MTL - The Alternate World Is Too Dangerous: I Hide In Reality And Rule!-Chapter 290 elopement

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  Chapter 290 Elopement


  The young couple Li Xian and Xie Xiaoqi, who had been breathing a little short of breath due to the pressure of Mrs. Xie, breathed a sigh of relief as Lin Ye spoke.

   That pressure dissipated.

   Mrs. Xie frowned, and sat back in her seat the next moment.

  Because of her anger just now, she forgot that Lin Ye was still there.

  Of course, the main reason was that she was a little more afraid of this Lin Ye than before.

  The shadow of a famous tree.

  In the alien circle, stories about Lin Ye's deeds have been spread all over the country in the past few years, and Mrs. Xie also knows that being able to achieve such a great reputation is enough to show Lin Ye's strength.

   Originally, she had already evaluated Lin Ye on a high level, but the facts told her that she still underestimated.

  Before she was furious, she used her aura to oppress the two young people, but Lin Ye's words made the oppression disappear invisible.

   This is a judgment call.

  The opponent's strength is far above his own.

   "Mr. Lin, I have a bad temper, please forgive me."

   To a certain extent, Li Xian came with Lin Ye, and he just used his momentum to oppress Li Xian, which was tantamount to not giving Lin Ye face.

   "The old lady doesn't need to apologize, I can understand the psychology of being an elder, but I'm a little curious, who is your granddaughter engaged to?"

  Out of the top ten foreign families in China, he doesn't seem to have seen any engagements with the Xie family from the information, and apart from these nine families, the other families probably didn't let the Xie family make baby marriages so many years in advance.

   There are generally three situations when ordering a doll kiss.

  The first is that both parents have a good relationship, but for a family like the Xie family, this possibility does not exist.

  The second is a strong alliance. The two parties form an alliance through the younger generation dolls to draw closer the relationship between the two parties. This is the most kissed dolls.

  The third type is clinging, through baby kissing, one party clings to the other.

  But clinging is generally the weaker party, betrothing the daughter or granddaughter to the stronger party as his wife.

  The Xie family belongs to the weaker side?

  According to the information given by the appraisal, it is not realistic at all.

  "Mr. Lin, please forgive me. The man's family who is engaged to Xiaoqi is relatively low-key. I can't disclose it without the other party's consent, but I can swear that this baby kiss is real."

  Old Madam Xie was very sincere, and even mentioned swearing, Lin Ye sighed in his heart, it seemed that he really couldn't get too involved in this matter.

   To put it bluntly, he has no deep connection with the Li family. Although Li Xian and Xie Xiaoqi belong to the family because of this sudden appearance of a baby relationship, this is also the matter of the Xie family and the Li family.

  Maybe the head of the Li family will ask Li Xian to give up Xie Xiaoqi when he finds out.

"Of course, I believe what the old matriarch said." Lin Ye nodded, then looked at Li Xian and Xie Xiaoqi again: "However, young people are more impulsive in doing things, so we should focus on comforting them, why not give them some time , let them figure it out on their own.”

Mrs. Xie was a little hesitant. She originally planned to let her granddaughter transfer to another school and stop contacting Li Xian, but Lin Ye said so. Thinking that Lin Ye came to the door as a matchmaker, she had already rejected Lin Ye once, and refused again. It's a bit too offending.

   "Mr. Lin is right." The old lady turned her eyes to her eldest son: "Dinghua, take Xiaoqi down first, persuade Xiaoqi well, and talk to nephew Li Jiaxian too."


  Xie Dinghua looked at his daughter: "Xiaoqi, go out with Dad first."

  Xie Xiaoqi was a little reluctant, but seeing her father's eyes, she had no choice but to walk towards the door. Of course, she took Li Xian along with her.

  Old Madam Xie looked at her granddaughter holding her hand, her old eyes drooped, but when she thought of Lin Ye still on the side, she had to cool down. Fortunately, she was still at Xie's house, so no outsiders would see her.

   "Mr. Lin came to my Xie family today, making my Xie family flourish. The banquet has been prepared at home. Mr. Lin has a hard journey, so why don't you take a break and attend the banquet."

   "Listen to the old lady."

Mrs. Xie turned her eyes to Lu He again, "Mr. Lu hasn't come to my Xie's house for a while, if Mr. Lin didn't come, I'm afraid Mr. Lu wouldn't be able to invite him, so I'd like to have a good drink today. "

   "The old lady is serious."

Lu He's family knew about his family affairs. If it wasn't Consultant Lin who came to Xie's house this time, the old matriarch would not have received him. At most, the old matriarch's sons would have come to receive him. In fact, he was under the influence of Consultant Lin.

  The old lady left from the side hall first, and the Xie family led Lin Ye and Lu He to the living room to rest.

   "Consultant Lin, it should be true that Mrs. Xie is engaged to Xie Xiaoqi."

   When there were no outsiders in the living room, Lu He expressed his judgment. He was afraid that Lin Ye would think that Mrs. Xie was lying to him.

   "Well, I also believe what the old matriarch said is true, but I'm just curious as to what kind of family the man is from, so that Xie's family can make a baby marriage with him."

