirty water on Chen Xi was nothing more than being dishonest, having scandals with students' parents, etc...

Chen Xi's good looks are here. The child's mother will definitely feel a little **** when she hears this. It is a long process for this child to learn to dance. There will always be a time when the father picks up the child. In case her husband is also seduced What?

   "Then you let him spread rumors like this?"

   "Otherwise, what can I do? I can't stop my mouth from other people's faces, and what he said is very cryptic. Even if I want to sue, I can't help it."

  Lin Ye heard the same reasoning.

   "Leave Mr. Lin alone in this matter. Teach me to handle it myself. If I really can't handle it, when the time comes, Mr. Lin will make a move. Well, just like those domineering presidents: You dare to touch my woman!"

   It seemed that thinking of Lin Ye's appearance as a domineering president in his mind, Chen Xi himself began to laugh and tremble with joy.

   "Don't laugh, if I'm really a domineering president, what I'm saying is: woman, you just need to spend money."

   "Lin Ye, to be honest, your temperament is not like that of a domineering president, but more like a landlord."

  Chen Xi said it casually. What she didn't know was that Lin Ye was indeed a landlord in another world.

   "If I am a landlord, what are you?"

   "I'm a concubine, isn't it always the landlord who loves his concubine?" Chen Xi smiled charmingly.

   "Then I will take you, my little concubine, out for dinner today."

"Have a meal?"

   "Well, I invited my cousin to dinner, and you will come with me tonight."

  Chen Xi hesitated a little. She didn't know the origin of Lin Ye's identity, but in her opinion, Lin Ye must be from a big family. Can her identity be seen?

   "Why, you don't want to?"

   "No... no, forget it, anyway, you don't worry about it, so why should I worry about it? You sit in the office for a while, and I'll go and fix my makeup."

   "Didn't you just finish your makeup and need to touch up?"

  Lin Ye was a little puzzled. He had already put on makeup when he went out, and he had only been shopping for more than an hour, and now he had to touch up his makeup again.

   "What do you men know? Girls touch up their makeup all the time. Otherwise, why do you think we girls like backpacks when we go out? You can sit here, sir. If you are bored, you can play with the computer."


   "Xixi, what about him?"

  When Chen Xi left the office, Zhu Tiantian immediately walked over and asked curiously in a low voice.

   "What's wrong with him, don't you really want me to be abandoned, Tiantian?"

"No... I didn't mean that, I just... Hey, in fact, if you can be together for the rest of your life, it's nothing, I'm afraid that after a few years... Actually, it's pretty good now. We have a dance club and make a lot of money a year. It’s time to find a good-quality boyfriend and get married.”

  In Zhu Tiantian's mind, it is actually a good thing that Chen Xi broke up with that Mr. Lin. With Chen Xi's appearance and current career, there is no problem in finding a high-quality boyfriend, and life will be very happy in the future.

"Tiantian, you didn't often say that some bad women used to find a rich man to take care of them when they were young. After saving the money, they went back to their hometown to open a clothing store and beauty shop, and then found an honest man to take over. Don't you hate this the most? kind of woman?"

   " that different?"

   "What's the difference? It's just because I'm your best friend. You're stricter than others and more lenient than yourself. When it gets bigger, it's called selective law enforcement!"

   "Oh, Xixi, you did it on purpose." Zhu Tiantian said that she was going to do something, so Chen Xi hurriedly ran away, and when Zhu Tiantian caught up, the expression on her face became very serious:

   "Tiantian, I know you're doing it for my own good and thinking about my future, but I don't plan to get married in this life, and I don't plan to trick others into taking over the offer. It's fine like this."

   "Well, no matter what you decide, I support you."

   "Support me. You have to be like me. If you don't get married in the future, we will go to a nursing home together? This is also very good, and we can take care of each other."



  A newly opened Hong Kong-style restaurant in Raocheng.

  In a small box, a young man and woman looked a little nervous.

   "Gao Jingwen, your attitude should be better later, as long as my cousin is satisfied with you, my parents will have no objection."

   "Don't worry, I can definitely handle your cousin."

  Gao Jingwen is very confident, but some sweaty hands on the table reveal his true inner thoughts.

  If he met Nuan Nuan's parents, he would not be so nervous, but when he saw Nuan Nuan's cousin, everyone was of the same age, and boys of the same age probably knew what each other was thinking, so he was a little nervous.

  But the nervousness is the nervousness. Gao Jingwen is confident. He is not bad in both his family and his own ability.

   "My cousin sent a message. He has arrived at the door. I will pick up my cousin."

   "One... go together."