   To say that Xie's family is clinging to each other is a bit unpleasant. Lin Ye can only express it in this euphemistic way, and he believes how he can understand it.

   Lu He smiled back at Lin Ye, which meant he understood what Lin Ye said.

"I can't figure it out either." Lu He shook his head. As the consultant of the Chen County Appraisal Office, he knows the strength of the Xie family best. With the status of the Xie family in the circle of strangers, it seems that there is no power worthy of their curry favor. .

   "Consultant Lin, do you have a good relationship with the Li family?" Lu He asked tentatively.

   "I owe the Li family a favor, and I agree to come this trip to be a matchmaker."

  Lu He breathed a sigh of relief, if it was just like this, then Lin Ye would not have conflicts with Xie's family because of this matter.

   What he was afraid of was that Li Xian and Xie Xiaoqi, two young people, were determined to be together. Men and women in a relationship were very stubborn. If Lin Ye intervened again at this time, something unexpected might happen.

If Lin Ye was just paying back the favor, then it wouldn't be a big deal. The Li family would definitely persuade Li Xian. If he couldn't persuade him, it would be a big deal to lock Li Xian at home for a while. Time is the best medicine for everything. .

   "Mr. Lin, Mr. Lu, the food is ready."

   Half an hour later, Mrs. Xie's second son, Xie Dingkun, walked in, interrupted the chat between Lin Ye and Lu He, and led them to the banquet hall.

  In addition to Mrs. Xie, the three brothers Xie Dinghua were all present, including the two males from the third generation of the Xie family. Lu He was very familiar with the Xie family and took the initiative to introduce them to Lin Ye.

  The banquet was lively, especially the two males from the third generation of the Xie family, who were very enthusiastic about Lin Ye and kept toasting, just like fans meeting their idols.

  Lin Ye is also helpless, he has now become the idol of the younger generation in the alien circle.

   After finishing the lunch, Lin Ye said goodbye, because he had already learned from Xie Dinghua that Li Xian had left Xie's house.

  With the support of Xie's family, how did Lin Yehe walk out of the gate of Xie's family.

   "Consultant Lin, come to my place to guide the work?" Lu He invited.

   "It's fine with the guidance, let's go visit and visit."

  Lin Yegang and Lu He arrived at the Chen County Appraisal Office when his cell phone rang.

  The call was from Li Zhenhai.

   "Old Li, I'm sorry..."

  After connecting the phone, Lin Ye apologized first.

   "Mr. Lin, I already know the whole process from Xiaoxian. No wonder Mr. Lin. It can only be said that Xiaoxian and Xie's daughter are not destined. It's just that Mr. Lin, can you contact Xiaoxian to persuade him now?"

   "Persuade Li Xian?" Lin Ye frowned. Didn't Li Xian leave Xie's house long ago?

   "Just now my son received a call from Xiaoxian, who eloped with Xie's daughter."


  Lin Ye was shocked by this somewhat outdated word, is there still someone who elopes in this era?

  The most important thing is, with the strength of the Xie family and the Li family, where can these two young people go?

   "What's the reaction from the Xie family?"

   "The old man at Xie's house doesn't know yet, and hasn't received a call from Xie's house yet, but he should find out when he comes to Xie's house. Xiaoxian admires you very much, and I hope you can call to persuade him."

   "Let me try it."

  After Lin Ye hung up Li Zhenhai's phone, he dialed Li Xian's number and went out. Lu He guessed something from Lin Ye's conversation and asked, "The two young people eloped?"

   "Yes, the Qiong Yao drama is on."

  Lin Ye replied, and the phone was connected after a few rings.

   "Mr. Lin, my grandfather must have told you. If you are persuading me, then forget it. Xiaoqi and I did not act impulsively, but thought it through."

   "I made up my mind, so you left first to let Xie's family lower their vigilance, and then Xiaoqi sneaked away from Xie's house to reconcile with you?"


   "Where are you now?"

   "Mr. Lin, this...I can't tell you this."

  Listening to Li Xian's answer, Lin Ye smiled. Was it because he was afraid that he would tell the Xie family and the Li family their location?

   "Do you think you can hide in the current society, or you two plan to hide in the deep mountains and old forests?"

   Li Xian was silent, and Lin Ye knew he was right. This young couple really thought so.

   This is indeed the best way. Both of them are strangers, and there is no problem living in the mountains.

   "In the future, if you encounter something that cannot be solved, you can call me."

  Lin Ye hung up the phone. He admired Li Xian. Although Li Xian's elopement with Xie Xiaoqi was not the best choice, it was a decision made by the two of them, and he chose to respect it.

  I hope Li Xian doesn't need to call himself.

  “Young people are impulsive, but this is also the shining point of young people, young and frivolous.”

  Looking at Lu He's eyes, Lin Ye smiled and said something. Lu He nodded in approval, but he was muttering in his heart, saying you are young, you seem to be a young man too. .

  What Lu He didn't know was that Lin Ye no longer regarded himself as a young man psychologically because of the hang-up in the other world, and he could be regarded as a person who would rush to the fourth place when the two worlds combined.

  (end of this chapter)