  Gao Jingwen stood up from the chair at once, followed Zhang Nuannuan out of the box door and walked towards the entrance of the lobby. At the door, Lin Ye and Chen Xi just walked in.

   There were many diners at the tables in the lobby. As Lin Ye and Chen Xi walked in, they attracted the attention of most of the diners.

  Handsome men and beautiful women, wherever you go, there is a scenery.

"elder brother!"

   The diners heard a shout, and then saw the handsome boy looking to the left, and there was also a beautiful woman waving at him.

  Hearing the beauty's "brother", these diners can only sigh, genes are really strong, look at the brothers and sisters are all beauties.

   "Nuan Nuan, let me introduce you, this is Chen Xi."

   "Chen Xi, this is my cousin Zhang Nuannuan."

  Lin Ye introduced Zhang Nuannuan and Chen Xi to each other, and he also noticed Gao Jingwen standing behind Zhang Nuannuan.

   "Wow, sister Chen Xi is so beautiful, brother, this is my sister-in-law."

   Zhang Nuannuan's eyeballs slid, his brother has never brought a girl out, this must be his girlfriend.

  Hearing Zhang Nuannuan's address, Chen Xi didn't know how to answer, and looked at Lin Ye for help.

   "Well, that's the right name."

Lin Ye's words were tantamount to admitting Chen Xi's identity, Chen Xi's pretty face blushed, Zhang Nuannuan didn't care about it, and immediately stepped forward to hold Chen Xi's hand: "Sister-in-law, you are so beautiful, I thought my brother was treating women I don’t dare to be interested, so it’s because I haven’t met such a beautiful sister-in-law.”

  Zhang Nuannuan was very excited. My mother cared more about my cousin's life events than my own. If I told my mother the good news, then my mother would definitely not object to the matter between me and Gao Jingwen.

   "Brother, my name is Gao Jingwen, Nuan Nuan told you about me."

  Gao Jingwen, who was abandoned by his girlfriend, looked a little embarrassed, and at the same time had a flattering smile on his face. He didn't know why, but when he saw Nuan Nuan, his cousin, his pressure suddenly increased several times.

   "Well, I heard from Nuan Nuan that the two of you have been talking for a year."

   "Yes, we talked for ten months."

   "That's good."

"um, yes."



   "Puff, brother, what are you two doing standing at the door, come in quickly."

Zhang Nuannuan couldn't help laughing at the way her cousin and her boyfriend looked at each other standing at the door. Chen Xi waited until Lin Ye came in and sat down, and asked in a low voice, "How about talking for ten months? Just now Should I give you a BGM?"

   "Sister-in-law, with the one who is most afraid of the sudden silence of the air..."

  Zhang Nuannuan also interrupted, Lin Ye smiled, he was silent just now, it was because he couldn't find anything to talk about.

  Everyone is the same age, he can't ask this boy how many people in his family, what he does, check his household registration and background, etc.

  The most important thing is that this boy's appearance is "positive", which is enough.

   And Nuan Nuan also told him about her boyfriend.

  Parents are employees of a public institution. There is an older sister in the family. The older sister is married. The boy himself is a programmer. He returned to Raocheng last year to start a business and opened a technology company. He and Nuannuan met through business cooperation.

With Zhang Nuannuan and Chen Xi present, the atmosphere at the dinner table quickly became lively. After all, they were all of the same age. After the initial nervousness, Gao Jingwen returned to normal. He was able to answer some questions asked by Lin Ye with ease. .

   "Our Rao City is developing rapidly now. Many units have begun to promote Internet-based offices, and many communities are also building smart communities. The development prospects of your company are still good. As long as you operate with your heart, the market is still broad."

   "Yes, I took a fancy to this, so I quit my job in Shanghai and came back to start a business."

Gao Jingwen didn't feel that Nuan Nuan's cousin's tone was a little old-fashioned. He started his business not long after graduation, and starting a business is the most difficult, because he has to deal with all kinds of people. From time to time, he would take food for his cousin, a beautiful woman like a fairy, he knew that Nuan Nuan's cousin was absolutely extraordinary.

   Even though Nuan Nuan’s cousin is very handsome, in this society, being handsome is not enough for food. The more beautiful women are, the more they understand this, because they have seen many excellent men, and they know better what kind of man they want.

   "Nuan Nuan, when are you going to tell Auntie?"

   After chatting with Gao Jingwen for a while, Lin Ye looked at his cousin.

   "Brother, I plan to tell Mom next year that our company is only on the right track, and Jing Wen is also very busy this year. He plans to cooperate with several property companies in the city to build a smart and safe community."

   "There is no conflict between being busy with work and telling my aunt." Lin Ye frowned, and turned his gaze back to Gao Jingwen: "Jingwen, what Nuan Nuan said is what you mean?"

   "'s not!"

  Gao Jingwen quickly explained that for some reason, Nuan Nuan's cousin gave him a lot of pressure: "I... I'm going to Nuan Nuan's house in a few days."

   When Zhang Nuannuan saw her boyfriend as if she was frightened, she curled her lips. Her cousin is not a monster, so he can still eat him.

   Facing his girlfriend's contemptuous eyes, Gao Jingwen smiled wryly in his heart. He really wasn't cowardly, he really felt a huge pressure, and it was all a conditioned reflex.

   "Well, the time is about the same. If my aunt and uncle have no objections, you can take Nuan Nuan to your house to meet your parents. It is right for a man to be busy with his career, but it does not conflict with getting married."

  Gao Jingwen smiled wryly. He wasn't unwilling, but he knew that once the elders of both parties knew about it, they would have to prepare for the engagement right away, and once the engagement was busy, it would indeed delay a lot of things.

  Especially now that his company is not the only one in the city, he originally planned to sign contracts with some communities recently.

  But if he had to choose between Nuannuan’s career development, he would still choose Nuannuan. As for the company, its development would slow down at most.

   "Nuan Nuan, how is your studio?"

   "Brother, what studio, I am now a company, the agent of the largest short video platform in our city for local life, and there are more than 30 employees."

   "It's so powerful, not bad."

  Lin Ye knew in his heart that because of himself, Chen Shanghan must have taken care of his cousin's company all the way. The company under Chen Shanghan alone was enough for his cousin to eat.

   "Nuan Nuan, aren't you the boss of Nuan Xin Cultural Media?" Chen Xi suddenly asked Zhang Nuan Nuan after hearing Lin Ye's words.

   "Yes, sister-in-law, do you know our company?"

   "Not long ago, I was thinking of finding your company to cooperate with you to advertise recruitment on short videos, but the price was a bit high and I didn't want to part with it."

   "Ah, sister-in-law, what do you do?"

   "Opened a dance club."

"Brother, you are really serious. You know that I do this, but you still don't tell sister-in-law." Zhang Nuannuan first glanced at Lin Ye with resentful eyes, and then said: "Sister-in-law, please send me the address of your dance club." , I will take someone to the door to shoot a video tomorrow."

   "Okay, then thank you Nuannuan."

  Chen Xi didn't mention the money, neither did Zhang Nuannuan. Since they are all a family, it doesn't matter how much money there is.

   "Don't blame brother, I don't care about her dance club at all."

  Lin Ye took a sip of the tea that Gao Jingwen had just poured, and explained to himself.

   "Sister-in-law, you are just too kind to my brother. You see, you are used to my brother..."

   "A man, you just want to spoil him, spoil him, and other women won't be able to stand him." Chen Xi conveyed a fallacy.

   "It seems to make sense..." Zhang Nuannuan looked at Gao Jingwen, just in time to catch Gao Jingwen's expectant eyes: "Do you also want the same treatment as my brother?"

   "I don't even dare to think about it!"

  Gao Jingwen felt the murderous look in his girlfriend's eyes, and quickly changed his words.

   "Hmph, you're quick to react."

  Lin Ye looked at Gao Jingwen in astonishment, are all boys so humble when they are in love now?



  After lunch, Lin Ye returned to the villa and received a call from another couple.

   "Mr. Lin, please save Xiaoqi!"

   It was Li Xian who called. Li Xian's voice was very anxious. Lin Ye frowned. The elopement couple was caught?

  But even if Xie's family catches her, the most they can do is take Xie Xiaoqi back. Li Xian doesn't need to be so anxious.

   "Mr. Lin, Mrs. Xie's family is going to kill Xiaoqi. The old lady Xie personally gave the order. This news was sent to Xiaoqi secretly by Xiaoqi's father, so that Xiaoqi and I escaped from the country."

   "The old lady thanked you personally for the order?"

  Lin Ye's eyes sank, because of the old lady's love for Xie Xiaoqi, even if Xie Xiaoqi's elopement with Li Xian made the Xie family lose face, she would not kill her own granddaughter.

   But since the news was sent by Xie Xiaoqi's father, and Xie Xiaoqi was also allowed to escape from the country, there is no falsehood.

   "Lin...Mr. Lin, please, please save Xiaoqi."

   "The two of you come to Rao City now, and I will go to understand the situation."

  (end of this chapter)